Flutter Doctor - Unable to determine bundled Java version - flutter

I actually didn't want to install Android Studio to use flutter, so i just installed the Android SDK Command Line Tools.
The thing is, when i run flutter doctor i get the following warning.
And when i create a new project i get this one.
I am able to create and compile flutter projects without any issues, it is only the warning that worries me. Could it cause dependency trouble in the future for java related packages?

Execute these commands one by one and it resolved my issue in MAC .
cd /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/jre
ln -s ../jre jdk
ln -s "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin" jdk

Please ensure Java is in your PATH and that JAVA_HOME is defined and pointing to the JDK. I've had Windows put the JRE in the path instead of the JDK, which leads to all kinds of issues.
Please take a look at your PATH environment variable and remove everything Java related that does not point to the JDK folder.
Oracle has some documentation on how to do this here : Installing Java and setting JAVA_HOME.
I hope I was able to help you.

Just to add, I had 2 versions of Android studio. And I removed one. So there might be a possibility that you have an older/another version of Android Studio present in your machine.


SDKMAN 5.5.9+231 says package is not a valid candidate on MacOS

I have no idea why this started happening, but my SDKMAN stopped working and only displays the following message for whatever package I want to list, install, or use.
$ sdk list java
Stop! java is not a valid candidate.
$ sdk install java
Stop! java is not a valid candidate.
$ sdk use java 8u131
Stop! java is not a valid candidate.
Just typing sdk list works, though. But I can't do anything. My .bash_profile contains the following:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export SDKMAN_DIR="/Users/myusername/.sdkman"
[[ -s "/Users/myusername/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" ]] && source "/Users/myusername/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh"
Also double check if you put the target sdk in front of the version.
This won't work:
sdk install 9.0.4-openjdk
Stop! 9.0.4-openjdk is not a valid candidate.
Specifying it correctly works:
sdk install java 9.0.4-openjdk
The problem was on the server side. Something to do with SDKMAN's Candidates API. As pointed out in the GitHub issue, you can get over the problem using the following command:
sdk flush candidates
Make sure to restart your terminal after that.
Faced the same issue today. I was getting the same message after using sdk flush candidates and restarting the terminal.
So had to run sdk update and then restart the terminal. This added the candidates back.
My problem was that the following export
export SDKMAN_DIR="$HOME/.sdkman"
[[ -s "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" ]] && source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh
was not at the bottom of ~/.bashrc file.
It happened because I installed the other tools which ended up at the bottom of ~/.bashrc.
When I moved it to the bottom and restarted the terminal sdk started to work.

How to run ionic app on my mobile device?

I found one answer "adb devices"commend to know list of devices attached.But my doubt is where to type this commend and how to know my android SDK paths connecting with ionic .please exp in detail
1.) Enable debugging over USB
2.) Install drivers for mobile device
3.) Run adb devices in cmd.exe
$ ionic platform add android
$ ionic run android
Chapter 2: Installation
Windows users developing for Android: You'll want to make sure you
have the following installed and set up.
NOTE: Whenever you make changes to the PATH, or any other environment
variable, you'll need to restart or open a new tab in your shell
program for the PATH change to take effect.
Java JDK
Install the most recent Java JDK (NOT just the JRE).
Next, create an environment variable for JAVA_HOME pointing to the
root folder where the Java JDK was installed. So, if you installed the
JDK into C:\Program Files\Java\jdk7, set JAVA_HOME to be this path.
After that, add the JDK's bin directory to the PATH variable as well.
Following the previous assumption, this should be either
%JAVA_HOME%\bin or the full path C:\Program Files\Java\jdk7\bin
Apache Ant
To install Ant, download a zip from here, extract it, move the first
folder in the zip to a safe place, and update your PATH to include the
bin folder in that folder. For example, if you moved the Ant folder to
c:/, you'd want to add this to your PATH: C:\apache-ant-1.9.2\bin.
Android SDK
Installing the Android SDK is also necessary. The Android SDK provides
you the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test,
and debug apps for Android.
Cordova requires the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to be set. This
should point to the [ANDROID_SDK_DIR]\android-sdk directory (for
example c:\android\android-sdk).
Next, update your PATH to include the tools/ and platform-tools/
folder in that folder. So, using ANDROID_HOME, you would add both
%ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools.

