OTRS getting internal server error when creating ticket - perl

I'm having a problem with creating a ticket with the generic interface. I'm using Perl via a SOAP api. I created a webservice with the GenericTicketConnector.yml.
I looked at the debugger of the webservice and the only data what is not provided is that of TicketCreate.
I uploaded the script to the remote (Unix) where the files are stored with the use of WinSCP and i run the script with the use of Putty SSH connection.
Error message: 500 Internal Server Error
# this is the URL for the web service
# the format is
# <HTTP_TYPE>:://<OTRS_FQDN>/nph-genericinterface.pl/Webservice/<WEB_SERVICE_NAME>
# or
# <HTTP_TYPE>:://<OTRS_FQDN>/nph-genericinterface.pl/WebserviceID/<WEB_SERVICE_ID>
my $URL = 'http://localhost/otrs/nph-genericinterface.pl/Webservice/GenericTicketConnector';
# this name space should match the specified name space in the SOAP transport for the web service
my $NameSpace = 'http://www.otrs.org/TicketConnector/';
# this is operation to execute, it could be TicketCreate, TicketUpdate, TicketGet, TicketSearch
# or SessionCreate. and they must to be defined in the web service.
my $Operation = 'TicketCreate';
# this variable is used to store all the parameters to be included on a request in XML format, each
# operation has a determined set of mandatory and non mandatory parameters to work correctly, please
# check OTRS Admin Manual in order to get the complete list
my $XMLData = '
<Title>some title</Title>
<Priority>3 normal</Priority>
<Subject>some subject</Subject>
<Body>some body</Body>
<ContentType>text/plain; charset=utf8</ContentType>
# create a SOAP::Lite data structure from the provided XML data structure
my $SOAPData = SOAP::Data
->type( 'xml' => $XMLData );
my $SOAPObject = SOAP::Lite->uri($NameSpace)->proxy($URL)
# check for a fault in the soap code
if ( $SOAPObject->fault() ) {
print $SOAPObject->faultcode(), " ", $SOAPObject->faultstring(), "\n";
# otherwise print the results
else {
# get the XML response part from the SOAP message
my $XMLResponse = $SOAPObject->context()->transport()->proxy()->http_response()->content();
# deserialize response (convert it into a perl structure)
my $Deserialized = eval {
# remove all the headers and other not needed parts of the SOAP message
my $Body = $Deserialized->body();
# just output relevant data and no the operation name key (like TicketCreateResponse)
for my $ResponseKey ( sort keys %{$Body} ) {
print Dumper( $Body->{$ResponseKey} ); ## no critic

Try to open the webservice in your browser. Is it working?
I recently did it for myself. I used the REST yml file. I also called my webservice GenericTicketConnectorREST. But you should also get some answer aswell
Following URI is accessable for me via browser


S3 signature mismatch for presigned URL

I'm trying to create a pre signed URL for Amazon S3.
The below code generates the same signature as the signature in the example in the S3 docs.
However, when I plug in my own credentials etc, I get an error from AWS:
"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method."
Given the code below seems to work, I presume my signing method is ok. Also, the credentials used are the ones
used to upload the file, so they are good too. They are root credentials, not an IAM user.
I have tried:
1) A file name with and without a period.
2) A file in US standard as well as Ireland.
4) SHA256 (although this breaks the example in the docs.)
5) Different web clients: wget, curl and Firefox.
I seem to be doing exactly the same as the php given here:
Creating a signed S3 URL with Javascript
This is the URL generated for the US standard. Bucket is "buck1bar", file is "foo.txt"
So, what am I doing wrong?
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use MIME::Base64;
use Digest::HMAC;
use Digest::SHA;
use URI::Escape;
my $hmac3 = Digest::HMAC->new( 'OtxrzxIsfpFjA7SwPzILwy8Bw21TLhquhboDYROV', 'Digest::SHA');
my $signature = uri_escape( encode_base64 $hmac3->digest, '');
print "vjbyPxybdZaNmGa%2ByT272YEAiv4%3D\n$signature\n";
# vjbyPxybdZaNmGa%2ByT272YEAiv4%3D
# vjbyPxybdZaNmGa%2ByT272YEAiv4%3D
After further hackery, it turns out that the module I was using already does it.
my $client = Net::Amazon::S3::Client->new( s3 => $s3 );
my $bucket = $client->bucket( name => $bucket_name );
my $o = $bucket->object( key => 'key1', expires => '2016-07-08' );
my $uri = $o->query_string_authentication_uri();
print "$uri\n";

