Github APi to create and add user in Organization - github

Is there any way to create and add user in organization using API in Github?

Refer for user Apis of GitHub


GitHub API: How to get recently visited repositories of an authenticated user?

Just like the recently visited repositories listed in one's GitHub dashboard. Is it possible to retrieve these data using GitHub API?

Do all GitHub repositories follow the same URL structure?

Do all GitHub repositories have a URL path of the form<OWNER>/<REPO>?
To answer your question, yes. But only if you are talking about navigating on github's website. Using github's api is a slightly different story and url.
When you need to pull down a particular file using github api, you have to use the github RAW urls. Heres another post that gives more context StackOverflow post

Github API Approved Pull Request

Github has a new feature that users can approve pull requests. Does anyone know where to find the Pull Request approved stats in the Github API?
It's now possible to review pull requests using the GitHub API. See Submit a pull request review in the API docs.
Unfortunately, there is currently no support in the API for this. However, it is listed on the near-term platform roadmap.

How to authorize GitHUb API

Does anyone know how to authorize GitHub API in I could not find GitHub API in the API List. Could anyone tell which URL I need to fill in the blank to use as the scope parameter?
GitHub is not a Google product. Checkout GitHub's API documentation for this.

Calling the Github API as a proxy user

I have a collection of private repos and issues, that I would like to expose to users of my site.
Is it possible to list those on a page in my site, without the user having to have a github account and access to those repos?
Absolutely. LinkedIn offered the capability to list Github repos on your profile via one of the apps.
This question mentions a user doing just that.