Emulator pulseaudio access denied - android-emulator

I'm trying to run the android emulator (v on ubuntu 19.10 but I have no sound. When starting from the console, I can see the following errors:
$ emulator -avd firstPhone
pulseaudio: Wrong context state
pulseaudio: Reason: Access denied
pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
I've tried reinstalling pulseaudio and deleting ~/.config/pulse. Nothing helped. I still get the same behavior.
Any ideas where the problem is?

I ran across your question today looking for a solution myself. I found something that seems to work. Not exactly elegant, but it was the best I have found. Here is what I have:
System: Manjaro with qemu 5.1 on the host
The key for me was to modify /etc/pulse/default.pa and add (at the bottom):
load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1 socket=/tmp/pulse-socket
Then run: pulseaudio --kill
(should restart on its own, pulseaudio --start if it doesn't)
At this point, /tmp/pulse-socket should exist.
I did not see this step in the Arch/Manjaro documents I was initially reading. So this was my sticking point.
Other than that, it it comes down to the steps in the Arch wiki:
Specifically, my virsh edit <vm-name> looks like this at the bottom (don't forget changes to the domain line at the top too):
<qemu:arg value='-object'/>
<qemu:arg value='input-linux,id=mouse1,evdev=/dev/input/by-id/usb-1bcf_USB_Optical_Mouse-event-mouse'/>
<qemu:arg value='-object'/>
<qemu:arg value='input-linux,id=kbd1,evdev=/dev/input/by-id/usb-0c45_USB_Keyboard-event-kbd,grab_all=on,repeat=on'/>
<qemu:arg value='-device'/>
<qemu:arg value='ich9-intel-hda,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x1b'/>
<qemu:arg value='-device'/>
<qemu:arg value='hda-micro,audiodev=hda'/>
<qemu:arg value='-audiodev'/>
<qemu:arg value='pa,id=hda,server=unix:/tmp/pulse-socket,out.buffer-length=512,timer-period=1000'/>
The evdev lines are unrelated to sound, but I put them in for context (assuming you are using evdev to share keyboard and mouse).
Note I did NOT have to make any changes to /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf to get sound to work (though I did for evdev with the keyboard/mouse). I also did NOT have to setup the /root/.config/pulse directory since I am using an anonymous socket.


It is impossible to create a new session because 'createSession' which takes HttpClient,

org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: It is impossible to create a new session because 'createSession' which takes HttpClient, InputStream and long was not found or it is not accessible
Build info: version: '3.12.0', revision: '7c6e0b3', time: '2018-05-08T14:04:26.12Z'
I am getting this error randomly i want to know the route cause for this issue in IOS
There are multiple reason behind this issue. There are multiple ways to resolve this issues, depending upon, where these issues are coming from.
1)One issue which occur to me was DesireCapabilities.setCapability() key/value was not correct type. I have resolved this issue by just
setCapability("appWaitDuration", "600000"); here 600000 was String instead of long or int
Check your setCapability type whether it String/int/long.
2) Check USB Connection is Laptop or Computer, if not connected than same issue.
3) ADB Server might be problem. So adb kill-server and adb start-server
4) Try to change USB and try it out.
5) Sometimes, it might be a proxy issue(Laptop/Desktop may have some proxy setup
in organization, since for Desktop/Laptops are connected with Mobile via TCP/IP Connection).
6) Sometimes, there might be permission required to access PORT (sudo ufw allow portnumber (UBUNTU SYSTEM))
7) Environment variable required Android_SDK_Home and Android Platform Tools path
**> Solution 1st**
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "xyz");
capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "6.0");
capabilities.setCapability("platformName", Platform.ANDROID);
capabilities.setCapability("appPackage", "com.hp.HPSupportAssistant");
capabilities.setCapability("appActivity", "com.hp.HPSupportAssistant.MainActivity");
capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT, 6000); capabilities.setCapability(AndroidMobileCapabilityType.AUTO_GRANT_PERMISSIONS,true);
//desiredCap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, AutomationName.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR2);
**Here comment below line and then run it will work**
desiredCap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, AutomationName.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR2);
**solution 2nd Or keep above line in desired capabilities but before that do
run 3 cmd on cmd promt**
adb shell pm list packages -f > D://t.txt
adb uninstall io.appium.uiautomator2.server
adb uninstall io.appium.uiautomator2.server
desiredCap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, AutomationName.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR2);

