How to add values to last column of a table based on certain conditions in MATLAB? - matlab

I have a 29736 x 6 table, which is referred to as table_fault_test_data. It has 6 columns, with names wind_direction, wind_speed, air_temperature, air_pressure, density_hubheight and Fault_Condition respectively. What I want to do is to label the data in the Fault_Condition (last table column with either a 1 or a 0 value, depending on the values in the other columns.
I would like to do the following checks (For eg.)
If wind_direction value(column_1) is below 0.0040 and above 359.9940, label 6 th column entry corresponding to the respective row of the table as a 1, else label as 0.
Do this for the entire table. Similarly, do this check for others
like air_temperature, air_pressure and so on. I know that if-else
will be used for these checks. But, I am really confused as to how I
can do this for the whole table and add the corresponding value to
the 6 th column (Maybe using a loop or something).
Any help in this
regard would be highly appreciated. Many Thanks!
Further clarification: I have a 29736 x 6 table named table_fault_test_data . I want to add values to the 6 th column of table based on conditions as below:-
for i = 1:29736 % Iterating over the whole table row by row
if(1st column value <x | 1st column value > y)
% Add 0 to the Corresponding element of 6 th column i.e. table_fault_test_data(i,6)
elseif (2nd column value <x | 2nd column value > y)
% Add 0 to the Corresponding element of 6 th column i.e. table_fault_test_data(i,6)
elseif ... do this for other cases as well
% Add 1 to the Corresponding element of 6 th column i.e. table_fault_test_data(i,6)
This is the essence of my requirements. I hope this helps in understanding the question better.

You can use logical indexing, which is supported also for tables (for loops should be avoided, if possible). For example, suppose you want to implement the first condition, and also suppose your x and y are known; also, let us assume your table is called t
logicalIndecesFirstCondition = t{:,1} < x | t{:,2} >y
and then you could refer to the rows which verify this condition using logical indexing (please refer to logical indexing
t{logicalIndecesFirstCondition , 6} = t{logicalIndecesFirstCondition , 6} + 1.0;
This would add 1.0 to the 6th column, for the rows for which the logical condition is true


OpenRefine: How can I offset values? (preceding row to the following row)

Let's suppose I have this list in OpenRefine:
Is there a way to move (offset values) B to A like the following?
With the cross() function, and v3.5 of OpenRefine (currently in beta) you can access previous or following rows by not supplying the field name. You can achieve the same by creating an index column in v3.4.
So, you can do cells.ColumnName.value +" "+ cross(row.index + 1, "", "")[0].cells.ColumnName.value to get the value of the next row appending the value of that cell in the current row, with a space.
Note that this will take the value of the row with an index higher, not necessally the row following in the display, if you use sorting.
Regards, Antoine

Add unknown number of elements to another cell array from a certain index on

I've data in the format of
Now I'd like to place item 1 & 2 of all rows in this cell into another cell array from an specific index on. How should I do this? for example to place column 1 & 2 of these unknown number of row in the cell array 'b' from index 5 on without repetition I used:
b{1}(1,(5:end + 1)) = unique(a{1}(:,(1:2)))
I'd like the output of cell array 'b{1}' from 5th elements becomes '1 2 3 5 7'.
However, it is false and gives the "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch." error. I dont know where is the problem. Is my snippet right?
Any help is appreciated

Rows without repetitions - MATLAB

I have a matrix (4096x4) containing all possible combinations of four values taken from a pool of 8 numbers.
3 63 39 3
3 63 39 19
3 63 39 23
3 63 39 39
I am only interested in the rows of the matrix that contain four unique values. In the above section, for example, the first and last row should be removed, giving us -
3 63 39 19
3 63 39 23
My current solution feels inelegant-- basically, I iterate across every row and add it to a result matrix if it contains four unique values:
result = [];
for row = 1:size(matrix,1)
if length(unique(matrix(row,:)))==4
result = cat(1,result,matrix(row,:));
Is there a better way ?
Approach #1
diff and sort based approach that must be pretty efficient -
sortedmatrix = sort(matrix,2)
result = matrix(all(diff(sortedmatrix,[],2)~=0,2),:)
Breaking it down to few steps for explanation
Sort along the columns, so that the duplicate values in each row end up next to each other. We used sort for this task.
Find the difference between consecutive elements, which will catch those duplicate after sorting. diff was the tool for this purpose.
For any row with at least one zero indicates rows with duplicate rows. To put it other way, any row with no zero would indicate rows with no duplicate rows, which we are looking to have in the output. all got us the job done here to get a logical array of such matches.
Finally, we have used matrix indexing to select those rows from matrix to get the expected output.
Approach #2
This could be an experimental bsxfun based approach as it won't be memory-efficient -
matches = bsxfun(#eq,matrix,permute(matrix,[1 3 2]))
result = matrix(all(all(sum(matches,2)==1,2),3),:)
Breaking it down to few steps for explanation
Find a logical array of matches for every element against all others in the same row with bsxfun.
Look for "non-duplicity" by summing those matches along dim-2 of matches and then finding all ones elements along dim-2 and dim-3 getting us the same indexing array as had with our previous diff + sort based approach.
Use the binary indexing array to select the appropriate rows from matrix for the final output.
Approach #3
Taking help from MATLAB File-exchange's post combinator
and assuming you have the pool of 8 values in an array named pool8, you can directly get result like so -
result = pool8(combinator(8,4,'p'))
combinator(8,4,'p') basically gets us the indices for 8 elements taken 4 at once and without repetitions. We use these indices to index into the pool and get the expected output.
For a pool of a finite number this will work. Create is unique array, go through each number in pool, count the number of times it comes up in the row, and only keep IsUnique to 1 if there are either one or zero numbers found. Next, find positions where the IsUnique is still 1, extract those rows and we finish.
matrix = [3,63,39,3;3,63,39,19;3,63,39,23;3,63,39,39;3,63,39,39;3,63,39,39];
IsUnique = ones(size(matrix,1),1);
pool = [3,63,39,19,23,6,7,8];
for NumberInPool = 1:8
Temp = sum((matrix == pool(NumberInPool))')';
IsUnique = IsUnique .* (Temp<2);
UniquePositions = find(IsUnique==1);
result = matrix(UniquePositions,:)

Extracting rows from .mat table using for loop in MATLAB

What I have is a variable X which has values assigned to it in the form of a table of 9 columns and around 100 rows. Here is an example:
X =
Columns 1 through 7
-2.2869 -1.1168 0.1430 -4.0753 1.7620 -6.3229 -3.1997
-2.2504 -1.1022 0.2046 -3.9865 1.7423 -6.2172 -3.1231
-2.2138 -1.0876 0.2663 -3.8977 1.7226 -6.1115 -3.0465
-2.1772 -1.0730 0.3279 -3.8089 1.7029 -6.0058 -2.9700
I need to create a for loop that extracts the first r rows of the first 'p' colmuns. For example r=3 and p=4.
Any idea on how I can do that?
I suggest you don't use a for-loop, but rather index directly into the matrix:
out = X(1:r,1:p)
returns the first r rows and p columns of X.

Using SUM and UNIQUE to count occurrences of value within subset of a matrix

So, presume a matrix like so:
20 2
20 2
30 2
30 1
40 1
40 1
I want to count the number of times 1 occurs for each unique value of column 1. I could do this the long way by [sum(x(1:2,2)==1)] for each value, but I think this would be the perfect use for the UNIQUE function. How could I fix it so that I could get an output like this:
20 0
30 1
40 2
Sorry if the solution seems obvious, my grasp of loops is very poor.
Indeed unique is a good option:
res=arrayfun(#(y)length(x(x(:,1)==y & x(:,2)==1)),u)
Taking apart that last line:
arrayfun(fun,array) applies fun to each element in the array, and puts it in a new array, which it returns.
This function is the function #(y)length(x(x(:,1)==y & x(:,2)==1)) which finds the length of the portion of x where the condition x(:,1)==y & x(:,2)==1) holds (called logical indexing). So for each of the unique elements, it finds the row in X where the first is the unique element, and the second is one.
Try this (as specified in this answer):
>>> [c,~,d] = unique(a(a(:,2)==1))
c =
d =
>>> counts = accumarray(d(:),1,[],#sum)
counts =
>>> res = [c,counts]
Consider you have an array of various integers in 'array'
the tabulate function will sort the unique values and count the occurances.
table = tabulate(array)
look for your unique counts in col 2 of table.