Callbacks in Julia's DiffEqBiological - callback

I've a reaction network defined using DiffEqBiological in Julia. At particular times, I want to change the parameters. However, I can't seem to be able to change them. Though not what I want to do, I am able to affect the variables.
I wrote a simplified version of the code where every 20 units of time I change one of the parameters from 0.001 to 0.1, and from 0.1 to 0.001. My code is
using DifferentialEquations, DiffEqBiological
# reaction network
rn = #reaction_network begin
r1, X --> 2X
r2, X --> 0
r3, 2X --> X
end r1 r2 r3
params = [2.0, 1.0, 0.001]
tspan = (0.0, 100.0)
u0 = [1000]
# Callback conditions
E1 = collect(0:40:100)
E2 = collect(20:40:100)
E = union(E1,E2)
function condition1(u,t,integrator)
t in (E1)
function condition2(u,t,integrator)
t in (E2)
function affect1!(integrator)
integrator.p[3] = 0.001
function affect2!(integrator)
integrator.p[3] = 0.1
cb1 = DiscreteCallback(condition1,affect1!)
cb2 = DiscreteCallback(condition2,affect2!)
cbs = CallbackSet(cb1,cb2)
# solve JumpProblem
dprob = DiscreteProblem(u0, tspan, params)
jprob = JumpProblem(dprob, Direct(), rn)
sol = solve(jprob,FunctionMap(),callback=cbs,tstops=E)
I don't receive any errors. The solver solves it. However, the callbacks aren't changing the parameter. I'd appreciate all help. I can't figure out why it isn't working. Thanks.

This was an old issue ( but was solved ( and should work on recent versions.


Use VectorContinuousCallback to take values of array to zero in Julia

I’m having trouble getting VectorContinuousCallback to work as desired and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I have a large system of equations, and essentially, any time any of the values cross some threshold value (in my system it’s 10e-30 but in this reprex 0.05), I want the value to go to zero.
That is, if at any point the values of u go below 0.05, I want the callback to take the value to zero, but right now, the solver seems to just almost ignore the callback? Not any of the crosses of the threshold are recognized.
A reprex:
using DifferentialEquations, Plots
function biomass_sim!(du, u, p, t)
# change = growth + gain from eating - loss from eating - loss
du[1] = 0.2*u[1] + (0.1*u[2] + 0.15*u[3]) - (0.2*u[4]) - 0.9*u[1]
du[2] = 0.2*u[2] + (0.1*u[1] + 0.05*u[3]) - (0.1*u[1] + 0.4*u[4]) - 0.5*u[2]
du[3] = 1.2*u[3] + 0 - (0.15*u[1] + 0.005*u[2]) - 1.3*u[3]
du[4] = 0.2*u[4] + (0.2*u[1] + 0.4*u[2]) - 1.9*u[1]
# set up extinction callback
function extinction_threshold(out,u,t,integrator)
# loop through all species to make the condition check all of them
for i in 1:4
out[i] = 0.05 - u[i]
function extinction_affect!(integrator, event_idx)
# loop again through all species
for i in 1:4
if event_idx == i
integrator.u[i] = 0
extinction_callback =
save_positions = (true, true),
interp_points = 1000
tspan = (0.0, 10.0)
u0 = [10, 10, 10, 10]
prob = ODEProblem(biomass_sim!,
sol= solve(prob,
abstol = 1e-15,
reltol = 1e-10,
callback = extinction_callback,
progress = true,
progress_steps = 1)
What I want to see here is that the two values that DO cross the threshold to be < 0.05 at least visually (u3 and u4 clearly go below zero), I want those values to become zero.
The application of this is an extinction to a species, so if they go below some threshold, I want to consider them extinct and therefore not able to be consumed by other species.
I’ve tried changing the tolerances, using different solvers (I’m not married to Tsit5()), but have yet to find a way to do this.
Any help much appreciated!!
The full output:
retcode: Success
Interpolation: specialized 4th order "free" interpolation
t: 165-element Vector{Float64}:
u: 165-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
[10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
[9.972478301795496, 9.97248284719235, 9.98919421326857, 9.953394015118882]
[9.89687871881005, 9.896943262844019, 9.95942008072302, 9.825050883392004]
[9.795579619066798, 9.795837189358107, 9.919309541156514, 9.652323759097303]
[9.677029343447844, 9.67768414040866, 9.872046236050455, 9.449045554530718]
[43.86029800419986, 110.54225328286441, -12.173991695732434, -186.40702483057268]
[45.33660997599057, 114.35164541304869, -12.725800474246844, -192.72257104623995]
[46.86398454218351, 118.2922142830212, -13.295579652115606, -199.25572621838901]
[47.84633546050675, 120.82634905853745, -13.661479860003494, -203.45720035095707]
Answered in This was a "user error". When you check the callback:
function extinction_affect!(integrator, event_idx)
# loop again through all species
#show integrator.u,event_idx
for i in 1:4
if event_idx == i
integrator.u[i] = 0
biomass_sim!(get_tmp_cache(integrator)[1], integrator.u, integrator.p, integrator.t)
#show get_tmp_cache(integrator)[1]
It is definitely called and does exactly as intended.
(integrator.u, event_idx) = ([5.347462662161639, 5.731062469090074, 7.64667777801325, 0.05000000000000008], 4)
(get_tmp_cache(integrator))[1] = [-2.0231159499021523, -1.3369848518263594, -1.5954424894710222, -6.798261538038756]
(integrator.u, event_idx) = ([12.968499097445866, 30.506371944743357, 0.050000000000001314, -53.521085634736835], 3)
(get_tmp_cache(integrator))[1] = [4.676904953209599, 12.256522670471728, -2.0978067243405967, -20.548116814707996]
but what this also shows is that, even if u[4] = 0, du[4] < 0 and so it's clear why it goes negative: that's due to how the ODE is defined. You should flip a parameter or something to make the derivative = 0 if you want to keep it at zero past the callback point.

