Is it possible to add to a Unity project (built for WebGL) an embedded in-app web browser? - unity3d

The motivation is to allow the user not to leave the app when pressing a link and opening it as an embedded window.

You can use Unity as a library in native apps


Ionic capacitor hybrid mobile application

I want to create a hybrid mobile app using ionic capacitor. When user logs in the app should open the main angular app in a hidden webview to initialize the angular app. The webview should be hidden for this time. After this when a user clicks on any links in mobile app, it should open in the webview and this time the webview should be displayed. The webview should open in the app container and not in the browser window (like InApp browser). Please help me if anybody have explored this kind of solutions.
My existing app is built using Xamarin and its built on the above concept.
I have tried the InApp browser but it does not give a good impression to the end user expecting a complete mobile app.
What you want to do is more or less possible if I've understood you well. I've done it in my job. We have a ionic app, but then there are some native screens developed natively for Android (with Java) and iOS (with Swift). With ionic you can call native code from Javascript. For that you need to make your own local Capacitor plugin:
In a plugin, the ionic Javascript function will trigger a native function (Java/Kotlin for Android - Swift/ObjectiveC for iOS). Once there, you can freely create native screens (Android = Activity, iOS = Storyboard/Controller) and then launch your native screens in the app. In our project most of the app is ionic, but we developed our own native screens such as a PDF Viewer, a Web browser, a QR scanner, etc.
But an app is not like a website, an app is a stack of screens. Which means that everytime you access a new screen, it's added to the top of the stack and the user can go back to the previous one. So, ionic will launch first. Inmediately after starting the app (or whenever you want) you can move the user to a native (android/ios) screen. However, if the user presses the native android back button, he will come back to ionic. If you want to prevent that, you need to code that behavior yourself (google android prevent back button). Likewise, you "can't" make the user go from the native screen to ionic, you can bring him back to ionic by navigating back programmatically.
Perhaps you can also change the launch activity to use a different one, and then later launch the ionic activity with native code. But I haven't done this myself and it could break ionic, so I can't advice you through this path.
I hope my answer helps, but I'm not sure I understood what you want to accomplish.

How to make a plugin like app in iphone

I want to make an plugin like app in iphone for mobile web browser, in which i want to use safari (or any browser) current link and also link which is present on the web page, when i click on it my app should invoke for using targeted link.
I know plugins are not supported in mobile browser,
Can anybody have any solution without jailbreak?
Thanks in advance.

Add PhoneGap to existing native app

I have an existing objectiveC native app for iPhone. Can i add a button in native app so that clicking on to that will bring up phonegap UI (ie, which use phonegap framework). Is there any way to acheive this.
As much as I know/explored -
On click of a button you can open up an HTML page in your web view(as we do it while building a PhoneGap app.).
But if you want to open the same Native App to get converted in PhoneGap app that's not going to work for sure.
Hope it helps. :)

Phonegap WEB-APP without xCode

I'm building a simple web app for iOS that will not be published to the AppStore.
For infrastructure limits (and my boss!) , I can't use xCode anyway to build the app in a native way.
The only NATIVE functionality required by the web app should be a simple "Add to contacts".
I've tried to implement it with phonegap , but it works only compiled under xCode.
Is there any way to "add to contacts" without building an app (using only a web-app )?
Thanks in advance
I don't think there's a way for you to add a contact directly, using only a web app.
PhoneGap was made for this sort of thing, allowing you to access a device's features (like Contacts, Camera, GPS, etc). But if your company's project specifications don't allow for an app... I don't know that there's a way to do this directly, via the web.
If you're building a web app... while you may be targeting iPhones, you're still making it available to anyone with a browser. I'm not 100% on this, but having some way for a web page to directly manipulate a (Mac) user's contacts seems like a security issue.
As a test, I tried placing a vCard on a page, and accessing it via my iPhone. Changing the extension from .vcf to .vcard didn't yield anything (and for some weird reason it prompted me to open the file via Dropbox).
What did work was emailing myself the vcard as an attachment. I was able to view the attachment, which then gave me the option to add the info as a new contact.

Deploy Sencha/ JQuery Mobile as one touch launched app in Android / IPhone

I was wondering by using Sencha or JQuery Mobile, is it possible
Is it possible to deploy them as single click install app in Android Market?
Is it possible to deploy them as single click install app in IPhone App Store? Does Apple place any restriction on non-native app deploy through IPhone App Store?
How can I package my HTML, JS and CSS files as one click executable file? That's is, by single click on the icon on mobile "desktop", browser will launch a default HTML file?
Yes, yes, yes. PhoneGap and Appcelerator Titanium are two frameworks that enable all three.
Sencha touch will be the best option for application because its has the support for phone gap to build your application for other mobile platforms and it has large community that help when are stack and its famework is well documented