MarkLogic integration with pySpark - pyspark

Hi I have requirement of connecting MarkLogic with pySpark. Is there any reference you can guide me through where I can start with. I found few blogs where they have suggested using "MarkLogic Connector for Hadoop", but since it will deprecated starting with MarkLogic release 10.0-3 so I am looking for other alternative.

You can use MarkLogic Extended REST API (using JavaScript or XQuery) - Extending the REST API.
Also you have the option to evaluate an Ad-Hoc JavaScript/Xquery Query - Evaluating an Ad-Hoc Query.
Hope that helps.

I was able to achieve this using MarkLogic rest API. Thanks for help #Ashish.
I even wrote an story on medium how we can achieve this.


call AWS POST API with AWS Signature Version 4

did someone already called an AWS Rest API with AWS Signature Version 4 ?
I'm not sure how to generate this using the hierarchical stage Calling the Rest API ?
Thank You -
what do you mean by hierarchical stage, do you want to build the whole signature on your own?
Which language are you trying to call it with? There are different packages depending on that, I highly recommend using one of those instead of rebuilding it on your own.
agnostic-aws-signature This worked for me for example...

Is it possible to use Appery to access data from Neo4J Graph Database?

I have a web application that has to be linked with a graph database (Neo4J). Is it possible to read or write data to Neo4J using Appery?
I have chosen Appery because I am a beginner when it comes to databases and Appery seems to be easy in using REST API, as well as there is a free trial.
Feedback would be highly helpful. Thanks in advance.
Edit: I am aware that Neo4J uses Cypher queries. I would like to know if Appery supports Cypher as well.
Side note: The reason I am asking the question here without trying it out is because I dont have an active DB and my application is private due to my company's security policy
You can do that as long as Neo4J database has a REST API. If it does, then you can make calls to it from an Appery app (from Server Code or API Express). Hope this helps.

Creating new bot from template using API in botpress

Is it possible to create a BotPress bot entirely using the API? More specifically, can I accomplish most of all of what I would do in the UI by just using API methods? I looked, and I don't see a createBot() method, so I'm wondering if this is possible.
Second question, I read that multi-tenant support has been added in version 11. Is there any documentation on how this works?
Yes this is possible, if you use the F12 on your browser to see how Botpress works under the hood. you will find that it uses some API.
Here are some I found and used :
Bots management: /api/v1/admin/bots
QNA management: /api/v1/bots/{botid}/mod/qna/questions
Managing a specifi bot: /api/v1/admin/bots/{botid}
Keep looking and you will find more than that.

How to submit Hive Jobs programmatically from JSP

We are trying to build a wrapper system for business users and we want to explore option of building a capability to submit the HIVE query from a JSP page. I could not find a best example or suggested mechanism for this. Anyone tried this before? If so can someone share their best ideas? We are looking for the REST API mechanism. If that wont work, then we can use java from JSP servlets.
Appreciate your support.
You can use JDBC. I dont think there is a REST API for Hive.
But since most developers & application typically use JDBC this should be the preferred mode.
More details can be found here (Assuming you are using latest Hive versions) : Hive 2 Clients
Sample code sample code

Versae's Neo4j python rest client and graph algos access

I'm using versae's neo4j rest client to access a neo4j DB but I stumbled upon a problem trying to figure out how to use the paths algorithms from a node.
In the neo4j documentation it says that there are built-in graph algos in the URL *db/data/node/NODE_ID/paths* but it seems like versae's API doesn't allow access to these algos, as I read in the docs it has access to "extensions" but not to the default built-in algos.
Anyone knows how to access these methods without having to create a server extension just to reimplement it?
Currently there's no way to access to algos factory from the neo4jrestclient. But I think it's the time to implement this. I hope to release a new version with this feature before the end of the next week.