Fabric v2.0 in kubernetes (minikube) - problem running docker inside peer for running chaincode - kubernetes

I am trying to run the Fabric 2.0 test-network in Kubernetes (locally, in minikube) and am facing an issue with the installing or running of the chaincode by the peers (in a docker container, it seems).
I created kubernetes files based on the docker-compose-test-net.yaml and successfully deployed the network, generated the crypto material, created and joined the channel, installed the chaincode on the peers, commited its definition. But when I try to invoke it, I have the following error:
Error: endorsement failure during invoke. response: status:500 message:"error in simulation:
failed to execute transaction 68e996b0d17c210af9837a78c0480bc7ba0c7c0f84eec7da359a47cd1f5c704a:
could not launch chaincode fabcar_01:bb76beb676a23a9be9eb377a452baa4b756cb1dc3a27acf02ecb265e1a7fd3df:
chaincode registration failed: container exited with 0"
I included in that pastebin the logs of the peer. We can see in there that it starts the container, but then I don't understand what happens with it: https://pastebin.com/yrMwG8Nd
I then tried as explained here: https://github.com/IBM/blockchain-network-on-kubernetes/issues/27. Where they say that
IKS v1.11 and onwards now use containerd as its container runtime
instead of the docker engine therefore using docker.sock is no longer
And they propose to deploy a docker pod (dind) with that file and that file and change the occurences of unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock to tcp://docker:2375.
But then I have the following error when I try to install the chaincode:
Error: chaincode install failed with status:
500 - failed to invoke backing implementation of 'InstallChaincode':
could not build chaincode:
docker build failed:
docker image inspection failed:
cannot connect to Docker endpoint
So it seems it cannot connect to the Docker endpoint. But I cannot find how to fix this.
If you have an idea, it would help a lot!

I found my issue:
For the peers, I was setting:
value: peer0-org1-example-com:7052
like they do for the test-network with docker-compose.
Removing those made it work. I guess there were important for the docker-compose setup, but not adequate for kubernetes.


How to fix error with GitLab runner inside Kubernetes cluster - try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable

I have setup two VMs that I am using throughout my journey of educating myself in CI/CD, GitLab, Kubernetes, Cloud Computing in general and so on. Both VMs have Ubuntu 22.04 Server as a host.
VM1 - MicroK8s Kubernetes cluster
Most of the setup is "default". Since I'm not really that knowledgeable, I have only configured two pods and their respective services - one with PostGIS and the other one with GeoServer. My intent is to add a third pod, which is the deployment of a app that I a have in VM2 and that will communicate with the GeoServer in order to provide a simple map web service (Leaflet + Django). All pods are exposed both within the cluster via internal IPs as well as externally (externalIp).
I have also installed two GitLab-related components here:
GitLab Runner with Kubernetes as executor
GitLab Kubernetes Agent
In VM2 both are visible as connected.
VM2 - GitLab
Here is where GitLab (default installation, latest version) runs. In the configuration (/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb) I have enabled the agent server.
Initially I had the runner in VM1 configured to have Docker as executor. I had not issues with that. However then I thought it would be nice to try out running the runner inside the cluster so that everything is capsuled (using the internal cluster IPs without further configuration and exposing the VM's operating system).
Both the runner and agent are showing as connected but running a pseudo-CI/CD pipeline (the one provided by GitLab, where you have build, test and deploy stages with each consisting of a simple echo and waiting for a few seconds) returns the following error:
Running with gitlab-runner 15.8.2 (4d1ca121)
on testcluster-k8s-runner Hko2pDKZ, system ID: s_072d6d140cfe
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
ERROR: Preparation failed: getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
Will be retried in 3s ...
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
ERROR: Preparation failed: getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
Will be retried in 3s ...
Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
ERROR: Preparation failed: getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
Will be retried in 3s ...
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): getting Kubernetes config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
I am unable to find any information regarding KUBERNETES_MASTER except in issue tickets (GitLab) and questions (SO and other Q&A platforms). I have no idea what it is, where to set it. My guess would be it belongs in the runner's configuration on VM1 or at least the environment of the gitlab-runner (the user that contains the runner's userspace with its respective /home/gitlab-runner directory).
The only one possible solution I have found so far is to create the .kube directory from the user which uses kubectl (in my case microk8s kubectl since I use MicroK8s) to the home directory of the GitLab runner. I didn't see anything special in this directory (no hidden files) except for a cache subdirectory, hence my decision to simply create it at /home/gitlab-runner/.kube, which didn't change a thing.

