Postgres: How to increment the index (pointer) to access other rows - postgresql

I have been trying to understand how to increment the reference to some value.
In C I would simply increment the pointer to retrieve a value in the next array location.
How does this mechanism work in Postgres? is it possible?
For an example, I have created a table with some data in:
create table mathtest (
x int, y int, val int)
insert into mathtest (x,y,val)
values (1,1,10),(2,2,20),(3,3,30),(4,4,40),(5,5,50),(6,6,60),(7,7,70),(8,8,80),(9,9,90),(10,10,100),(11,11,110)
What I want to do is add the val value from the current row and then the val value when the x value in the row equals the current x value plus 2, and then plus 4. I realise that I can't assume the next row that is retrieved will be in a set order so I can't use 'lead'
If it was C I would simply increment the pointer.
The data output needs to be when the modulo of x and y = 0 for certain divisors. (this bit works)
x base,
(x+2) plus1x,
(x+4) plus2x,
from mathtest
where x%2 =0 and y%3 = 0
This outputs the following:
base plus1x plus2x y val
1 6 8 10 6 60
The output I would like is:
60 + 80 +100 = 240
I can't conceptualise how to do it. My mind seems to be stuck in procedural C mode!
Whatever I type and try is an error.
Can any body help me to get over this hurdle?

Welcome to the world of window functions.
You need an explicit ordering, otherwise it makes no sense to speak of the "previous row".
As a simple example, to get the difference to the previous value, you can query like
SELECT val -
lag(val) OVER (ORDER BY x)
FROM mathtest;


PL/PGSQL function set upper and lower bound to an integer value

I am working on a pgsql function that calculates a score based on some logic. But one of the requirements is that a parameter after calculation should be in the range [100000, 9900000].
I can't figure out how to do this with existing functions, obviously possible with if conditions, any help?
v_running_sum += (30 - v_calcuated_value)* 100000;
I want v_running_sum to be in the range mentioned above. Is there any way to bound the value of the variable if lower than the lower bound (100,000) to 100,000 and vice versa for the upper bound?
This is how you can easily do this check, using a range:
SELECT 1 <# int4range(100000, 9900000,'[]');
There are many options how to implement this in your logic.
When the outcome of a calculation should always be something between 100000 and 9900000, you can use this:
SELECT LEAST(GREATEST(var, 100000), 9900000);
Whatever you stick into "var", the result will always be between these boundaries
If you want a verbose solution use a CASE statement
case when val <= 100000 then 100000
when val >= 9900000 then 9900000
else val end as val

Couldn't understand this SWIFT Fucntion [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 3 years ago.
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Hope you are doing well. Would anyone please explain this code to me? I am still not getting how we got 120 here. When the parameters were passed to the function, where was it saved? How did it determine max and min before calculating?
Would be really appreciated if anyone could explain it for me please..
You're getting 120 because you're asking the tuple for the sum value twice. The tuple passed back is (min: Int, max: Int, sum: Int). In this case, sum is also index number 2 (min is index zero, max is index one). So in this case statistics.sum == statistics.2
If you want to access min or max you can access them using statistics.min or statistics.max respectively. You can also use statistics.0 or statistics.1 if you prefer (I recommend using the labels though).
Final thought: I would change your initial assignment of max and min inside the function to read as follows:
guard var max = scores.first, var min = scores.first else {
return (0, 0, 0)
This will protect against the user accidentally passing an empty array.
You could have also set min and max to 0 ,not to scores[0].
This func is very simple, I think you should read somewhere How functions are working.
For loop is used to go through every element, in your case every element in array scores. In every iteration, variable sum is increased by current element in array. So:
At the beginning of the function : sum = 0
1. iteration: sum = 0 + 5
2. iteration: sum = 5 + 3
3. iteration: sum = 8 + 100
4. iteration: sum = 108 + 3
5. iteration: sum = 111 + 9
For loop ends. Sum = 120.
Score in Scores means like every single element in score. So name Score can be whatever you want to name it. You could have also name it element , x, a or whatever you like.
The function returns a tuple of type (min: Int, max: Int, sum: Int).
max and min are not determined before being calculated. When they're first assigned at the top of the function, they just contain the first element of the passed in scores array. But by the time the loop below finishes, they indeed have the correct minimum and maximum values. Those values are then returned in a tuple matching the return type.

How to add values to last column of a table based on certain conditions in MATLAB?