php fopen with ssh2.sftp is failing with special characters

The below is working just fine
$stream = fopen($connection_string . "/var/tmp/test.test", 'r');
$stream = fopen($connection_string . "/var/tmp/test.#test", 'r');
Fails with an error message:
Warning: fopen(): Unable to open ssh2.sftp://Resource id #108/var/tmp/test.#test on remote host in...
test.test and test#test are working fine, only the combination of test.#test is failing.
ssh2_scp_recv() handles test.#test just fine.
CentOS release 5.8 (Final)
PHP 5.2.17
Is this a php bug? Or some special character escaping is required?
it would be interesting to know how well it works with phpseclib. eg.
$sftp = new Net_SFTP('www.domain.tld');
if (!$sftp->login('username', 'password')) {
exit('Login Failed');
// outputs the contents of filename.remote to the screen
echo $sftp->get('filename.remote');
// copies filename.remote to filename.local from the SFTP server
$sftp->get('filename.remote', 'filename.local');
src: http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/sftp/examples.html#get
if phpseclib didn't work you could enable logging, with phpseclib, and see what the phpseclib logs say. eg. do define('NET_SSH2_LOGGING', NET_SSH2_LOG_COMPLEX); after you include Net/SFTP.php and then do $sftp->getLog() after you try to download the file.

Perl WWW::Mechanize methods not working in AIX

I have a simple requirement of screen scraping a web-page (simple URL based reports) and direct the HTML response to an output file. The URL will however redirect to an authentication (HTTPS Login) page with "form based" authentication (no javascript) and upon authentication the report I am trying to view should show up in the $response (as HTML). Interestingly, my code is working just fine in a Windows machine, however the same code below is not working in AIX machine and it looks like the click_button() function call does nothing. I have tried click(), submit(), but none is working so instead of getting the actual report all I get is the logon screen in the HTML output file. Any ideas, what can be wrong?
use WWW::Mechanize;
use strict;
my $username = "admin";
my $password = "welcome1";
my $outpath = "/home/data/output";
my $fromday = 7;
my $url = "https://www.myreports.com/tax_report.php";
my $name = "tax_report";
my $outfile = "$outpath/$name.html";
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(noproxy =>'0');
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$year += 1900;
$mon++; # since it will start from 0
$mday--; # yesterdays date (to day)
$fromday = $mday - $days; #(from day)
#Create URL extension for generating report with previous date
my $dt_range = "?Y&dc_date1=$mon%2F$fromday%2F$year&dc_date2=$mon%2F$mday%2F$year";
my $url = $url . $dt_range;
$mech->field(login => "$username");
$mech->field(passwd => "$password");
$mech->add_handler("request_send", sub { shift->dump; return });
$mech->add_handler("response_done", sub { shift->dump; return });
$mech->click_button(value=>"Login now");
my $response = $mech->content();
print "Generating report: $name...\n";
open (OUT, ">>$outfile")|| die "Cannot create report file $outfile";
print OUT "$response";
close OUT;
The WWW::Mechanize version in both the Machines are same i.e. 1.54 but the Win machine perl version is 5.10.1 whereas the AIX machine's Perl version is 5.8.8.
Other Alternatives Used -
my $inputobject=$mech->current_form()->find_input( undef,'submit' );
print $inputobject->value . "\n";
$mech->click_button(input => $inputobject);
print $mech->status() . "\n";
The $inputobject shows the correct button element as in the HTML source and the second print returns a status of 200 which apparently stands for OK. But its still not working in the AIX machine.
UPDATE- It seems that the site I am trying to connect to has an un-trusted SSL certificate. I tried the program on three different machines Windows PC, Mac and AIX. On the Windows Machine the program works and I was able to login to the website through the browsers (Chrome, Firefox,IE). However in Mac, the login just won't work (through the browsers) and it shows an un-trusted certificate error (or warning!) this probably means the proxy settings are not set up, the Perl program won't work either. And lastly the AIX where the Perl is not working as well. Not sure how to bypass this un-trusted SSL certificate issue here. Any help will be appreciated.
UPDATE2: Included below lines of code in the script to see logging details and found that I was being re-directed (HTTP 302) since my IP was filtered by the server Firewall. Once the AIX ip was added to the server's firewall exception the script worked perfectly. The two lines below were the life saver-
$mech->add_handler("request_send", sub { shift->dump; return });
$mech->add_handler("response_done", sub { shift->dump; return });
Can you use the following line before my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(noproxy =>'0'); of your perl code and try again ?

