If ActiveMQ Artemis is configured with a redelivery-delay > 0 and a JMS listener uses ctx.rollback() or ctx.recover() then the broker will redeliver the message as expected. But if a producer pushes a message to the queue during a redelivery then the receiver gets unordered messages.
For example:
Queue: 1 -> message 1 is redelivered as expected
Push during the redelivery phase
Queue: 2,3 -> the receiver gets 2,3,1
With a redelivery-delay of 0 everything is ok, but the frequency of redeliveries on consumer side is too high. My expectation is that every delivery to the consumer should be stopped until the unacknowledged message is purged from the queue or acknowledged. We are using a queue for connection with single devices. Every device has it's own I/O queue with a single consumer. The word queue suggest strict ordering to me. It could be nice to make this behavior configurable like "strict_redelivery_order".
What you're seeing is the expected behavior. If you use a redelivery-delay > 0 then delivery order will be broken. If you use a redelivery-delay of 0 then delivery order will not be broken. Therefore, if you want to maintain strict order then use a redelivery-delay of 0.
If the broker blocked delivery of all other messages on the queue during a redelivery delay that would completely destroy message throughput performance. What if the redelivery delay were 60 seconds or 10 minutes? The queue would be blocked that entire time. This would not be tenable for an enterprise message broker serving hundreds or perhaps thousands of clients each of whom may regularly be triggering redeliveries on shared queues. This behavior is not configurable.
If you absolutely must maintain message order even for messages that cannot be immediately consumed and a redelivery-delay of 0 causes redeliveries that are too fast then I see a few potential options (in no particular order):
Configure a dead-letter address and set a max-delivery-attempts to a suitable value so after a few redeliveries the problematic message can be cleared from the queue.
Implement a delay of your own in your client. This could be as simple as catching any exception and using a Thread.sleep() before calling ctx.rollback().
Is this a possible case for data loss? If due to unerlying hardware issue, kafka is having request queue queued up, If this time, we shutdown/bounce that kafka broker, What will happen to the follower?
what will happen to the message is the queue?
Size of the request queue. A congested request queue will not be able to process incoming or outgoing requests
Based on what I learn from kafka, this should be in networklayer, does that mean the message in the queue will be dropped, is this a case of data loss?
The message still present in the request queue has not yet been appended to log nor replicated to replicas.
Depending on your producer (mainly acks attribute) and broker configuration (min.insync.replicas), you're risking data loss.
Set acks to a higher value to ensure that your request has been processed.
I have a single node ActiveMQ instance with two competing consumers connected to a topic. The topic subscription is shared as per JMS 2.0 specification. Shared subscription does guarantee that only either of the subscribers (using same subscription name) gets the message. But what I noticed is that it does not guarantee that the second message is delivered only if the first one is acknowledged. In case if the first consumer takes time to acknowledge the message, the second message is delivered to the free consumer even before the acknowledgement of the first one is sent by the consumer to the broker. Is this a standard behaviour? And is there a way to stop the broker from delivering the second message before the acknowledgement of the first one?
ActiveMQ Artemis allows the exclusive queues. They are special queues which route all messages to only one consumer at a time.
Obviously exclusive queues have a draw back that you cannot scale out the consumers to improve consumption as only one consumer would technically be active.
However I would suggest to take a look at the message grouping to scale out your solution. Message groups are useful when you want all messages for a certain value of the property to be processed serially by the same consumer, without stopping the delivery of messages with different value of the property to other consumers.
I noted strange behavior in Artemins. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I don't understand something.
I use Artemis Core API. I set autoCommitAcks to false. I noted that If message is received in MessageHandler but message is not acknowledged and session is rollbacked then Artemis does not consider this message as undelivered, Artemis consider this message as not sent to consumer at all. Parameter max-delivery-attempts does not work in this case. Message is redelivered an infinite number of times. Method org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.client.ClientMessage#getDeliveryCount returns 1 each time. Message has false value in Redelivered column in web console. If message is acknowledged before session rollback then max-delivery-attempts works properly.
What exactly is the purpose of message acknowledge? Acknowledge means only that message was received or acknowledge means that message was received and processed successfully? Maybe I can use acknowledge in both ways and it only depends on my requirements?
By message acknowledge I mean calling org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.client.ClientMessage#acknowledge method.
The behavior you're seeing is expected.
Core clients actually consume messages from a local buffer which is filled with messages from the broker asynchronously. The amount of message data in this local buffer is controlled by the consumerWindowSize set on the client's URL. The broker may dispatch many thousands of messages to various clients that sit in these local buffers and are never actually seen in any capacity by the consumers. These messages are considered to be in delivery and are not available to other clients, but they are not considered to be delivered. Only when a message is acknowledged is it considered to be delivered to a client.
If the client is auto-committing acknowledgements then acknowledging a message will quickly remove it from its respective queue. Once the message is removed from the queue it can no longer be redelivered because it doesn't exist anymore on the broker. In short, you can't get configurable redelivery semantics if you auto-commit acknowledgements.
