kubernetes Blue green deployment - kubernetes

Kubernetes Blue-green deployment, I am patching the Kubernetes-application-service to redirect the traffic from app-v1 to app-v2(Behind the load balancer). if any connection is ongoing on during that "patching", will be disconnected? and if not !! how I can test this?
what is the best approach as per you for version deployment with the warm handover(without any connection loss) from app-v1 to app-v2?

The question seems to be about supporting two versions at the same time. That is kind of Canary deployment, which make production traffic to gradually shifting from app-v1 to app-v2.
This could be achieved with:
Allow deployments to have HPA with custom metric that based on number of connections. That is, when it reaches certain number of connections scale up/down.
Allow two deployments at the same time, app-v1 and app-v2.
Allow new traffic to route on new deployment via some Ingress annotation, but still keeping access to the old version, so no existing connection be dropped.
Now, all the new requests will be routed to the new version. The HPA eventually, scale down pods from old version. (You can even allow deployment to have zero replicas).
Addition to your question above blue-green deployments.
The blue-green deployment is about having two identical environments, where one environment active at a time, let's say blue is active on production now. Once you have a new version ready for deployment, say green, is deployed and tested separately. Finally, you switched the traffic to the green environment, when you are happy with the test result on green environment. So green become active while blue become idle or terminated later sometime.
(Referred from martin fowler article).
In Kubernetes, this can be achieved with having two identical deployments. Here is a good reference.
Basically, you can have two identical deployments, assume you have current deployment my-deployment-blue is on production. Once you are ready with the new version, you can deploy it as a completely new deployment, lets say my-deployment-green, and use a separate test service to test the green environment. Finally, switch the traffic to the my-deployment-green when all test are passed.

If you are trying to achieve Blue/Green in Kubernetes then my answer might help you.
Do a rolling update by setting the following configuration
maxUnavailable = 0
maxSurge = 100%
The deployment controller first scales the latest version up to 100% of the obsolete version. Once the latest version is healthy, it immediately scales the obsolete version down to 0%.
Example Code:
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.14.2
- containerPort: 80
maxSurge: 100%
maxUnavailable: 0
type: RollingUpdate


How to perform a rolling update for two dependent deployments where one of them has a longer grace period?

I have a Kubernetes cluster with the following components(Nginx-ingress).
When I deploy a new version of the Tomcat, old ones will stick around for a while(for application reasons) maybe like 10 minutes then they will die. For a short period of time, some users will connect to the old pods and some will connect to new ones. Users who connect to V2 of tomcat need to get the new static assets meaning they need to connect to Apache v2. The problem is that even if I keep both versions of the apache around for the same amount of the time, how am I going to make sure users with the new version of tomcat connect to the new version of apache and users with the old version of tomcat connect to the old version of apache? I want apache pods to be stateless.
I think you should try the blue green deployment model.
A blue/green deployment is a change management strategy for releasing software code. Blue/green deployments, which may also be referred to as A/B deployments require two identical hardware environments that are configured exactly the same way. While one environment is active and serving end users, the other environment remains idle.
Container technology offers a stand-alone environment to run the desired service, which makes it super easy to create identical environments as required in the blue/green deployment. The loosely coupled Services - ReplicaSets, and the label/selector-based service routing in Kubernetes make it easy to switch between different backend environments. With these techniques, the blue/green deployments in Kubernetes can be done as follows:
Before the deployment, the infrastructure is prepared like so:
Prepare the blue deployment and green deployment with TOMCAT_VERSION=7 and TARGET_ROLE set to blue or green respectively.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: tomcat-deployment-${TARGET_ROLE}
replicas: 2
app: tomcat
role: ${TARGET_ROLE}
- name: tomcat-container
image: tomcat:${TOMCAT_VERSION}
- containerPort: 8080
path: /
port: 8080
Prepare the public service endpoint, which initially routes to one of the backend environments, say TARGET_ROLE=blue.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: tomcat-service
app: tomcat
role: ${TARGET_ROLE}
env: prod
type: LoadBalancer
app: tomcat
role: ${TARGET_ROLE}
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
Optionally, prepare a test endpoint so that we can visit the backend environments for testing. They are similar to the public service endpoint, but they are intended to be accessed internally by the dev/ops team only.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: tomcat-test-${TARGET_ROLE}
app: tomcat
role: test-${TARGET_ROLE}
type: LoadBalancer
app: tomcat
role: ${TARGET_ROLE}
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
Update the application in the inactive environment, say green environment. Set TARGET_ROLE=green and TOMCAT_VERSION=8 in the deployment config to update the green environment.
Test the deployment via the tomcat-test-green test endpoint to ensure the green environment is ready to serve client traffic.
Switch the frontend Service routing to the green environment by updating the Service config with TARGET_ROLE=green.
Run additional tests on the public endpoint to ensure it is working properly.
Now the blue environment is idle and we can:
leave it with the old application so that we can roll back if there's issue with the new application
update it to make it a hot backup of the active environment
reduce its replica count to save the occupied resources
As compared to Rolling Update, the blue/green up* The public service is either routed to the old applications, or new applications, but never both at the same time.
The time it takes for the new pods to be ready does not affect the public service quality, as the traffic will only be routed to the new pods when all of them are tested to be ready.
We can do comprehensive tests on the new environment before it serves any public traffic. Just keep in mind this is in production, and the tests should not pollute live application data.

