Do all GitHub repositories follow the same URL structure? - github

Do all GitHub repositories have a URL path of the form<OWNER>/<REPO>?

To answer your question, yes. But only if you are talking about navigating on github's website. Using github's api is a slightly different story and url.
When you need to pull down a particular file using github api, you have to use the github RAW urls. Heres another post that gives more context StackOverflow post


How to search text in files using github graphql api?

Is it possible to search text in files using graphql github API?
Because I see only issue, repository, user, or discussion there, and none of them is searching in files.
When I search using the website I get the results:

Github Dashboard-Feed via API or RSS?

When loading the page, I see a dashboard feed showing a list of "pushed" / "starred" updates for all of my followed repos.
When checking the Network tab on Chrome, I can see that this feed comes from this endpoint:
How do I get this data via the github api? Is it also available via RSS?
I don't think it will be available via RSS because to access this type of endpoint it requires authentication.
So what I think is, you can create your own activity feed with the help of individual RSS feeds (Atom feeds in case of GitHub) of the people's activity you want to get notified.
For example see codeSTACKr's RSS feed:
You can also use this API to get all the following people (so you don't have to add individual user names without authentication).
For example see codeSTACKr's following list:
Inspired by Rahul's reply which is very close, I did some googling and found this article on how to build a python crawler for Github's API which mentioned this recent events endpoint...
...which lists the star events in order and you could use that rebuild a dashboard replacing the username.

github - Is it possible to track visitors of my repo?

I just found Traffic section in Graphs at github repo.
And I also found that there is Visitor section.
I wonder if it is possible to get the information of visitors of the repo.
(i.e. who visited my repo)
Is it possible?
Since Github introduced visitors tracking you are only able to see unique visits, but not who exactly visited your repo.

How to authorize GitHUb API

Does anyone know how to authorize GitHub API in I could not find GitHub API in the API List. Could anyone tell which URL I need to fill in the blank to use as the scope parameter?
GitHub is not a Google product. Checkout GitHub's API documentation for this.

How to fetch feed of FB page?

I am using graph API. I have to fetch feed(i.e.. posts on the particular page) and display on viewController.
Is there any tutorial which I can follow for my assignment?
Sorry, don't know about tutorials but I recently had to access a page's posts as well.
If you are an admin to the page and it's accessible to anyone then you can just setup a app and then do: Id|App Secret
I did this with .Net and a web client request and deserialized the result into objects but I hope that helps.
checkout this link
checkout this example
may be it is use full to you