pgAdmin connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed - postgresql

I'd like to run a postgre db server on localhost:5432. It used to work, then I updated to mac os 13.2. Now if I enter my password to connect to local postgre server, the following error being shown:
Anybody knows how to solve this issue?
I tried to start the postgre sql local server.


How can I connect to server when trying to use postgresql?

I get this error message (see below) and do not know what to do about it.
Error message:
"psql: error: connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? "
I am using Windows 10 (64bit) and have tried the same thing on Kali and Ubuntu and still was not able to use postgresql.
Does anyone have a suggestion what do to? However, please use "language" that I can understand or at least look up simply because I am new to programming (in general). Thank you
P. S. I tried various different things such as using pgAdmin to change ports but cannot solve a problem. I do not know if this is important but I istalled postgresql via Binaries because regular Installer was giving an error message telling me that comspec does not point to cmd.exe even though it actually did...
If you
properly set up your db (installation and initialization using initdb), and if you
have your data directory containing your postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf among other things, and you
properly started the postgresql service,
then I can assume your problem is in the connection string.
Try to include the superusername and/or db name, your error maybe due to psql connecting to user localhost which does not exist inside your db.
Try to run psql with -U and -d options:
psql -U postgres -d postgres

Postgres pgAdmin Docker Compose: Unable to connect to server connection to server, timeout expired

I'm running a simple Docker Compose script to instantiate Postgres and pgAdmin for local development.
It works fine on Windows via Power Shell as administrator, but in Linux I'm getting this error:
Unable to connect to server connection to server at '' port 5432 failed: timeout expired
How to solve it?

DBeaver localhost PostgreSQL connection refused

I just installed DBeaver on my personal computer and am trying to create a PostgreSQL database.
I entered the following in the Connect to database window:
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
Database: postgres
User: postgres
Those values were all pre-filled defaults, so I left them and clicked the Test Connection... button.
When I click the Test button an error window opens, saying, "Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. Connection refused: connect"
I tried setting my own db name and credentials, but get the same results.
How do I set up a local PostgreSQL database in DBeaver?
DBeaver does not allow to setup a local PostgreSQL server or instance: it allows to connect to an existing server or instance. If the PostgreSQL instance does not exist you should install PostgreSQL binaries and create a new database instance with initdb.
If your operating system is Windows 10 Home, you have to use instead of localhost.
Answer from here -
Dbeaver is just a client to the server. You need to setup the server itself first.
Download and setup the server then you can connect to it with DBeaver and do what you want to do.
I got the same, and then I remembered that I didn't start postgres with the script

Connect pgAdmin to PostgreSQL

I'm trying to connect pgAdmin 4 v4.17 to my PostgreSQL v12.1 that is running on a Debian v9 Stretch server.
I got the error could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
I already tried:
run pgAdmin as admnistrator;
set to listen_addresses = '*' ;
Add the line host all all md5;
restarted the server;
Use SSH Tunnel with PuTTY;
Using PuTTY i can access to PostgreSQL normally and execute commands, but pgAdmin doesn't connect, any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

connect pgadmin3 to postgres runnng on server

** new to pgadmin and postgress **
my organization uses PostgreSQL on its server with ubuntu os, I try to connect it using pgadmin 3,
these are the stapes I have taken
changed pg_hba.conf using 'sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf'
changed listen_addresses='*' in postgresql.conf file
sudo ufw allow 5432/tcp
but still, I am unable to connect I get this error from pg admin:
Server doesn't listen
The server doesn't accept connections: the connection library reports could not connect to server: Connection timed out Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
how can I fix it,
is there any website which can guide me step by step to connect pgadmin to PostgreSQL.