Postgres - npm script to drop/add database - postgresql

I want to simplify my life and automate the process of adding/dropping my test db via an npm script, however I am running into issues.
Attempt 1:
"drop-db:local": "psql postgres \"drop database blog_db; create database blog_db; \\c blog_db; CREATE EXTENSION \"pgcrypto\";\""
After running this, I keep getting the following error
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "drop database blog_db; create database blog_db; \c "
Attempt 2:
psql postgres
psql -h localhost -U rm postgres
So this opens the db in my terminal but that seems to ignore some stuff as mentioned in the msg below
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "drop database blog_db; create database blog_db; \c blog_db; CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;" ignored
What am I doing wrong?
This is a list of my db users
postgres=# \du
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
rm | Superuser, Create DB | {}
db version: psql (12.2 (Ubuntu 12.2-2.pgdg18.04+1))

You need to use -c or -f with your psql command.
As the psql help shows:
-c, --command=COMMAND run only single command (SQL or internal) and exit
-f, --file=FILENAME execute commands from file, then exit
As you are using multiple commands so it will be better of you use -f followed by a sql file name that has all the commands e.g your drop_create_db.sql file can have following code:
drop database blog_db;
create database blog_db;
\c blog_db;
And you may run this file by using the following command
"drop-db:local": psql -U postgres -d postgres -p 5432 -f /tmp/drop_create_db.sql


How to restore psql DB using the different ownership

I am taking pg_dump with --no-owner permission and trying to restore it in another deb.
I took pg_dump using below command and restore it in another db using the psql command.
pg_dump dbname > dname.sql
psql -d dbname -f filename
When I try to access the db I got
"ERROR: must be owner of function *** (SQLSTATE 42501) " .
Then I noticed the DB table ownership is postgres instead of myuser. I tried to restore it using pg_restore as I used .sql format it is not allowing. Then I tried with psql -U myuser dbname -f filename. I got below error message, though the user id is available.
psql: error: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "****"
How do I correct it while taking the dump or while restoring how to include the user1 permission?

Restoring the Dump using PostgreSQL's psql

I'm trying to restore the DB from an SQL file using
psql dbname < dumpfile
but after I connect to my DB psql provides a prompt with the name of the database to which psql is currently connected, followed by the string =>. For example:
So how can I enter the command, or which Meta-Command should I use to restore the DB with the psql command? (Already connected to my DB)
psql is the command line client. You cannot call psql when you are already in an interactive psql session.
Either you connect with psql -d testdb in an interactive session and import the dump with \i dumpfile, or you stay on the shell and call psql in a non-interactive session with the dump file as script: psql -d testdb -f dumpfile
you can use \c <database_name>
it will connect you to the desired database
for example
global=> \l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding
test | pgadmins | UTF8
global=> \c test
You are now connected to database "test" as user "user1".

postgresql: run SQL commands using psql in commandline

I have the below three lines to be run in commandline using psql how can i do it.
CREATE USER myprojectuser WITH PASSWORD 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE myproject TO myprojectuser;
I just want to pass the sql strings as it is.
As per the docs psql -c 'command;'
psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE myproject;' -c "CREATE USER myprojectuser WITH PASSWORD 'password';" -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE myproject TO myprojectuser;'
As #horse suggested -f filename is a better option. You can also put them into a variable using a here document and execute it with the -c option .
read -r -d '' my_sqls << EOM
CREATE USER myprojectuser WITH PASSWORD 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE myproject TO myprojectuser;
psql -c "$my_sqls" # running all the lines.

How to restore postgres db from gzip file using psql? (arelle: XBRL SEC DB)

I downloaded the postgres pg_dump file from I then ran the schema ddl file in pgAdminIII and it recreated all of the databases, functions, etc.
When I try to restore the databases using the following:
desktop:~/Downloads$ sudo postgres zcat | psql -U postgres public
I get:
sudo: postgres: command not found psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"
I can zcat the file into a file to expand it. Looks like it is a pg_dump file.
postgres=> pg_restore -a /home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_2014-11-02.txt
postgres-> ;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "pg_restore"
LINE 1: pg_restore -a /home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_2014-11-0...
postgres=> pg_restore -a postgres /home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_2014-11-02.txt;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "pg_restore"
LINE 1: pg_restore -a postgres /home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_...
So then I tried to use PG Admin III, and my output:
/usr/bin/pg_restore --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --dbname "public" --role "postgres" --no-password --section data --data-only --exit-on-error --table accession --schema public --verbose "/home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_2014-11-02.backup"
pg_restore: [archiver] input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql.
Process returned exit code 1.
May I please ask what I need to do to get the databases restored?
Does anyone know what I need to do to get the database updated from 2014-11-02 to the current date?
You should run psql as postgres user, not zcat, so try to use following:
zcat | sudo -u postgres psql public
PS pg_restore is an utility, not a PostgreSQL command, that means you should run it from command line, not from psql.

Entering a .sql file into a new postgreSQL database

I am having troubles getting started with psql. I can login using the script below
myusername#ubuntu:~/Desktop/dbscripts$ sudo su - postgres
But, once here, I cannot figure out how to find my .sql file.
I tried the options supplied by Bolo here:
How to import existing *.sql files in PostgreSQL 8.4?
But they only give
myusername#ubuntu:~/Desktop/dbscripts$ psql -U root -d first -f myscript.sql
psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "root"
myusername#ubuntu:~/Desktop/dbscripts$ psql -f myscript.sqlp
sql: FATAL: role "myusername" does not exist
myusername#ubuntu:~/Desktop/dbscripts$ sudo su - postgres
postgres#ubuntu:~$ \i myscript.sql
The program 'i' is currently not installed. To run 'i' please ask your administrator to install the package 'iprint'
This can be handled from any of the above options you tried. In which path do you have myscript.sql? After you do su - postgres, give the full path . So it will be psql -d first -f <pathtosqlfile>/myscript.sql. psql -U root will not work unless you have a user root in the database. Try psql -U postgres. You can do \i sqlscript at psql prompt, not at linux command prompt as you have done. The error you are getting "role "myusername" does not exist" can be avoided either by using -U postgres (or any other db user) or by setting the PGUSER environment variable.