Failed to Connect to MySQL using local socket/pipe MAMP - mysql-workbench

I am trying to connect Mysql Workbench with MAMP locally, but I am getting the error:
Failed to Connect to MySQL using local socket/pipe at "/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock" with user root

Сhange mysql port to 3306 in MAMP and leave "socket / pipe path" empty in MySQL Workbench. You can connect as root.

In Mamp Pro, I've enabled Allow network access to MySQL / Only for this Mac.
My port is 3306.
In MySQL Workbench, I've leaved Socket/Pipe Path empty.
I could now connect again.


pgAdmin connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed

I'd like to run a postgre db server on localhost:5432. It used to work, then I updated to mac os 13.2. Now if I enter my password to connect to local postgre server, the following error being shown:
Anybody knows how to solve this issue?
I tried to start the postgre sql local server.

mysqlworkbecnh connection to mysql

I could not connect to mysql with my mysqlworkbench.
I am using mamp and it gives me the below error:
Failed to Connect to MySQL at localhost:8888 with user root
I have put the username "root" and no password.
Hostname:localhost Port:8888
Normally we get this issue when the port is used from another app in the background.
So check your running programs or change mamp port itself to anything else like
I recommend Xampp if you're using Windows Operating system. It works well on port:3306.

DBeaver localhost PostgreSQL connection refused

I just installed DBeaver on my personal computer and am trying to create a PostgreSQL database.
I entered the following in the Connect to database window:
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
Database: postgres
User: postgres
Those values were all pre-filled defaults, so I left them and clicked the Test Connection... button.
When I click the Test button an error window opens, saying, "Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. Connection refused: connect"
I tried setting my own db name and credentials, but get the same results.
How do I set up a local PostgreSQL database in DBeaver?
DBeaver does not allow to setup a local PostgreSQL server or instance: it allows to connect to an existing server or instance. If the PostgreSQL instance does not exist you should install PostgreSQL binaries and create a new database instance with initdb.
If your operating system is Windows 10 Home, you have to use instead of localhost.
Answer from here -
Dbeaver is just a client to the server. You need to setup the server itself first.
Download and setup the server then you can connect to it with DBeaver and do what you want to do.
I got the same, and then I remembered that I didn't start postgres with the script

postgreSQL server not loading

I'm trying to install postgreSQL(11) server on my local machine.I have downloaded PgAdmin 4(Mac) from the official website and installed it.
When I open the pgadmin the server is opening on random ports like 55957,55062 etc, not on 5432.
I have edited my "PostgreSQL.conf" and changed the listen address=* and port =5432 ,but I could not able to restart the service.
When I type "sudo service postgreSQL restart" it was showing "Sudo : Service command not found"
Also "Sudo command not found".
I don't have much experience in installing postgreSQL ,Can anyone please let me know what I'm doing wrong and let me know how I can add the server in postgres.
Note: I have opened pgadmin - select add new server - localhost as server name and User and DB as postgres.But when I put 5432 as port it was giving the common error "Whether TCP/ip accepting on 5432" and when I put the port where the pgadmin server is currently running ( it was getting timed out exception.

How to set up localhost server and database for PostgreSQL?

I am new to PostgreSQL, and I want to use it on my personal laptop for personal projects. I use SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio at work, coding-wise I'm ok but I need some help with setting up the localhost on my laptop.
So I downloaded PostgreSQL and installed it along with pgAdmin that came with the package.
During installation, it asked me to create a PostgreSQL superuser password, which I did.
Then I tried creating a new server using pgAdmin as follows:
General Tab:
Name: localhost
Server Group: Servers
Connect Now?: check
Connection Tab:
Host name/address: localhost Port: 5432
Maintenance database: postgres
Username: postgres
Password: [blank]
But when I click save I'm getting an error message:
Unable to connect to server: could not connect to server: Connection
refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host
"localhost"(::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? could
not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the
server running on host "localhost"( and accepting TCP/IP
connections on port 5432?
Also tried replacing the password field with the Superuser password, getting the same error message.
Would greatly appreciate it if anyone offers any insights into this problem, I might just be a noob when it comes to server setups...
I believe there's a service I need to start as suggested by #Scott Moniz. I went into services.msc, tried to start the service postgresql-x64-10 - PostgreSQL Servier 10, and I got this error message:
"The postgresql-x64-10 - PostgreSQL Server 10 service on Local
Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if
they are not in use by other services or programs".
I then tried editing the property of the service, by changing the Log on as option to Local System Account and tried starting the service again, still got the same error message.
I'm using Windows 10 Home edition, it this helps to resolve the issues in anyway
Are you sure the database service is running and listening?
CLick Start>Run> type services.msc
Look for a postgresql service - if it does not say started right click it and click Start.
Alternatively you can restart your computer and the service should start if it is set to 'Automatic'