Flutter : Get daily points system button error - flutter

I made a function for users to get daily points (every 24 Hours). The function is linked with Firebase Firestore.
My problem is that if I close the app, relaunch it and click the triggering button ($checkPoints). It will add extra points to database even if the user did it less than 24 Hours ago !
Can you please check the code under and help me fix this?
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class Authfirestore {
final String uid;
int points;
var dateFromApitme;
String lastTimeGotPointsFromFirebase;
Authfirestore({this.uid, this.points});
Firestore _firestore = Firestore();
Future checkPoints() async {
await dateApi();
if (dateFromApitme != null ) {
try {
if (lastTimeGotPointsFromFirebase != dateFromApitme && dateFromApitme != null) {
await getData();
dynamic result = _firestore
'points': points + 1,
'LastTimeGotPoints' :dateFromApitme,
await getData();
} else {
print('You toke your cridit ');
} catch (e) {
print('Error in cehckpoints $e');
Future trackingData() async {
await Firestore.instance
'date': DateTime.now(),
Future getData() async {
await Firestore.instance
.then((DocumentSnapshot ds) {
points = ds.data['points'];
lastTimeGotPointsFromFirebase = ds.data['LastTimeGotPoints'];
print('number of points is $points');
String _randomString(int length) {
r rand = new Random();
var codeUnits = new List.generate(length, (index) {
return rand.nextInt(33) + 89;
return new String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits);
Future dateApi() async {
var response =
await http.get('http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Muscat');
if (response != null) {
var data0 = jsonDecode(response.body);
var data01 = data0['datetime'];
dateFromApitme = data01.substring(0, 9);
} else {
dateFromApitme = null;
print('Please Check Your internet');


My DocumentSnapshot type variable remains null despite the fact that I passed it to my function

I use flutter to retrieve a document from my firestore database. to do this, I create a DocumentSnapshot type variable which will be passed as a parameter to my getClasseName() function to retrieve the documents. Inside my function the document exists, so I assign it to my variable but my variable remains null when I want to use it
this is a snippet of my code
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:ude/model/enseignant.dart';
class DBServices {
static final CollectionReference lyceecol =
static Future getUser(String? lycee, String? id) async {
try {
final QuerySnapshot<Object?> snapshot = await lyceecol
.where('Id', isEqualTo: id)
final EnseignantM userData = snapshot.docs
.map((QueryDocumentSnapshot<Object?> e) => EnseignantM.fromSnapshot(
e as DocumentSnapshot<Map<String?, dynamic>>))
return userData;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
static Future getClasseName(
String? lycee, String? id, List<String> list) async {
try {
String classeName;
int i = 0;
final snapshot = await lyceecol
for (var classe in snapshot.docs) {
DocumentReference<Map<String, dynamic>> classeRef =
DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? classRoom;
await DBServices.getClasse(classeRef.path, classRoom);
if (classRoom != null) {
print('CLASSENAME ${classRoom.data()!["Nom"]}');
classeName = classRoom.data()!["Nom"];
list[i] = classeName;
} else {
print('Impossible de charger les classes affilees a cet enseignant');
} catch (e) {
static Future<void> getClasse(
String? path, DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? classroom) async {
try {
await FirebaseFirestore.instance.doc(path!).get().then((snapshot) {
if (snapshot.exists) {
classroom = snapshot; //.data()!["Nom"];
} else {
debugPrint("Document not found");
debugPrint('CLASSROOMMMM: ${classroom!.data()!["Nom"]}');
} catch (e) {
debugPrint('CLASSE Not EXIST');
/*this is where the problem is*/
static Future getClasseName(
String? lycee, String? id, List<String> list) async {
try {
String classeName;
int i = 0;
final snapshot = await lyceecol
for (var classe in snapshot.docs) {
DocumentReference<Map<String, dynamic>> classeRef =
DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? classRoom;
await DBServices.getClasse(classeRef.path, classRoom);
if (classRoom != null) {
print('CLASSENAME ${classRoom.data()!["Nom"]}');
classeName = classRoom.data()!["Nom"];
list[i] = classeName;
} else {
print('Impossible de charger les classes affilees a cet enseignant');
} catch (e) {
static Future<void> getClasse(
String? path, DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? classroom) async {
try {
await FirebaseFirestore.instance.doc(path!).get().then((snapshot) {
if (snapshot.exists) {
classroom = snapshot; //.data()!["Nom"];
} else {
debugPrint("Document not found");
debugPrint('CLASSROOMMMM: ${classroom!.data()!["Nom"]}');
} catch (e) {
debugPrint('CLASSE Not EXIST');
I tried not to pass my variable as a parameter and to directly assign the Document returned by the function to it, but it didn't work.
Your help will be invaluable to me

Future not waiting to resolve before next then Flutter Dart

I'm trying to return a list of values.
Assessing by using Late
late List userLikes = userListLikes.getUsersLikes();
My Code:
class GetUserLikes {
final FirebaseFirestore _firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
final user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!;
List getUsersLikes() {
try {
final docRef = _firestore.collection("user_details").doc(user.uid);
docRef.get().then((DocumentSnapshot doc) async {
final data = doc.data() as Map<String, dynamic>;
return await data['user_likes']; // → not awaiting
onError: (e) => print("Error getting document: $e"),
} catch (err) {
print('There was an error');
return ['Nothing Returned'];
The function is not completing and returns before the await has finished which is not the array I need.
[Nothing Returned] (Returns without completing)
[967, 769, 887, 820, 860, 833, 857, 1017] → The Array I want returned
As someone downvoted this answer here is the full working code:
This get an Array field from a Firestone database and then returns a list dynamic.
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart';
class GetUserLikes {
final FirebaseFirestore _firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
final user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!;
Future<List> getUsersLikes() async {
// Get the list of user likes from the Firestone Database and then
// return the list so it will only show the users likes on the profile page.
try {
final docRef = _firestore.collection("user_details").doc(user.uid);
DocumentSnapshot doc = await docRef.get(); // Await
final data = doc.data() as Map<String, dynamic>;
return data['user_likes'];
} catch (err) {
print('There was an error');
return ['Nothing Returned'];
Future<List> getLikes() async {
// Takes the Future<List> and turns it into a List<dynamic>
Future<List> userLikes = getUsersLikes();
List list = await userLikes;
return list; // Returns List<dynamic>
Then on the receiving Future builder it will have to be awaited.
GetUserLikes userLikesList = GetUserLikes();
List userLikes = await userLikesList.getLikes();

Instance of 'Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>'

the problem that am trying to get value from "getThatWishlist" but it returns instead "Instance of 'Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>'"
Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>> getThatWishlist(String? wishlistname) async {
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
return await db
.then((snapshot) async {
if (snapshot.data() == null) {
return {};
} else {
Map<dynamic, dynamic> wishlistData = {};
wishlistData =
await snapshot.data()!['userWishlists'][wishlistname]['UserItems'];
return wishlistData;
void createWishlistForSharedUser(String? ShareUid) async {
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
await db.collection('wishlists').doc(ShareUid).set({
'sharedWishlistsWithUser': {
wishlistName: {
'UserItems': {getThatWishlist(wishlistName) //the problem is here
'wishlist owner email': currentUserEmail,
}, SetOptions(merge: true));
How to fix that problem ?
You should do something like this instead:
void createWishlistForSharedUser(String? ShareUid) async {
/// add this line
var userItems = await getThatWishlist(wishlistName);
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
await db.collection('wishlists').doc(ShareUid).set({
'sharedWishlistsWithUser': {
wishlistName: {
/// update line below
'UserItems': {userItems}
'wishlist owner email': currentUserEmail,
}, SetOptions(merge: true));

Null is not a subtype of type String

Hello I’m new to flutter
I’m trying to retrieve the user data from his email but i got this error [Null is not a subtype of type String]
The data I’m trying to retrieve is not null
This is my code
class _ProfilePageState extends State<ProfilePage> {
late User user;
final _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
late User signedInUser;
var id;
var email;
var name;
var age;
var sex;
void initState() {
user = userCare;
void getCurrentUser()
try {
final user = _auth.currentUser;
if (user != null) {
signedInUser = user;
email = signedInUser.email;
id = signedInUser.uid;
} catch (e) {
void getData() {
.then((QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.docs.forEach((doc) {
if (doc["email"] == signedInUser.email) {
name = doc['name'];
age = doc['age'];
sex = doc['sex'];
This is my data
I want to retrieve then but i can’t because it says null how to fix the error?
this is the data I’m trying to retrieve
the error image
Please try this Code:
void getData() async {
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
.then((value) {
for(var doc in value.docs) {
if (doc["email"] == signedInUser.email) {
name = doc.data()['name'];
age = doc.data()['age'];
sex = doc.data()['sex'];

Prevent Concurrent Access to File in Dart

I am creating a disk cache and I faced problem while running flutter tests cause by json.decode() but I found that the problem is that the same file is being read twice at the same time.
Here is the code for the disk cache class:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:the_chef/repositories/cache/base_cache.dart';
class DiskCache<V> extends BaseCache<List<String>, V> {
String directoryPath;
BaseCache<List<String>, V> other,
}) {
next = other;
Future<V> _get(List<String> path) async {
print("get $path");
var val;
var file;
file = await _exists(path);
if (file != null) {
var str = await file.readAsString();
val = json.decode(str);
print("end get $path");
return val;
val ??= next?.get(path);
if (val != null) {
await _createFile(file);
var bytes = json.encode(val);
await file.writeAsString(bytes);
if(val == null) {
return val;
Future<V> get(List<String> path) async {
var x = await _get(path);
return x;
Future<void> set(List<String> path, V value) async {
print("set $path");
final file = await _createFileFromPath(path);
var bytes = json.encode(value);
await file.writeAsString(bytes);
next?.set(path, value);
print("end set $path");
Future<void> evict(List<String> path) async {
print("evict $path");
final file = await _localFile(path);
if (await file.exists()) {
await file.delete();
} else {
await file.delete(recursive: true);
await next?.evict(path);
Future<File> _exists(List<String> path) async {
var file = await _localFile(path);
return (await file.exists()) ? file : null;
Future<File> _localFile(List<String> filePath) async {
final path = await _localPath();
return File('$path/${filePath.join('/')}');
Future<String> _localPath() async {
if (directoryPath != null) {
return directoryPath;
directoryPath = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path;
return directoryPath;
Future<File> _createFileFromPath(List<String> path) async {
var file = await _localFile(path);
await _createFile(file);
return file;
Future<void> _createFile(File file) async {
file.createSync(recursive: true);
It would be very great if you have any suggestion of how to improve the cache or have any other advices.
Thanks in advance.