Future not waiting to resolve before next then Flutter Dart - flutter

I'm trying to return a list of values.
Assessing by using Late
late List userLikes = userListLikes.getUsersLikes();
My Code:
class GetUserLikes {
final FirebaseFirestore _firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
final user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!;
List getUsersLikes() {
try {
final docRef = _firestore.collection("user_details").doc(user.uid);
docRef.get().then((DocumentSnapshot doc) async {
final data = doc.data() as Map<String, dynamic>;
return await data['user_likes']; // ā†’ not awaiting
onError: (e) => print("Error getting document: $e"),
} catch (err) {
print('There was an error');
return ['Nothing Returned'];
The function is not completing and returns before the await has finished which is not the array I need.
[Nothing Returned] (Returns without completing)
[967, 769, 887, 820, 860, 833, 857, 1017] ā†’ The Array I want returned

As someone downvoted this answer here is the full working code:
This get an Array field from a Firestone database and then returns a list dynamic.
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart';
class GetUserLikes {
final FirebaseFirestore _firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
final user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!;
Future<List> getUsersLikes() async {
// Get the list of user likes from the Firestone Database and then
// return the list so it will only show the users likes on the profile page.
try {
final docRef = _firestore.collection("user_details").doc(user.uid);
DocumentSnapshot doc = await docRef.get(); // Await
final data = doc.data() as Map<String, dynamic>;
return data['user_likes'];
} catch (err) {
print('There was an error');
return ['Nothing Returned'];
Future<List> getLikes() async {
// Takes the Future<List> and turns it into a List<dynamic>
Future<List> userLikes = getUsersLikes();
List list = await userLikes;
return list; // Returns List<dynamic>
Then on the receiving Future builder it will have to be awaited.
GetUserLikes userLikesList = GetUserLikes();
List userLikes = await userLikesList.getLikes();


Instance of 'Future<String?>' flutter

Why is returning Instance of 'Future<String?>' instead String value?
Future<String?> getUser() async {
User user = await FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!;
FirebaseFirestore firestore = await FirebaseFirestore.instance;
String uid = user.uid;
String? userName;
// to get username from firebase
return firestore
.then((value) {
if (value.exists) {
var data = value.data();
userName = data?["name"];
print("There is data :$userName");
} else {
print("There no Data!");
return Future.value(userName);
I am trying to get String value?
The place you like to get data from this method use await & the method is needed to be async. like
_myFunction() async{
final value = await getUser();
Also I will suggest to not mixing await and .then.
Future<String?> getUser() async {
User user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!;
FirebaseFirestore firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
String uid = user.uid;
String? userName;
// to get username from firebase
final value = await firestore.collection("users").doc(uid).get();
if (value.exists) {
var data = value.data();
userName = data?["name"];
print("There is data :$userName");
} else {
print("There no Data!");
return userName;

How to get a subcollection from a document firestore flutter

Im trying to fetch the documents from a subcollection which is in another document, and when I try to fetch the docs and fill a local list with the "docs data" it doesn't fill it, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
My method of when I try to fetch the subcollection:
static Stream<List<CheckInOutModel>> employeeCheckInOutStream() {
return firebaseFirestore
.asyncMap((QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
final List<CheckInOutModel> employeesCheckInOutList = [];
for (final element in querySnapshot.docs) {
.asyncMap((QuerySnapshot query) {
for (final element in query.docs) {
final employeeCheckInOutModel =
documentSnapshot: element,
return employeesCheckInOutList;
My method when I fetch the fields of the documents that the subcollection is in:
static Stream<List<EmployeeModel>> employeeStream() {
return firebaseFirestore
.map((QuerySnapshot query) {
final List<EmployeeModel> employees = [];
for (final employee in query.docs) {
final employeeModel =
EmployeeModel.fromDocumentSnapshot(documentSnapshot: employee);
return employees;
So I figured out what I did wrong here, I tried to call a stream of it when I only needed it when a callBack is called, so I changed the logic accordingly and went with Future instead Stream
My updated code:
static Future<List<CheckInOutModel>> employeeCheckInOutStream({
required String id,
}) async {
final List<CheckInOutModel> employeesCheckInOutList = [];
final query = await firebaseFirestore
for (final employee in query.docs) {
final employeeCheckInOutModel = CheckInOutModel.fromDocumentSnapshot(
documentSnapshot: employee,
return employeesCheckInOutList;

How do I get a query from another file to return a bool?

