Angular Form Validation Error - Cannot read property 'errors' of undefined - ionic-framework

I tried to use angular form to validate user's input in a "ionic generated component" but error as mentioned in the title kept occurring.
Angular forms and validations used in "ionic generated pages" are working fine.
Any ideas?
Picture of :
HTML Component
TypeScript Component

I managed to fix this by using the solution here
Which is:
You checking for the presence of an error where no error might exist.
You want something like this:
Or even:
Do the same for the password field and anywhere else where the property might not exist when it is first called.

You should try to access it by f.controls.recipientName.errors


Using mashape api in sapui5

I'm fairly new to sapui5 and I'm trying to use the Hearthstone API in order to show a list of cards.
I've registered in the page and I've obtained the X-Mashape-Key which I'm using to try to connect to the API.
For this, I've created a destination with the following information:
Besides this, I've created a view and its corresponding controller with the onInit function, with the following code:
Being the sUrl: /hsApi/cards and oHeaders:
var oHeaders = {
"X-Mashape-Key": "key"
The result that I obtain is the following one:
Request is failing stating that I'm not authorized to request the information, even though that doing the same request in PostMan I'm obtaining the information.
Most likely, this is caused by something really obvious but I'm not able to see it.
Could you try adding the following property to your destination? I am not sure what this property does exactly, but maybe you need it to allow this destination to be used in your WebIDE. Also try changing your "True" and "TRUE" to lowercase "true".
But I think you don't need any "Additional property" at all. Can't hurt to try it without them aswell.
Please keep in mind that you need to restart your WebIDE everytime you change something in your destinations as those are loaded statically every time the WebIDE loaded.

React-Native: Getting forms to send info to server (undefined is not a function)

I have been attempting to make a registration app and I'm experiencing this event handling error when I try to submit the new field values
The code for my forms can be found here and here.
The code for event handling and sending the JSON object to the server can be found here.
I would very much appreciate any form of way-pointing or advice.
The error is quite self explanatory. You call this.handlePress in your NameFields component, but that component has no handlePress method.
Simply add that method to the component.
From looking at your other Gists, handlePress is part of the Registration component. Therefore, you will need to pass the handlePress through to the nameFields component so that it can use it (via props is a simple solution).

TYPO3 error 404 instead redicrect

I have such problem: If page on my sites doesn't exists it always does redirect at main page, but I want to display 404 error.
Example: - I see main page. How I can fix it? I tried add in localconfiguration
'pageNotFound_handling' = '/';
'pageNotFound_handling_statheader' = 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found';
but it doesn't help.
TYPO3 7.6.11
Look in the description of the install tool for the settings. There is described what setting doing what.
So an String in pageNotFound_handling will fetch the page entered and display this, true or 1 will display an error message.
I recommand to create an error page like within TYPO3 and enter 404.html in pageNotFound_handling so you can customize the error.
If you want only to shown an error enter trueor 1 in the pageNotFound_handling setting.
We were experiencing the same problem. We have curl enabled ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlUse'] = 1). Due to our configuration, curl was not able to fetch the error page because the SSL certificate could not be verified.
Be careful, the following idea is ugly:
You might find out more about the problem by editing TypoScriptFrontendController.php: Find the function pageErrorHandler (about line 2000 -- who writes such long files?!), find the call to GernalUtility::getUrl() and add as fourth parameter a new array variable. var_dump it instead of the call to HttpUtility::redirect. You should get the curl error if there is one.

Kunstmaan CMS: Form not getting passed to view

I'm want to implement a Frontend form with KunstmaanCMS.
So i've created a Formpage and added a SingleLineTextPagePart to it. As described in the docs.
The backend is working, i can create the FormPagePart and it gets saved to the database properly.
When i load the frontendpage where the form should be displayed, i get the following exception:
Key "formwidget_KunstmaanFormBundleEntityPagePartsSingleLineTextPagePart1" in object with ArrayAccess of class "Symfony\Component\Form\FormView" does not exist in KunstmaanFormBundle:SingleLineTextPagePart:view.html.twig at line 2
I guess i need to handle the form creation and submission somewhere. But i don't know how to achieve this.
I'm kind of stuck here. Any help is appreciated.

Magento - Insert contact form in CMS page error

Magento version
I have made a new cms page and inserted this code initially {{block type='core/template' name='contactForm' form_action='/contacts/index/post' template='contacts/mycontactform.phtml'}} . Created another form called mycontactform.phtml in the same folder as the form.phtml. After submit i get this error: `The requested URL /contacts/index/post was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.`
Then i have tried with the standard form {{block type='core/template' name='contactForm' form_action='/contacts/index/post' template='contacts/form.phtml'}} . I get same error.
I have to mention that Contact us page it's working with form.phtml.
If anyone knows, please help.
Thank you,
Try doble quotes instead, this works for me:
{{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" form_action="/contacts/index/post" template="contacts/form.phtml"}}