Error "end of central directory record signature not found" while installing ionide-fsharp in vscode

I have installed VS Code version 1.8.1. Machine is Windows 7, 64 bit. While installing ionide-fsharp extension, I am getting error "end of central directory record signature not found". It seems version 1.7.2 of VS Code works, however this issue probably seems fixed for version 1.8.0 see this git link. Any idea on how to get the extn installed?
Found a workaround for this. Downloaded '.vsix' file of ionide-fs from this link. In VS Code Extensions tab, there is an option 'Install from VSIX'. That worked. So in case anyone is unable to install from vscode extensions tab directly(i.e. from Marketplace), they may try this way of installing an extension.
Just for information, I was getting the same error for version 1.7.2 of vscode as well while trying to install from Marketplace.
Seems there were bugs that exist in past versions, due to the embedded browser and other reasons; these have since been fixed.
The above solution seems a common way to install a troublesome plugin.
However, there is a long standing reason for this error, running out of disk space.
As of v1.54.1 (2021/03) and it turns out this can happen if your disk/home folder can run out of space during download OR install.

Eclipse: Cannot run program "cs-make": Launching failed

For the past week, i have been hunting a free development environment for STM32F1xx, which is supported by FreeRTOS. And no success yet :( .
Now I've found this: http://www.stf12.org/developers/ODeV.html
It's an Eclipse configuration for STM32 compiling and debugging, and there is a FreeRTOS demo too. Perfect!
So I downloaded a preconfigered version of eclipse and tried to compile a demo project to get this error:
Cannot run program "cs-make": Launching failed.
Depressing. Please help, i am very bad at configuring IDE's, compilers and linkers so this has to be newbie-friendly :)
The Eclipse project is configured for CodeSourcery toolchain. You need to install CodeSourcery compiler toolchain from: http://www.mentor.com/embedded-software/codesourcery. Choose Lite Edition, ARM-NONE-EABI package. After the installation make sure you can start cs-make from command prompt (by typing it's name there). Generally, you want all toolchain programs to be accessible from command prompt, which implies that their installation path must be in system PATH variable.
Make sure the path DOES NOT contain spaces like standard Windows programs directory "C:\Program Files", instead install the tools in a directory like "C:\arm-none-eabi", "C:\ARM_tools" or something like that.
Ah, thank you got it to work now!
And I ran into another problem too. When I tried to compile another error came up saying something like: "C:\Program is no file or directory". I Solved it by placing all compilers and OpenOCD in the root of my C-drive. I think it's because the make doesn't understand spaces in the make file, if anyone else get the same problem.

Eclipse and FFTW

I have some troubles in making a FFTW (and FFTW++) static project in Eclipse in my MacOS Lion. Have someone already made it?
I've made a separate folder for the include files, but it seems like it can't find them despite I have set the path correctly. I've also replaced in all the c-files the includes with the path <subdirectory/include_file> setting in the Directories section of my project settings
I don't know if it's relevant but as I wrote my code, using another IDE and typing the commands from bash, I realized that some mp options were needed, so I've updated my version of gcc from 4.2.1 (that is the basic Xcode version for MacOS) to 4.7. I've compiled the FFTW++ example and it worked, compiling it with g++ -fopenmp. I have used macports to install the new version of gcc and I have used one of its options (sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc47) to set it as gcc default command, in place of the 4.2 version, so I can type and compile from bash.
Now I have seen that Eclipse uses the version 4.2.1. Does somebody know how to change it into the 4.7 version? Do you think that this could solve the problem or it's a cause for my problem?