KStreams with multi event types topic - apache-kafka

I'm struggling with Kafka and its multi-event types per topic concept. According to this article, there are some cases when it's fine to keep events of different types in single topic. And I believe I have all prerequisites to use it my case. Without going deep into the idea, I just tell that I want to keep commands and events in same topic under the same key to preserve order of the events.
In my case I'm using avro and would like to use io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.RecordNameStrategy for serialisation of events coming from topic. And I would like to use Kafka Streams api to avoid low-level api. Thus, KStream is a java class which designed to heavily use generics and type parameter, I'm not sure the right way to express the nature of such polymorf topic nature with it, as I'm using Avro records and autogenerated classes, where I cannot build inheritance tree of objects or use composition to encapsulate such playload inside some wrapper class.
If I will use Object class in the KStream definition and will allow schemaregistry to convert data, and then apply filtering by type, does not looks right to me...
I also thought about defining different consumer for same topic which are supposed to read events only of right type, but also don't have an glue how to filter such, before reaching up my KStream...
And here is my question. What would be the right way of archiving this with KStream ?
I will appreciate any help or ideas


Difference of KafkaBolt and BaseTickTupleAwareRichBolt

What is the difference between KafkaBolt and BaseTickTupleAwareRichBolt? What exactly do each one do? What are their pros and cons, and can you specify a quick example for each of them? Thanks!
They're not different, and one subsumes all pros and cons of the other
KafkaBolt is a subclass of BaseTickTupleAwareRichBolt, with the later knowing nothing about Kafka. So, if you don't need to interact with Kafka outside of the Spout, you wouldn't use it. You could also just define a Kafka producer within your BaseTickTupleAwareRichBolt implementation
What exactly do each one do?
One defines a Bolt contract that can retrieve tuples from spouts. The other, a specific implementation that can be configured to interact with Kafka and send tuple information to a topic

Design questions considering Kafka Streams and Spring Cloud Stream

I need to maintain external systems records (KTables) and track any change on those records (KStreams).
The KTables will be requested by KSQL queries, while the KStreams will be handled by an event monitor.
I need the KTable working like mirrors from the external systems. Will I have any problem if I decide to use this design regarding data storage? Data loss, expiration?
Using Spring, what is the best approach for the data type? Avro with a schema registry?
The source of everything is a Topic, right? So I will need to send messages to Topics, and my KTable and KStream would translate as needed. Is that right?
The KTable definitions are known, but I may have a group KStreams being created dynamic; what is the best way to achieve this?
I appreciate any comment that could help better design it.
here are my suggestions/opinions on the questions, you might want to do further research into some of the core Kafka Streams related questions.
Not entirely clear what use-case/design you are proposing. The way I understood it, you have an external system (such as a database) and you want to extract that data as a key/value pair which could be translated into a KTable. In Kafka Streams, as you indicated in your question #3, the source of truth is the Kafka topic. Therefore, you need to bring the data from the external system into a Kafka topic first, and then materialize that as a KTable in Kafka Streams. There are established patterns such as the Change Data Capture (CDC) for exporting data from external systems to a Kafka topic in almost real-time. KTable can be materialized into state storage which is by default backed up RocksDB. The same information is also replicated by Kafka changelog topics and therefore applies the guarantees provided by data in a Kafka topic. I hope that someone from the Kafka Streams team can chime in on this specific topic for more information needed.
Spring Cloud Stream provides a binder for Kafka Streams using which you can establish bindings to Kafka topics through various Kafka Streams types such as KStream, KTable and GlobalKTable. See the reference docs for more details. The binder provides several convenient options for data types with Serde inference in the case of common data types. The question about Avro data types is really dependent on your use cases and how you want to manage the schema structure for the data. If centralized schema management is a concern, then avro is a good choice. You can use Confluent's schema registry for Avro with Spring Cloud Stream. Spring provides a schema registry, but for Kafka Streams workloads that require avro, we recommend using the Confluent schema registry as it has more features. Either way, it should work and we provide a number of sample applications demonstrating schema evolution here.
As I mentioned in the answer for #1, yes, the source of truth is Kafka topics and the Spring Cloud Stream binder provides binding mechanisms for connecting to Kafka topics and translate the data as KStream or KTable.
Here again, I am not following the actual use-case. However, Kafka Streams provides many different API methods which allow you to transform the incoming data so that other KStream types can be created dynamically. For instance, you apply a map or flatMap operation on the incoming KStream and thus create a new KStream from it. Not sure, if that is what you meant. If that is the case, then it really becomes a business logic concern. This is certainly possible.
Hope this helps, once again, these are my thoughts around these, and for some of these questions, there is no right or wrong answer. You need to consider the use case and design options carefully and choose the right path that fits your needs.

