how do you use the google review Gatsby plugin? - plugins

I'm trying to use the gatsby-source-google-reviews plugin. Upon trying to run develop, I get an invalid API key message. Where do I find and put this API key? And is the API key considered the same thing as the placeID?


Trying to retrieve GitHub "Code Scanning" is enabled or not (GitHub API)

I am working on a GitHub automation using github APIs. As a part of this automation, I want to get the status of "Code Scanning".{Org}/{repo}/code-scanning/analyses
I have tried with above API endpoint but it's not giving me whether the code scanning is enabled or not. Its only retrieving the executions of code scanning. Therefore, if a user enabled the code scanning and then disabled it, then the above endpoint will retrieve result set for previous executions.
I checked the Graphql documentation as well, but I couldn't find any resource to retrieve this. Following is the field I want to retrieve using an API call.
GitHub code scanning field

WooCommerce Integration in swift

how can I integrate WooCommerce in my swift code...I want to integrate Rest full API is my Application. I don't have any idea how to do this.
I got consumer key and secret key and don't know further how to do this.

Can I get a log of all requests made using a GitHub API key?

I would like to use the GitHub API to get a log of all API requests made using a specific API key. I couldn't find anything in the GitHub API documentation about getting a history of usage for my API key. Is this possible?

JIRA REST API Oauth dance cannot be implemented with consumer key

I am trying to call the JIRA REST API and get a request token. I have defined an application link in JIRA with consumer key and public key. But when I am trying to request the request-token with the following url
http://localhost:8080//plugins/servlet/oauth/request-token?oauth_consumer_key=consumerKey (which was used in creating the application link)
I am getting the following response
How to get rid of this?
This link would be handy if you are using python.
Also use python centrifi package to get pass sslHandShakeError. ( atlassian root certificate seems to be not from known one )

Google Maps Api v3 with API Key

Getting "REQUEST DENIED" when I try to access Google Maps Geocoding web service. Not sure why. The URL looks right to me and the Simple Access API browser key is valid and has both Maps v2 and Maps v3 turned on.
I realize the API key is no longer required in v3 so I have no idea how to get around the API limits using the web services via query string params.,-104.8011589050293&sensor=true
When I remove the "key" parameter, it works but I need stats and don't wanna hit the API access limits so I need the key in there (I think)
Any suggestions would be great.
Decided to go with for this project. Much easier to deal with than Google.