How to perform a rolling update for two dependent deployments where one of them has a longer grace period? - kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes cluster with the following components(Nginx-ingress).
When I deploy a new version of the Tomcat, old ones will stick around for a while(for application reasons) maybe like 10 minutes then they will die. For a short period of time, some users will connect to the old pods and some will connect to new ones. Users who connect to V2 of tomcat need to get the new static assets meaning they need to connect to Apache v2. The problem is that even if I keep both versions of the apache around for the same amount of the time, how am I going to make sure users with the new version of tomcat connect to the new version of apache and users with the old version of tomcat connect to the old version of apache? I want apache pods to be stateless.

I think you should try the blue green deployment model.
A blue/green deployment is a change management strategy for releasing software code. Blue/green deployments, which may also be referred to as A/B deployments require two identical hardware environments that are configured exactly the same way. While one environment is active and serving end users, the other environment remains idle.
Container technology offers a stand-alone environment to run the desired service, which makes it super easy to create identical environments as required in the blue/green deployment. The loosely coupled Services - ReplicaSets, and the label/selector-based service routing in Kubernetes make it easy to switch between different backend environments. With these techniques, the blue/green deployments in Kubernetes can be done as follows:
Before the deployment, the infrastructure is prepared like so:
Prepare the blue deployment and green deployment with TOMCAT_VERSION=7 and TARGET_ROLE set to blue or green respectively.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: tomcat-deployment-${TARGET_ROLE}
replicas: 2
app: tomcat
role: ${TARGET_ROLE}
- name: tomcat-container
image: tomcat:${TOMCAT_VERSION}
- containerPort: 8080
path: /
port: 8080
Prepare the public service endpoint, which initially routes to one of the backend environments, say TARGET_ROLE=blue.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: tomcat-service
app: tomcat
role: ${TARGET_ROLE}
env: prod
type: LoadBalancer
app: tomcat
role: ${TARGET_ROLE}
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
Optionally, prepare a test endpoint so that we can visit the backend environments for testing. They are similar to the public service endpoint, but they are intended to be accessed internally by the dev/ops team only.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: tomcat-test-${TARGET_ROLE}
app: tomcat
role: test-${TARGET_ROLE}
type: LoadBalancer
app: tomcat
role: ${TARGET_ROLE}
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
Update the application in the inactive environment, say green environment. Set TARGET_ROLE=green and TOMCAT_VERSION=8 in the deployment config to update the green environment.
Test the deployment via the tomcat-test-green test endpoint to ensure the green environment is ready to serve client traffic.
Switch the frontend Service routing to the green environment by updating the Service config with TARGET_ROLE=green.
Run additional tests on the public endpoint to ensure it is working properly.
Now the blue environment is idle and we can:
leave it with the old application so that we can roll back if there's issue with the new application
update it to make it a hot backup of the active environment
reduce its replica count to save the occupied resources
As compared to Rolling Update, the blue/green up* The public service is either routed to the old applications, or new applications, but never both at the same time.
The time it takes for the new pods to be ready does not affect the public service quality, as the traffic will only be routed to the new pods when all of them are tested to be ready.
We can do comprehensive tests on the new environment before it serves any public traffic. Just keep in mind this is in production, and the tests should not pollute live application data.


K8s service doesn't use autoscaled mongodb pods

I am trying to deploy mongodb with kubernetes (gke more precisely). This database is used by a microservice which only needs to read in the database, so I thought of deploying multiple pods with a mongodb docker in each of them, so that the work is shared between them. To do that I created a mongodb image in which I uploaded my mongodb that I previously used with a single docker.
(Here is its Dockerfile, a single deployment of this image works in k8s so I guess that this may not be linked to the issue)
FROM mongo:latest
EXPOSE 27017
COPY /mdb/ /data/db
As the number of requests to the db varies during the day, I want to use gke horizontal autoscaling for those "mongodb pods". Autoscaling works as new pods are created when the cpu utilization goes over the target I fixed in my horinzontal pod autoscaler, but these new pods are not used by the service I created for the deployment file used to deploy those pods, and that's my issue.
Something strange to me is that the new pods local IP addresses appear in my service endpoints, and when I delete the initial pod, which is the only one working at that moment, then the other pods created by the autoscaler get activated and so I finally get a performance improvement. However, this is obviously not a solution to me, and moreover other pods created after I deleted the initial one don't get used either.
Here are the yamls files for my mongodb deployment and service :
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: mongodb-deployment
app: mongodb
replicas: 1
app: mongodb
app: mongodb
- name: mongodb
image: "$my_mongodb_image_in_which_I_have_my_db"
- containerPort: 27017
memory: "1800Mi"
cpu: "3000m"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mongodb-service
type: LoadBalancer
loadBalancerIP: $IP_reserved_for_this_service
app: mongodb
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 27017
And I am accessing those mongodb through pymongo, in programs that run in another pod in the same gke cluster:
def get_db(database: str):
client = MongoClient(host="$IP_reserved_for_this_service",
return client.get_database(database)
This way of using and autoscaling mongodb might be weird and quite impractical but it's only a first model for me and I would like to make it work (or understand why it can't work).
Here are screenshots showing the behaviour of those pods:
state 1: only the initial pod is working
...but all ips appear in service endpoints
state 2: initial pod deleted, the other work now (except the new one created by the autoscaler after the deletion)
...and the endpoints are updated in the service (the update is in the "+ 1 more ...", I checked in the google console)
I feel that the problem might come either from the configuration of my mongodb-service or from the way k8s or gke deals with mongodb images (anyway since I'm new to k8s I might be completely wrong on that too).
Any help or comment will be appreciated, and if you need more information let me know.
There sticky connection in Kubernetes, a common and well-known feature of Kubernetes. Kubernetes doesn't balance packages, it's balancing connections. Once your app established a connection to a service, all requests to this service will through this connection. Kubernetes doesn't guarantee that the next one won't go via another connection.
Once of the option to solve - headless service
Or service mesh, but it's too much for your case ))

