Is it possible to use Appery to access data from Neo4J Graph Database? - rest

I have a web application that has to be linked with a graph database (Neo4J). Is it possible to read or write data to Neo4J using Appery?
I have chosen Appery because I am a beginner when it comes to databases and Appery seems to be easy in using REST API, as well as there is a free trial.
Feedback would be highly helpful. Thanks in advance.
Edit: I am aware that Neo4J uses Cypher queries. I would like to know if Appery supports Cypher as well.
Side note: The reason I am asking the question here without trying it out is because I dont have an active DB and my application is private due to my company's security policy

You can do that as long as Neo4J database has a REST API. If it does, then you can make calls to it from an Appery app (from Server Code or API Express). Hope this helps.


Query Azure database using API

I host my database on Azure. I would like to search data on the table in that database. I am trying to use B4I and the tech help their said I need to use REST API's. I am pretty sure I need to use ODATA. I have the auth token but I am not sure if this is even possible.
In order to query Azure SQL with an API you need to add a layer between it and the destination. As mentioned in this question, OData is a specification that can be implemented fairly easily as there are plenty of libraries that will take care of the bulk of the code for you.
As far as where to host the API, you have several options within Azure. The most common being App Services, Azure Functions, and Logic Apps.

Neo4j with Spring using remote Neo4j-Server

I want to build a RESTful Application with Spring using Neo4j as a Database.
What I (very simply) want to have, is an application that takes entities (like a user) via POST, persists them in a Neo4j Database and loads them on a GET.
I tried the spring tutorials (build an embedded graphdb and also accessing an external graphdb via rest) for that and it worked, but it seems that i can't use the neo4j standalone to view the database live, because it seems to be locked by my application.
It is important for me to have some kind of method to view the live database, so I'm stuck.
So basically I'm looking for a simple way to have an application writing to and reading from an external graphdb, which I can manipulate with the neo4j standalone (or some alternative program).
I' asking here, because at this point I don't even know what to goole anymore :)
There are two options:
1) with Spring Data Neo4j version 4 you can work against Neo4j server
2) with Spring Data Neo4j 3, you can move your code into a server extension
3) there is also an option to start Neo4j server with an embedded database (this should only be done during development not production)
Thanks to your answers, I have some examples that show me the intended use of Neo4j which helps me a lot.
Basically was the answer to all my questions, since it provides me with a useful "look how it's done".
Thank you.

Why does MongoLab not recommend using their REST API?

From the MongoLab's documentation, they recommend:
MongoLab databases can be accessed by your application code in two ways.
The first method - the one we strongly recommend - is to connect using one of the MongoDB drivers (as described above). You do not need
to use our API if you use the driver.
The second method, which you should use only if you cannot connect via one of the MongoDB drivers, is via MongoLab’s RESTful data API.
Why do they recommend using the driver rather than their REST API? One reason I can think of is portability across different MongoDB providers. Are there any other reasons? Wouldn't it be more beneficial for MongoLab to "vendor lock-in" customers with their API?
The points that #WiredPrairie and #Stennie brought up around security are correct. *When you use our REST API, you expose your API key to the client. Currently, anyone with the API key can modify your database. As a result, we only recommend using the REST API with public data, e.g. all the locations for taco trucks in the country.
By writing your own app tier, you can keep credentials to your database from being exposed to the client.
If you have any more questions, email us at Happy to help!
p.s. thanks #WiredPrairie and #Stennie

Using Local storage and REST adapter at the same time?

I'm pretty new with an Ember so for the start I have a noob question - is it possible to use Local Storage and REST adapter at the same time?
For example, if I want to do a login via API, if login is success the server will return an API key which is used for later communication with a service. Is it possible to store that information locally on the client and to retrieve it when necessary but also, for other models, to use REST adapter?
If this is not a good way to handle such case, which one would you propose and is there any kind of example which would me lead me in the right direction?
Thanks to the people from #emberjs, I found out that there is a wonderful ember-auth authentication framework for the Ember.js which does what I need.

Versae's Neo4j python rest client and graph algos access

I'm using versae's neo4j rest client to access a neo4j DB but I stumbled upon a problem trying to figure out how to use the paths algorithms from a node.
In the neo4j documentation it says that there are built-in graph algos in the URL *db/data/node/NODE_ID/paths* but it seems like versae's API doesn't allow access to these algos, as I read in the docs it has access to "extensions" but not to the default built-in algos.
Anyone knows how to access these methods without having to create a server extension just to reimplement it?
Currently there's no way to access to algos factory from the neo4jrestclient. But I think it's the time to implement this. I hope to release a new version with this feature before the end of the next week.