Redhat openshift cluster creation error on azure - deployment

I am trying to create a redhat openshift cluster . Getting an error shown below while creating the cluster
Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 8ec2b1a1-6f67-4800-a093-4db8097bdd87. OpenShift Managed Cluster validation failed with error: [invalid properties.fqdn ""]


GKE-kubevirt issue

I'm trying to use kubevirt in google cloud platform GKE cluster.
I got to know the GKE won't support nested virtualisation so i tried below step to install kubevirt in GKE
Is there a way to enable nested virtualization in GKE cluster node?
Start a GKE cluster with ubuntu/containerd, n1-standard nodes and minimum cpu of Haswell.
Find the template used for your new cluster, then to determine the proper source image:
gcloud compute instance-templates describe --format=json | jq ".properties.disks[0].initializeParams.sourceImage"
Create a copy of the source disk with nested virtualization enabled:
gcloud compute images --project $PROJECT create $NEW_IMAGE_NAME --source-image $SOURCE_IMAGE --source-image-project=$SOURCE_PROJECT --licenses ""
Use "Create Similar" on the template for your GKE cluster. Change the boot disk to $NEW_IMAGE_NAME. You will also need to drill down to networking/alias and change the default subnet to your pod network.
5.Trigger a rolling update on the group for your GKE nodes to move them to the new template.
I'm able to install kubevirt and virtctl but when i try to launch basic vm using
kubectl apply -f
I'm getting below error:
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://virt-api.kubevirt.svc:443/virtualmachines-mutate?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded
Is there any way to debug the error.
How to make Kubevirt work in GKE.
I am trying to achieve Kubevirt in GKE

Rancher import cluster Error: Error while applying agent YAML, it will be retried automatically

Rancher version: v2.6.8
AWS EKS cluster version: 1.2.1
I created another Rancher and I accidentally executed the yaml provided by this Rancher on cluster A. I delete cluster A in Rancher and try to reimport it. Now it's not working properly.
[Error] Error while applying agent YAML, it will be retried automatically: exit status 1, Error from server (InternalError): an error on the server ("unable to create impersonator account: error setting up impersonation for user u-qjbo6ceucp: impersonation: error creating secret for service account cattle-impersonation-u-qjbo6ceucp") has prevented the request from succeeding
I deleted the cluster in Rancher, tried importing in new Rancher, got the same error.

ERROR: Preparation failed: error connecting to Kubernetes: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided

when i try to run the pipeline after intragrating the kubernetes cluster to the gitlab using gitlabkubernetesAgent, iam getting this error can anyone look into this please...

Creating a Jenkins X Kubernetes cluster with GKE throws exception: secrets "jenkins" not found

When I try to create a Jenkins X Kubernetes cluster with GKE using this command:
jx create cluster gke --skip-login
The following exeption is thrown at the end of installation:
error creating cluster configuring Jenkins: creating Jenkins API token: after 3 attempts, last error: creating Jenkins Auth configuration: secrets "jenkins" not found
During installation I select the default settings and provide my own github settings, including generated personal access token, but I don't think that the github token is the issue in this case (I'm pretty sure all my github settings are correct)
The problem has been solved by using --tekton flag:
jx create cluster gke --skip-login --tekton

Set up kismatic in local machine

I'm going to install kubernetes cluster using kismatic, using 2 aws ec2 instances as per the below doc.
Im getting below error when executing, "./kismatic install apply"
Etcd nodes: Node #1: Invalid IP provided
error validating plan: Plan file validation error prevents installation from proceeding
All the services are going to be installed in one istance, therefore im using private IP.