Set up kismatic in local machine - kubernetes

I'm going to install kubernetes cluster using kismatic, using 2 aws ec2 instances as per the below doc.
Im getting below error when executing, "./kismatic install apply"
Etcd nodes: Node #1: Invalid IP provided
error validating plan: Plan file validation error prevents installation from proceeding
All the services are going to be installed in one istance, therefore im using private IP.


How to fix error with GitLab runner inside Kubernetes cluster - try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable

I have setup two VMs that I am using throughout my journey of educating myself in CI/CD, GitLab, Kubernetes, Cloud Computing in general and so on. Both VMs have Ubuntu 22.04 Server as a host.
VM1 - MicroK8s Kubernetes cluster
Most of the setup is "default". Since I'm not really that knowledgeable, I have only configured two pods and their respective services - one with PostGIS and the other one with GeoServer. My intent is to add a third pod, which is the deployment of a app that I a have in VM2 and that will communicate with the GeoServer in order to provide a simple map web service (Leaflet + Django). All pods are exposed both within the cluster via internal IPs as well as externally (externalIp).
I have also installed two GitLab-related components here:
GitLab Runner with Kubernetes as executor
GitLab Kubernetes Agent
In VM2 both are visible as connected.
VM2 - GitLab
Here is where GitLab (default installation, latest version) runs. In the configuration (/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb) I have enabled the agent server.
Initially I had the runner in VM1 configured to have Docker as executor. I had not issues with that. However then I thought it would be nice to try out running the runner inside the cluster so that everything is capsuled (using the internal cluster IPs without further configuration and exposing the VM's operating system).
Both the runner and agent are showing as connected but running a pseudo-CI/CD pipeline (the one provided by GitLab, where you have build, test and deploy stages with each consisting of a simple echo and waiting for a few seconds) returns the following error:
Running with gitlab-runner 15.8.2 (4d1ca121)
on testcluster-k8s-runner Hko2pDKZ, system ID: s_072d6d140cfe
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
ERROR: Preparation failed: getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
Will be retried in 3s ...
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
ERROR: Preparation failed: getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
Will be retried in 3s ...
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
ERROR: Preparation failed: getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
Will be retried in 3s ...
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
I am unable to find any information regarding KUBERNETES_MASTER except in issue tickets (GitLab) and questions (SO and other Q&A platforms). I have no idea what it is, where to set it. My guess would be it belongs in the runner's configuration on VM1 or at least the environment of the gitlab-runner (the user that contains the runner's userspace with its respective /home/gitlab-runner directory).
The only one possible solution I have found so far is to create the .kube directory from the user which uses kubectl (in my case microk8s kubectl since I use MicroK8s) to the home directory of the GitLab runner. I didn't see anything special in this directory (no hidden files) except for a cache subdirectory, hence my decision to simply create it at /home/gitlab-runner/.kube, which didn't change a thing.

GKE-kubevirt issue

I'm trying to use kubevirt in google cloud platform GKE cluster.
I got to know the GKE won't support nested virtualisation so i tried below step to install kubevirt in GKE
Is there a way to enable nested virtualization in GKE cluster node?
Start a GKE cluster with ubuntu/containerd, n1-standard nodes and minimum cpu of Haswell.
Find the template used for your new cluster, then to determine the proper source image:
gcloud compute instance-templates describe --format=json | jq ".properties.disks[0].initializeParams.sourceImage"
Create a copy of the source disk with nested virtualization enabled:
gcloud compute images --project $PROJECT create $NEW_IMAGE_NAME --source-image $SOURCE_IMAGE --source-image-project=$SOURCE_PROJECT --licenses ""
Use "Create Similar" on the template for your GKE cluster. Change the boot disk to $NEW_IMAGE_NAME. You will also need to drill down to networking/alias and change the default subnet to your pod network.
5.Trigger a rolling update on the group for your GKE nodes to move them to the new template.
I'm able to install kubevirt and virtctl but when i try to launch basic vm using
kubectl apply -f
I'm getting below error:
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://virt-api.kubevirt.svc:443/virtualmachines-mutate?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded
Is there any way to debug the error.
How to make Kubevirt work in GKE.
I am trying to achieve Kubevirt in GKE

Unable to enter a pod in the gke cluster

We have our k8s cluster set up with our app, including a neo4j DB deployment and other artifacts. Overnight, we've started facing an issue in our GKE cluster when trying to enter or interact somehow with any pod running in the cluster. The following screenshot shows a sample of the error we get.
issued command
error: unable to upgrade connection: Authorization error (user=kube-apiserver, verb=create, resource=nodes, subresource=proxy)
Our GKE cluster is created as standard (no autopilot) and the versions are
Node pool details
cluster basics
As said before it was working fine regardless of the warning about the versions. However, we haven't been able yet to identify what could have changed between the last time it worked, and now.
Any clue on what authorization setup might have been changed making it incompatible now is very welcomed

Error creating: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "" installing Ceph with Helm on Kubernetes

I'm trying to install Ceph using Helm on Kunbernetes following this tutorial
install ceph
Probably the problem is that I installed trow registry before because as soon as I run the helm step
helm install --name=ceph local/ceph --namespace=ceph -f ~/ceph-overrides.yaml
I get this error in ceph namespace
Error creating: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post https://trow.kube-public.svc:443/validate-image?timeout=30s: dial tcp connect: connection refused
How can I solve this?
Apparently you are right with the presumption, I have a few concerns about this issue.
Trow registry manager controls the images that run in the cluster via implementing Admission webhooks that validate every request before pulling image, and as far as I can see Docker Hub images are not accepted by default.
The default policy will allow all images local to the Trow registry to
be used, plus Kubernetes system images and the Trow images themselves.
All other images are denied by default, including Docker Hub images.
Due to the fact that during Trow installation procedure you might require to distribute and approve certificate in order to establish secure HTTPS connection from target node to Trow server, I would suggest to check certificate presence on the node where you run ceph-helm chart as described in Trow documentation.
The other option you can run Trow registry manager with disabled TLS over HTTP, as was guided in the installation instruction.
This command should help to get it cleaned.
kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration -n rook-ceph rook-ceph-webhook

Azure Service Fabric Cluster returns nothing for code-versions and config-versions

In short: both the "sfctl cluster code-versions" and "sfctl cluster config-versions" return empty arrays. Is this a symptom of a problem with the cluster?
Background: I am attempting to follow the Create a Linux container app tutorial, for learning about Service Fabric; but I have run into a problem when the application upload fails with a timeout.
On investigating this, I found that the other sfctl cluster commands (e.g. sfctl cluster health) all worked and returned useful data - except code-versions and config-versions, which both return an empty array:
$ sfctl cluster code-versions
$ sfctl cluster config-versions
I'm not sure if that's unhealthy, or what kind of data they might be returning.
Other notes:
The cluster is secured with a self-signed certificate; this is installed locally and works correctly, but both the above commands also log a warning:
~/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: InsecureRequestWarning)
However, the same warning is logged for the other commands (e.g. sysctl cluster health) and doesn't stop them from working.
The cluster is at version 6.4.634.1, on Linux
Service Fabric Explorer shows everything as Healthy: Cluster Health State, System Application Health State, and the 3 nodes.
The Azure portal shows the cluster status as "Baseline upgrade"
Explorer shows the cluster as having Code Version ""