Annotator 2.0.0-alpha.3 not working in touch devices - annotations

I am using annotator js(2.0.0-alpha.3) in my application it works well in desktop and in touch devices it is not working.
I see in documentation when we use 1.2 version we can use a touch plugin but for version 2.0.0 we dont have any plugin but we have native mobile support.
And also in documentation I can see for 2.1 version these are the changes available
The main goals for this release, which we aim to ship by Jan 1, 2016 (with a major feature freeze on Nov 15):
Support for selections made using the keyboard
Support in the core for annotation on touch devices
Support for multiple typed selectors in annotations
Support for components that resolve (‘reanchor’) an annotation’s
selectors into a form suitable for display in the page
But I could nt see any 2.1 version in github so wanted to know whether we have updated information on the same.


Is there a MAUI Map control

Is there a maui map control. If so is there a tutorial somewhere. I do not wish to use a 3rd party control, and I want to use opensteetmap. I realy do not want to use google maps.
The official Maps functionality was unfortunately cut for the current GA version. It is on the roadmap for .NET 7 which is scheduled for November.
However, that functionality will use the map which is supported on each platform, so: Apple Maps for iOS/macOS, Google Maps for Android and Bing Maps for Windows. And you specified you wanted to do OpenStreetMap.
For this there is a third-party control: MapsUI. They are working on .NET MAUI support and I think they already have a test version that has .NET MAUI support.
Update November 2022: See the new Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps package, released for .NET 7.
I am now using dymaptic.GeoBlazor successfully and I can recommend it.

How to fix google play console unsupported devices(OpenGL ES and framework version)

I uploaded my unity android game in Google Play Console but got many unsupported devices. Reasons for devices being unsupported are
Doesn't support required OpenGL ES version: 3.0
Doesn't support framework version: 22 and onwards
In Project Settings> Other Settings I have set Graphics APIs Vulkan, OpenGLES3 and OpenGLE2 in that order and
Minimum API Level: Android 4.4 'KitKat' (API level 19)
Target API Level: Automatic (highest installed)
I tried setting Auto Graphics API and changing the order of the APIs in list but still get the same result
First of all, it is normal that there are a few unsupported cell phone models in the Playstore. There are such a large number of devices that its not possible to modify your app for all of them.
So I have also published a game from Unity to the playstore.
I haven't played around with the Graphics API at all. I set it to Automatic (the default values ​​are DirectX 3.0, DirectX 2.0)
and it works fine.
In your case, Vulkan might get used to build and google does not like it.
Probably the fix from number 1 will fix this problem, but to really help, we need more informations.

Alternate to Toast.Forms.Plugin for Xamarin Forms App

I have been using Egor Bogatov's Toasts.Forms.Plugin v2.0.4 to display success/failure/info messages to users. After migrating to .Net Standard I needed to upgrade the plugin, since that version supports .Net Framework. Unfortunately the 3+ version has morphed into a notification framework and does not fit our needs. Is there an alternate plugin that supports .Net Standard and simply displays a message for a set length of time?
you can use Plugin.Toast v 2.1.1 to display message, warning, error success and create your custom toast. It's available for iOS and Android projects

Does Flutter Support iOS Features?

I am starting to work on one big project which includes Sirikit, Game Center, Fingerprint, health kit and home kit etc.
So my doubt is can I implement those features & other features which are provided by ios using the flutter..?
Flutter can't generate bitcode. So, it can't integrate features like Siri, interactive notifications, watchOS, tvOS, Today and other modern extensions.
It compiles like it was before 2015. Before iOS extensions. With same limitations.
Yes and no - you could definitely use some and probably all of those, but you'll have to write Platform Channels. I use fingerprint for example in my app.
There may exist plugins for some of the functionality - see the flutter packages page.

Which is the best framework to develop for Firefox Os

I am trying to develop in Firefox Os, but which is the best (fast, structured) framework for that. I try with Sencha Touch, but unfortunately It doesn't work with firefox yet.
Any suggestion?
All frontend frameworks that support Firefox work on FxOS. AngularJS, Backbone, etc should bring you the view abstraction you need.
More options are being released, like Lungo, an HTML5 app and component framework. jQuery Mobile is another UI-component framework working well on Firefox OS.
I'm pretty new to App-development, but, for what it's worth, I would recommend Enyo. With this framework you can develop 'platform-agnostic' apps, and also Firefox OS is supported:
I'm afraid that - at the moment - there are no fast/all-in-one mobile application framework solutions, that already support Firefox OS development. PhoneGap in a recent blog post announced, that PhoneGap support for "Firefox OS and Ubuntu are coming soon." - but it's not there yet.*
I would recommend trying the conventional approach, and building an app from scratch, the resources discussed here should help in that.
Update: As of March 4th, 2014 version 3.4+ of the PhoneGap framework does indeed support building for Firefox OS
The most recent version of Sencha Touch (2.3.1) does support firefox, and also Internet Explorer. Maybe you could take another look at Sencha Touch.