ActiveMQ Artemis JMS Shared Subscription - redhat

I have a single node ActiveMQ instance with two competing consumers connected to a topic. The topic subscription is shared as per JMS 2.0 specification. Shared subscription does guarantee that only either of the subscribers (using same subscription name) gets the message. But what I noticed is that it does not guarantee that the second message is delivered only if the first one is acknowledged. In case if the first consumer takes time to acknowledge the message, the second message is delivered to the free consumer even before the acknowledgement of the first one is sent by the consumer to the broker. Is this a standard behaviour? And is there a way to stop the broker from delivering the second message before the acknowledgement of the first one?

ActiveMQ Artemis allows the exclusive queues. They are special queues which route all messages to only one consumer at a time.
Obviously exclusive queues have a draw back that you cannot scale out the consumers to improve consumption as only one consumer would technically be active.
However I would suggest to take a look at the message grouping to scale out your solution. Message groups are useful when you want all messages for a certain value of the property to be processed serially by the same consumer, without stopping the delivery of messages with different value of the property to other consumers.


Redundant Kafka Consumers

Can one have 2 clients reading a single topic such that they never receive the same message? If one client dies, the other keeps reading and gets all the messages.
In a word "redundant clients" - not for performance sake but for client failover.
All I have seen is examples of N partitions and >N clients in a consumer group where N clients get messages and the rest are idle. It's not optimal to have 2 clients on a single partition where one client does nothing until the other client fails.
More than one clients in the same consumer group cannot be assigned the same partition at the same time, therefore will never receive the same messages
The scenario you're asking for is more fault tolerance than load balancing... Assuming one partition, if you run two consumers and one encounters some fatal exception while consuming a message and doesn't commit that offset and the client dies, then the secondary idle consumer will pickup from the last committed offset and try consuming those same messages after the consumer group rebalances

If I use Kafka as simple message. Does it really worth

=== Assume everything from consumer point of view ===
I was reading couple of Kafka articles and I saw that the number of partitions is coupled to number of micro-service instances.... Ex: If I say 1topic 1partition for my serviceA.. Producer pushes message to topicT1, partitionP1, and from consumerSide(ServiceA1) I can read from t1,p1. If I spin new pod(ServiceA2) to have highThroughput then second instance will never receive any message because Kafka/ZooKeeper assigns id to each Consumer and partition1 is already taken by serviceA1. So serviceA2++ stays idle... To avoid such a hassle Kafka recommends to add more partition, so that number of consumers can be increased/decreased based on need.
I was also able to test through commandLine and service2 never consumed any message. If I shut service1 then service2 was able to pick new message... So if I spin more pod then FailSafe/Availability increases but throughput is same always...
Is my assumption is correct. Am I missing anything. Now I feel like any standard messaging will have the same problem...How to extend message-oriented systems itself.
Every topic has a partition, by default it comes with only one partition if you don't define the partition count value. In your case, you have a consumer group that consists of two consumers. Every consumer read the log from the partition. In your case, first consumer read the log from the first partition(we have the only partition), and for second consumer there will be no partition to the consumer the data so it become idle. Once first consumer gets down then only the second consumer starts reading the data from the first partition from the last committed offset.
Please check below blogs and videos. It explains the topic, consumer, and consumer group in kafka.
I hope this will give you idea about the consumer and consumer group.
A broad solution to this is to decouple consumption of a message (i.e. receiving a message from Kafka and perhaps deserializing it and validating that it conforms to the schema) and processing it (interpreting the message). If the consumption is simple enough, being limited to no more instances consuming than there are partitions need not constrain.
One way to accomplish this is to have a Kafka consumption service which sends an HTTP request (perhaps through a load balancer or whatever) to a processing service which has arbitrarily many members.
Note that depending on what you're using Kafka for, there may be a requirement that certain messages always be in the same partition as one another in order to ensure that they get handled in a deterministic order (since ordering across partitions is not guaranteed). A typical example of this would be if the messages are change events for a particular record. If you're accomplishing this via some hash of the message key (or a portion of the key if using a custom partitioner), then simply changing the number of partitions might not be viable (you would need to introduce some sort of migration or have the producers know which records have to be routed to the old partitions and only route to the new partitions if the record has never been seen before).
We just started replacing messaging with Kafka.
In a traditional MQ there will be a cluster and 1orMQ will be there inside.
So the MQ cluster/co-ordinator service will deliver the message to clients.
Now there can be 10 services/clients which can consume message from single MQ.
So if there are 10 messages in MQ then each service/consumer/client can read/process 1 message
Now this case is not possible in Kafka which I understood now as per design
To achieve similar functionality in Kafka I have add equal or more number of partition as client/consumer/pods.