CNTK Neural network with not one-hot-vector output (multi-class classifier)

Thank you for the CNTK Tool, the examples are running pretty fast. Since some days, I try to set up a simple network, but I dont get it. I need a network with 2 input and 3 output, for example:
|features 0.3 0.5 |labels 0.2 0.7 0.9
The output is not a one-hot-vector, the network has to learn the label-values 0.2 0.7 0.9. But most examples have a one-hot-vector as output, so it is not clear to me how to solve this. I have tried to change the tutorial with 3 classification, but it does not work, the network does not learn the output correctly. The network I have tried is:
BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = {
SDim = 2 # feature dimension
H1Dim = 50 # hidden dimension
H2Dim = 50 # hidden dimension
LDim = 3 # number of classes (labels)
model (features) = {
W0 = ParameterTensor {(H1Dim:SDim)} ; b0 = ParameterTensor {H1Dim}
W1 = ParameterTensor {(H2Dim:H1Dim)} ; b1 = ParameterTensor {H2Dim}
W2 = ParameterTensor {(LDim:H2Dim)} ; b2 = ParameterTensor {LDim}
r1 = ReLU(W0 * features + b0) # hidden layer 1
r2 = ReLU(W1 * r1 + b1) # hidden layer 2
z = ReLU(W2 * r2 + b2)
# define inputs
features = Input {SDim, sparse = false}
labels = Input {LDim, sparse = false}
# apply model to features
z = model (features)
# define criteria and output(s)
ce = SquareError(labels, z) # criterion (loss)
err = SquareError(labels, z) # additional metric
# connect to the system. These five variables must be named exactly like this.
featureNodes = (features)
inputNodes = (labels)
criterionNodes = (ce)
evaluationNodes = (err)
outputNodes = (z)
So my question is: How to set up a network in CNTK, so that the output is not a one hot vector?
Thank you for help.
When your label is not a one-hot vector, squareError is a good loss function to minimize. If some examples have a one-hot label you can still user squareError. So I think you are doing everything right, you might have to just tune the learning rate to get it to work well.

