Save array of variable size to file in flutter - flutter

I am building an app to read results from color measurement devices, and for this purpose I need to know how to store an array of results to a local file on an android smartphone/tablet and read it back from that file so that it's once again an array I can work with.
The results will be result objects, because I also need to tell when the measurement was taken, and what measurement mode was used (such as B/W-measurement or measurement of a light source).
I know how to get strings in and out, but as far as I know, transforming that to an array is impossible without bodgy and inelegant code.
So where do I even get started here?
Should I use plain .txt?
Or should I try to use .xml or .json files?

You should use standard formats for your storing. The json format is a good one for structured data because many tools support displaying or even parsing it.
For instance, you may store it like this
You can see, if you store it to e.g. test.json and drag'n'drop it on the Firefox browser, it recognizes the format and supports cool displaying. So using standard formats for structured data is a good idea, programming libraries and even programming languages like Python support it with special classes or functionality. It's also easy for you to code the data dump or the parser by yourself.
Also XML is a good format. Actually, .json is more modern while .xml was there first. What to choose depends on in which programming world you are. Some more support this, some more that. For your purposes, it doesn't matter which one you use. I've seen .json much in the Android world but probably because it is just more modern.
But remember, the format is just the framework, which data content you put into it is up to you.


Reading & writing text in Scala, getting the encoding right?

I'm reading and writings some text files in Scala. As a complete beginner in the language, I wanted to make sure to find the right way to do it, e.g. get the encoding right.
So most of the stuff I found (also on SO ) recommends I use io.Source.fromFile.However, after trying it out like so, reading a UTF-8 file:
val user_list = Source.fromFile("usernames.txt").getLines.toList
val user_list = Source.fromFile("usernames.txt", enc="UTF8").getLines.toList
I looked at the docs but was left with some questions.
Get the encoding right:
the docs show that I can set an encoding in Source.fromFile as I tried above. Looking at the man on Codec and the types listed there, I was wondering if those are all my codec options - is there e.g. no Utf-16, Big-Endian vs Little-Endian, etc.?
I am slightly obsessed with this since it used to trip me up in Python a lot. Is this less of concern with Scala for some reason?
Get the reading in right:
All the examples I looked at used the getLines method and postprocessed it with MkString or List, etc. Is there any advantage to that over just reading in the entire file (my files are small) in one go?
Get the writing out right:
Every source I could find tells me that Scala has no file writing function and to use the Java FileWriter. I was surprised by this - is this still accurate?
Looking at it I feel the question might be a little broad for SO, so I'd be happy to take it back if it does not meet the requirements. At this point, I'm not struggling with specific examples but rather trying to set things up in a way I don't get in trouble later.
Scala only has a basic IO api in the standard library. For the most part you just use the java apis. The fact that a decent api from java exists is probably why the Scala team is not prioritizing having a robust and fully featured IO api.
There are also third party scala libraries you could use as well however. Better Files I've never used but heard good things about as a Scala file api. As well as fs2 which provides functional, streaming IO. I'm sure there are others out there as well.
For encoding, there are many possible encoding available. It's just that only a couple of the most common ones are available as static fields, the rest you typically access through Codec("Encoding Name"). Most apis will also let you just enter a String directly instead of needing to get a Codec instance first. The codec is really just a wrapper over java.nio.charset.Charset. You can run java.nio.charset.Charset.availableCharsets() to see all of the encodings available on your system.
As far as reading, if the files are small you can load them fully into memory if you prefer that. The only reason not to do so is if you want to avoid the extra memory use of loading the entire file at once if reading through line by line is enough. You may want to use Vector instead of List for efficiency reasons (Vector is better in many cases and should probably be preferred as a default collection, but tradition and old habits die hard and most people/guides seem to default to List, but this is a whole other topic)

Chords in MIDI?

I'm looking for a way to represent chords in a MIDI file.
Note that I'm not looking to represent chord voicings. That can be trivially done with multiple note-on messages. But if I do that, then I have to do some sort of note-on to chord analysis every time I read the MIDI file back in, and that's a major nuisance especially since I already know the chord structures when I write the file.
Rather, I'm looking for something more akin to guitar tablature or fake books. That is, I want to record "C" or "Cm" or "I" or "I" or “iii7" at a particular point in time.
So my questions...
Is there a standard way to do this? (I'm not finding one, but I don't know the current spec thoroughly.)
Is there a non-standard way of doing this?
I'm considering using the "tag" facility of the lyric/display meta event. It appears as though I can invent {#chord=Cm} and that should be transparent to any reader, past, present, or future, who doesn't understand this usage. Am I reading the standard right? Would this be a reasonable, essentially private, non-standard extension?
The MIDI specification provides for values such as "note on" and "pitch value" (as seen here) which are only represented as integers.
Depending on the MIDI Type (there are 3), you should be able to save the chord values similarly to the way that you suggested. Karaoke files are created this way.
If you are using Windows, you could try something like Noteworthy Composer. The link also contains a suggestion for playback.
You are absolutely right, you can implement custom meta event and place such events before groups of NoteOn/NoteOff that represent a chord. I don't know what programming language you use, but for C# you can take a look at DryWetMIDI. It allows create custom meta events, read and write them. This article of the library docs shows how to do this.