Multiple message types per Kafka topic

Suppose I have a Kafka topic named account with several message types (each one with a different Avro schema), like account.created, account.deleted and so on.
I would like to understand if it is feasible (and it makes sense) to publish/receive different types on the same topics with Spring Cloud Stream. In particular, it would be very useful to have several #StreamListener, each one dedicated to a particular type. According to this blog post this is really useful when having the need to order messages because they are related to the same entity. What is an example of the configuration in this case?
I think you are talking about content-based routing which allows messages to be delivered to a specific StreamListener for cases where there are multiple.
You do so by using condition attribute. Please refer to this section for more details and let us know if it is still unclear or not what you're looking for.

We read data from brokers through multiple consumers using consumer group, but how the consumed data is combined?

I need data from kafka brokers,but for fast access I am using multiple consumers with same group id known as consumer groups.But after reading by each consumer,how can we combine data from multiple consumers? Is there any logic?
By design, different consumers in the same consumer group process data independently from each other. (This behavior is what allows applications to scale well.)
But after reading by each consumer,how can we combine data from multiple consumers? Is there any logic?
The short but slightly simplified answer when you use Kafka's "Consumer API" (also called: "consumer client" library), which I think is what you are using based on the wording of your question: If you need to combine data from multiple consumers, the easiest option is to make this (new) input data available in another Kafka topic, where you do the combining in a subsequent processing step. A trivial example would be: the other, second Kafka topic would be set up to have just 1 partition, so any subsequent processing step would see all the data that needs to be combined.
If this sounds a bit too complicated, I'd suggest to use Kafka's Streams API, which makes it much easier to define such processing flows (e.g. joins or aggregations, like in your question). In other words, Kafka Streams gives you a lot of the desired built-in "logic" that you are looking for: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/streams/
The aim of Kafka is to provide you with a scalable, performant and fault tolerant framework. Having a group of consumers reading the data from different partitions asynchronously allows you to archive first two goals. The grouping of the data is a bit outside the scope of standard Kafka flow - you can implement a single partition with single consumer in most simple case but I'm sure that is not what you want.
For such things as aggregation of the single state from different consumers I would recommend you to apply some solution designed specifically for such sort of goals. If you are working in terms of Hadoop, you can use Storm Trident bolt which allows you to aggregate the data from you Kafka spouts. Or you can use Spark Streaming which would allow you to do the same but in a bit different fashion. Or as an option you can always implement your custom component with such logic using standard Kafka libraries.

Implement filering for kafka messages

I have started using Kafka recently and evaluating Kafka for few use cases.
If we wanted to provide the capability for filtering messages for consumers (subscribers) based on message content, what is best approach for doing this?
Say a topic named "Trades" is exposed by producer which has different trades details such as market name, creation date, price etc.
Some consumers are interested in trades for a specific markets and others are interested in trades after certain date etc. (content based filtering)
As filtering is not possible on broker side, what is best possible approach for implementing below cases :
If filtering criteria is specific to consumer. Should we use
Consumer-Interceptor (though interceptor are suggested for logging
purpose as per documentation)?
If filtering criteria (content based filtering) is common among consumers, what should be the approach?
Listen to topic and filter the messages locally and write to new topic (using either interceptor or streams)
If I understand you question correctly, you have one topic and different consumer which are interested in specific parts of the topic. At the same time, you do not own those consumer and want to avoid that those consumer just read the whole topic and do the filtering by themselves?
For this, the only way to go it to build a new application, that does read the whole topic, does the filtering (or actually splitting) and write the data back into two (multiple) different topics. The external consumer would consumer from those new topics and only receive the date they are interested in.
Using Kafka Streams for this purpose would be a very good way to go. The DSL should offer everything you need.
As an alternative, you can just write your own application using KafkaConsumer and KafkaProducer to do the filtering/splitting manually in your user code. This would not be much different from using Kafka Streams, as a Kafka Streams application would do the exact same thing internally. However, with Streams your effort to get it done would be way less.
I would not use interceptors for this. Even is this would work, it seems not to be a good software design for you use case.
Create your own interceptor class that implements org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerInterceptor and implement your logic in method 'onConsume' before setting 'interceptor.classes' config for the consumer.