Redis master/slave replication on Kubernetes for ultra-low latency

A graph is always better than the last sentences, so here is what I would like to do :
To sum up:
I want to have a Redis master instance outside (or inside, this is not relevant here) my K8S cluster
I want to have a Redis slave instance per node replicating the master instance
I want that when removing a node, the Redis slave pod gets unregistered from master
I want that when adding a node, a Redis slave pod is added to the node and registered to the master
I want all pods in one node to consume only the data of the local Redis slave (easy part I think)
Why do I want such an architecture?
I want to take advantage of Redis master/slave replication to avoid dealing with cache invalidation myself
I want to have ultra-low latency calls to Redis cache, so having one slave per node is the best I can get (calling on local host network)
Is it possible to automate such deployments, using Helm for instance? Are there domcumentation resources to make such an architecture with clean dynamic master/slave binding/unbinding?
And most of all, is this architecture a good idea for what I want to do? Is there any alternative that could be as fast?
i remember we had a discussion on this topic previously here, no worries adding more here.
Read more about the Redis helm chart :
You should also be asking the question of how my application will be
connecting to POD on same Node without using the service of Redis.
For that, you can use the `environment variables and expose them to application POD.
Something like :
- name: HOST_IP
fieldPath: status.hostIP
It will give you the value of Node IP on which the POD is running, then you can use that IP to connect to DeamonSet (Redis slave if you are running).
You can read more at :
Is it possible to automate such deployments, using Helm for instance?
Yes, you can write down your own Helm chart and deploy the generated YAML manifest.
And most of all, is this architecture a good idea for what I want to
do? Is there any alternative that could be as fast?
If you think then it is a good idea, as per my consideration this could create the $$$ issue & higher cluster resources usage.
What if you are running the 200 nodes on each you will be running the slave of Redis ? Which might consume resources on each node and add cost to your infra.
if you are planning for specific deployment
Your above suggestion is also good, but still, if you are planning to use the Redis with only Specific deployment you can use the sidecar pattern also and connect multiple Redis together using configuration.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: web
app: web
- port: 80
name: redis
targetPort: 5000
app: web
type: LoadBalancer
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: web
app: web
replicas: 3
app: web
- name: redis
image: redis
- containerPort: 6379
name: redis
protocol: TCP
- name: web-app
image: web-app
- name: "REDIS_HOST"
value: "localhost"

kubernetes Blue green deployment

Kubernetes Blue-green deployment, I am patching the Kubernetes-application-service to redirect the traffic from app-v1 to app-v2(Behind the load balancer). if any connection is ongoing on during that "patching", will be disconnected? and if not !! how I can test this?
what is the best approach as per you for version deployment with the warm handover(without any connection loss) from app-v1 to app-v2?
The question seems to be about supporting two versions at the same time. That is kind of Canary deployment, which make production traffic to gradually shifting from app-v1 to app-v2.
This could be achieved with:
Allow deployments to have HPA with custom metric that based on number of connections. That is, when it reaches certain number of connections scale up/down.
Allow two deployments at the same time, app-v1 and app-v2.
Allow new traffic to route on new deployment via some Ingress annotation, but still keeping access to the old version, so no existing connection be dropped.
Now, all the new requests will be routed to the new version. The HPA eventually, scale down pods from old version. (You can even allow deployment to have zero replicas).
Addition to your question above blue-green deployments.
The blue-green deployment is about having two identical environments, where one environment active at a time, let's say blue is active on production now. Once you have a new version ready for deployment, say green, is deployed and tested separately. Finally, you switched the traffic to the green environment, when you are happy with the test result on green environment. So green become active while blue become idle or terminated later sometime.
(Referred from martin fowler article).
In Kubernetes, this can be achieved with having two identical deployments. Here is a good reference.
Basically, you can have two identical deployments, assume you have current deployment my-deployment-blue is on production. Once you are ready with the new version, you can deploy it as a completely new deployment, lets say my-deployment-green, and use a separate test service to test the green environment. Finally, switch the traffic to the my-deployment-green when all test are passed.
If you are trying to achieve Blue/Green in Kubernetes then my answer might help you.
Do a rolling update by setting the following configuration
maxUnavailable = 0
maxSurge = 100%
The deployment controller first scales the latest version up to 100% of the obsolete version. Once the latest version is healthy, it immediately scales the obsolete version down to 0%.
Example Code:
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.14.2
- containerPort: 80
maxSurge: 100%
maxUnavailable: 0
type: RollingUpdate

Can I have a K8s pod per user/firm?

Is there a way we can have a K8s pod per user/per firm? I realise, per user/per firm grouping is mixing up the business level semantics with infrastructure but say I had this need for regulatory reasons, etc to keep things separate. Then is there a way to create a pod on the fly when a user logs in for the first time and hold this pod reference and route any further requests to the relevant pod which will host a set of containers each running an instance of one of the modules.
Is this even possible?
If possible, what are those identifiers that
can be injected into the pod on the fly that I could use to identify that this is
Effectively, I need to have a pod template that helps me create identical pods of 1 replica but the only way they differ is they are serving traffic related to one user/one firm only.
Generally, if you want to send traffic to a specific pod say from a Kubernetes Service you would use Labels and Selectors. For example, using the selector app: usera-app in the Service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: usera-service
app: usera-app
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
Then say if the Deployment for your pods, using the label app: usera-app:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: usera-deployment
app: usera-app
replicas: 2
app: usera-app
- name: myservice
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
More info here
How you assign your pods and deployments is up to you and whatever configuration you may use. If you'd like to force create some of the labels in deployments/pods you can take a look at MutatingAdminssionWebhooks.
If you are looking at projects to facilitate all this you can take a look at:
Gatekeeper which is an implementation of the Open Policy Agent for Kubernetes admission. (Still in alpha as of this writing)
Other tools that can help you with attestation and admission mechanism (would have to be adapted for labels):
Yes, you can create multiple virtual clusters for each user with namespaces.
Namespaces are the way to divide cluster between users.

How to configure a Kubernetes Multi-Pod Deployment

I would like to deploy an application cluster by managing my deployment via k8s Deployment object. The documentation has me extremely confused. My basic layout has the following components that scale independently:
API server
UI server
Redis cache
Timer/Scheduled task server
Technically, all 4 above belong in separate pods that are scaled independently.
My questions are:
Do I need to create pod.yml files and then somehow reference them in deployment.yml file or can a deployment file also embed pod definitions?
K8s documentation seems to imply that the spec portion of Deployment is equivalent to defining one pod. Is that correct? What if I want to declaratively describe multi-pod deployments? Do I do need multiple deployment.yml files?
Pagids answer has most of the basics. You should create 4 Deployments for your scenario. Each deployment will create a ReplicaSet that schedules and supervises the collection of PODs for the Deployment.
Each Deployment will most likely also require a Service in front of it for access. I usually create a single yaml file that has a Deployment and the corresponding Service in it. Here is an example for an nginx.yaml that I use:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
annotations: "true"
name: nginx
app: nginx
type: NodePort
- port: 80
name: nginx
targetPort: 80
nodePort: 32756
app: nginx
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: nginxdeployment
replicas: 3
app: nginx
- name: nginxcontainer
image: nginx:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 80
Here some additional information for clarification:
A POD is not a scalable unit. A Deployment that schedules PODs is.
A Deployment is meant to represent a single group of PODs fulfilling a single purpose together.
You can have many Deployments work together in the virtual network of the cluster.
For accessing a Deployment that may consist of many PODs running on different nodes you have to create a Service.
Deployments are meant to contain stateless services. If you need to store a state you need to create StatefulSet instead (e.g. for a database service).
You can use the Kubernetes API reference for the Deployment and you'll find that the spec->template field is of type PodTemplateSpec along with the related comment (Template describes the pods that will be created.) it answers you questions. A longer description can of course be found in the Deployment user guide.
To answer your questions...
1) The Pods are managed by the Deployment and defining them separately doesn't make sense as they are created on demand by the Deployment. Keep in mind that there might be more replicas of the same pod type.
2) For each of the applications in your list, you'd have to define one Deployment - which also makes sense when it comes to difference replica counts and application rollouts.
3) you haven't asked that but it's related - along with separate Deployments each of your applications will also need a dedicated Service so the others can access it.
additional information:
API server use deployment
UI server use deployment
Redis cache use statefulset
Timer/Scheduled task server maybe use a statefulset (If your service has some state in)