How to access a simple SOAP Service in Perl

I am currently dabbling around with perl and SOAP, using SOAP::Lite.
I have a simple SOAP server that appears to run fine:
#!perl -w
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
use Demo;
# don't want to die on 'Broken pipe' or Ctrl-C
my $daemon = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon
-> new (LocalPort => 801)
-> dispatch_to('/home/soaplite/modules')
print "Contact to SOAP server at ", $daemon->url, "\n";
It includes a small class called Demo, which simply retrieves the systems total memory:
use Sys::MemInfo qw(totalmem freemem totalswap);
print "total memory: ".(&totalmem / 1024)."\n";
I have an example of a SOAP client below written in PERL, although I am unsure how to communicate with the server (since the tutorial I am following here goes of on a tangent e.g. retrieve the result of the Demo.py class from the client:
#!perl -w
use SOAP::Lite;
# Frontier http://www.userland.com/
$s = SOAP::Lite
-> uri('/examples')
-> on_action(sub { sprintf '"%s"', shift })
-> proxy('http://superhonker.userland.com/')
print $s->getStateName(SOAP::Data->name(statenum => 25))->result;
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
For the server script, the dispatch_to method takes the path to the package to load, and the name of the package itself. If you pass a third parameter, it will limit the names of the methods made visible by the server. (e.g. 2 methods named memory and time, passing Demo::time as the 3rd param will make memory invisible to the client service.)
File server.pl
my $daemon = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon
-> new (LocalPort => 801)
-> dispatch_to('/home/soaplite/modules', 'Demo')
Your Demo package should be a package with methods that return the values. I couldn't get Sys::MemInfo compiled on my system, so I just used localtime instead. I'm not sure why you named your package Demo.py, but Perl packages must have the extension pm, otherwise they won't be properly loaded.
File Demo.pm
package Demo;
#use Sys::MemInfo qw(totalmem freemem totalswap);
sub memory {
#print "total memory: ".(&totalmem / 1024)."\n";
return "Can't load Sys::MemInfo, sorry";
sub time {
my $time = localtime;
return $time;
For the client code, there's 2 important pieces that must be properly specified to work, the proxy and the uri. The proxy is the url path to the soap web service. Since you are running the server script as a daemon process, your path is just the web site's url. My computer doesn't have a url, so I used http://localhost:801/. The 801 is the port you specified above. If you were running as a cgi script inside of a different web server (such as Apache), then you would need to specify the cgi script to call (e.g. http://localhost/cgi-bin/server.pl, changing the package in server.pl to SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI.
uri is probably the most confusing, but it's the namespace of the xml files returned by the web service. Turn on +trace => 'debug' to see the xml file returned by the web service. The uri should just be the name of the server. Even if you switch ports or to a cgi dispatch method, this uri stays the same.
File test.pl
#!perl -w
use SOAP::Lite +trace => 'debug';
# Frontier http://www.userland.com/
$s = SOAP::Lite->new(proxy => 'http://superhonker.userland.com:801/',
uri => 'http://superhonker.userland.com/');
#might be http://www.userland.com/
#but I could not test sub-domains
print $s->time()->result;
I'll recycle these two answers for tips:
Client of web service in Perl
Remote function call using SOAP::Lite

Why can't I connect to my CAS server with Perl's AuthCAS?

I'm attempting to use an existing CAS server to authenticate login for a Perl CGI web script and am using the AuthCAS Perl module (v 1.3.1). I can connect to the CAS server to get the service ticket but when I try to connect to validate the ticket my script returns with the following error from the IO::Socket::SSL module:
500 Can't connect to [CAS Server]:443 (Bad hostname '[CAS Server]')
([CAS Server] substituted for real server name)
If I type the generated URL for the authentication into the web browser's location bar it returns just fine with the expected XML snippet. So it is not a bad host name.
If I generate a script without using the AuthCAS module but using the IO::Socket::SSL module directly to query the CAS server for validation on the generated service ticket the Perl script will run fine from the command line but not in the browser.
If I add the AuthCAS module into the script in item 2, the script no longer works on the command line and still doesn't work in the browser.
Here is the bare-bones script that produces the error:
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use AuthCAS;
use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
my $id = $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
my $q = new CGI;
my $target = "http://localhost/cgi-bin/testCAS.cgi";
my $cas = new AuthCAS(casUrl => 'https://cas_server/cas');
if ($id eq ""){
my $login_url = $cas->getServerLoginURL($target);
printf "Location: $login_url\n\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print $q->header();
print "CAS TEST<br>\n";
## When coming back from the CAS server a ticket is provided in the QUERY_STRING
print "QUERY_STRING = " . $id . "</br>\n";
## $ST should contain the received Service Ticket
my $ST = $q->param('ticket');
my $user = $cas->validateST($target, $ST); #### This is what fails
printf "Error: %s\n", &AuthCAS::get_errors() unless (defined $user);
Any ideas on where the conflict might be?
The error is coming from the line directly above the snippet Cebjyre quoted namely
$ssl_socket = new IO::Socket::SSL(%ssl_options);
namely the socket creation. All of the input parameters are correct. I had edited the module to put in debug statements and print out all the parameters just before that call and they are all fine. Looks like I'm going to have to dive deeper into the IO::Socket::SSL module.
As usually happens when I post questions like this, I found the problem. It turns out the Crypt::SSLeay module was not installed or at least not up to date. Of course the error messages didn't give me any clues. Updating it and all the problems go away and things are working fine now.
Well, from the module source it looks like that IO::Socket error is coming from get_https2
unless ($ssl_socket) {
$errors = sprintf "error %s unable to connect https://%s:%s/\n",&IO::Socket::SSL::errstr,$host,$port;
return undef;
which is called by callCAS, which is called by validateST.
One option is to temporarily edit the module file to put some debug statements in if you can, but if I had to guess, I'd say the casUrl you are supplying isn't matching up to the _parse_url regex properly - maybe you have three slashes after the https?