How to animate an image moving across the screen? - flutter

I have a fixed size image (of a playing card) and I'd like to write code so users see the image slide from one part of the screen to another (like a card being dealt and moving across the surface). If possible, it would be best to do so in a way that's moderately responsive for different screen sizes.
Most of what I've seen or learned about involves Hero widgets or animation where a widget changes size but stays in the same location. I'm asking about something different.

What you want is the animatedPosition widget, it will move any widget from one point of the screen to another, you can even morph the size of the widget.
width: selected ? 200.0 : 50.0,
height: selected ? 50.0 : 200.0,
top: selected ? 50.0 : 150.0,
duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
setState(() {
selected = !selected;
child: Container(
child: const Center(child: Text('Tap me')),

You can either use Flutter's built in animations Animation<double>. In Flutter, an Animation object knows nothing about what is onscreen. An Animation is an abstract class that understands its current value and its state (completed or dismissed). One of the more commonly used animation types is Animation<double>.
For example:
// lib/main.dart (AnimatedLogo)
class AnimatedLogo extends AnimatedWidget {
AnimatedLogo({Key key, Animation<double> animation})
: super(key: key, listenable: animation);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final animation = listenable as Animation<double>;
return Center(
child: Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10),
height: animation.value,
width: animation.value,
child: FlutterLogo(),
Or you can import and use one of these packages into your project:


Display multiple pages at the same time

I have an app with two features, that have routes such as:
I can use GoRouter and its ShellRoute to switch between these one at a time using context.goNamed('feature2'), which would replace the entire screen with feature 2 (when tapping a tab in a tab bar for example). Here's a diagram of just the top level routes using tabs:
However, I would like to have an overview style menu which displays multiple destinations at once, so the user can see where they will be going before they go there (for example the preview page tabs in a mobile web browser). Here's a diagram:
and then tapping on either of the two pages would make them full screen:
Pressing the menu button at the bottom would return you to the overview menu page.
One way I have thought about solving this would be to make static preview images out of the routes when the menu button is tapped, and just display the previews. But these won't be live, and I would like a more elegant approach that actually displays the live contents of the route if possible.
Another way I have thought about solving this would be to use a top level GoRouter and then two descendant GoRouters each containing just one branch of the routes. I'm not sure if multiple GoRouters would lead to problems with things like if I wanted to context.go() to another branch.
If the ShellRoute.builder gave me access to all of the child page's widgets, I could display them however I wanted, but it just provides a single child.
I have not worked with 'go_router' or 'ShellRoute.builder', but I like to make custom animated widgets like this for apps. It's also hard to explain how it would work in your app, but here is my take on this.
Try copy pasting this in an empty page. I have written some notes in code comments that might help explain things a little bit. And, this is not perfect but with more polishing according to the needs it could work.
class CustomPageView extends StatefulWidget {
const CustomPageView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<CustomPageView> createState() => _CustomPageViewState();
class _CustomPageViewState extends State<CustomPageView> {
// Scroll Controller required to control scroll via code.
// When user taps on the navigation buttons, we will use this controller
// to scroll to the next/previous page.
final ScrollController _scrollController = ScrollController();
// Saving screen width and height to use it for the page size and page offset.
double _screenWidth = 0;
double _screenHeight = 0;
// A bool to toggle between full screen mode and normal mode.
bool _viewFull = false;
void initState() {
// Get the screen width and height.
// This will be used to set the page size and page offset.
// As of now, this only works when page loads, not when orientation changes
// or page is resized. That requires a bit more work.
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
setState(() {
_screenWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
_screenHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
// 'Column' to wrap the 'Body' and 'BottomNavigationBar'
body: Column(
children: [
// 'Expanded' to take up the remaining space after the 'BottomNavigationBar'
// A 'Container' to wrap the overall 'Body' and aligned to center.
// So when it resizes, it will be centered.
child: Container(
// 'AnimatedContainer' to animate the overall height of the 'Body'
// when user taps on the 'Full Screen' button.
child: AnimatedContainer(
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
height: _viewFull ? 200 : _screenHeight,
// A 'ListView' to display the pages.
// 'ListView' is used here because we want to scroll horizontally.
// It also enables us to use 'PageView' like functionality, but
// requires a bit more work, to make the pages snap after scrolling.
child: ListView(
controller: _scrollController,
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
children: [
// A 'Container' to display the first page.
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
width: _viewFull ? (_screenWidth / 2) - 24 : _screenWidth,
margin: _viewFull ? const EdgeInsets.all(12) : const EdgeInsets.all(0),
// A 'Container' to display the second page.
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
width: _viewFull ? (_screenWidth / 2) - 24 : _screenWidth,
margin: _viewFull ? const EdgeInsets.all(12) : const EdgeInsets.all(0),
color: Colors.yellow,
// 'BottomNavigationBar' to show the navigation buttons
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
children: [
// 'Feature 1' button
onTap: () {
// Scroll to the first page
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
curve: Curves.easeInOut,
child: Container(
height: 60,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
child: const Text('Feature 1'),
// 'Feature 2' button
onTap: () {
// Scroll to the second page
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
curve: Curves.easeInOut,
child: Container(
height: 60,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
child: const Text('Feature 2'),
// 'Full Screen' button
onTap: () {
// Toggle between full screen mode and normal mode
setState(() {
_viewFull = !_viewFull;
child: Container(
height: 60,
color: Colors.purple,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
child: const Text('View Full'),

Why isn't my Flutter animated checkmark working?

