How do I determine the number of runs I need to carry out in a netlogo to reduce the influence of randomization? - netlogo

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Box plot
I have plotted an output variable as a box plot for the number of runs. But I fail to provide argumentation on which should be the optimum amount of runs that should be carried out.

If each simulation is considered one observation in a sample, your sample size (number of simulations) should be large enough so that estimate of the parameter of interest approaches the true population value for the model (See Cowled, B.D., Garner, M.G., Negus, K., Ward, M.P., 2012. Controlling disease outbreaks in wildlife using limited culling: modelling classical swine fever incursions in wild pigs in Australia. Vet. Res. 43, 3).
This is what Cowled et al. did: "To estimate our sample size, we calculated the mean of the parameter-of-interest (after each simulation). We then determined the coefficient of variation of this mean. At the point when the coefficient of variation was less than 15% for 30 consecutive simulations we considered that convergence had occurred and that
this number of simulations was adequate to estimate the parameter with precision."
I have used a similar approach to calculate the required number of model simulations: Belsare, A.V. and Gompper, M.E. 2015. A model-based approach for investigation and mitigation of disease spillover risks to wildlife: dogs, foxes and canine distemper in central India. Ecological Modelling 296, 102-112.


residual standard deviation and mean absolute difference

I study the effect of a drug on the variability of a continuous dependent variable. The study includes two groups, one of them receives the drug. The dependent variable is repeatedly measured 6 times during the study. The variability is assessed by residual standard deviation and mean absolute difference.
Any idea how to perform the analysis in SPSS?
I study the effect of a drug on the variability of a continuous dependent variable. The study includes two groups, one of them receives the drug. The dependent variable is repeatedly measured 6 times during the study. The variability is assessed by residual standard deviation and mean absolute difference.
Any idea how to perform the analysis in SPSS?

Why does classifier accuracy drop after PCA, even though 99% of the total variance is covered?

I have a 500x1000 feature vector and principal component analysis says that over 99% of total variance is covered by the first component. So I replace 1000 dimension point by 1 dimension point giving 500x1 feature vector(using Matlab's pca function). But, my classifier accuracy which was initially around 80% with 1000 features now drops to 30% with 1 feature even though more than 99% of the variance is accounted by this feature. What could be the explanation to this or are my methods wrong?
(This question partly arises from my earlier question Significance of 99% of variance covered by the first component in PCA)
I used weka's principal components method to perform the dimensionality reduction and support vector machines(SVM) classifier.
Principal Components do not necessarily have any correlation to classification accuracy. There could be a 2-variable situation where 99% of the variance corresponds to the first PC but that PC has no relation to the underlying classes in the data. Whereas the second PC (which only contributes to 1% of the variance) is the one that can separate the classes. If you only keep the first PC, then you lose the feature that actually provides the ability to classify the data.
In practice, smaller (lower variance) PCs often are associated with noise so there can be benefit in removing them but there is no guarantee of this.
Consider a case where you have two variables: a person's mass (in grams) and body temperature (in degrees Celsius). You want to predict which people have the flu and which do not. In this case, weight has a much greater variance but probably no correlation to the flu, whereas temperature, which has low variance, has a strong correlation to the flu. After the Principal Components transformation, the first PC will be strongly aligned with mass (since it has much greater variance) so if you dropped the second PC, would be losing almost all of your classification accuracy.
It is important to remember that Principal Components is an unsupervised transformation of the data. It does not consider labels of your training data when calculating the transformation (as opposed to something like Fisher's linear discriminant).

Training HMM - The amount of data required

I'm using HMM for classifications. I came cross an example in Wikipedia Baum–Welch algorithm Example. Hope someone can help me.
The example as follow: "Suppose we have a chicken from which we collect eggs at noon everyday. Now whether or not the chicken has laid eggs for collection depends on some unknown factors that are hidden. We can however (for simplicity) assume that there are only two states that determine whether the chicken lays eggs."
Note that we have 2 different observations (N and E) and 2 states (S1 and S2) in this example.
My question here is:
How many observations/Observed sequences (or training data) do we need to best train the model. Is there any way to estimate or to test the amount of training data required.
For each variable in your HMM model, you need about 10 samples. Using this rule of thumb, you can easily calculate how many samples do you need to construct a reliable classifier.
In your example you have two states which results in a 2 in 2 transition matrix A=[a_00, a_01;a_10, a_11] where a_ij is the transition probability from state S_i to S_j.
Moreover, each of these states with probability p_S1 and p_S2 generate observations, i.e.: If we are at state S1 with probability p_S1 the chicken will lay egg and with probability 1-p_S1 it will not.
In total you have 6 variables needed to be estimate. It is more or less obvious that it is not possible to accurately estimate them from only two observations. As I mentioned before, it is conventional to assume at least 10 samples per variable are needed in order to estimate that variable accurately.