Message order issue in single consumer connected to ActiveMQ Artemis queue

Any possibility of message order issue while receive single queue consumer and multiple producer?
producer1 publish message m1 at 2021-06-27 02:57:44.513 and producer2 publish message m2 at 2021-06-27 02:57:44.514 on same queue worker_consumer_queue. Client code connected to the queue configured as single consumer should receive message in order m1 first and then m2 correct? Sometimes message receive in wrong order. version is ActiveMQ Artemis 2.17.0.
Even though I mentioned that multiple producer, message publish one after another from same thread using property blockOnDurableSend=false.
I create and close producer on each message publish. On same JVM, my assumption is order of published messages in queue, from same thread or from different threads even with async. timestamp is getJMSTimestamp(). async publish also maintain any internal queue has order?
If you use blockOnDurableSend=false you're basically saying you don't strictly care about the order or even if the message makes it to the broker at all. Using blockOnDurableSend=false basically means "fire and forget."
Furthermore, the JMSTimetamp is not when the message is actually sent as noted in the javax.jms.Message JavaDoc:
The JMSTimestamp header field contains the time a message was handed off to a provider to be sent. It is not the time the message was actually transmitted, because the actual send may occur later due to transactions or other client-side queueing of messages.
With more than one producer there is no guarantee that the messages will be processed in order.
More producers, ActiveMQ Artemis and one consumer are a distributed system and the lack of a global clock is a significant characteristic of distributed systems.
Even if producers and ActiveMQ Artemis were on the same machine and used the same clock, ActiveMQ Artemis could not receive the messages in the same order producers would create and send their messages. Because the time to create a message and the time to send a message include variable time latencies.
The easiest solution is to trust the order of the messages received by ActiveMQ Artemis, adding a timestamp with an interceptor or enabling the ingress timestamp, see ARTEMIS-2919 for further details.
If the easiest solution doesn't work, the distributed solution is to implement a distributed system total ordering algorithm as lamport timestamps.
Well, as it seams it is not a bug within Artemis, when it comes to a millisecond difference it is more like a network lag or something like this.
So to workaround I got to the idea, you could create a algorythm in which a recieved message will wait for ~100ms before it is really worked through (whatever you want to be doing with this message) and check if there is another message which your application recieved afterwards but is send before. So basicly have your own receiver queue with a delay.
IF there is message that was before, you could simply move that up in your personal algorythm. You could also think about to reject the first message back to your bus, depending on your settings on queues and topics it would be able to recieve it afterwards again.

Message queue (like RabbitMQ) or Kafka for Microservices?

We are starting a new project, where we are evaluating the tech stack for asynchronous communication between microservices? We are considering RabbitMQ and Kafka for this.
Can anyone shed some light on the key considerations to decide one between these twos?
Selection depends upon what exactly your microservices needs. Both has something different as compared to other.
RabbitMQ in a nutshell
Who are the players:
The flow starts from the Publisher, which send a message to exchange, Exchange is a middleware layer that knows to route the message to the queue, consumers can define which queue they are consuming from (by defining binding), RabbitMQ pushes the message to the consumer, and once consumed and acknowledgment has arrived, message is removed from the queue.
Any piece in this system can be scaled out: producer, consumer, and also the RabbitMQ itself can be clustered, and highly available.
Who are the players
Consumer / Consumer groups
Kafka source connect
Kafka sink connect
Topic and topic partition
Kafka stream
Kafka is a robust system and has several members in the game. but once you understand well the flow, this becomes easy to manage and to work with.
Producer send a message record to a topic, a topic is a category or feed name to which records are published, it can be partitioned, to get better performance, consumers subscribed to a topic and start to pull messages from it, when a topic is partitioned, then each partition get its own consumer instance, we called all instances of same consumer a consumer group.
In Kafka messages are always remaining in the topic, also if they were consumed (limit time is defined by retention policy)
Also, Kafka uses sequential disk I/O, this approach boosts the performance of Kafka and makes it a leader option in queues implementation, and a safe choice for big data use cases.
Use Kafka if you need
Time travel/durable/commit log
Many consumers for the same message
High throughput
Stream processing
High availability
Message order
Use RabbitMq if you need:
flexible routing
Priority Queue
A standard protocol message queue
For more info
In order to select a message broker, I think this list could be really helpful.
 Supported programming languages: You probably should pick one that supports a
variety of programming languages.
 Supported messaging standards: Does the message broker support any standards,
such as AMQP and STOMP, or is it proprietary?
 Messaging order: Does the message broker preserve the ordering of messages?
 Delivery guarantees: What kind of delivery guarantees does the broker make?
 Persistence: Are messages persisted to disk and able to survive broker crashes?
 Durability: If a consumer reconnects to the message broker, will it receive the
messages that were sent while it was disconnected?
 Scalability: How scalable is the message broker?
 Latency: What is the end-to-end latency?
 Competing consumers: Does the message broker support competing consumers?
Rabbit MQ
It's a distributed streaming platform, working on the pub-sub model.
It's a message-broker, that works on pub-sub and queue-based model.
No out of the box support for retries and DLQ
Supports retries and DLQ out of the box(via DLX).
Consumers can't filter messages specifically.
Topic exchange and header exchange facilitate consumer-based message filtering.
Messages are retained till their validity period.
Messages are gone as soon as they are read.
Does not support scheduled or delayed message routing.
Supports scheduled and delayed routing of messages.
Scales horizontally
Scales vertically
Pull based approach
Pull based apporach
Supports event replay with consumer groups
No way to event replay

What is the difference between pulsar and kafka in regards to consumption?

In order to consume data from Kafka, we can have multiple consumers on a topic, totally decoupled. Then, what is meant by no shared consumption on the page( which shares differences between kafka and pulsar?
In his blog, Sijie is referring to shared messaging as queuing. With queuing messaging, multiple consumers are created to receive messages from a single topic. Which consumer gets the message is completely random.
The issue with implementing the messaging pattern with Kafka lies in way that Kafka consumers mark that they’ve consumed a message. Kafka consumers use what’s called a high watermark for consumer offsets. That means that a consumer can only say, “I’ve processed up to this point” rather than, “I’ve processed this message.”
Consider the scenario in which multiple Kafka consumers from the same consumer group were processing from the same topic partition and one of the consumers fails due to an exception while the other succeed. Because Kafka does not a have a built-in way to only acknowledge a single message, and only uses a high-water mark, the failed message would be erronously marked as consumed when in fact it failed and needs to be either reprocessed or published to an error queue, etc.
In order to avoid this situation, you would need to have just a single consumer per partition which limits the comsumption throughput of the topic. Which in turn requires you to increase the number of partitions in order to meet your throughput needs.
There is a detailed explanation in this blog post