gitlab: unable to access git repository: Operation timed out

Our registered Gitlab-runner (on Kubernetes) was working fine, after upgrading the version of Gitlab, it can't clone the projects anymore! Does anyone have any idea about this issue?
Here is the log of the issue:
Running with gitlab-runner 14.9.0 (d1f69508)
on gitlab-runner-dev K5KVWdx-
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor
Using Kubernetes namespace: cicd
Using Kubernetes executor with image <docker-registry>:kuber_development ...
Using attach strategy to execute scripts...
Preparing environment
Waiting for pod cicd/runner-k5kvwdx--project-1227-concurrent-02kqgq to be running, status is Pending
Waiting for pod cicd/runner-k5kvwdx--project-1227-concurrent-02kqgq to be running, status is Pending
ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper]"
ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper]"
Running on runner-k5kvwdx--project-1227-concurrent-02kqgq via gitlab-runner-85776bd9c6-rkdvl...
Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/bigdata/search/query-processing-module/.git/
Created fresh repository.
fatal: unable to access '<git-repository>': Failed to connect to <gitlab-url> port 443 after 130010 ms: Operation timed out
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
Here is how I would debug this Issue:
Make sure there are no NetworkPolicies present, that are restricting the egress of the pod.
If you have the newest Kubernetes version you can run an ephemeral debug container inside the Pod to examine the networking situation. Docs
kubectl debug -it ephemeral-demo --image=busybox:1.28 --target=ephemeral-demo
If not you can try to get a shell inside your container and examine the situation from there or you can try to start a pod on the same node and try to connect from there.
As soon as you have a shell inside some container that doesn't work try to answer the following questions:
Can you connect to some other Server?
Can you resolve the hostname?
Is the IP a private one and overlapping with some internal Kubernetes IPs?
Can you ping the IP? If yes
Can you curl the IP? If no
If you open another port on the target machine can you connect to this port? => if yes probably some firewall problem somewhere
If no (can't ping) => can be either firewall related or IP routing related.
I cannot say for sure what is wrong, but try the steps above and hopefully you get some insight into where the Problem is.

Cert-manager fails on kubernetes with webhooks

I'm following the Kubernetes install instructions for Helm: https://docs.cert-manager.io/en/latest/getting-started/install/kubernetes.html
With Cert-manager v0.81 on K8 v1.15, Ubuntu 18.04 on-premise.
When I get to testing the installation, I get these errors:
error when creating "test-resources.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "issuers.admission.certmanager.k8s.io": the server is currently unable to handle the request
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "test-resources.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "certificates.admission.certmanager.k8s.io": the server is currently unable to handle the request
If I apply the test-resources.yaml before installing with Helm, I'm not getting the errors but it is still not working.
These errors are new to me, as Cert-manager used to work for me on my previous install about a month ago, following the same installation instructions.
I've tried with Cert-Manager 0.72(CRD 0.7) as well as I think that was the last version I managed to get installed but its not working either.
What does these errors mean?
Update: It turned out to be an internal CoreDNS issue on my cluster. Somehow not being configured correctly. Possible related to wrong POD_CIDR configuration.
If you experience this problem, check the logs of CoreDNS(Or KubeDNS) and you may see lots of errors related to contacting services. Unfortunately, I no longer have the errors.
But this is how I figured out that my network setup was invalid.
I'm using Calico(Will apply for other networks as well) and its network was not set to the same as the POD_CIDR network that I initialized my Kubernetes with.
1. Set up K8:
kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
Configure Calico.yaml:
value: ""
I also tried cert-manager v0.8.0 a very similar setup on Ubuntu 18.04 and k8s v1.14.1 and I began to get the same error when i tore down cert-manager using kubectl delete and reinstalled it, after experiencing some network issues on the cluster.
I stumbled on a solution that worked. On the master node, simply restart the apiserver container:
$ sudo docker ps -a | grep apiserver
af99f816c7ec gcr.io/google_containers/kube-apiserver#sha256:53b987e5a2932bdaff88497081b488e3b56af5b6a14891895b08703129477d85 "/bin/sh -c '/usr/loc" 15 months ago Up 19 hours k8s_kube-apiserver_kube-apiserver-ip-xxxxxc_0
40f3a18050c3 gcr.io/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.0 "/pause" 15 months ago Up 15 months k8s_POD_kube-apiserver-ip-xxxc_0
$ sudo docker restart af99f816c7ec
Then try applying the test-resources.yaml again:
$ kubectl apply -f test-resources.yaml
namespace/cert-manager-test unchanged
issuer.certmanager.k8s.io/test-selfsigned created
certificate.certmanager.k8s.io/selfsigned-cert created
If that does not work, this github issue mentions that the master node might need firewall rules to be able to reach the cert-manager-webhook pod. The exact steps to do so will depend on which cloud platform you are on.

Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Am working on Azure Kubernates where we can store Docker Images in Azure. Here am trying to check my kubectl version, then am getting
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connectex: No
connection could be made because the target machine actively refused
For this I followed MSDN:uilding Microservices with AKS and VSTS – Part 2 and MSDOCS:Kubernetes on windows
So, can you please suggest me “How to resolve for this issue?”
I am on windows 10, and for me I did not enable kubernetes on Docker Desktop.
As you can see here, there are no contexts available.
So go to settings of docker desktop and enable it as follows.
Now run a command as follows.
kubectl config get-contexts
Ensure you see something like this.
Also you can also try listing the nodes as follows.
kubectl get nodes
I think you might missed out to configure the cluster, for that you need to run the below command in your command prompt.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster
The above CLI command creates .config file with complete cluster and nodes details in your local machine.
After that you run kubectl get nodes command in your command prompt, then you can get the list of nodes inside the cluster like in the below image.
For reference follow this Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.
If you can see that your config file is correctly configured by going to $HOME/.kube/config - Linux or %UserProfile%/.kube/config - Windows but you are still receiving the error message - try running command line as an administrator.
More information on the config file can be found here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/organize-cluster-access-kubeconfig/
In my case, I was shuffling between az aks k8s cluster and local docker-desktop.
So every time I change the cluster context I need to restart the docker, else I get the same described error.
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
PS: make sure your cluster is started as shown in this picture showing (Stop local cluster)
For me it appeared to be due to Windows not having a HOME environment variable set. According to the docs kubectl will use the config file $(HOME)/.kube/config. But since this variable isn't set on Window it can't locate the file.
I created a HOME variable with the same value as USERPROFILE and it started working.
I'm using Hyper-V on Local Windows and I met this error because I didn't configure minikube.
(I know the question is about Azure, not minikube. But this article is on the top for the error message. So, I've put the solution here.)
1. enable Hyper-V.
Type in systeminfo on your Terminal. If you can find the line below,
Hyper-V Requirements: A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed.
Hyper-V works correctly.
If you can't, enable it from settings.
2. Create Hyper-V Network Switch
Open Hyper-V manager. (Searching it is the fastest way.)
Next, click your PC name on the left.
Then, you can find Virtual Switch Manager menu on the right.
Click it and choose External Virtual Switch with name: "Minikube Switch"
Click apply to create it.
3. start minikube
Go back to terminal and type in:
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Minikube Switch"
For more information, check the steps in this article.
Check docker is running and you started minikube or whichever cloud kube you using.
my issue resolved after running "minikube start --driver=docker"
Essentially this problem occurs if your minikube or kind isn't configured. Just try to restart your minikube or kind. If that doesn't solve your problem then try to restart your hypervisor which minikube uses.
minikube start
This command solved my issue.
I was facing the same error while firing the command "kubectl get pods"
The issue has been resolved by having following steps below:
a) First find out current-context
kubectl config get-contexts
b) if no context is set then set it manually by using
kubectl config set-context <Your context>
Hope this will help you.
If you're facing this error on windows, its possible that your docker instance is not running.
These are the steps I followed to replicate the above error;
Stopped docker and then tried to start-up an nginx-deployment. Doing this caused the mentioned error above to happen.
How did I solve it?
Check if minikube is running in my case this was not running
Start minikube
Retry applying your configuration above. In my case see the screenshot below
When you see that your deployment has been created, then all should be fine.
I had exactly the same problem even after having correct config (by running an azure cli command).
It seems that kubectl expects HOME env.variable set but it did not exist for me. There is however a solution:
If you add a KUBECONFIG environmental variable that will point to config it will start working.
setx KUBECONFIG %UserProfile%\.kube\config
When the variable is present kubectl has no troubles reading from file.
P.S. It is an alternative to setting a HOME variable as suggested in another answer.
Azure self-hosted agent doesn't have the permission to access Kubernates cluster:
Remove Azure self-hosted agent - .\config.cmd Remove
configure again ( .\config.cmd) with a user have permission to access Kubernates cluster
I encountered similar problem:
> kubectl cluster-info
"To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp xxx.x.x.x:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."
> kubectl cluster-info dump
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp xxx.0.0.x:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
This setup was working fine until Docker for Desktop bought it's own copy of kubectl. There are 2 ways to overcome this situation:
1 - Quit / Stop Docker for Desktop while using the cluster
2 - Set KUBECONFIG file path
I tried both the options and they worked.
Found a good source for .kube/config, sending it over here for quick reference:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority: fake-ca-file
name: development
- cluster:
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
name: scratch
- context:
cluster: development
namespace: frontend
user: developer
name: dev-frontend
- context:
cluster: development
namespace: storage
user: developer
name: dev-storage
- context:
cluster: scratch
namespace: default
user: experimenter
name: exp-scratch
current-context: ""
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: developer
client-certificate: fake-cert-file
client-key: fake-key-file
- name: experimenter
password: some-password
username: exp
Reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-access-multiple-clusters/
Following #ilya-chernomordik,
I've added my config path to the System Variable by doing
setx KUBECONFIG "D:\Minikube\Minikube.minikube\config"
I have changed the default Location from C: Drive to D: Drive as i have less space in C.
Now the problem is fixed.
edit: after 5 mins, the api server again stopped. It's been more than 5-6 hours i'm trying to solve this issue. I'm not sure why this problem is happening, even after adding the coreect path.
On Rancher Desktop, make sure context is correctly choosen
In my situation, I'm in windows with docker desktop in a simple scenario just for studies, but the case is:
In the docker version in 20.10 or above, it come with kubernetes installed. Then it doesn't necessary installed a cluster adm like minikube. Then, when it just need to enable kubernetes in Docker Desktop configuration. Like:
Go to Docker Desktop: settings > kubernetes > check the box inside section Enable kubernetes and then click in Restart Kubernetes Cluster
When we do this, the docker provide all needed to works Kubernetes properly.
Referenced by: Blog

Cannot get fabric8 to start on local development machine (OSX or Linux)

I'm trying to give fabric8 a shot but I'm having issues getting it to start on a local machine running minikube and virtualbox (I've attempted this on Linux and OSX. I'm able to get all but one of the pods to start (after manually increasing minikube's VM ram to 8GB). The expose controller won't start and is giving me the following error in the logs:
I0415 14:29:43.431944 1 exposecontroller.go:47] Using build: '2.3.2'
F0415 14:29:43.492059 1 exposecontroller.go:66] failed to create new strategy: failed to create node port expose strategy: failed to list nodes: nodes is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:fabric8:exposecontroller" cannot list nodes at the cluster scope
Here are the commands I'm running:
minikube start --cpus=5 --disk-size=50g --memory=8000
curl -sS http://get.fabric8.io/download.txt | bash
gofabric8 start
I also tried creating OAuth secret via GitHub (using bogus IP address info for the redirect URL) but this doesn't make sense to me because I don't have a domain... Then I ran these:
minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve --cpus=5 --disk-size=50g --memory=8000
minikube addons enable ingress
gofabric8 deploy --package system -n fabric8
That resulted in the exposecontroller working but then additional pods (keycloak, for example) were created but failed to start.
I've spent hours trying to get this to work and am about to give up. The documentation on GitHub differs from fabric8's site documentation and I just can't get it to work. If someone is able to help, I would greatly appreciate it.
I've attempted to follow the instructions here:
Additionally, I attempted to follow this: