Create a Window on a status bar app for macOS - swift

Warning: macOS dev beginner here.
I have a menu bar app (with no dock). Most of the app's functionality is in the menu (and implementation is in AppDelegate), but I need a separate window that will open once I click one of the menu items.
I want to use SwiftUI, Swift 5, Xcode 11.3.
I haven't found an appropriate way to do this. Which files and similar need to be created? How to open this window programatically?
#objc func openPreferences() {
// open a new window here...

You have to create a window programatically. I have attached sample code of one of my apps:
private var windowController: NSWindowController?
fileprivate func createWindow()
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
self.windowController = storyboard.instantiateInitialController() as? NSWindowController
// This is example code to show how to customize the hosted view controller. You can pass additional arguments here (may an important global variables that is declared in the AppDelegate).
if let contentController = windowController?.contentViewController as? MyWindowViewController
// Do some assignments here
// contentController.variable = ....
// self.windowViewController = contentController // Maybe save for later use.
#objc fileprivate func open()
if self.windowViewController == nil
NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) // Bring window to front.
I have linked the open() function to a button call (hence the #objc keyword). I think that you already did this, so my open() function would be your openPreferences function.


Document based app using one single window

I have a document-based macOS application, which is a basic text editor. The default behavior is to create a new window for every opened document. But I want to only have one window displayed at a time and when opening a document or creating a new one, this should happen in the same window and thus replace the old document.
I've tried to do some hacking in the makeWindowControllers method from NSDocument by not instantiating a new window controller but reusing an old one. But after some problems with this approach, I figured this is not the right way to go. I was wondering if there is a common approach to this problem.
This is the code I've tried
class Document: NSDocument {
static var sharedWindow: NSWindowController?
override func makeWindowControllers() {
// Instaniate window controller there is none
if Document.sharedWindow == nil {
// Returns the Storyboard that contains your Document window.
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: NSStoryboard.Name("Main"), bundle: nil)
Document.sharedWindow = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("Document Window Controller")) as? NSWindowController
guard let sharedWindow = Document.sharedWindow else { return }
if let previousDocument = sharedWindow.document as? NSDocument {
sharedWindow.contentViewController?.representedObject = content
(sharedWindow.contentViewController as? ViewController)?.handleOpenDocumentOperation()

windowWillClose and button action not called Swift

I'm designing a mac app with Xcode 10 (beta) and I got an issue with the Preference Window Controller
I have in my Main.storyboard a NSWindowController of custom class PreferenceWindowController with a toolbar. Here are its connections :
Here is the full class :
class PreferenceWindowController: NSWindowController, NSWindowDelegate {
#IBAction func didClickAuthor(_ sender: Any) {
#IBAction func didClickTypo(_ sender: Any) {
override func windowDidLoad() {
func windowWillClose(_ notification: Notification) {
The window is initiated via the AppDelegate class with this code :
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main",bundle: nil)
if let wc = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "PreferenceWindowController") as? PreferenceWindowController
The window opens as expected, with the toolbar clickable, but no functions from PreferenceWindowController are called at all, neither the closing of the window, nor the clicks on the toolbar.
I checked every connections, every class name, and I really don't know what's wrong...
The solution is to store the PreferenceViewController class inside the AppDelegate class as a variable.
My solution :
var preferenceWindowController:PreferenceWindowController? = nil
#IBAction func clickPreferences(_ sender: Any) {
if let wc = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "PreferencesWindowController") as? PreferenceWindowController {
let window = wc.window
preferenceWindowController = wc
Thank you for helping !
The comment above seems like it could be on the right track. Based on the code context you've included in your question, it looks like the window controller you create will only have a lifetime for that function call.
Try making the window controller an instance variable. This is normally how I wire things up in an App delegate that creates window controllers. It's a simple pattern that works well.

