How to access a simple SOAP Service in Perl - perl

I am currently dabbling around with perl and SOAP, using SOAP::Lite.
I have a simple SOAP server that appears to run fine:
#!perl -w
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
use Demo;
# don't want to die on 'Broken pipe' or Ctrl-C
my $daemon = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon
-> new (LocalPort => 801)
-> dispatch_to('/home/soaplite/modules')
print "Contact to SOAP server at ", $daemon->url, "\n";
It includes a small class called Demo, which simply retrieves the systems total memory:
use Sys::MemInfo qw(totalmem freemem totalswap);
print "total memory: ".(&totalmem / 1024)."\n";
I have an example of a SOAP client below written in PERL, although I am unsure how to communicate with the server (since the tutorial I am following here goes of on a tangent e.g. retrieve the result of the class from the client:
#!perl -w
use SOAP::Lite;
# Frontier
$s = SOAP::Lite
-> uri('/examples')
-> on_action(sub { sprintf '"%s"', shift })
-> proxy('')
print $s->getStateName(SOAP::Data->name(statenum => 25))->result;
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

For the server script, the dispatch_to method takes the path to the package to load, and the name of the package itself. If you pass a third parameter, it will limit the names of the methods made visible by the server. (e.g. 2 methods named memory and time, passing Demo::time as the 3rd param will make memory invisible to the client service.)
my $daemon = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon
-> new (LocalPort => 801)
-> dispatch_to('/home/soaplite/modules', 'Demo')
Your Demo package should be a package with methods that return the values. I couldn't get Sys::MemInfo compiled on my system, so I just used localtime instead. I'm not sure why you named your package, but Perl packages must have the extension pm, otherwise they won't be properly loaded.
package Demo;
#use Sys::MemInfo qw(totalmem freemem totalswap);
sub memory {
#print "total memory: ".(&totalmem / 1024)."\n";
return "Can't load Sys::MemInfo, sorry";
sub time {
my $time = localtime;
return $time;
For the client code, there's 2 important pieces that must be properly specified to work, the proxy and the uri. The proxy is the url path to the soap web service. Since you are running the server script as a daemon process, your path is just the web site's url. My computer doesn't have a url, so I used http://localhost:801/. The 801 is the port you specified above. If you were running as a cgi script inside of a different web server (such as Apache), then you would need to specify the cgi script to call (e.g. http://localhost/cgi-bin/, changing the package in to SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI.
uri is probably the most confusing, but it's the namespace of the xml files returned by the web service. Turn on +trace => 'debug' to see the xml file returned by the web service. The uri should just be the name of the server. Even if you switch ports or to a cgi dispatch method, this uri stays the same.
#!perl -w
use SOAP::Lite +trace => 'debug';
# Frontier
$s = SOAP::Lite->new(proxy => '',
uri => '');
#might be
#but I could not test sub-domains
print $s->time()->result;

I'll recycle these two answers for tips:
Client of web service in Perl
Remote function call using SOAP::Lite


How do I fake the client IP address in a unit test for a Mojolicious app?

In my Mojolicious app I need to use the client's IP address ($c->tx->remote_address) for rate limiting of a service. This works well.
I am now trying to build a unit test for this feature, but I am having trouble faking the client's IP in my tests.
First I thought that local_address in Mojo::UserAgent might do what I want, but that's where the user agent binds the application locally, and changing it breaks everything because it cannot find the app any more.
I then tried using Sub::Override to replace the remote_address in Mojo::Transaction, but that already applies to the client when I do $t->post_ok, it tries sending a request to the IP that doesn't exist because the remote address on the client side is the server's address, and I am stuck with a waiting blocking request that will never succeed because the server it wants does not exist.
You can use the following MCVE to try around. The expected result is for the tests to pass.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/foo' => sub { my $c = shift; $c->render( text => $c->tx->remote_address ) };
my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
# TODO change client IP address to
# in a way that the /foo route sees it
I know how to do this with Catalyst and Dancer (or other Test::Plack based systems), but those approaches don't work here.
The author of Mojolicious pointed out on IRC to look at the unit tests in the Mojo dist for the X-Forwarded-For header implementation, so I did.
We need to set the $ENV{MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY} to a true value in the unit test and restart the server, then send an X-Forwarded-For header with the new IP address and things will just work.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/foo' => sub { my $c = shift; $c->render( text => $c->tx->remote_address ) };
my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
$t->get_ok( '/foo' => { 'X-Forwarded-For' => '' } )->content_like(qr/\Q10.1.1.1/);
The tests now pass.
ok 1 - GET /foo
ok 2 - content is similar
ok 3 - GET /foo
ok 4 - content is similar