I'm trying to replicate the following animation from
I've gotten the ScaleTransition to work but the SizeTransition does not. What am I doing wrong or what don't I understand?
When I only swap out the SizeTransition with a FadeTransition (and keep the same controllers & animations), the animations both run. When I move the Center widget from being a child of the SizeTransition to the parent the animation runs.
However it is not properly centered.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class AnimatedCheck extends StatefulWidget {
_AnimatedCheckState createState() => _AnimatedCheckState();
class _AnimatedCheckState extends State<AnimatedCheck> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
late AnimationController scaleController = AnimationController(duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 800), vsync: this);
late Animation<double> scaleAnimation = CurvedAnimation(parent: scaleController, curve: Curves.elasticOut);
late AnimationController checkController = AnimationController(duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 400), vsync: this);
late Animation<double> checkAnimation = CurvedAnimation(parent: checkController, curve: Curves.linear);
void initState() {
scaleController.addStatusListener((status) {
if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
double circleSize = 140;
double iconSize = 108;
return ScaleTransition(
scale: scaleAnimation,
child: Container(
height: circleSize,
width: circleSize,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
child: SizeTransition(
sizeFactor: checkAnimation,
axis: Axis.horizontal,
axisAlignment: -1,
child: Center(
child: Icon(Icons.check, color: Colors.white, size: iconSize)
When you move the Center to the outside, it doesn't center the children of it's children, just puts it's child in the center of the area it occupies. Try setting the Container alignment using alignment:, inside of the Container. Please let me know if it doesn't work and I'll replicate the code to figure out the problem is.
Edit: This is because there is space around the visual check you see, the SizeTransition doesn't know this so it animates from the edge of the Icon which causes the visual bug you see. I'd recommend you use a tool like Rive ( to accomplish what you want, alternatively, you can use another animation or use some clunky workaround like animating the position while the size transition occurs so that it appears to be centered.
Hi if this is an issue for you, I figured out how both animations will be triggerd.
See code below.
children: [
child: ScaleTransition(
scale: scaleAnimation,
child: Container(
height: circleSize,
width: circleSize,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: kApprovedColor,
sizeFactor: checkAnimation,
axis: Axis.horizontal,
axisAlignment: -1,
child: Center(
child: Icon(Icons.check, color: Colors.white, size: iconSize),
Flutter's documentation has an explanation:
Like most widgets, SizeTransition will conform to the constraints it
is given, so be sure to put it in a context where it can change size.
For instance, if you place it into a Container with a fixed size, then
the SizeTransition will not be able to change size, and will appear to
do nothing.
Thank you. Now I know what I'm doing wrong.

Resizing parent widget to fit child post 'Transform' in Flutter

I'm using Transforms in Flutter to create a scrolling carousel for selecting from various options.
This uses standard elements such as ListView.builder, which all works fine, aside from the fact that the parent widget of the Transform doesn't scale down to fit the content as seen here:
Here's the code used to generate the 'card' (there was actually a Card in there, but I've stripped it out in an attempt to get everything to scale correctly):
return Align(
child: Transform(
transform: mat,
child: Container(
height: 220,
color: color,
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.7,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 12.0),
Even if I remove the 'height' parameter of the Container (so everything scales to fit the 'Text' widget), the boxes containing the Transform widgets still have the gaps around them.
Flutter doesn't seem to have any documentation to show how to re-scale the parent if the object within is transformed - anyone here knows or has any idea of a workaround?
EDIT: The widget returned from this is used within a build widget in a Stateful widget. The stack is Column > Container > ListView.builder.
If I remove the Transform, the Containers fit together as I'd like - it seems that performing a perspective transform on the Container 'shrinks' it's content (in this case, the color - check the linked screen grab), but doesn't re-scale the Container itself, which is what I'm trying to achieve.
I have a tricky solution for this: addPostFrameCallback + overlay.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart';
// ignore: must_be_immutable
class ChildSizeWidget extends HookWidget {
final Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child, Size size) builder;
final Widget child;
final GlobalKey _key = GlobalKey();
OverlayEntry _overlay;
ChildSizeWidget({ this.child, this.builder });
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final size = useState<Size>(null);
useEffect(() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timestamp) {
_overlay = OverlayEntry(
builder: (context) => Opacity(
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Container(
child: child,
key: _key,
opacity: 0.0,
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timestamp) {
size.value = _key.currentContext.size;
return () => null;
}, [child]);
if (size == null || size.value == null) {
return child;
} else {
return builder(context, child, size.value);
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart';
class HomeView extends HookWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final change = useState<bool>(false);
final normal = Container(
color: Colors.blueAccent,
height: 200.0,
width: 200.0,
final big = Container(
color: Colors.redAccent,
height: 300.0,
width: 200.0,
return Column(
children: [
child: ChildSizeWidget(
child: change.value ? big : normal,
builder: (context, child, size) => AnimatedContainer(
child: SingleChildScrollView(child: child),
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 250),
height: size.height,
color: Colors.grey,
child: Text('Toggle child'),
onPressed: () => change.value = !change.value,
I have a menu with several options, they have different height and with the help of the animations this is ok, it's working really nice for me.
Why are you using Align, as much as I can see in your code, there is no property set or used, to align anything. So try removing Align widget around Transform.
Because according to the documentation, Transform is such a widget that tries to be the same size as their children. So that would satisfy your requirement.
For more info check out this documentation:
I hope it helps!

