WooCommerce Integration in swift - swift

how can I integrate WooCommerce in my swift code...I want to integrate Rest full API is my Application. I don't have any idea how to do this.
I got consumer key and secret key and don't know further how to do this.


How to implement CyberSource REST 3D Secure

I'm trying to implement 3D Secure via CyberSource's REST API. I've got their REST SDK via : Github REST SDK and I've been using their Live Console examples as well: CyberSource Live Console
Now I know you meant to start by setting up Payer Auth via
On this link: Setup Payer API Ref
But want I'm looking for is a guide on how all the parts are put together, all their other older implementations seem to have PDF guides demonstrating the different flows of the API but I can't find anything for REST. I know at the end I should using the example of "Authorization with Payer Auth Validation" via this link Payer Auth API Ref but I need to be able to test everything, and know what properties I need to use on which API call or share between API calls.
For instance like this 3D Secure API guide: Sage Pay API Guide . On this guide they detail the various request and response messages. Different flows, such as Frictionless authentication , Challenge Auth. I'm specifically interest in the Challenge Auth flow whereby you would redirect your customer to the acsUrl received. If anyone has any guides or assistance they can provide to make this process more clear it would be greatly appreciated. We've put in requests for more information from the intermediary party we are using between CyberSource but it's slow going. Thanx all
For anyone else arriving here, there is now a CyberSource 3D-Secure REST guide here.
At this time there is not a guide for the REST API that has the complete picture. Instead you have to use the SOAP API guide here SOAP Guide. See Chapter 2 within that guide. Where that guide references SOAP API calls replace them with the REST API calls. It's not ideal but that is all that is available.

how do you use the google review Gatsby plugin?

I'm trying to use the gatsby-source-google-reviews plugin. Upon trying to run develop, I get an invalid API key message. Where do I find and put this API key? And is the API key considered the same thing as the placeID?

Flutter stripe SDK custom form

I need to add stripe to a flutter app where I can save a credit card with a custom form, but since I only found an unofficial sdk that provides a pre-built form (stripe_payments), is there a way to work with API requests without relying on an SDK?
All SDKs are essentially just wrappers for Stripe's API. You can make those calls yourself using something like curl or fetch: https://stripe.com/docs/api?lang=curl
Bear in mind that some of those calls require a secret key and some can be done with a publishable key. You should never use a secret key on your client, only on your server.

Stripe implementation in flutter

I need to implement Stripe payment gateway in one of my application, is there any plugin or something I can use to add card and charge customers for some service. If anyone having any references please suggest.
I have gone through some tutorials and plugin but none of them are as per my requirement some plugin allows only to add a card but I am unable to find the plugin that can manage payments with the Stripe.
After successfully adding card, you will get a response with a token.
Pass that token to your backend server, you could call charge.create(it depends on your backend language, check stripe documentations) function to make the actual charge and other stuff.
You can use stripe_payment plugin
Here is an article showing you how to do implement payment in flutter using firebase and stripe
This is best done in Firebase using cloud functions, rather than from the app. Find links below for more info on how to do this:
For these reasons:
There's the security aspect and one of these links explains it's not a great idea to have your stripe secret inside your client.
I want to be able to make this available from flutterweb, as well as other devices. Flutterweb is currently not yet supported by any plugin. The plugin that's best evolved and most used is https://pub.dev/packages/stripe_payment. Flutter-web has not been released yet (more, see https://github.com/jonasbark/flutter_stripe_payment/pull/147)

Paypal Rest API and Permissions API from classic

Im trying to implement paypal on a website, where I want to give my site-users the ability to add paypal as an payment option for there web shops. So I'm using Laravel, and I found this one, http://jslim.net/blog/2014/09/19/integrate-paypal-sdk-into-laravel-4/ and do pretty much like that.
So my question is, is it possible to combine the Permissions API from the Classic API and using the Rest API for my shop? And then could anyone point me in the right direction?
Currently adding PayPal REST API and Classic API SDKs are causing namespacing conflict issues, as to prevent breaking changes in REST API. The work is under way to release 1.x version of REST APIs that would allow you to work with both rest and classic APIs together.