Does Kubernetes support green-blue deployment?

I would like to ask on the mechanism for stopping the pods in kubernetes.
I read https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod/#termination-of-pods before ask the question.
Supposably we have a application with gracefully shutdown support
(for example we use simple http server on Go https://play.golang.org/p/5tmkPPMiSSt).
Server has two endpoints:
/fast, always send 200 http status code.
/slow, wait 10 seconds and send 200 http status code.
There is deployment/service resource with that configuration:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: test
replicas: 1
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 1
maxUnavailable: 0
app/name: test
app/name: test
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 120
- name: service
image: host.org/images/grace:v0.1
path: /health
port: 10002
failureThreshold: 1
initialDelaySeconds: 1
path: /health
port: 10002
failureThreshold: 1
initialDelaySeconds: 1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: test
type: NodePort
- name: http
port: 10002
targetPort: 10002
app/name: test
To make sure the pods deleted gracefully I conducted two test options.
First option (slow endpoint) flow:
Create deployment with replicas value equal 1.
Wait for pod readness.
Send request on /slow endpoint (curl http://ip-of-some-node:nodePort/slow) and delete pod (simultaneously, with 1 second out of sync).
Pod must not end before http server completed my request.
Yes, http server process in 10 seconds and return response for me.
(if we pass --grace-period=1 option to kubectl, then curl will write - curl: (52) Empty reply from server)
Everything works as expected.
Second option (fast endpoint) flow:
Create deployment with replicas value equal 10.
Wait for pods readness.
Start wrk with "Connection: close" header.
Randomly delete one or two pods (kubectl delete pod/xxx).
No socket errors.
$ wrk -d 2m --header "Connection: Close" http://ip-of-some-node:nodePort/fast
Running 2m test # http://ip-of-some-node:nodePort/fast
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 122.35ms 177.30ms 1.98s 91.33%
Req/Sec 66.98 33.93 160.00 65.83%
15890 requests in 2.00m, 1.83MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 15, write 0, timeout 0
Requests/sec: 132.34
Transfer/sec: 15.64KB
15 socket errors on read, that is, some pods were disconnected from the service before all requests were processed (maybe).
The problem appears when a new deployment version is applied, scale down and rollout undo.
What's reason of that behavior?
How to fix it?
Kubernetes version: v1.16.2
Edit 1.
The number of errors changes each time, but remains in the range of 10-20, when removing 2-5 pods in two minutes.
P.S. If we will not delete a pod, we don't got errors.
Does Kubernetes support green-blue deployment?
Yes, it does. You can read about it on Zero-downtime Deployment in Kubernetes with Jenkins,
A blue/green deployment is a change management strategy for releasing software code. Blue/green deployments, which may also be referred to as A/B deployments require two identical hardware environments that are configured exactly the same way. While one environment is active and serving end users, the other environment remains idle.
Container technology offers a stand-alone environment to run the desired service, which makes it super easy to create identical environments as required in the blue/green deployment. The loosely coupled Services - ReplicaSets, and the label/selector-based service routing in Kubernetes make it easy to switch between different backend environments.
I would also recommend reading Kubernetes Infrastructure Blue/Green deployments.
Here is a repository with examples from codefresh.io about blue green deployment.
This repository holds a bash script that allows you to perform blue/green deployments on a Kubernetes cluster. See also the respective blog post
As a convention the script expects
The name of your deployment to be $APP_NAME-$VERSION
Your deployment should have a label that shows it version
Your service should point to the deployment by using a version selector, pointing to the corresponding label in the deployment
Notice that the new color deployment created by the script will follow the same conventions. This way each subsequent pipeline you run will work in the same manner.
You can see examples of the tags with the sample application:
You might be also interested in Canary deployment:
Another deployment strategy is using Canaries (a.k.a. incremental rollouts). With canaries, the new version of the application is gradually deployed to the Kubernetes cluster while getting a very small amount of live traffic (i.e. a subset of live users are connecting to the new version while the rest are still using the previous version).
The small subset of live traffic to the new version acts as an early warning for potential problems that might be present in the new code. As our confidence increases, more canaries are created and more users are now connecting to the updated version. In the end, all live traffic goes to canaries, and thus the canary version becomes the new “production version”.
What's reason of that behavior?
When new deployment is being applied old pods are being removed and new ones are being scheduled.
This is being done by Control Plan
For example, when you use the Kubernetes API to create a Deployment, you provide a new desired state for the system. The Kubernetes Control Plane records that object creation, and carries out your instructions by starting the required applications and scheduling them to cluster nodes–thus making the cluster’s actual state match the desired state.
You have only setup a readinessProbe, which tells your service if it should send traffic to the pod or not. This is not a good solution as like you can see in your example if you have 10 pods and remove one or two there is a gap and you receive socket error.
How to fix it?
You have to understand this is not broken so it doesn't need a fix.
This might be mitigated by implementing a check in your application to make sure it's sending request to working address or utilize other features like load balancing like ingress.
Also when you are updating deployment you can do checks before deleting the pod to check if it does have any traffic incoming/outgoing and roll the update to only not used pods.