However, if the client is not auto-committing acknowledgements and the consumer closes (for any reason) without committing the acknowledgements or calls rollback() on its ClientSession then the acknowledged messages will be redelivered according to the configured redelivery semantics (including max-delivery-attempts).
I am going through the documentation and it is little confusing about the parameter "max.in.flight.requests.per.connection"
The maximum number of unacknowledged requests the client will send on a single connection before blocking. Note that if this setting is set to be greater than 1 and there are failed sends, there is a risk of message re-ordering due to retries (i.e., if retries are enabled).
The phrase "unacknowledged requests" refers to per producer or per connection or per client ?
Please see the answer below from Eugene. I'm not sure if this answer was wrong or if Kafka changes the behaviour in the 2 years between the answers.
Original answer
It's per partition. Kafka internally might multiplex connections (e.g. to send several requests using a single connect for different topics/partitions that are handled by the same broker), or have an individual connection per partition, but these are performance concerns which are mostly dealt within the client.
The documentation of retries, sheds some more light (and clarifies that is per partition)
Setting a value greater than zero will cause the client to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error. Note that this retry is no different than if the client resent the record upon receiving the error. Allowing retries without setting max.in.flight.requests.per.connection to 1 will potentially change the ordering of records because if two batches are sent to a single partition, and the first fails and is retried but the second succeeds, then the records in the second batch may appear first. Note additionally that produce requests will be failed before the number of retries has been exhausted if the timeout configured by delivery.timeout.ms expires first before successful acknowledgement. Users should generally prefer to leave this config unset and instead use delivery.timeout.ms to control retry behavior.
This is a setting per connection, per broker. If you have a producer, then internally it uses a Sender Thread that dispatches batches from the RecordAccumulator to the broker (in simpler words : sends messages). This sender thread is allowed to have a max of ${max.in.flight.requests.per.connection} requests that it has not yet received acknowledgements from the broker. Think about this way: a sender does some operations in typical processing.
Drain batches -> Make Requests -> Pool Connections -> Fire Callbacks.
So at some point (Pool Connections) it can send a request to the broker, but not wait for a response, it will check for the response in the next cycle. It can have such unacknowledged requests, up to that max.in.flight.requests.per.connection value.
Creating Kafka Producer with "acks=all" config.
Is their any significance of calling flush with above config ?
Will it wait for flush to be invoked before being sent to broker.
acks=all This means the leader will wait for the full set of in-sync
replicas to acknowledge the record. This guarantees that the record
will not be lost as long as at least one in-sync replica remains
alive. This is the strongest available guarantee. This is equivalent
to the acks=-1 setting.
As per documentation
Invoking this method makes all buffered records immediately available
to send (even if linger_ms is greater than 0) and blocks on the
completion of the requests associated with these records. The
post-condition of flush() is that any previously sent record will have
completed (e.g. Future.is_done() == True). A request is considered
completed when either it is successfully acknowledged according to the
‘acks’ configuration for the producer, or it results in an error.
Other threads can continue sending messages while one thread is
blocked waiting for a flush call to complete; however, no guarantee is
made about the completion of messages sent after the flush call
flush() will still block the client application until all messages are sent even with ack=0. The only thing is that it won't wait for an ack, the block is only until the buffer is sent out.
flush() with ack=all guarantees that the messages have been sent and has been replicated on the cluster with required replication factor.
Finally, to answer your question: Will it wait for flush to be invoked before being sent to broker?
Answer: Not necessarily. The producer keeps sending messages at an interval or by batch size (The buffer.memory controls the total amount of memory available to the producer for buffering). But, it's always good to flush() to make sure you send all messages.
Refer to this link for more information.
Let me first try and call out the distinction between flush() and acks before I get to the 2 questions.
flush() - This is a method to be invoked in the producer to push the messages to the brokers from the buffer (configurable) maintained on the producer side. You would either invoke this method or close() to send the messages through to the brokers from the producer buffer. This gets invoked automatically if the buffer memory available to the producer gets full (as described by Manoj in his answer).
acks=ALL is however a responsibility of the broker i.e. to send an acknowledgement back to the producer after the messages have synchronously replicated to other brokers as per the setting requested in the producer. You would use this setting to tune your message delivery semantics. In this case, as soon as the messages are replicated to the designated in-sync replicas, the broker will send the acknowledgement to the producer saying - "I got your messages".
Now, on your questions i.e. If there is any significance of calling flush with the acks setting and whether or not the producer will wait for flush to be invoked before being sent to the broker.
Well, the asynchronous nature of the producer will ensure that the producer does not wait. If however, you invoke flush() explicitly or if it gets invoked on its own then any further sends will be blocked until the producer gets the acknowledgement from the broker. So, the relationship between these 2 is very subtle.
I hope this helps!