How to extract all work items descriptions from a project in Azure DevOps? - azure-devops

I have a project hosted in Azure DevOps and I want to extract description from all work items in it. Is there a way to generate a pdf file or something like that?

I think, you can try Work Item Print to print your work item info into pdf.
Additionally, you can try these solutions to export your work items into Word:
Enhanced Export
Then save your Word file as pdf.


ADO Releases results form a release Pipeline to be exported for reporting

I am working with a team that is requesting the ADO Releases results form a release Pipeline to be exported for reporting. I am able to export a JSON file. I need the details in excel or CSV format.
Does anyone have idea how to export the details in excel.
enter image description here

Navigate to area of Markdown file in Azure Devops

I have a markdown file with a number of codes and descriptions within it which will be used like a wiki.
A developer will be given a link, and the link should take them to the specific code within the markdown file.
Example of file:
This declares that you are a pizza
You've encountered a cordial comrade who will eat your pizza.
You can't keep up with him, just go with it.
[test code](#test-code)
I am a testing code
I've tried navigating to the file in the repo and then adding #test-code to the address, but it doesn't do anything. I assume that the markdown isn't being rendered on the page.
Is there a way to navigate to a specific # within a file in an Azure Devops Repo?
Is there a way to navigate to a specific # within a file in an Azure Devops Repo?
We could try to open the markdown file in the repo under the Contents view. Then select the specific #, like: #ZestfulZebra:
Just as Hugh pointed, there is an option copy link to this selection. We could get the link after click the hyperlink symbol, it should be:<OrganizationName>/_git/<ProjectName>?
And the link for the markdown file is:<OrganizationName>/_git/<ProjectName>?
So, it use the syntax &line=64&lineEnd=64&lineStartColumn=1&lineEndColumn=14&lineStyle=plain to locate the anchor we selected.
Now, we can simply parse this syntax &line=64&lineEnd=64 is used to locate the line number we select the code. If we change it to &line=64&lineEnd=65, it will select the lines 64 and 65. And the &lineStartColumn=1&lineEndColumn=14 is used to locate the start and end positions of the selected string.
Now, we could use this syntax with the link of markdown file to navigate to a specific # within a file in an Azure Devops Repo.
For example, we could use the web address to navigate the anchors in the MD:<OrganizationName>/_git/<ProjectName>?
Do you mean adding anchor link in markdown file? If so, I tested this syntax: [test](codeLink) without # and it works well.
I first get the code link in a code file in the repo:
Then add this:[test]({org}/_git/{repo}?path=%2FStartup.cs&version=GBmaster&line=4&lineEnd=5&lineStartColumn=1&lineEndColumn=1&lineStyle=plain) to markdown file:
Click test in the wiki to successfully navigate to the code:

Is there a way to save all the Azure DevOps work item with links, attachments in excel?

We are trying to save all the Azure DevOps project data. In that process, I would like to know whether we can download all the work item data (i.e; along with links, child items, attachments, etc.)in excel?
We are trying to save all the Azure DevOps project data. In that
process, I would like to know whether we can download all the work
item data (i.e; along with links, child items, attachments, etc.)in
We can't download all the work item data in excel. The easily way to export work item data is Export to CSV option, check Export list as CSV. You can specify the the data types you need in the csv file via Column Options:
It supports Work Item Types, States,Tag, Priority, Parent and many other types. However it doesn't support data like attachments. The attachments are always binary files, you need to download them via web portal or Rest API.
You need to go to your Backlog with all your items unrolled, then go to column options, add a Parent column, click on OK, then when you go back you can see all your items with their parent link. click on the first Item, then click on Tab + down arrow, until you select all items. click on Ctrl + C, then paste it on excel, it should work, if not try with word.
If 'Export to CSV/ Send as mail' suits the requirement go with it. If not install azure devops office integration and connect to excel.
Export work-items to Excel

How do I send html email with work items delivered from last build in VSTS?

I am trying to automate the release workflow by using VSTS pipelines, the component which i need to deliver is basically a library.
The VSTS pipeline is now building the Visual Studio solution and generating the binary files in the artifacts folder, but i need to send an email to the QA team with the list of work items which have been delivered as part of the release.
I have found a VSTS task in the marketplace which generates the release notes using MD files:
However, what I need is a task based on a customizable HTML template and send in the attachments a ZIP file with the content of the artifacts folder.
Anyone know how could i implement this behaviour as part of the pipeline?
How do I send html email with work items delivered from last build in VSTS?
In fact, you have already found the answer, just need to go one step further.
In the Usage and Description of Types of Template about that extension, you could get the following instructions:
but it also possible to generate other formats such as HTML with
appropriate templates.
The use of a template allows the user to define the layout and fields
shown in the release notes document. It is basically a markdown file
(or other format of your choice)
So, this extension should supports HTML format.
As test, I add that task with html template file build-basic-template.htm:
Note: Set the Output file with .htm format and template here (I use the first one).
Besides, if you want to seed email with this .htm file, you could use the Build Notification task or Send email task.
Hope this helps.

Exporting in Netsuite

One of our customer's uses Netsuite ERP. We would like to be able accept pick tickets(orders) from them in a format that would allow us to import the pick tickets into our custom built ERP system. Naturally, I asked them if they could export the pick tickets as CSV to us.
They are attempting to build a custom report with all the fields we need and export it into csv. Aside from them having issues exporting the report only to HTML... Im curious as to why they cant just export the pick ticket they have been sending us, which is in pdf format.
On top of that. Ive noticed via SuitesScript you could modify the on click event to generate a csv of the data. So when they click generate print ticket, why could it not easily generate a csv at that time?
Basically, due to me not havign hands on to their NetSuite system - or any insight to the inner working of NetSuite, im looking to the community to explain to me, what they are doing wrong - or what the best solution is to attain the goal of: exporting a pick ticket(im assuming this is based from the sales order in netsuite...) in a friendly format, allowing me to automate the order entry into my company's system.
I am sure Netsuite provides CSV option for exporting Reports. Please refer to this doc.
To export a report:
On the Reports page, click the name of the report you want to see.
In the footer of the report, select Export-CSV, Export-Microsoft® Word, Export-Microsoft® Excel, or Export-PDF.
One possible problem may be the Role Permissions. Please refer to this.
If your search results pages do not include an Export button, your account administrator may not have assigned you the Full level for the Perform Search permission. This level is required for exporting search results. The Export Lists permission also is required. See Permissions for Searches.
you should be able to export pdf. Please refer to
Once you create the saved search, NetSuite has the option to export the saved search as the CSV, MS EXCEL, or PDF. But it's a manual approach. You can do it automatically by writing a JavaScript script in the Suite Script.