Cannot send command IR with HotPI

I bought a HotPi a while ago, and decided to use it. So I followed the procedure to configure the IR and after a few hours I was able to IR signals on my Raspberry 1.
But my purpose here is to send IR signals, which I tried, without any luck.
So this is the command I try to do (just for test):
irsend SEND_START devinput KEY_POWER ; sleep 3
And this is what lircd tells me:
lircd-0.9.4c[907]: Notice: accepted new client on /var/run/lirc/lircd
lircd-0.9.4c[907]: Info: Cannot configure the rc device for /dev/lirc0
lircd-0.9.4c[907]: Error: invalid send buffer
lircd-0.9.4c[907]: Error: this remote configuration cannot be used to transmit
lircd-0.9.4c[907]: Error: error processing command: SEND_START devinput KEY_POWER
lircd-0.9.4c[907]: Error: transmission failed
lircd-0.9.4c[907]: Info: removed client
It seems I'm not using the good drivers. According to the HotPi documentation, I'm suppose to use lirc-rpi, which I'm suppos to install with
sudo modprobe lirc-rpi
Which, at least, doesn't return an error. But trying to configure the interface tells me that the driver doesn't exist:
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ mode2 --driver lirc-rpi --device /dev/lirc0
Driver `lirc-rpi' not found. (Missing -U/--plugins option?)
Available drivers:
Here is no info what lirc version you are using. There are vast differences between the legacy 0.9.0 still used in some distros and modern lirc.
That said, the logs seems pretty clear. You are using the devinput driver, right? This driver does not support sending data, reflecting the fact that also the kernel doesn't.
You then need to use another driver - first stop might be the default one. If/when using this other driver, you need another lircd.conf.
Please refer to http://lirc.org/html/configuration-guide.html
EDIT: Ah, lirc-0.9.4c says the log. Sorry, my bad. The reply should still be valid, though.
When you record the remote, use:
irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 -f name.conf
The -f uses raw mode. This then worked for me on the transmit side, before I got same error as you.

Metadata.framework error while running root in jupyter

I am running a code in jupyter notebook (here is the code for reference):
import ROOT as root
f = root.TFile("160721_0828.root")
for event in f.tree.events:
print (1)
It should be a simple code, looping through a file. But when I run it, the kernel crushes and I have to restart everything. I also get in terminal many errors of this kind:
2016-08-08 18:25:20.439 atos[99872:272f] Metadata.framework [Error]: couldn't get the client port
0x0000000100000cc4 in start (in python) + 52
before the program crushes. I am using a Mac, version 10.9.5. What could be the cause?
Perhaps your Spotlight indexing is disabled and necessary metadata is inaccessible.
Try to turn Spotlight indexing On and the error message:
"Metadata.framework [Error]: couldn't get the client port"
disappears and kernel will be stable.