Conceptual issues on training neural network wih particle swarm optimization

I have a 4 Input and 3 Output Neural network trained by particle swarm optimization (PSO) with Mean square error (MSE) as the fitness function using the IRIS Database provided by MATLAB. The fitness function is evaluated 50 times. The experiment is to classify features. I have a few doubts
(1) Does the PSO iterations/generations = number of times the fitness function is evaluated?
(2) In many papers I have seen the training curve of MSE vs generations being plot. In the picture, the graph (a) on left side is a model similar to NN. It is a 4 input-0 hidden layer-3 output cognitive map. And graph (b) is a NN trained by the same PSO. The purpose of this paper was to show the effectiveness of the new model in (a) over NN.
But they mention that the experiment is conducted say Cycles = 100 times with Generations =300. In that case, the Training curve for (a) and (b) should have been MSE vs Cycles and not MSE vs PSO generations ? For ex, Cycle1 : PSO iteration 1-50 --> Result(Weights_1,Bias_1, MSE_1, Classification Rate_1). Cycle2: PSO iteration 1- 50 -->Result(Weights_2,Bias_2, MSE_2, Classification Rate_2) and so on for 100 Cycles. How come the X axis in (a),(b) is different and what do they mean?
(3) Lastly, for every independent run of the program (Running the m file several times independently, through the console) , I never get the same classification rate (CR) or the same set of weights. Concretely, when I first run the program I get W (Weights) values and CR =100%. When I again run the Matlab code program, I may get CR = 50% and another set of weights!! As shown below for an example,
%Run1 (PSO generaions 1-50)
Correlation =
Classification rate = 25
FinalWeightsBias =
-0.1156 0.2487 2.2868 0.4460 0.3013 2.5761
%Run2 (PSO generaions 1-50)
Correlation =
Classification rate = 100
%Run3 (PSO generaions 1-50)
Correlation =
Classification rate = 37.5
FinalWeightsBias =
-0.1726 0.3468 0.6298 -0.0373 0.2954 -0.3254
What should be the correct method? So, which weight set should I finally take and how do I say that the network has been trained? I am aware that evolutionary algorithms due to their randomness will never give the same answer, but then how do I ensure that the network has been trained?
Shall be obliged for clarification.
As in most machine learning methods, the number of iterations in PSO is the number of times the solution is updated. In the case of PSO, this is the number of update rounds over all particles. The cost function here is evaluated after every particle is updated, so more than the number of iterations. Approximately, (# cost function calls) = (# iterations) * (# particles).
The graphs here are comparing different classifiers, fuzzy cognitive maps for graph (a) and a neural network for graph (b). So the X-axis displays the relevant measures of learning iterations for each.
Every time you run your NN you initialize it with different random values, so the results are never the same. The fact that the results vary greatly from one run to the next means you have a convergence problem. The first thing to do in this case is to try running more iterations. In general convergence is a rather complicated issue and the solutions vary greatly with applications (and read carefully through the answer and comments Isaac gave you on your other question). If your problem persists after increasing the number of iterations, you can post it as a new question, providing a sample of your data and the actual code you use to construct and train the network.