Perl and Selenium::Remote::Driver

I have a server on AWS somewhere in Northern Virginia and this is my monitoring server. I ssh into this Ubuntu server from another State to do system administration. I want to do web automation tests on this server which will test a web application on the Internet hitting a URL and verify that I can selenium test a login and authenticate successfully. This server is on an AWS cloud I'm not quite sure which Perl module to use since I'm accessing it remotely.
There are two CPAN modules: Selenium::Remote::Driver and WWW::Selenium. I have tried both and they are giving me issues. And I really don't know which is appropriate for my scenario. When I use Selenium::Remote::Driver, I get the following error:
Selenium server did not return proper status at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Selenium/Remote/ line 401.
When I use WWW::Selenium, I get this error:
Failed to start new browser session: org.openqa.selenium.server.RemoteCommandException: Error while launching browser
I was able to launch firefox manually from the AWS monitoring server by exporting the DISPLAY but it was really slow. I have heard that I can use a headless browser but I would have to export the DISPLAY by:
export DISPLAY=:5
But remember, I'm sshing into this AWS/Selenium server from my desktop so I'm assuming I use the above command on the AWS/Selenium Server while I'm ssh into it from my desktop? Actually, at this point, I'm not sure I'm doing here. Can somebody help?
The problem in this type of questions is that the variety of configurations and binaries in your setup might be so broad that the it is hard to actually provide a straight and correct answer for YOUR SETUP.
This answer has the following assumptions:
you have downloaded the selenium-server-standalone.jar into /usr/lib/
you have jdk 1.8 ( run the java -version in the shell
you have installed and configured the xvfb-run ( it is a fight on it's own )
So :
# ssh to your server , obs the -X !
ssh -X user-name#server-name
# start the selenium-server-standalone on the server
xvfb-run -e /dev/stdout java -jar /usr/lib/selenium-server-standalone.jar &
# one liner test - this is one veery long one
perl -e 'use strict ; use warnings ; use Data::Printer ; my $host=""; use Selenium::Remote::Driver;my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new( "browser_name" =>"chrome", "error_handler" => sub { print $_[1]; croak 'goodbye'; }, "remote_server_addr" => "$host","port"=> "4444");$driver->debug_on();$driver->get(""); print $driver->get_title();$driver->quit();' &
Here is the code in the one-liner as a perl script
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Carp ;
use Data::Printer ;
use Selenium::Remote::Driver;
my $host="";
my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new(
"browser_name" =>"chrome"
, "error_handler" => sub { print $_[1]; croak 'goodbye' ; }
, "remote_server_addr" => "$host"
, "port"=> "4444") ;
$driver->debug_on() ;
print $driver->get_title();
The output should look something like:
Prepping get
Executing get
REQ: POST,, {"url":""}
RES: {"sessionId":"ddb9c2575ab026cdb8c640bdc554181b","status":0,"value":null}
Prepping getTitle
Executing getTitle
REQ: GET,, {}
RES: {"sessionId":"ddb9c2575ab026cdb8c640bdc554181b","status":0,"value":"Google"}
GooglePrepping quit
Executing quit
RES: {"sessionId":"ddb9c2575ab026cdb8c640bdc554181b","status":0,"value":null}
Try running the below code:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Selenium::Remote::Driver;
my $host = ""; //Enter your server IP in this place
my $driver = new Selenium::Remote::Driver('remote_server_addr' => $host,
'port' => '4444',
'auto_close' => 0);

Is there a simple way to setup a local, self-contained web server for perl testing?