I am integrating the following system into my to-do app:
Every time the user opens the app, it should check whether the date stored in Cloud Firestore has been exceeded.
If this is the case, all To-Dos of the user should be reset to false.
This is the date in Cloud Firestore Iā€™m looking for:
This function should check if the date has been exceeded:
Future<bool> checkTime() async{
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
var query = users.where('Startdatum', isLessThanOrEqualTo: now);
query = query.where('userID', isEqualTo: userID);
final querySnapshot = await query.get();
return querySnapshot.size > 0;
And this function should reset all To-Dos to false:
Future allFalse() async{
return await users.doc(userID).get().then((DocumentSnapshot doc) {
var updateMap = new Map();
var toDos = doc['Level'];
for (var item in toDos.keys) {
updateMap[item] = false;
doc.reference.update({'Level' : updateMap});
I created both functions in a separate file (database), as you can see here:
class DatabaseService {
String userID;
final CollectionReference users =
Future allFalse() async {
return await users.doc(userID).get().then((DocumentSnapshot doc) {
var updateMap = new Map();
var toDos = doc['Level'];
for (var item in toDos.keys) {
updateMap[item] = false;
doc.reference.update({'Level': updateMap});
Future<bool> checkTime() async {
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
var query = users.where('Startdatum', isLessThanOrEqualTo: now);
query = query.where('userID', isEqualTo: userID);
final querySnapshot = await query.get();
return querySnapshot.size > 0;
I create an if condition in in inite State that includes checkTime. If checkTime returns true, the Future returns allFalse, which sets all To-Dos to false.
class _UebersichtState extends State<Uebersicht> {
User? user;
late DatabaseService database;
Future<void> connect() async{
final FirebaseAuth auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
UserCredential result = await auth.signInAnonymously();
user = result.user;
database = DatabaseService(user!.uid);
void initState() {
// TODO: implement initState
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3), () async{
if(await database.checkTime()) {
return await database.allFalse();}
else print('Still time left');
I used a delay because the connect () function has to be executed first, it initializes database.
When I start the app, no error appears, but the To-Dos are not reset either.
Today we have the 21. 12. 2021 and in Cloud Firestore is 14. 12. 21 deposited.
The function allFalse works, it resets the To-Dos all.
It must be the function checkTime, which does not return a bool in the if condition. I just replaced it with if (0 == 0) and that triggers allFalse.
Can someone help me?
This is just a guess, but I believe this is the problem:
query = query.where('userID', isEqualTo: userID);
The above line would only work if your document had a field userID and said field was equal to your UID, but from what I could gather, you identify the UID by the name of the documents, if that is the case, this should work?
Future<bool> checkTime() async {
CollectionReference users = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users');
final now = DateTime.now();
final doc = await users.doc(userID).get();
final stufenzeit = (doc.data() as Map<String, dynamic>)['Stufenzeit'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
final storedDate = (stufenSetit['Startdatum'] as TimeStamp).toDate();
return now.compareTo(storedDate) > 0;
There's probably also a way to do it with queries, but I am not so well versed on those to be completely honest.

Flutter: Cannot store Firestore data to local variable (returns null)

I have an issue when trying to store data from Firestore to a local variable.
class AppUser {
String _userId;
Map<String, dynamic> _userData;
Future getUserDataFromDb() async {
_userData = await dbInterface.getFinancialsFromDB(_userId);
// dbInterface.getFinancialsFromDB(_userId).then((Map<String, dynamic> data) {
// _userData = data;
// });
print(_userData); // flutter: null
_userData always returns null.
class Db {
CollectionReference financials = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('financials');
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getFinancialsFromDB(userId) async {
financials.doc(userId).get().then((DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
if (documentSnapshot.exists) {
print(documentSnapshot.data()); // flutter: {'key1': 'data1', ...}
return documentSnapshot.data();
return null;
Db dbInterface = Db();
Within the "getFinancialsFromDB"-Function it prints the correct Map. So the issue isn't to retrieve the data from Firestore but to store it in the _userData variable.
The getUserDataFromDb() is called in an initState.
Any ideas what I could do to fix this issue? If you need any additional infos please let me know.
Thanks a lot, I really appreciate any help.
All the best,
When writing code an in async function, don't use then. Instead, use await to get the result of a Future.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getFinancialsFromDB(userId) async {
var documentSnapshot = await financials.doc(userId).get();
if (documentSnapshot.exists) {
return documentSnapshot.data();
else {
return null;

Getting this error - type 'Future<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>'

Whenever trying to call future data and trying converting to List, it returns the error
type 'Future' is not a subtype of type 'List'
Tried type-casting, but no help
On HomePage.dart
final getPost = NetworkFile().getPosts();
List posts;
void getPostsList() {
setState(() {
var res = getPost;
posts = res as List<dynamic>;
On Network.dart
class NetworkFile{
Future<dynamic> getPosts() async {
var response = await http.get('$kBlogURL' + 'posts?_embed');
Iterable resBody = await jsonDecode(response.body.toString());
return resBody;
You are decoding the response and its a List of type dynamic. There are few method to handle it. You can create a simple PODO class and cast/mapped to it. Or just do like below:
List posts = [];
void getPostsList() async {
final fetchedPosts = await NetworkFile().getPosts();
setState(() {
posts = fetchedPosts;
Here is a nice article about PODO.
final getPost = NetworkFile().getPosts();
Map posts;
void getPostsList() async {
var res = await getPost;
setState(() {
posts = res as Map<String, dynamic>;
class NetworkFile {
Future<dynamic> getPosts() async {
var response = await http.get('https://onetechstop.net/wp-json/wp/v2');
var resBody = await jsonDecode(response.body.toString());
return resBody;