MATLAB roots function different behavior in MATLAB then Simulink?

I implemented the following user defined function in MATLAB:
function Q = Calc_Q(Head, freq)
b6 = [3.7572E-07 -1.5707E-05 6.0490E-03 5.0018E-02 2.1180E-01];
b5 = [-9.0927E-06 8.9033E-04 -3.2415E-02 5.4525E-01 -8.1649E+00] / 10e2;
b4 = [7.5172E-06 -5.6565E-04 1.0024E-02 3.5888E-01 3.8894E-02] / 10e5;
b3 = [-4.8767E-06 4.8787E-04 -1.3311E-02 -1.2189E-01 -5.3522E+00] / 10e8;
b2 = [5.9227E-06 -8.1716E-04 3.5392E-02 -4.5413E-01 1.9547E+00] / 10e11;
b1 = [-2.0004E-06 2.9027E-04 -1.3754E-02 2.3490E-01 -1.2363E+00] / 10e14;
a = [polyval(b1,abs(freq)), polyval(b2, abs(freq)), polyval(b3, abs(freq)), polyval(b4, abs(freq)), polyval(b5, abs(freq)), polyval(b6, abs(freq)) - Head];
Q_roots = roots(a);
%Delete roots with imaginary part
i = 1;
while i <= length(Q_roots)
if(imag(Q_roots(i)) ~= 0)
Q_roots(i) = [];
i = i - 1;
i = i + 1;
%Delete roots with real part greater then 3100
i = 1;
while i <= length(Q_roots)
if(Q_roots(i) >= 3100 || Q_roots(i) < 0)
Q_roots(i) = [];
i = i - 1;
i = i +1;
if freq < 0
Q = real(Q_roots(1)) * -1;
Q = real(Q_roots(1));
When I Call this function in Matlab it works fine. However if I use this exact code as a MATLAB function in simulink it stop's working. (actually it works, but the ouput is always zero.)
I do have a suspicion of what the problem might be. When running the script in de-bugging mode, I cannot view a result for Q_roots (It just doesn't display anything).
Q_roots = roots(a);
Any ideas ?
The problem is most likely due to your logic that eliminates any roots that do not have exactly zero in the imaginary part. This is a mathematical way of thinking that does not really work well numerically, at least not in general. All the roots are probably being found in both cases (there is no limitation that implies otherwise), but in Simulink and in code generation the problem is treated as a complex one, and some roots might be coming back with tiny imaginary parts. Instead of deleting roots if their imaginary parts are not exactly zero, eliminate the roots with imaginary parts that are numerically insignificant, either very small relative to the real part or very small altogether. Something like
tol = 10*eps(class(Q_roots));
keepers = abs(imag(Q_roots)) < tol*max(abs(real(Q_roots)),1) & ...
real(Q_roots) >= 0 & real(Q_roots) <= 3100;
Q_roots = Q_roots(keepers);
would take care of all the deletions in one fell swoop. I used 10*eps as a tolerance here.
But if you only need the first qualifying root, then you could just do this:
Q = nan('like',a);
tol = 10*eps(class(a));