How would you go about writing a Parser similar to Facebook Graph Search

I've read quite a few articles giving a bit of background information on how Facebook implemented their Graph Search. All of which seem to just glance over the actual implementation details of the parser they are using.
Such as
From that page:
We combined various parsing techniques to build a substring parser:
suppose a user inputs, say, "friends New York" and that we have
defined a comprehensive set of all the potential page titles our
system can handle. Our parser could then generate exactly the Graph
Search titles that contain the user's input, including things like
"friends who live in New York" and "friends who have visited New
York." If we could find a way to appropriately rank those suggested
titles for the Graph Search typeahead, we would have a good start.
I'm really interested in learning about the methods one would use to tackle this problem. What Algorithm / Techniques would be used to write such a system ?
Any links would be much appreciated too.
I was thinking about implementing something similar.. wanted to ask Q here on SO and found that this is already asked..
Here is what I have been thinking to start with -
Assume facebook search engine "knows" about the underlying data store (a complex graph). So the search engine understands key words like "Friends", "Relative" and other such relationships and does not treat them like a trivial word in english language.
In such case, a good idea could be to parse the user input (using client side javascript) to a JSON and send it over to the search engine .. a couple of benefits .. the parsing can be done on client side, save network bandwidth by not sending unwanted data, server side handling for the parsed input as JSON is way better..etc
Lets call this JSON fbJSON.. because apart from being a JSON .. it adheres to a certain format.. You can create a spec for your format.. such that the JSON that is sent over to search engine necessarily contains some information.. this can make life a bit easier .. just like we have geoJSON etc..
Use an NLP program to parse the user input into fbJSON [I still have to think about this]
This is a broad approach upon which i m embarking upon.. the only bottleneck is point #4..because I do not have much experience with NLPs..

objective-c - Which lib I should use to parse HTML?

I am trying to parse some not-complicated RSS html content in iphone.
So I don't need a heavy HTML parser.
I have searched here and found these two:
Both are simple to use. But I guess they have their problems for my purpose.
For TFHpple, it is good, but for every element, it does not have the complete HTML <> with itself. for example, element doesn't have this complete tag string. I need this complete tag string, because I need to remove it from the whole HTML string. I would be more convenient for me if element has that.
For zootreeves HTML-Parser, it is also simple and good. And it has the complete tag string with every element. I am very happy. However, it seems to be a big memory-comsumer. I monitored it. If I try to parse a big number of HTML fragments (say, 1000), the memory it will cost and stays occupied is like 40MB. It is not applicable for ios devices. zootreeves is using pure C codes and linked-list to organise the tree structures of the HTML, I guess. and it uses pure malloc and free for memory. I don't know whether that will affect ios memory.
So, anyone can recommend a state-of-art better and fast and simple HTML parser for iOs for me?
I'd use libxml2. It's not just for xml; it has an HTML parser too. It's fast and low-memory and is available in iOS. The only drawback is that it's a C-based API, but for all that it's not terribly difficult to work with.
In response to the first comment below: It's been awhile, so I'm not sure, but I don't think so. What you get is a data structure with lots of information about the document structure, and each tag has a list of attribute/value pairs. Nowhere is the original html string stored (I presume that this is considered redundant and is not done to save memory).
However, it doesn't seem like you actually need it for what you want to do. It seems to me that you are using information from the parser to modify the original string, stripping out HTML tags. What you want to do instead is to rebuild the document using information from the parse tree, and when you do this, leave out the tags you want omitted.

testing strategies: generating a XML file

I'm writing a couple of classes that generate xml file. (Details probably not important at the moment).
I wondering the best testing strategy is.
I don't want to re-write the xml generation code just to compare the output, when I could write the file to disk and compare it at certain milestones (the xml spec won't change often, like once or twice every couple of years)
I'm more interested in testing the behaviour of the architecture instead of the getters & setters
Options that come to mind:
rebuilding the xml file in the testing environment and comparing the string representations
manually checking the result (writing to file, etc)
rebuilding the xml file in memory in the testing environment and comparing the in-memory elements.
Virtual Bonus if you know any libraries for C++ and/or Google Test.
Have you considered using XSD's and validating your XML to the XSD? You didn't mention if it was content or structure you were testing for (probably both).
If it validates, it will test the structure of the XML will conform to the required structure.
In the past I've approached this two ways:
Compare the xml file against the result stored as a string in the test file. This is easy to implement, and unless you are wanting to generate variations of the xml file for testing purposes, the string comparison method works fine.
In the case where you have a xml file writer and reader, you can compare the original with the round trip result.
I agree with you that you shouldn't replicate the logic to generate the file in the test function, just for the purpose of testing. Also, I would try to avoid the need to write to the file system -- this is unecessary dependence on the file system, and would probably result in slower running tests.
You might consider using XML Unit:
It provides JUnit extension classes which can be used to assert equality
of XML files.
You might consider an XML diff tool. There is a free one available on MSDN: XML Diff and Patch Tool.
I see you are looking for C++ tools. In that case, libxmldiff might be more suitable.