Relaunch view when app is closed

I am creating a status bar app for Mac with a settings view.
I have created a NSMenuItem to launch the settings but I don't find any solutions to launch this view.
What I have tried:
func showSettings() {
var mainWindow: MainWindowController!
mainWindow = MainWindowController()
override func windowDidLoad() {
NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true)
I saw this problem was faced in many cases and I found a solution that I don't completely understand but that I'll try to explain.
Here is how documents are managed in macOS :
From my experience, you need to check the box "Create Document-Based Application" when creating a new Mac app to have a NSDocument class (You can also add it later) which will handle how your views are being showed or not.
Adding this NSDocument class to my project made the following code work (and wasn't before) :
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
var windowController: NSWindowController!
windowController = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "ScanWindowController") as! NSWindowController

Xcode: how to create instances of views and pass info to them?

I'm trying to create a MacOS app that plays audio or video files. I've followed the simple instructions on Apple's website here
But I want to use the File > Open menu items to bring up an NSOpenPanel, and pass that to the View Controller.
So presumably, the Open action should be in the AppDelegate, as the ViewController window might not be open.
And then pass the filename to a new instance of the ViewController window.
Is that right? If so, how do I "call" the View from AppDelegate?
Here's the AppDelegate:
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
#IBAction func browseFile(sender: AnyObject) {
let dialog = NSOpenPanel();
if (dialog.runModal() == NSModalResponseOK) {
let result = dialog.url // Pathname of the file
if (result != nil) {
// Pass the filepath to the window view thing.
} else {
// User clicked on "Cancel"
and here's the ViewController:
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var playerView: AVPlayerView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Get the URL somehow
let player = AVPlayer(url: url)
playerView.player = player
There are some details not disclosed in your question, but I believe I can provide the proper answer still.
You can call NSOpenPanel from AppDelegate, nothing wrong with that. Just note that user may cancel the dialog and how to handle that situation.
Considering the view the best thing is to create WindowController that is connected to the ViewController (it is like that by default) in the Storyboard, then access it from the code using NSStoryBoard.instantiateController(withIdentifier:), and then use its window property with something like window.makeKeyAndOrderFront(self) . If you have NSWindow or NSWindowController class in your code then you should initialize the class in the code and again make window key and front.

What is the correct way to make a NSWindowController Singleton in Swift?

I have a sample project as:
My project is a storyboard, document based application. I would like to use a custom segue to toggle the visible state of the inspector window. What I have should work, but I cannot quite determine how to make the inspector window a singleton.
I believe I should start with:
class InspectorWindowController: NSWindowController
static let sharedInstance = InspectorWindowController()
// override func init()
// {
// }
override func windowDidLoad()
NSLog( ":::: %#", InspectorWindowController.sharedInstance );
But exactly what the initialization should look like in my situation is escaping me, especially since the window is inside of a storyboard.
You can select the window controller from the window controller scene and in the attributes inspector select Single from the pop up under Presentation. This will ensure the show segue only uses a single instance of the window controller. See this answer for more information.
Here's how I would modify your code:
In Main.storyboard give your InspectorWindowController an identifier, such as "Inspector Window Controller"
In InspectorWindowController, implement your singleton as follows:
static let shared: InspectorWindowController = {
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name:"Main", bundle: nil)
let controller = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "Inspector Window Controller")
return controller as! InspectorWindowController
In Main.storyboard delete the segue from WindowController to InspectorWindowController
In WindowController replace the showMyPanel() and hideMyPanel() IBActions with:
#IBAction func toggleInspectorPanel( _ sender: AnyObject ) {
let inspectorWindow = InspectorWindowController.shared.window!
if inspectorWindow.isVisible {
} else {
Also in WindowController, remove the NSLog() call from windowDidLoad(). It causes a recursive call to the InspectorWindowController.shared initialization code.
In Main.storyboard link the Inspector toolbar button to toggleInspectorPanel()
The InspectorWindowController.shared singleton will be initialized, and the inspector panel loaded (but not shown), the first time it is referenced.