for k = 1:numel(Q_roots)
r = real(Q_roots(k));
if abs(imag(Q_roots(k))) < tol*max(abs(r),1) && r >= 0 && r <= 3100;
Q = r;
if freq < 0
Q = -Q;
Oke I found the problem.
From a different forum:
Hi Cosmin,
I took a look at the implementation of roots for the Embedded MATLAB
Function block (\toolbox\eml\lib\matlab\polyfun\roots.m).
It's stated there:
% Limitations: % Output is always variable size. % Output is
always complex. % Roots may not be in the same order as MATLAB. %
Roots of poorly conditioned polynomials may not match MATLAB. The last
sentence is what makes you the headache (and yes, your polynomial is
badly conditioned!). If you take a look at the plot you will see, that
the curve hardly touches the x-axis.
I have a suggestion though: the value -z/b is a (very) good
approximation of the root you are looking for ...?
Apparently the root function in simulink does not always found all the roots of a given polynominal.
This is unfortunate and not easily solvable. I did however found a solution.
For all the different polynomials I have to solve, I know the interval of the root I am interested in ( [-3000, 3000]).
I just basically takes steps of 50 from -3000 to 3000, until the function drops below 0. I then know the approximate solution of the root. I use this approximation as seed for the Newton-Raphson method.
Straight implementation of the Newton raphson method with a given seed for all the polynomials I have to solve did not work because sometimes it iterated to a different root (one which i was not interested in.)
Here's the code:
function Q = Calc_Q(Head, freq)
b6 = [3.7572E-07 -1.5707E-05 6.0490E-03 5.0018E-02 2.1180E-01];
b5 = [-9.0927E-06 8.9033E-04 -3.2415E-02 5.4525E-01 -8.1649E+00] / 10e2;
b4 = [7.5172E-06 -5.6565E-04 1.0024E-02 3.5888E-01 3.8894E-02] / 10e5;
b3 = [-4.8767E-06 4.8787E-04 -1.3311E-02 -1.2189E-01 -5.3522E+00] / 10e8;
b2 = [5.9227E-06 -8.1716E-04 3.5392E-02 -4.5413E-01 1.9547E+00] / 10e11;
b1 = [-2.0004E-06 2.9027E-04 -1.3754E-02 2.3490E-01 -1.2363E+00] / 10e14;
%coeff for the polynominal
a = [polyval(b1,abs(freq)), polyval(b2, abs(freq)), polyval(b3, abs(freq)), polyval(b4, abs(freq)), polyval(b5, abs(freq)), polyval(b6, abs(freq)) - Head];
%coeff for the derrivative of polynominal
da = [5*a(1) 4*a(2) 3*a(3) 2*a(4) a(5)];
Q = -3000;
%Search for point where function goes below 0
while (polyval(a, Q) > 0)
Q = Q + 25;
error_max = 0.01
iter_counter = 1;
while abs(polyval(a,Q)) >= error_max && iter_counter <= 1000
Q = Q - polyval(a, Q)/polyval(da, Q);
iter_counter = iter_counter + 1;
error = abs(polyval(a,Q));
if(freq < 0)
Q = Q * - 1;

