How to implement bi-directional scroll in a Flutter app? - flutter

Is there any way I can make a screen scroll in multiple directions smoothly? It would be really helpful if someone who has already done it would share how. I've tried using the plugin -
but it doesn't work smoothly, and is quite slow.

Read the issue at
It recommends to add Silvers as the plugin is not implementing recycler.


Flutter imager_picker and camera package issue

Excuse me
"startVideoRecording();" in "camera"
Is there a similar code for "image_picker"?
I want to design an app that can automatically start recording after receiving a message.
But "image_picker" doesn't seem to have a similar code.
Or is there another easier way to do it?
I try to use "Camera" to make a similar App,
But I finally think "image_picker" is better to use.

Scrollable grid-like view

I'm writing an app with a view that has a grid of images (3x3) and it needs to have infinite scroll per row and per column with snap to position, very similar to the 'Design Museum Collection' app. How would I go about implementing this view? Is there a library that already supports this? I would like to implement this natively in IOS. Can I use UIScrollView or do I need to create this bidirectional scroll view from scratch. Here is a video of the 'Design Museum Collection' app (
Thanks in advance!
It's been quite a while since your question but as I've been struggling with the same thing I'm gonna answer it for future reference...
Sadly I could not find a good solution anywhere so after a lot of hours of experimenting I came up with this:
It's still a work in progress but very usable for your purpose I'd say!
See the tutorial How To Make An Interface With Horizontal Tables Like The Pulse News App. It will guide you through the basics.
you can check this out: AQGridView.

iOS - How can I perform the visual effects like Clear app?

I was wondering how can I make visual effects like the ones in the Clear app or the one you can perform in the Twitter app on iPad (by pinching between two rows in a tableview) ?
Thanks a lot for your answers.
There is a sample project on Github, JTGestureBasedTableViewDemo
You could look into this component:
See how the top row transform is implemented and use the idea for your needs. You'll probably need to use pinch gestures to make this work like in "Clear"
Hope I gave you a good starting point. Good luck

How to make UITableView work within TTScrollView?

I'm solving a problem how to make tableviews work within three20's TTScrollView. I have a project which I want to rebuild using three20 library. There is one module which allows user to flip through set of "pages", which contains table showing some list of data.
My problem is that when I rebuilt this module to use three20's TTScrollView, tableviews inside the scrollview do not work anymore. In particular, it cannot be scrolled and cannot select an item, because all touches are intercepted by the scrollview. I'm getting mad about this and cannot figure out how to make it work.
I'm able to make work either tableview or scrollview but not both (means tableview intercepts vertical dragging, while scrollview horizontal). It worked fine with UIKit's UIScrollview, so there must be a way how to do this, but simply cannot figure out how.
Please help, I'm struggling with it yet couple of days now, but cannot get over.
thanks much for any hint.
Unfortunately not many people here at SO help out much with three20 questions for whatever reason. You may have better luck asking the three20 google group (search for that on google).
First guess though without trying it myself: try using three20's built in table items such as TTTableTextItem or TTTableImageItem certain scenarios with three20, he has built in code to ignore everything you write except for his own built in controls (which might be the case here, not sure).
You can see examples of how he creates tables with this code in the TTCatalog example app that you can find via

UIScrollview : scroll with 2 fingers and not one

I have a UIScrollView containing another wiew. This view need to handle single touch event for drawing. For this reason I would like to scroll using 2 fingers.
I managed to get this working for 2.x SDK but it's no more working with 3.X series.
Do you have idea/workaround for achieving this?
Thanks in advance for your help :)
FWIW, I've tried exactly this as well on 3.x (never on 2.x) and never made it work correctly. It's possible that some combination of subclassing methods both approved (touchesShouldBegin...) and sketchy (touchesBegan..., hitTest...) could achieve this, but I've tried a lot of it, and could never get the event forwarding to work in a way that was consistent, and ended up with a parasitically fragile relationship to the scroll view.
I had to reimplement a scroll view from scratch to achieve this.