How to create deployments with more than one pod?

I'm hosting an application on the Google Cloud Platform via Kubernetes, and I've managed to set up this continuous deployment pipeline:
Application code is updated
New Docker image is automatically generated
K8s Deployment is automatically updated to use the new image
This works great, except for one issue - the deployment always seems to have only one pod. Because of this, when the next update cycle comes around, the entire application goes down, which is unacceptable.
I've tried modifying the YAML of the deployment to increase the number of replicas, and it works... until the next image update, where it gets reset back to one pod again.
This is the command I use to update the image deployment:
set image deployment foo-server gcp-cd-foo-server-sha256=gcr.io/project-name/gcp-cd-foo-server:$REVISION_ID
You can use this command if you dont want to edit deployment yaml file:
kubectl scale deployment foo-server --replicas=2
Also, look at update strategy with maxUnavailable and maxsurge properties.
In your orgional deployment.yml file keep the replicas to 2 or more, othervise you cant avoid down time if only one pod is running and you are going to re-deploy/upgrade etc.
Deployment with 3 replicas( example):
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80
Deployment can ensure that only a certain number of Pods may be down
while they are being updated. By default, it ensures that at least 25%
less than the desired number of Pods are up (25% max unavailable).
Deployment can also ensure that only a certain number of Pods may be
created above the desired number of Pods. By default, it ensures that
at most 25% more than the desired number of Pods are up (25% max
Nevermind, I had just set up my deployments wrong - had something to do with using the GCP user interface to create the deployments rather than console commands. I created the deployments with kubectl run app --image ... instead and it works now.