Speeding up symbolic recursion in Matlab

I have a backwards recursion for a binomial tree. At each node an unknown C enters in such a way that at the starting node we get a formula, A(1,1), that depends upon C. The code is as follows:
syms C; % The unknown that enters A at every node
for t=Steps-1:-1:1
% Values needed in A and B
% the backward recursion for A and B
(Q.*(1-Lambda).*A(1:t) ...
+ (1-Q).*(1-Lambda).*A(2:t+1));
+ (1-Q.*(1-Lambda).*B(2:t+1)));
C = solve(A(1,1)==sym(B(1,1)),C);
This code takes around 4 seconds if Steps = 104. If however we remove C and set matrix A to a regular double matrix, it only takes about 0.02 seconds. Using syms thus increases the calculation time by a factor 200. This seems too much to me. Any suggestions into speeding this up?
I am using Matlab 2013b on a MacBook air 13-inch spring 2013. Furthermore, if you're interested in the code before the above part (not sure whether it is relevant):
a0 = 0.9;
a1 = -3.2557;
b = 1.2594;
f=transpose(normrnd(0.04, 0.001 [1 pl]));
D=exp(-h*f); % discount values
pl=T/h; % pathlength - amount of steps in maturity
u_row = repmat(cumprod([1 u*ones(1,pl-1)]),pl,1);
d_row = cumprod(tril(d*ones(pl),-1)+triu(ones(pl)),1);
path = tril(u_row.*d_row);
Unless I'm missing something, there's no need to use symbolic math or use an unknown variable. You can effectively assume that C = 1 in your recursion relation and solve for the actual value at the end. Here's the full code with some other improvements:
rng(1); % Always seed your random number generator
a0 = 0.9;
a1 = -3.2557;
b = 1.2594;
S0 = 18.57;
sigma = 0.6579;
h = 1/104;
T = 1;
Steps = T/h;
pl = T/h;
f = 0.04+0.001*randn(pl,1);
D = exp(-h*f);
u = exp(sigma*sqrt(h));
d = 1/u;
u_row = repmat(cumprod([1 u*ones(1,pl-1)]),pl,1);
d_row = cumprod(tril(d*ones(pl),-1)+triu(ones(pl)),1);
pth = tril(u_row.*d_row);
S = S0*pth;
A = zeros(1,Steps);
B = zeros(1,Steps);
for t = Steps-1:-1:1
Lambda = 1-exp(-h./S(t,1:t).^b);
Q = ((1./D(t))./(1-Lambda)-d)/(u-d);
R = 0.5*erfc((-a0-a1*Lambda)/sqrt(2)); % Faster than normcdf
% Backward recursion for A and B
A = D(t)+D(t)*(Q.*(1-Lambda).*A(1:end-1) + ...
B = Lambda.*(1-R)+D(t)*(Q.*(1-Lambda).*B(1:end-1) + ...
C = B/A
This take about 0.005 seconds to run on my MacBook Pro. There are certainly other improvements you could make. There are many combinations of variables that are used in multiple places (e.g., 1-Lambda or D(t)*(1-Lambda)), that could be calculated once. Matlab may try to optimize this a bit. And you can try moving Lambda, Q, and R out of the loop – or at least calculate parts of them outside and save the results in arrays.

for loop for time dependent parameter values in ode solver only works for some values of t

I'm using a simple if loop to change my parameter values within my ode script. Here is an example script I wrote that exhibits the same problem. So first the version which works:
function aah = al(t,x)
if (t>10000 && t<10300)
ab = [0; 150];
ab = [150; 0];
aah = [ab];
this can be run using
t = [0:1:10400];
x0 = [0,0];
[t,x] = ode23tb(#al, t,x0);
and visualised with
Ok that's the good version. Now if all you do is change t to
t = [0:1:12000];
the whole thing blows up. You might think it's just matlab averaging out the graph but it's not because if you look at
the answer should be the same in both cases because the code hasn't changed. but this second version outputs 0, which is wrong!
What on earth is going on? Anyone got an idea?
Thank you so much for any help
Your function is constant (except 10000 < t < 10300), and therefore the internal solver starts to solve the system with very large time step, 10% of total time by default. (In the adaptive ODE solver, if the system is constant, higher order and lower order solution will give the same solution, and the (estimated) error will be zero. So the solver assumes that current time step is good enough.) You can see if you give tspan with just two element, start and end time.
t = [0 12000];
Usually the tspan does not affect to the internal time step of solver. The solvers solve the system with their internal time step, and then just interpolate at tspan given by the user. So if the internal time step unfortunately "leap over" the interval [10000, 10300], the solver won't know about the interval.
So you better set the maximum step size, relatively smaller than 300.
options = odeset('MaxStep', 10);
[t, x] = ode23tb(#al, t, x0, options);
If you don't want to solve with small step size whole time (and if you "know" when the function are not constant), you should solve separately.
t1 = [0 9990];
t2 = [9990 10310];
t3 = [10310 12000];
[T1, x1] = ode23tb(#al, t1, x0);
[T2, x2] = ode23tb(#al, t2, x1(end,:));
[T3, x3] = ode23tb(#al, t3, x2(end,:));
T = [T1; T2(2:end); T3(2:end)];
x = [x1; x2(2:end,:); x3(2:end,:)];