Failed to start Neo4j service

I am using neo4j enterprise 3.0.3 version for windows. Following the operations manual 3.0, I have installed the neo4j service with bin\neo4j install-service. But I can't start it with bin\neo4j start. It said
Invoke-Neo4j : Failed to start service 'Neo4j Graph Database - neo4j (neo4j)'.
And I can't start the neo4j service in windows serice either. Maybe anyone have encountered this case before?
I had the same problem: I am using neo4j community 3.1.2 for windows and installed the service with the neo4j.bat file without any problems.Then i wanted to start the service with neo4j.bat and got the same error as you
I found a solution that worked for me. My neo4j files were in a folder, where the path to the folder contained spaces (C:\Program Files\Neo4j) Then i moved the folder one level up (C:\Neo4j).
After that i could start the service without problems.
Maybe this solution helps.
I am running neo4j on windows and in my case the crux of the issue was that there was an incompatibility between the installed versions of Java (32-bit) v/s OS version. The biggest clue that led me to this is the following set of lines in neo4j-service.2018-08-03 log file
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [info] [ 1432] Starting service...
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [error] [ 1432] %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [error] [ 1432] Failed creating java C:\JavaNew\bin\server\jvm.dll
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [error] [ 1432] %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [error] [ 1432] ServiceStart returned 1
There are a fair number of potential issues, and I have made an attempt to compile all the issues with this,
Windows services cannot deal with service names in folders that have spaces; especially if there is another folder with the same name as the one with spaces.
For example - C:\Program Files... will have issues if C:\Program\Something...
To work around this, I put Neo4j in root folder c:\Neo4j
Get-Java.ps1 (under ..\bin\Neo4j-Management folder)looks in the path variable for 'JAVA_HOME' (usually found in *nix environments). If it does not find it here, it keeps looking in registry, and finally throws up its hand!
To deal with this, I simply put in a path variable. For a good measure, I uninstalled Java and re-installed Java in the root folder under C:\JavaNew
In retrospect, this step is probably not on part of the problem, and hence can be ignored. But I am leaving it here for completeness sake.
Invoke-Neo4j.ps1 (also under ..\bin\Neo4j-Management folder) has code that determines if the OS is 32-bit (or 64-bit). Based on this it determines if it should run prunsrv-i386.exe (32-bit) or prunsrv-amd64.exe (64-bit).
This has to match the Java version installed.
Upon running java -XshowSettings:all, and inspecting the sun.arch.data.model value (32, in my case), I realized that my OS is 64 bit and the Java version is 32-bit.
To deal with this, I put in code (very klugey!). I am sure there are much better ways to get to the same outcome, but this is what I used.
switch ( (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Processor | Select-Object -First 1).Addresswidth ) {
32 { $PrunSrvName = 'prunsrv-i386.exe' } # 4 Bytes = 32bit
#64 { $PrunSrvName = 'prunsrv-amd64.exe' } # 8 Bytes = 64bit COMMENTED as a workaround!!!
64 { $PrunSrvName = 'prunsrv-i386.exe' } # 8 Bytes = 64bit
Now, uninstall the neo4j service, install it, and start the service.
Hope this works for you.
neo4j console
Posting for latest versions > 4.x
I had the same issue using neo4j start, Neo4j console is the right command I was looking for. It is a web-based graph that acts as an interactive tutorial.
i had the same problem , after the neo4j worked for few weeks it stoop working (without any change that i made)
i have set java_home uninstall and install and now it works
I was also having weired issue as there was no error but neo4J service did not start.
[xx#ss1 bin]$ ./neo4j console
[xx#ss1 bin]$ .
The problem was with the permission on Java directory and I tried
chmod -R 777 jdk_directory
and problem got solved.
#neo4j #neo4jnotstarting

GTK applications fail to start - xfs restart needed Options

Sorry, not really programming question, but I am not sure where else I could find some help.
After a recent update (Xorg was updated among other things), GTK apps stopped running in my kde4. I have a Debian unstable, updated around 22 April. When I try to run them I get the following error:
ga#grzes:~$ iceweasel
The program 'firefox-bin' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadName (named color or font does not exist)'.
(Details: serial 888 error_code 15 request_code 45 minor_code 0)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
ga#grzes:~$ gimp The program 'gimp' received an X Window
System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadName (named color or font does not exist)'.
(Details: serial 6955 error_code 15 request_code 45 minor_code 0)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
(script-fu:4643): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: script-fu: gimp_wire_read():
I have to restart the font server manually to have it fixed:
ga#grzes:~$ su
grzes:/home/ga# /etc/init.d/xfs restart
Stopping X font server: xfs.
Setting up X font server socket directory /tmp/.font-unix...done.
Starting X font server: xfs.
Any ideas what could be wrong? Is it a configuration issue? My system has been updated for the last 7 years, so I can have some old settings.
Debian unstable is very... unstable now, since a release was made a short time ago. Major changes and packages migrations are happening. Xorg (and all X related stuff) being one of the critical packages in that process. My advice is to perform a new update/upgrade in order to catch a new version that may resolve this problem.
It's very frequent that after an update some thing will get broken in inexplicable ways, simply because the developers are uploading new, and not much tested, version of the applications
I finally figured this out: seems like xfs is not compatible with the other components currently and luckily removing it form the system completely solves the problem.