I have a 29736 x 6 table, which is referred to as table_fault_test_data. It has 6 columns, with names wind_direction, wind_speed, air_temperature, air_pressure, density_hubheight and Fault_Condition respectively. What I want to do is to label the data in the Fault_Condition (last table column with either a 1 or a 0 value, depending on the values in the other columns.
I would like to do the following checks (For eg.)
If wind_direction value(column_1) is below 0.0040 and above 359.9940, label 6 th column entry corresponding to the respective row of the table as a 1, else label as 0.
Do this for the entire table. Similarly, do this check for others
like air_temperature, air_pressure and so on. I know that if-else
will be used for these checks. But, I am really confused as to how I
can do this for the whole table and add the corresponding value to
the 6 th column (Maybe using a loop or something).
Any help in this
regard would be highly appreciated. Many Thanks!
Further clarification: I have a 29736 x 6 table named table_fault_test_data . I want to add values to the 6 th column of table based on conditions as below:-
for i = 1:29736 % Iterating over the whole table row by row
if(1st column value <x | 1st column value > y)
% Add 0 to the Corresponding element of 6 th column i.e. table_fault_test_data(i,6)
elseif (2nd column value <x | 2nd column value > y)
% Add 0 to the Corresponding element of 6 th column i.e. table_fault_test_data(i,6)
elseif ... do this for other cases as well
% Add 1 to the Corresponding element of 6 th column i.e. table_fault_test_data(i,6)
This is the essence of my requirements. I hope this helps in understanding the question better.
You can use logical indexing, which is supported also for tables (for loops should be avoided, if possible). For example, suppose you want to implement the first condition, and also suppose your x and y are known; also, let us assume your table is called t
logicalIndecesFirstCondition = t{:,1} < x | t{:,2} >y
and then you could refer to the rows which verify this condition using logical indexing (please refer to logical indexing
t{logicalIndecesFirstCondition , 6} = t{logicalIndecesFirstCondition , 6} + 1.0;
This would add 1.0 to the 6th column, for the rows for which the logical condition is true

scala return matrix of average pixels

Here's the thing: I want to modify (and then return) a matrix of integers that is given in the parameters of the function. The funcion average (of the class MatrixMotionBlur) gives the average between the own pixel, upper, down and left pixels. Follows the following formula:
result(x, y) = (M1(x, y)+M1(x-1, y)+M1(x, y-1)+M1(x, y+1)) / 4
This is the code i've implemented so far
MatrixMotionBlur - Average function
MotionBlurSingleThread - run
The objetive here is to apply "average" method to alter the matrix value and return that matrix. The thing is the program gives me error when I to insert the value on the matrix.
Any ideas how to do this ?
The functional way
val updatedData ={ outter =>
outter(i).map{ inner =>
Pay attention that Seq is immutable collection type and you can't just modify it, you can create new, modified collection only.
By the way, why you iterate starting 1, but not 0. Are you sure you want it?

Change the class of columns in a data frame

First of all, excuse me if I do any mistakes, but English is not a language I use very often.
I have a data frame with numbers. A small part of the data frame is this:
nominal 2
So, I want to use the gower distance function on these numbers.
Here ( ) says that in order to use gower.dist, all nominal variables must be of class "factor" and all ordinal variables of class "ordered".
By default, all the columns are of class "integer" and mode "numeric". In order to change the class of the columns, i use these commands:
# I select all the cells and I copy them to the clipboard.
#Then R, with this command, reads the data from there.
MyHeader=names(DF) # I save the headers of the data frame to a temp matrix
for (i in 1:length(DF)) {
if (MyHeader[[i]]=="nominal") DF[[i]]=as.factor(DF[[i]])
for (i in 1:length(DF)) {
if (MyHeader[[i]]=="ordinal") DF[[i]]=as.ordered(DF[[i]])
The first for/if loop changes the class from integer to factor, which is what I want, but the second changes the class of ordinal variables to: "ordered" "factor".
I need to change all the columns with the header "ordinal" to "ordered", as the gower.dist function says.
Thanks in advance,
What you are doing is fine --- if perhaps a little inelegantly.
With your ordered factor, you have something like:
> foo <- as.ordered(1:10)
> foo
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Levels: 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < 6 < 7 < 8 < 9 < 10
> class(foo)
[1] "ordered" "factor"
Notice that it has two classes, indicating that it is an ordered factor and that is is a factor:
> is.ordered(as.ordered(1:10))
[1] TRUE
> is.factor(as.ordered(1:10))
[1] TRUE
In some senses, you might like to think that foo is an ordered factor but also inherits from the factor class too. Alternatively, if there isn't a specific method that handles ordered factors, but there is a method for factors, R will use the factor method. As far as R is concerned, an ordered factor is an object with classes "ordered" and "factor". This is what your function for Gower's distance will require.
You could easily do this with:
DF$nominal <- as.factor(DF$nominal)
DF$ordinal <- as.ordered(DF$ordinal)
which gives you a dataframe with the correct structure. If you work with data frames, please stay away from [[]] unless you know very well what you're doing. Take Dirks advice, and check Owen's R Guide as well. You definitely need it.
If i do the conversion as I showed above, gower.dist() works perfectly fine. On a sidenote, the gowers distance can easily be calculated using the daisy() function as well:
DF <- data.frame(
ordinal= c(1,2,3,1,2,1),
nominal= c(2,2,2,2,2,2)
DF$nominal <- as.factor(DF$nominal)
DF$ordinal <- as.ordered(DF$ordinal)