Eclipse New Server Wizard does not accept my JDK as a JDK - eclipse

I am trying to configure a Glassfish Server in Eclipse, but it seems to think my JDK is a JRE. I downloaded the JDK here. Now when pointing to it in the Wizard I get this message
Does anyone know what might be wrong?

Okay it worked with JDK 8. Who needs a current version anyways am I right?


GlassFish cannot be installed in Eclipse

Tried to install glassfish4 server in eclipse oxygen. Everything is ok except that it cannot recognize the jdk. Its saying JDK required instead of JRE. I have given the right path of my JDK, but still its saying that its JRE. When I am giving "javac -version" command in the command prompt its correctly showing java version "9.0.4". Please help.
No version of GlassFish supports JDK 9 at the moment. You will need to downgrade to JDK 8.
Additionally, the GlassFish Tools for Eclipse IDE have not been formally updated to support GlassFish 5 yet. With the move of Java EE and GlassFish to the Eclipse foundation, this is likely to happen but it is hard to say when at this point.

glassfish adapter missing in eclipse kepler

hi Guys currently started to build my new workspace into a newly formatted PC,
all goes well until when I about to attached the server into my eclipse, the glassfish adpater is gone, below is a sample screenshotenter image description here.
can anyone help me how can I add the glassfish from here? thanks
after days, weeks and so on. my problem is based on the java that is currently usin. JUNO eclipse should be based on java 8 onwards, I cannot add the glassfish adapter due to the compatibility of java,eclipse and glassfish.
I could install it manually adding the update site in Install new software menue instead the marketplace. Also needed JDK 8 for glassfish compatibility.

NullPointerException when Starting Glassfish 4.0 in Eclipse on OSX Mavericks

I am using Mac 10.9 OSX Mavericks and Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers(kepler).
I've installed Glassfish 4.0 using the 'new server' option in eclipse and the latest JDK - Java SE 7 [1.7.0_55].
but when trying to start the server, I get this error -
An internal error occurred during: "Starting GlassFish 4.0 at localhost".
Is there anything wrong with my setup? Any advice is much appreciated!
Open eclipse.ini file which is located in your eclipse installation directory (in the same folder with eclipse.exe).
Add -Duser.language=en in the bottom of your eclipse.ini.
Restart eclipse.
I installed Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers(juno) instead of kepler and it works!
I am not sure what the problem with kepler is but this is a solution that worked for me.
I had the same problem while using Windows 8.1, jdk1.8.0_20, & Eclipse Luna.
I deleted the glassfish server, then re-installed, and it was all fine!
Remember to delete the server from the installation location.
Also in eclipse when you do a new installation, remember to go to "Configure Runtime Variable" (In the New Server Window), delete the existing config for Glassfish. then when you click next you will be prompted to select the JDK where you can select the correct version of the JDK. If you don't see the correct version of the jdk or no jdk version at all, then you will find above JDK a link called "Installed JRE Preferences" add the right version from there!
I had the same problem using Win7,jdk1.7.0_67, Eclipse Luna, glassfish 4.
As I suspected there is something wrong with the JDK settings, so I checked the Servers config in Preferences and in runtime environments my glassfish server got the problem: invalid JRE.
So I tried to set the JDK but the Finish button just isn't working.
I deleted that server and created a new with the same settings, and it's working.
I'm not sure though what caused this problem.

Java EE Glashfish server issue in eclipse

when i try to add a galsshfish sever in eclipse, it shows me the error as
"The server runtime require JRE 1.7 or higher" in my mac machine, even though i have installed Java 8. Please look into below image
I followed almost all the links in stackoverflow related to this problem, but none of the solution works for me.
Please help me.
Note: I have downloaded the netbeans with inbuilt plugin of glashfish sever and its working fine.

Why doesn't Eclipse need me to configure a JDK?

I recently downloaded Eclipse onto a Windows 7 machine. The machine already had a JRE but I noticed it didn't have a JDK. I was afraid I would have to download the JDK and then hook Eclipse up to it. I was (pleasanly) surprised when I was able to code, compile and run in Eclipse right out of the box. However, now I'm confused. From what I know about Java, Eclipse should need a JDK to compile code and a JRE to execute it.
The best I can think of is...
Eclipse is packaged with a JDK (if this is true, I can't find the JDK on my computer)
I'm way out in left field and don't understand JDKs as well as I thought I did.
Admittedly more of a curiosity question, why am I able to compile java without a JDK?
Eclipse has an internal compiler for some time now. Several years ago it needed a JDK but for now a JRE will suffice.
However if you want to browse or debug in the Java source code, a JDK is better.