Neural Network learning rate and batch weight update

I have programmed a Neural Network in Java and am now working on the back-propagation algorithm.
I've read that batch updates of the weights will cause a more stable gradient search instead of a online weight update.
As a test I've created a time series function of 100 points, such that x = [0..99] and y = f(x). I've created a Neural Network with one input and one output and 2 hidden layers with 10 neurons for testing. What I am struggling with is the learning rate of the back-propagation algorithm when tackling this problem.
I have 100 input points so when I calculate the weight change dw_{ij} for each node it is actually a sum:
dw_{ij} = dw_{ij,1} + dw_{ij,2} + ... + dw_{ij,p}
where p = 100 in this case.
Now the weight updates become really huge and therefore my error E bounces around such that it is hard to find a minimum. The only way I got some proper behaviour was when I set the learning rate y to something like 0.7 / p^2.
Is there some general rule for setting the learning rate, based on the amount of samples? :
Subject: What learning rate should be used for
In standard backprop, too low a learning rate makes the network learn very slowly. Too high a learning rate
makes the weights and objective function diverge, so there is no learning at all. If the objective function is
quadratic, as in linear models, good learning rates can be computed from the Hessian matrix (Bertsekas and
Tsitsiklis, 1996). If the objective function has many local and global optima, as in typical feedforward NNs
with hidden units, the optimal learning rate often changes dramatically during the training process, since
the Hessian also changes dramatically. Trying to train a NN using a constant learning rate is usually a
tedious process requiring much trial and error. For some examples of how the choice of learning rate and
momentum interact with numerical condition in some very simple networks, see
With batch training, there is no need to use a constant learning rate. In fact, there is no reason to use
standard backprop at all, since vastly more efficient, reliable, and convenient batch training algorithms exist
(see Quickprop and RPROP under "What is backprop?" and the numerous training algorithms mentioned
under "What are conjugate gradients, Levenberg-Marquardt, etc.?").
Many other variants of backprop have been invented. Most suffer from the same theoretical flaw as
standard backprop: the magnitude of the change in the weights (the step size) should NOT be a function of
the magnitude of the gradient. In some regions of the weight space, the gradient is small and you need a
large step size; this happens when you initialize a network with small random weights. In other regions of
the weight space, the gradient is small and you need a small step size; this happens when you are close to a
local minimum. Likewise, a large gradient may call for either a small step or a large step. Many algorithms
try to adapt the learning rate, but any algorithm that multiplies the learning rate by the gradient to compute
the change in the weights is likely to produce erratic behavior when the gradient changes abruptly. The
great advantage of Quickprop and RPROP is that they do not have this excessive dependence on the
magnitude of the gradient. Conventional optimization algorithms use not only the gradient but also secondorder derivatives or a line search (or some combination thereof) to obtain a good step size.
With incremental training, it is much more difficult to concoct an algorithm that automatically adjusts the
learning rate during training. Various proposals have appeared in the NN literature, but most of them don't
work. Problems with some of these proposals are illustrated by Darken and Moody (1992), who
unfortunately do not offer a solution. Some promising results are provided by by LeCun, Simard, and
Pearlmutter (1993), and by Orr and Leen (1997), who adapt the momentum rather than the learning rate.
There is also a variant of stochastic approximation called "iterate averaging" or "Polyak averaging"
(Kushner and Yin 1997), which theoretically provides optimal convergence rates by keeping a running
average of the weight values. I have no personal experience with these methods; if you have any solid
evidence that these or other methods of automatically setting the learning rate and/or momentum in
incremental training actually work in a wide variety of NN applications, please inform the FAQ maintainer
Bertsekas, D. P. and Tsitsiklis, J. N. (1996), Neuro-Dynamic
Programming, Belmont, MA: Athena Scientific, ISBN 1-886529-10-8.
Darken, C. and Moody, J. (1992), "Towards faster stochastic gradient
search," in Moody, J.E., Hanson, S.J., and Lippmann, R.P., eds.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4, San Mateo, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp. 1009-1016. Kushner, H.J., and Yin,
G. (1997), Stochastic Approximation Algorithms and Applications, NY:
Springer-Verlag. LeCun, Y., Simard, P.Y., and Pearlmetter, B.
(1993), "Automatic learning rate maximization by online estimation of
the Hessian's eigenvectors," in Hanson, S.J., Cowan, J.D., and Giles,
C.L. (eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5, San
Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 156-163. Orr, G.B. and Leen, T.K.
(1997), "Using curvature information for fast stochastic search," in
Mozer, M.C., Jordan, M.I., and Petsche, T., (eds.) Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 9,Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp.
Archive-name: ai-faq/neural-nets/part1
Last-modified: 2002-05-17
Maintainer: (Warren S. Sarle)
Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Warren S. Sarle, Cary, NC, USA.
A simple solution would be to take the average weight of a batch instead of summing it. This way you can just use a learning rate of 0.7 (or any other value of your liking), without having to worry about optimizing yet another parameter.
More interesting information about batch updating and learning rates can be found in this article by Wilson (2003).