How to import and make use of a package in flutter? - flutter

I will like to know how to import a new package from third party in flutter and call it in my code?

You can find a lot of packages on
To import it just open any package and navigate to the Installing Tab.
Then you just need to copy this sentence to your pubspec.yaml file.
Paste line under dependencies in pubspec.yaml. Note that spaces is very important so make it start just under flutter: when pasting.
Save changes in pubspec.yaml and it will install the packages automatically. If it doesn't install run flutter pub get from command line to install the package manually.
Lastly do not forget to import the library at the top of the file by using the line provided here:

Put the library in pubspec.yaml, then run flutter packages get in your IDE terminal.
I'm using toast package, so I will define this in pubspec.yaml
toast: ^0.1.5


Is it possible to add the latest version of a dependency to pubspec.yaml without finding it myself?

Lets say I am starting a new dart project. I have a few packages on I know that I want to use, and I want to use the most recent version of these packages.
Right now, I open my browser and go to and find each package, then check the Versions or Installing tab to find out what the latest version is so I can put that in my pubspec.yaml. Then I can run pub get
Using npm, you can run npm install <package> and npm will automatically fetch the latest version of the package and add it to package.json
Is there a pub command, syntax for pubspec.yaml, or something else that will make pub resolve the latest version of a package and use it in my project, without having to manually look up the latest version?
Normally in Flutter, the packages which you want to use need to be added to pubspec.yaml and run pub get. But there are also some IDE plugins like npm.
For example, Pubspec Assist is using on Visual Studio, you can add or update your dependencies without going But you have to know which packages do you want to use at least for a time.
Simply enter the following command in the terminal
flutter pub add provider
Of course, where it says provider, put the package you want to install.
The package with the latest version is automatically added to your pubspec.yaml.
Otherwise you can always do what #jamesdlin said and leave the version field empty.

How to add a package in the android studio - flutter?

I started fluttering a few days ago. I want to add "font awesome" to my project, but I can't. I searched but could not find the right answer. I finally got this guide, but it doesn't work either.
Adding a package dependency to an app
To add the package, css_colors, to an app:
Depend on it
Open the pubspec.yaml file located inside the app folder, and add css_colors: under dependencies.
Install it
From the terminal: Run flutter pub get.
From Android Studio/IntelliJ: Click Packages get in the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml.
Import it
Add a corresponding import statement in the Dart code.
4. Stop and restart the app, if necessary
If the package brings platform-specific code (Kotlin/Java for Android, Swift/Objective-C for iOS), that code must be built into your app. Hot reload and hot restart only update the Dart code, so a full restart of the app might be required to avoid errors like MissingPluginException when using the package.
In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:
Look here
It contain examples and instructions.
Steps also the same:
add the package name to dependencies section. It very important to keep the correct number of spaces in every line of pubspec.yaml, it has very sensitive format
in your case:
font_awesome_flutter: ^8.10.0
Click "Packeges get" in top right corner
Import the package into your dart code
in your case:
import 'package:font_awesome_flutter/font_awesome_flutter.dart';
Now your can use it in Icon widget

What is packages in Flutter assets inside pubspec.yaml file?

I'm using flutter gallery sample code, and found following in pubspec.yaml file.
- packages/shrine_images/0-0.jpg
I tried to find out packages and 0-0.jpg file in the project but couldn't find. Can anyone tell me what this package is all about and from where I am seeing images when running the app?
Actually they have added a package
flutter_gallery_assets: 0.1.9+2
Check it in pubspec.yaml dependencies, its a package so that you can use images from this package. So the pictures are from that package and they are just mentioning the image path from that package. Here is the package link they are using click here

I am not able to use other packages in dependencies in flutter

I have just started using flutter and I am using flutter packages like material.dart , cupertino.dart but when it come to use other packages like image_picker, english_words, I am not able to use it and I had declared packages with versions in dependencies in pubsec.yaml file. After when I write the import package name in the main file it shows a red line under it and the folder was also not created on the left side.
It seems the packages that were declared as dependencies in pubspec.yaml files are not yet downloaded.
Try running: flutter packages get from your project's root directory.
Sometimes it doesn't work even after the above command is executed, in such case close current project and reopen it.

How to import intl library in Flutter?

I am new in Flutter. When I import the library: import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; , it says that the target of URI doesn't exist:package:intl/intl.dart;
When you import any package, example:
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
You need to also add the package inside the pubspec.yaml file under the dependencies field example:
intl: ^0.15.7
Then from the terminal you can execute the following command:
flutter packages get
From Android Studio/IntelliJ:
Click Packages Get in the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml
more info here:
Just to double check, you did import intl: ^0.15.7 into pubspec.yaml; triple check that it has four spaces in front of it (no more and no less); and you ran packages get?
Also, put your focus on the tab for main.dart and hit the green arrow to run it. Sometimes you will then see a popup bar at the top of the screen that tells you pubspec.yaml has changed and you need to run it again from that link in order for it to take. (I've seen that in IntelliJ)
Also, if it's showing red lines under publspec.yaml in the project window but everything is working, that's a bug in the analysis. Ignore it but yes, they do know about it and are working on it. It's often there because, for some reason, pubspec.yaml says your assets directory doesn't exist even though you can access the assets without any problem.
Let IDE do this for you :
flutter pub add intl
After running above command, It will resolve the dependency with the latest version available.
Manual Process
1) Add package in pubspec.yaml file under dependencies field :
sdk: flutter
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
intl: ^0.17.0 // Add this line
2) Execute the following command in terminal :
flutter packages get
3) Import package in your dart file :
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
if you are facing errors while installing
it coming because of your old version of SDK.
Just fall back to the intl version back by some points in your pubs
intl: ^0.17.0 ---> intl: ^0.16.1 or any other older version like intl: ^0.15.1 etc.
Sometimes its the version of packages which after update not compatible with your old sdk