Using mashape api in sapui5 - sapui5

I'm fairly new to sapui5 and I'm trying to use the Hearthstone API in order to show a list of cards.
I've registered in the page and I've obtained the X-Mashape-Key which I'm using to try to connect to the API.
For this, I've created a destination with the following information:
Besides this, I've created a view and its corresponding controller with the onInit function, with the following code:
Being the sUrl: /hsApi/cards and oHeaders:
var oHeaders = {
"X-Mashape-Key": "key"
The result that I obtain is the following one:
Request is failing stating that I'm not authorized to request the information, even though that doing the same request in PostMan I'm obtaining the information.
Most likely, this is caused by something really obvious but I'm not able to see it.

Could you try adding the following property to your destination? I am not sure what this property does exactly, but maybe you need it to allow this destination to be used in your WebIDE. Also try changing your "True" and "TRUE" to lowercase "true".
But I think you don't need any "Additional property" at all. Can't hurt to try it without them aswell.
Please keep in mind that you need to restart your WebIDE everytime you change something in your destinations as those are loaded statically every time the WebIDE loaded.


Changing "purchasable" in WooCommerce using REST API

I am trying to update the "purchasable" flag on a product variation using REST API
I have tried sending a simple
as well as getting the current data for the variation, changing the "purchasable" entry to the new state, and submitting the entire data back to WooCommerce. In no case have I been able to change this value using REST API.
I am using jw-auth for authentication and have a proper token (I do receive a proper response back with all the data for the variation, but still with the old value of "purchasable" in it, so I know I'm communicating with the back-end).
Is there some setting elsewhere that needs to be set for me to be able to change this specific property? The variations have been created using REST API as well, and on the shop it works fine (I can pick the variations as expected).
What am I doing wrong? Or have I found a bug in WooCommerce? :-)
That field is listed as ReadOnly in the api docs. I believe Woo uses other criteria to set that value. In my research, it appears that setting the Stock Status to "outofstock" seems to be a common method for keeping an item from being purchased. Also, setting the price to null or empty.

"Client Error" message when trying to implement an Rest API View

I'm creating an API with Drupal to serve a angular application. The problem is, when I create the view with Rest export and try to access it (via browser or postman), it gaves me an "Client error" message (and nothing more).
I'm using drupal-8.7.6, running with PHP7.3, mysql and apache 2. But I've tried at nginx also and the error appeared again.
To reproduce it, just add some contents, enable the Restful web services, jsonm hal and create a view that exports rest data.
I expect to access the information via GET request (using browser, postman or any other way)
Go to your View
Go to Format
Click on Settings beside Serializer
Finally check Json option and save.
You are done :)
find out what was happening
I was not specificating the format of output, so Drupal was searching for an html to serve. To workaround this, just add to url: ?_format=json, for example, if my view route is "/articles", it will be:
Go to the rest exports view, click on format setting and click accepted request format to json.

Play Framework: Don't change URL after form validation failed

In a plain Play application I have the following scenario.
A route file which looks like this:
GET /accounts/add controllers.Accounts.add()
POST /accounts controllers.Accounts.create()
The first route results in a view where I can add a new account. The form to submit the new account looks something like this:
#helper.form(action = routes.Accounts.create()) {...}
Now the controller binds the input to the form and checks for any validation errors:
public static Result create() {
Form<Account> form = Form.form(Account.class).bindFromRequest();
if (form.hasErrors()) {
return badRequest(views.html.account.add.render(form));
Now the thing is, the client will see the same view with some additional error messages. However, meanwhile the URL has changed from to
If the client now reloads the browser this calls GET (which isn't even mapped in this scenario - thus getting a 404 - Not Found).
Maybe it's just me but I find this kind of annoying and browsing some GitHub projects I couldn't find a good solution for this case.
Of cause things would be much simpler if the second route is rewritten to:
POST /accounts/add controllers.Accounts.create()
... in which case everything works fine. But from a REST point of view this doesn't feel good either. The same applies to update scenarios (having GET /accounts/:id/update vs. PUT /accounts/:id).
Is there a guide on how to handle this? Am I getting something wrong or is this no problem at all (from a pragmatic point of view)?
It's not possible to leave the previous URL because a request for a new address has already been made. A controller only provides response for a requested resource. To go to the previous URL you could only make a redirect in case of validation failure but you would lost errors that way so this is not a solution.
I suggest mapping both actions with the same URL. This way you would solve problem with the browser reload.
If you create a REST service for http clients that aren't browsers you will probably want to serve different response than a simple http page. The separation of actions for particular clients could be a good solution for keeping REST API clean and a browser user happy.

Why GWT URL doesn't change on an event or a service call?

I have two questions:
Q: 1
I'm currently developing a GWT app. The entry point for the app is: I could well access it by I have a service called "Search" which has corresponding "Async" and "Impl"'s defined. Now, I call the service from client side, using RPC. I could call the service, obtain return value. Everything works fine.
However, I expect the application to show a behavioral change on URL. i.e. when a service is being accessed, I thought it would be reflected on the browser's URL something like: as I've modified web.xml. However, this behavior is not realized. Any particular reason why this is not reflected??
This one is a reverse of the previous ques. i.e. I have an application running. Let's say it has an entrypoint class( and another composite class ( which would be loaded on the Imageviewer based on an event. This searchClass invokes the "search" service mentioned in the previous question.
I could load the "searchClass" in "Imageviewer", invoke the service, and the service also returns the value needed. Everything works fine... But,
I need something like this: by just typing this query string:
I want the "searchClass" to be loaded on the "ImageViewer", call the service using the value(which is "john" in this case) and display the result. Is this possible at all?
what I've tried: I have tried to create a httpServletClass on the server and mapped it with the URL and could do the search. The search returns appropriate results. However, I want the results from the server to be displayed on the client. Remember, I'm directly using a servlet to read the URL and so there is no value being passed from client to server.
Thanks in advance.
A: 1. To change URL, the hash part, you need to set new history token in the History class. More about history management in this article.
A: 2. For the second part you could achieve it by changing the history token, for instance "". The history service will trigger an event if the # part changes. You could also use the part with "?", as in your example, if you use Window.Location , but it will cause reload of the application, which would put the whole idea of using GWT in question.
RPC (AJAX) calls are done Via XHR and do not change the browser URL.
You can't (with the URL you presented). GWT apps normally run in one web page, i.e. the URL does not change (see how gmail changes browser url bar). What you can do is enable GWT history support. Then your url would be http://host/#search?value=queryu

Need help with Zend Framework dynamic Namespaces

I want to make my system redirect unknown requests such as
to the adress and display the company a_company if it exists in the database, otherwise throw the user to a 404 not found page.
So in detail, I want to make namespace that is as the first example dynamically, if the company exist in the database, I have no problem connecting to the database and retrieving information or finding a way to parse a company name, I just need help how to make my system check and run a function every time the address doesn't exist and show the second page (/companies/company/)..
I am using an Acl as well, but I think it should be fine if the page is /companies/company and then possibly add /?c=a_company or similar.
Thank you.
simply create a front controller plugin which checks the request params agains the database before the request is dispatched.