What is packages in Flutter assets inside pubspec.yaml file? - flutter

I'm using flutter gallery sample code, and found following in pubspec.yaml file.
- packages/shrine_images/0-0.jpg
I tried to find out packages and 0-0.jpg file in the project but couldn't find. Can anyone tell me what this package is all about and from where I am seeing images when running the app?

Actually they have added a package
flutter_gallery_assets: 0.1.9+2
Check it in pubspec.yaml dependencies, its a package so that you can use images from this package. So the pictures are from that package and they are just mentioning the image path from that package. Here is the package link they are using click here


flutter pubspec.yaml deleted after updating

Hello experts I am facing very big issue I am made application in 2021 on flutter my application is still live on play store now I need update it, problem is that I updated my android studio flutter version 3.0. Now opening my old project which was made in 2021 after opening it my pubspec.yaml file is missing in the project, I don't no how to recover that file or repair it. They have a lot of dependencies included there is pubspec.lock file available but not pubspec.yaml please please help me i am in big check screen shot below
if i use flutter create command i am getting this errors
You can create a pubspec.yaml file on root directory or open the bottom terminal and try flutter create . it will provide default structure. Now to get pub package, check the import section and add on pubspec.yaml
If you have a backup then paste the pubspec.yaml file from it. Else take a backup of the project. Run flutter create . in the root directory. It will create the pubspec file in the project. Click on configure dart and add the flutter path then run the project. It will throw errors for the packages used manually enter packages in pubspec or you can try flutter pub add <packagename>

How to import and make use of a package in flutter?

I will like to know how to import a new package from third party in flutter and call it in my code?
You can find a lot of packages on Pub.dev.
To import it just open any package and navigate to the Installing Tab.
Then you just need to copy this sentence to your pubspec.yaml file.
Paste line under dependencies in pubspec.yaml. Note that spaces is very important so make it start just under flutter: when pasting.
Save changes in pubspec.yaml and it will install the packages automatically. If it doesn't install run flutter pub get from command line to install the package manually.
Lastly do not forget to import the library at the top of the file by using the line provided here:
Put the library in pubspec.yaml, then run flutter packages get in your IDE terminal.
I'm using toast package, so I will define this in pubspec.yaml
toast: ^0.1.5

Flutter web cannot use packages from mobile project

A few months ago I made an android application using flutter. The application requires various dependencies such as intl, cached network image, stopper, carousel_slider, etc.
Then right now I want to convert the project to flutter_web. Here are the steps that I did:
clone github web flutter
I run the command "flutter packages pub global activate webdev"
Then I edited pubspec.yaml and I adjusted it to pubspec.yaml in the previous project (android project)
Here is the contents of pubspec.yaml on the web flutter project:
name: flutter_web.examples.hello_world
  # You must be using Flutter> = 1.5.0 or Dart> = 2.3.0
  sdk: '> = 2.3.0-dev.0.1 <3.0.0'
  flutter_web: any
  flutter_web_ui: any
  stopper: ^ 1.0.1
  build_runner: ^ 1.4.0
  build_web_compilers: ^ 2.0.0
      url: https://github.com/flutter/flutter_web
      path: packages / flutter_web
      url: https://github.com/flutter/flutter_web
      path: packages / flutter_web_ui
      url: https://github.com/kevmoo/provider
      ref: flutter_web
When I run 'pub dev', an error occurs while resolving the package stopper. Then I tried to open github from the package stopper (https://github.com/aryzhov/flutter-stopper), after that I checked the files in the lib folder. There I found a file called stopper.dart. It turns out that in the file, still using
 import 'package: flutter / material.dart';
So that makes my pubspec error. Because the code should be replaced with
import 'package: flutter_web / material.dart';
Therefore, I tried to outsmart the problem by removing the dependency stopper on pubspec.yaml, then I created a stopper.dart file manually, then I saved it in the lib/mypackages folder. After that, I import stopper.dart from the lib/mypackages folder (it's no longer through the package).
The package stopper is just one of the packages that I use on my Android project. Actually there are many other packages that have the same problem as the package stopper. The point is I have to create the package files manually, then I change "package: flutter / ..." to "package: flutter_web /" manually, then I can import them.
What I want to ask, is there a more elegant and simple way?
Hi the instruction you are following is from an old repository here. As you can see this is discontinued. You can find the informaiton in the REadme.
Instead you should follow the instructions in this page. Read it once carefully and I would suggest to keep a backup of your main project and work on a copy.
First you will have to enable the flutter-web using flutter config --enable-web.
Then you will have to run flutter create .

How to test the working of flutter package?

What would be the best practice to test the working of flutter package?
Recently I developed a Flutter package and I am testing its functionality by creating another flutter application and importing it to there, in this way I have to deal with two projects. Is there any method to do all it in the same project like android native development?
example/ directory contains only example.dart which is not runable? Any suggestion ?
Answer based off of Shahzad's flutter_tex package, and thanks to Remi's suggestion.
As mentioned, one way to test a package in Flutter is to create a Flutter app within the "Example" directory. In this app, list the following in the pubspec.yaml file:
sdk: flutter
path: ../
As shown, you specify your package's path, which is the level above the "Example" folder the test app resides in.

How can I run an example from a Flutter package/library?

I have the following simple directory structure:
network_to_file_image is a package.
There are two main.dart files, one at flutter_published/lib/main.dart and
another at flutter_published/network_to_file_image/example/main.dart
I am able to run the first one, but not the one inside of the example directory under network_to_file_image. The second one gives me this error:
Launching example\lib\main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode...
No application found for TargetPlatform.android_x86.
Is your project missing an android\AndroidManifest.xml?
Consider running "flutter create ." to create one.
Also, when the app is generated, what happens to the example and test directories of the packages I use? Are they included or removed from the final app that is deployed?
To solve this, instead of the main.dart file inside of the example directory, you need to create a complete Flutter application-type project inside of the example directory. Then, the example tab will point to the README.md file inside of that directory.
That example directory will have its own lib directory, containing a main.dart file. Since that file is now inside of an application-type directory it can be run.
Visit this repo to see how it works:
To be clear, the example's pubspec.yaml file can reference its package by using a relative reference. For example, here is the dependencies section of the example dir of the async_redux package I mentioned:
http: ^0.13.1
path: ../
sdk: flutter
Since the example dir is at the same level as the package's pubspec.yaml file, then the example's own pubspec.yaml is one level below it. Thus, it may reference the package itself by using a ../ path:
path: ../
example/main.dart only exists to be shown in https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/network_to_file_image#-example-tab-
The pub site is limited in how it finds content in the example directory to display in the Example tab.
cd to the directory and execute flutter create .. You should be able to run it afterwards
Go to the example folder of the repository of the package.
Open the lib folder and go to the main.dart file.
Above the void main() function, you can see the Run|Debug|Profile (pic below), click on the one you want to run the project as.
The example app will now run in your emulator.
The screenshot below is of the chewie package available on pub.dev