Gitlab Autodevops How to always keep one pod alive

I'm using Gitlab Autodevops to deploy app on my kubernetes cluster. That app should always have only one instance running.
Problem is, during the update process, Helm kills currently running pod before the new pod is ready. This causes downtime period, when old version is already killed and new one isn't ready yet. To make it worse, app need significant time to start (2+ minutes).
I have tried to set minAvailable: 1 in PodDisruptionBudget, but no help.
Any idea how can i tell helm to wait for readiness of updated pod before killing old one? (Having 2 instances running simultaneously for several second is not such a problem for me)
You can release a new application version in few ways, it's necessary to choose the one that fit your needs.
I would recommend one of the following:
Ramped - slow rollout
A ramped deployment updates pods in a rolling update fashion, a secondary ReplicaSet is created with the new version of the application, then the number of replicas of the old version is decreased and the new version is increased until the correct number of replicas is reached.
replicas: 3
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 2 # how many pods we can add at a time
maxUnavailable: 0 # maxUnavailable define how many pods can be unavailable
# during the rolling update
Full example and steps can be found here.
Blue/Green - best to avoid API versioning issues
A blue/green deployment differs from a ramped deployment because the “green” version of the application is deployed alongside the “blue” version. After testing that the new version meets the requirements, we update the Kubernetes Service object that plays the role of load balancer to send traffic to the new version by replacing the version label in the selector field.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-app
app: my-app
type: NodePort
- name: http
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
# Note here that we match both the app and the version.
# When switching traffic, we update the label “version” with
# the appropriate value, ie: v2.0.0
app: my-app
version: v1.0.0
Full example and steps can be found here.
Canary - for testing
A canary deployment consists of routing a subset of users to a new functionality. In Kubernetes, a canary deployment can be done using two Deployments with common pod labels. One replica of the new version is released alongside the old version. Then after some time and if no error is detected, scale up the number of replicas of the new version and delete the old deployment.
Using this ReplicaSet technique requires spinning-up as many pods as necessary to get the right percentage of traffic. That said, if you want to send 1% of traffic to version B, you need to have one pod running with version B and 99 pods running with version A. This can be pretty inconvenient to manage so if you are looking for a better managed traffic distribution, look at load balancers such as HAProxy or service meshes like Linkerd, which provide greater controls over traffic.
Manifest for version A:
replicas: 3
Manifest for version B:
replicas: 1
Full example and steps can be found here.
You can also play with Interactive Tutorial - Updating Your App on Kubernetes.
I recommend reading Deploy, Scale And Upgrade An Application On Kubernetes With Helm.

Kubernetes - can a Deployment have multiple ReplicaSets?

Just finished reading Nigel Poulton's The Kubernetes Book. I'm left with the question of whether or not a Deployment can specify multiple ReplicaSets.
When I think Deployment, I think of it in the traditional sense of an entire application being deployed. Or is there meant to be a Deployment for each microservice?
apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
name: hello-deploy
replicas: 10
app: hello-world
minReadySeconds: 10
type: RollingUpdate
maxUnavailable: 1
maxSurge: 1
app: hello-world
- name: hello-pod
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook : latest
- containerPort: 8080
It is meant to be a deployment of each microservice.
You can also manage the quantity of "deployed services" of each microservices type.
So for instance, if you want to deploy Service A (Docker image with an Java service) 5 times, you have a deployment resulting 5 pods. Each pod contains the image of Service A.
If you deploy a new version of this Service A (Docker image with an Java service), Kubernetes is able to do a rolling update and manage the shut down of the old Java service type (the existing pods) and creates 5 new pods with the new Java Service A.2 (a new docker image).
Thus your whole microservices application/infrastructure is build upon multiple deployments. Each generating Kubernetes pods, which are published by Kubernetes services.
A deployment contains a single pod template, and generates one replicaset per revision
The replica sets can be multiple up to a limit of 10 based on the number of updates that have been done using deployment. But only one replicaSet (the latest one) should be showing the number of pods; all other older sets should be showing 0.
We can set revisionHistoryLimit to specify how many old replicaSets we want to retain: