PayPal Smart Payment Buttons: Display only one payment method - paypal

Is it possible to display for example only giropay on the buttons?
I would like to deactivate everything else.


paypal smart payment button display issue

I have created PayPal Smart Payment Buttons in my application. By default it is showing two buttons first button for PayPal login window, and second button for Debit or Credit Card window.
On clicking the second button the first button is not displaying. I can see the both buttons in chrome developer console. margin-top:59px property is added by the script.
Here you can try PayPal's interactive code demo.
How do I get rid of it? Is there a setting somewhere to show both when button click?
Why do you want to get rid of it? The second button is for entering a debit or credit cads and paying as a guest. Typically this is a much-desired feature, not something people want to get rid of.
When clicked, the top button is being moved out of the way to make good use of screen real estate, since the debit or credit card button does not open a window. It expands the iframe inside the container (which is actually rather amazing to those of us who've been in the payment industry for a long time.)
If you truly want to get rid of card processing, you can. The Smart Payment Buttons documentation has options for disabling funding sources. Basically add &disable-funding=card after your ClientID when invoking the SDK js:
<script src=""></script>

PayPal credit card button hides PayPal standard button

We are using PayPal with the default button and with visa and MasterCard buttons. When we click on a credit card button the default PayPal button is hidden. Is there a way to avoid this? We don't want that user has to refresh the page to see again the choice for PayPal payment method.
There is no way to avoid it, PayPal is intentionally making use of that screen real estate.
You could allow the user to trigger a .close() of the PayPal button (save a reference to it before you .render()) and so then create a fresh one in its place, if you really want to avoid them having to do a page refresh.

PayPal Buy Now Button - Pre-populate Credit Card

Is there any way to make the Buy Now page open up the credit card form straight away.
Currently it's buried underneath the "pay with paypal" option that hardly any of my customers want to use. They have to click the tab at the bottom right. It's a very very poorly designed page and plays havoc with my conversion rates.
Could I for example pre-populate the credit card details in my buy now button so that the credit card form would come up initially?
With buttons it is not possible as the form is hosted by PayPal. You may want to look into other integration methods at where you host the form that holds payment info.
See this for an example

Add same custom input fields to all Paypal 'add to cart' buttons

I have a list of items on my site that can be purchased, each with a generic Paypal 'Add to cart' button. What I need to be able to do is to collect info from eight additional fields - I've done this in the past on a page with just a single 'buy it now' button via on0/os0, but I don't want the customer to have to enter this extra information on every item they add to cart as it will be the same for every item on the order. Ideally the eight fields I need would be put on the Payment Page, but from what I've read Paypal don't allow this.
What would be the neatest way of doing this? If there was only one form on the page I can see how I could easily do it, but as each 'add to cart' button is a separate form I'm a bit stuck.
Thanks in advance!
You can build your own cart functionality and then use cart upload to transmit the result to PayPal for checkout.
(Or better yet, if you can write API calls, use the Express Checkout API -- with SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole in the initial SetExpressCheckout call if PayPal is your only method of taking payments)
Basically, you have to build this sort of custom cart functionality yourself. PayPal will gladly process the payment with the information you then send, and that is all.

Can I show the momentary payment confirmation with smart buttons?

Can I show the Momentary payment confirmation which described here after payment that has been done using the Smart Payment Buttons Integration?
I have enabled the auto-return option and also added the return URL to the sandbox app but it is still not working.
No, you can't. That page is describing the old behavior that only applies when you do a full page redirect away from your site to PayPal.
If you stay on your site and display the smart experience, you are expected to display your own confirmation once the successful capture triggers within your SPB javascript.