I'm building a perl application to archive simple web pages (i.e. static pages with no query strings involved). I'd like to write tests to verify the functionality of the module that will be accessing the remote files. To make the tests self-reliant, I'm looking for a simple, self-contained web server that the test scripts can use locally.
Below is an example which outlines what I'm trying to do. I've cut it down to a minimum with the following directory structure:
Contents of "./":
package MirrorPage;
use Moose;
use LWP::Simple;
use namespace::autoclean;
sub get_url {
my ($self, $url_to_get) = #_;
### grab the contents of the url
my $url_data = get($url_to_get);
### return the contents.
return $url_data;
Contents of "./t/001_get_url.t":
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More;
use MirrorPage;
### Start test www server on port 8123 here ###
my $t = new_ok('MirrorPage', undef, 'Create MirrorPage');
'{ testkey: "testvalue" }',
"Verify the data."
### Kill test www server here ###
Contents of "./t/test-docroot/test-1.json":
{ testkey: "testvalue" }
The goal is to start and kill a self-contained web server at the corresponding comment locations in "./t/001_get_url.t". The web server needs to serve the contents of the "./t/test-docroot" directory as its document root.
Given all that: What is the best/simplest way to setup a self-contained web server to provide static files for testing in perl?
I would mock the HTTP call near the top of your .t file (if you're only wanting to test
my $mock = new Test::MockObject();
$mock->fake_module( 'LWP::Simple', get => sub { return '{ testkey: "testvalue" }' } );
LWP can fetch files, so you can rewrite $url_to_get from http://... to file://....
At the top, fork and do a simple static file server using HTTP::Server::Simple::Static, then at the bottom terminate the child process.
I can highly recommend Mojolicious as a great way to produce a test server for a client. Since Mojolicious simply maps a URL into a subroutine call, it's very easy to have very fine control over what the server does, and therefore you can easily test things like "does my client fail properly if the server returns a bad response/bad content/times out". And since it is very simple to set up and tear down a server, a little cleverness with fork() makes it possible to have the test and the server setup live in the same test file.
Here's what I've come up with using Net::HTTPServer. Based on the idea that "It’s OK to Ask and Answer Your Own Questions", I'm posting it here for comment/consideration. What I've done is the following:
First, create a new module at: "./t/". The contents of this file are:
package TestServer;
use Moose;
use Net::HTTPServer;
use namespace::autoclean;
has 'server' => (
is => "rw",
isa => "Net::HTTPServer",
default => sub {
Net::HTTPServer->new (
port => 8123,
docroot => "t/test-docroot"
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
### Spin up the server.
### Close up the Moose package.
Then, update the test "./t/001_get_url.t" file to use it via a fork:
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More;
use MirrorPage;
### Fork for the server
my $pid = fork();
### Parent process. Holds the tests.
if($pid) {
### Make sure the server has a moment to startup
my $t = new_ok('MirrorPage', undef, 'Create MirrorPage');
'{ testkey: "testvalue" }',
"Verify the data."
### Child process. Holds the server.
elsif(defined($pid)) {
use lib "t/";
use TestServer;
my $svr = TestServer->new();
exit; # Should never get here.
### Error out if necessary.
else {
die "Can not fork child process.";
### Kill the server fork.
kill 1, $pid;
This is working well for me.
Although it's OS specific, I'm sure Apache is your answer.

Why does my Perl CGI program fail with "Software error: ..."?