Flutter AnimatedSwitcher jumps between children

I am trying to implement some custom design in an expasion panel list. Therefore, I wanted to create some kind of animation that animates smoothly from one view (e.g. header) to another view (e.g. full info of the tile) that has other dimensions (obviously, full info will be higher than just the header). This is quite easy to implement with an AnimatedContainer. However, I would need the height of the header widget and the full info widget in order to animate between these two heigths. As these values differ between tiles (other info -> maybe other height) and tracking height via global keys is not my preferred solution, I decided to use the much simpler AnimatedSwitcher instead. However, the behavior of my AnimatedSwitcher is quite strange. At first, the other tiles in the ListView (in my example the button) move down instantly and subsequently the tile expands. Has anyone an idea of how I could implement some code in order to achieve the same animation that I would get from AnimatedContainer(button/other tiles moving down simultaniously with the tile expanding)? Thanks in advance for any advice. Here is my code:
class MyPage extends State {
List _items;
int pos;
void initState() {
pos = 0;
_items = [
color: Colors.white,
width: 30,
key: UniqueKey(),
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[Text('1'), Text('2')], //example that should visualise different heights
width: 30,
color: Colors.white,
key: UniqueKey(),
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[Text('1'), Text('2'), Text('44534'), Text('534534')],
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: ListView(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 100),
children: <Widget>[
duration: Duration(seconds: 1),
transitionBuilder: (child, animation) => ScaleTransition(
child: child,
scale: animation,
child: _items[pos],
child: Text('change'),
onPressed: pos == 0
? () {
setState(() => pos = 1);
: () {
setState(() => pos = 0);
The solution was quite simple. Just found out that there exists an AnimatedSize Widget that finds out the size of its children automatically.
I stumbled on this post and since I had a similar problem I decided to create a tutorial here on how to mix AnimatedSwitcher and AnimatedSize to solve this issue. Animations do not happen at the same time but the advantage is that you have full control on the animation provided to the switcher.
I ended up doing this in the end (please note that I'm using BlocBuilder and that AnimatedSizeWidget is a basic implementation of AnimatedSize:
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 250),
child: BlocBuilder<SwapCubit, bool>(
builder: (context, state) {
return AnimatedSwitcher(
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
child: state
? Icon(Icons.face, size: 80, key: Key("80"))
: Icon(Icons.face, size: 160, key: Key("160")),
var isWidgetA = true;
final Widget widgetA = Container(
key: const ValueKey(1),
width: 100,
height: 100,
final Widget widgetB = Container(
key: const ValueKey(2),
width: 50,
height: 50,
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
transitionBuilder: (Widget child, Animation<double> animation) {
return SizeTransition(
sizeFactor: animation,
child: ScaleTransition(
child: child,
scale: animation,
child: isWidgetA
? widgetA
: widgetB,

Android's ViewFlipper alternative on Flutter

The ViewFlipper on Android has very a simple API that allows you to show a view from a list of children at a time. You're also able to know what view is being shown to the user programmatically, as well as set up an animation between its transitions, is there a widget that does this similarly in Flutter?
Below is an excerpt from the ViewFlipper documentation.
Simple ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that
have been added to it. Only one child is shown at a time. If
requested, can automatically flip between each child at a regular
A simple way to swap between 2 views, is the AnimatedCrossFade.
A widget that cross-fades between two given children and animates
itself between their sizes.
This widget is an enhanced AnimatedSwitcher and is similar to the ViewFlipper because it takes charge of swapping between 2 views depending on a state by interpolating its sizes and opacities.
This is an example of a simple AnimatedCrossFade that switches between 2 Containers of different colors and sizes.
class MySimpleWidget extends StatefulWidget {
MySimpleWidget({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
_MySimpleWidgetState createState() => _MySimpleWidgetState();
class _MySimpleWidgetState extends State<MySimpleWidget> {
bool _showFirst = false;
void _swapWidget() {
setState(() {
_showFirst = !_showFirst;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
crossFadeState: _showFirst ? CrossFadeState.showFirst : CrossFadeState.showSecond,
firstChild: Container(color:, width: 100, height: 50),
secondChild: Container(color:, width: 100, height: 100),
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
onPressed: _swapWidget,
child: const Text('Swap widget'),
Its limitation is that it can only crossfade between 2 children, an alternative for 3 or more could be the PageView.