When I try to run my Perl CGI program, the returned web page tells me:
Software error: For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root#localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
Here is my code in one of the file:
use lib "/home/ecoopr/";
use CGI;
use CGI::FormBuilder;
use CGI::Session;
use CGI::Carp (fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI::Session;
use HTML::Template;
use MIME::Base64 ();
use strict;
require "./";
require "./";
my $query = CGI->new;
my $url = $query->url();
my $hostname = $query->url(-base => 1);
my $login_url = $hostname . '/';
my $redir_url = $login_url . '?d=' . $url;
my $domain_name = get_domain_name();
my $helpful_msg = $query->param('m');
my $new_trusted_user_fname = $query->param('u');
my $action = $query->param('a');
$new_trusted_user_fname = MIME::Base64::decode($new_trusted_user_fname);
####### Colin: Added July 12, 2009 #######
my $view = $query->param('view');
my $offset = $query->param('offset');
####### Colin: Added July , 2009 #######
#print $session->header;
#print $new_trusted_user;
my $helpful_msg_txt = qq[];
my $helpful_msg_div = qq[];
if ($helpful_msg)
The "please send mail to the webmaster" message you see is a generic message that the web server gives you when anything goes wrong and nothing handles it. It's not at all interesting in terms of solving the actual problem. Check the error log to find possible relevant error output from your program.
And, go through my How do I troubleshoot my Perl CGI script? advice on finding the problem.
My guess is that you have a syntax error with that dangling if(). What you have posted isn't a valid Perl program.
Good luck,
is that something related to suexec module
Improper configuration of suExec can cause permission errors
The suEXEC feature provides Apache users the ability to run CGI and SSI programs under user IDs different from the user ID of the calling web server. Normally, when a CGI or SSI program executes, it runs as the same user who is running the web server.
apache recommends that you not consider using suEXEC.
From the StackOverflow page: How to trap program crashes with HTTP error code 500
I see that your include: use CGI::Carp (fatalsToBrowser);
... stifles the HTTP 500 error. Simply removing this will allow the programs to crash "properly".

Why can't I connect to my CAS server with Perl's AuthCAS?

I'm attempting to use an existing CAS server to authenticate login for a Perl CGI web script and am using the AuthCAS Perl module (v 1.3.1). I can connect to the CAS server to get the service ticket but when I try to connect to validate the ticket my script returns with the following error from the IO::Socket::SSL module:
500 Can't connect to [CAS Server]:443 (Bad hostname '[CAS Server]')
([CAS Server] substituted for real server name)
If I type the generated URL for the authentication into the web browser's location bar it returns just fine with the expected XML snippet. So it is not a bad host name.
If I generate a script without using the AuthCAS module but using the IO::Socket::SSL module directly to query the CAS server for validation on the generated service ticket the Perl script will run fine from the command line but not in the browser.
If I add the AuthCAS module into the script in item 2, the script no longer works on the command line and still doesn't work in the browser.
Here is the bare-bones script that produces the error:
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use AuthCAS;
use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
my $id = $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
my $q = new CGI;
my $target = "http://localhost/cgi-bin/testCAS.cgi";
my $cas = new AuthCAS(casUrl => 'https://cas_server/cas');
if ($id eq ""){
my $login_url = $cas->getServerLoginURL($target);
printf "Location: $login_url\n\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print $q->header();
print "CAS TEST<br>\n";
## When coming back from the CAS server a ticket is provided in the QUERY_STRING
print "QUERY_STRING = " . $id . "</br>\n";
## $ST should contain the received Service Ticket
my $ST = $q->param('ticket');
my $user = $cas->validateST($target, $ST); #### This is what fails
printf "Error: %s\n", &AuthCAS::get_errors() unless (defined $user);
Any ideas on where the conflict might be?
The error is coming from the line directly above the snippet Cebjyre quoted namely
$ssl_socket = new IO::Socket::SSL(%ssl_options);
namely the socket creation. All of the input parameters are correct. I had edited the module to put in debug statements and print out all the parameters just before that call and they are all fine. Looks like I'm going to have to dive deeper into the IO::Socket::SSL module.
As usually happens when I post questions like this, I found the problem. It turns out the Crypt::SSLeay module was not installed or at least not up to date. Of course the error messages didn't give me any clues. Updating it and all the problems go away and things are working fine now.
Well, from the module source it looks like that IO::Socket error is coming from get_https2
unless ($ssl_socket) {
$errors = sprintf "error %s unable to connect https://%s:%s/\n",&IO::Socket::SSL::errstr,$host,$port;
return undef;
which is called by callCAS, which is called by validateST.
One option is to temporarily edit the module file to put some debug statements in if you can, but if I had to guess, I'd say the casUrl you are supplying isn't matching up to the _parse_url regex properly - maybe you have three slashes after the https?