I expected the system to report non protocol conformance, but it does not! Why? - swift

I am using Xcode Version 11.3.1 (11C504)
I am trying to create a generic function in Swift that will reject its
parameter unless such a parameter is Optional.
In the following code, I was expecting the system to report errors in all calls to onlyCallableByAnOptable() made inside test(), because none of them provide an optional value as a parameter.
However, the system only reports non-protocol conformance if I remove the Optional extension that conforms to Optable!
Which to me, it means that the system is regarding any and all values as Optional, regardless!
Am I doing something wrong?
(By the way, the following code used to be working as expected in earlier versions of Swift. I just recently found out that it stopped working, for it was letting a non-Optional go through.)
protocol Optable {
func opt()
func onlyCallableByAnOptable<T>( _ value: T) -> T where T: Optable {
return value
// Comment the following line to get the errors
extension Optional: Optable { func opt() {} }
class TestOptable {
static func test()
let c = UIColor.blue
let s = "hi"
let i = Int(1)
if let o = onlyCallableByAnOptable(c) { print("color \(o)") }
//^ expected ERROR: Argument type 'UIColor' does not conform to expected type 'Optable'
if let o = onlyCallableByAnOptable(s) { print("string \(o)") }
//^ expected ERROR: Argument type 'String' does not conform to expected type 'Optable'
if let o = onlyCallableByAnOptable(i) { print("integer \(o)") }
//^ expected ERROR: Argument type 'Int' does not conform to expected type 'Optable'

Since you've made all Optionals conform to Optable and you are using the if let syntax to unwrap the result of the call to onlyCallableByAnOptable (which means the return type must be some kind of Optional, which means the parameter must also be that same type of Optional because both the parameter and the return type are of type T in your generic method), Swift is inferring the types being passed in as UIColor?, String?, and Int? (implicitly wrapping them in Optionals) instead of UIColor, String and Int.

I am the one who posted this question.
I was trying to create a generic function in Swift that would reject
its parameter unless such parameter is an Optional.
As #TylerTheCompiler pointed out, using my original implementation (in the question), Swift was inferring type T (used in onlyCallableByAnOptable()), based on the full context of the call, not solely on the type of the value provided as parameter to it, therefore inferring T to be an Optional.
For the sake of helping others who might be trying to achieve the same as I was, the following is my solution to the problem I had.
All calls to onlyCallableByAnOptable(...) now correctly yield errors due to non-protocol conformance.
Errors like: Argument type 'UIColor' does not conform to expected type 'Optable'
If anyone knows of a simpler solution, please do post it as an answer
to: How to create a generic function in Swift that will reject the given parameter unless it is an Optional?.
protocol Optable {
associatedtype OptableType
func optionalOptable() -> OptableType?
func opt()
func onlyCallableByAnOptable<T>( _ value: T) -> T.OptableType? where T: Optable {
return value.optionalOptable()
extension Optional: Optable {
typealias OptableType = Wrapped //: Wrapped is the type of the element, as defined in Optional
func opt() {}
func optionalOptable() -> OptableType? {
return self
class TestOptable {
static func test()
let c = UIColor.blue
let s = "hi"
let i = Int(1)
if let o = onlyCallableByAnOptable(c) { // ERROR, as was desired.
print("color \(o)")
if let o = onlyCallableByAnOptable(s) { // ERROR, as was desired.
print("string \(o)")
if let o = onlyCallableByAnOptable(i) { // ERROR, as was desired.
print("integer \(o)")


Reference to generic function in Swift

In Swift, you can create a reference to a function in the form of a closure. For example:
func simpleFunc(param: Int) {
let simpleFuncReference = simpleFunc(param:) // works just fine
But in one case, I have a function with a generic parameter like this:
func hardFunc<T: StringProtocol>(param: T) {
let hardFuncReference = hardFunc(param:) // "Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred"
To try to remove that error, I attempted to explicitly specify the type, but immediately another error comes up.
func hardFunc<T: StringProtocol>(param: T) {
let hardFuncReference = hardFunc(param:) // "Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function"
Is there a way I can get a reference to hardFunc as a closure?
As you already guessed, you have to help type inference out a little:
func hardFunc<T: StringProtocol>(param: T) {
let hardFuncReference:(String) -> Void = hardFunc(param:)
Note that you do have to specify the particular type that you're specializing on, but in this case you do it by specifying the type of the variable you're assigning the closure to.
You can't keep it generic unless you're in a generic context specifying that it's generic on the same type. So this will work too
struct Foo<T: StringProtocol> {
let hardFuncReference:(T) -> Void = hardFunc(param:)

Generic Functions and Protocols in Swift 3.2 failing to infer type

Given the following .
func doSomething<T: JSONDecodable>() -> [T] { return [] }
and a concrete type of Animal: JSONDecodable I'm trying to invoke the doSomething method without specifying the type of Animal.
The following works: let result: [Animal] = doSomething()
The following examples do not:
let result: [JSONDecodable] = doSomething() // Cannot convert value of type '_' to closure result 'JSONDecodables'
Storing out the type:
let savedType = Animal.Type
let result: [savedType] = doSomething() // Use of undeclared type savedType
Any suggestions to how to hint the compiler without specifying the concrete type?

Unable to Initialize a Generic type with a Generic method parameter

I was fiddling around with generic types in the Swift playgrounds, when I attempted to use the code below:
class Node<T> {
let value: T
init(_ t: T) {
self.value = t
func convert<U>(to type: U.Type) -> Node<U>? {
guard let new = value as? U else {
return nil
return Node(new)
Note: This code is hypothetical and is not meant to do anything in the real world.
On line 12, where I return the new Node from Node.convert(_:), I get this error message:
U' is not convertible to 'T'
Now this seems rather odd to me. In theory, since we can create a Node with any type, shouldn't we be able to use any generic type initialize it? Does this have something to do with the type inference not being able to infer the type?

Return any type from a function in Swift

I am attempting to create a function that can return any type. I do not want it to return an object of type Any, but of other types, i.e. String, Bool, Int, etc. You get the idea.
You can easily do this using generics in this fashion:
func example<T>(_ arg: T) -> T {
// Stuff here
But is it possible to do it without passing in any arguments of the same type? Here is what I am thinking of:
func example<T>() -> T {
// Stuff here
When I try to do this, everything works until I call the function, then I get this error:
generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
is it possible to do it without passing in any arguments of the same type?
The answer is yes, but there needs to be a way for the compiler to infer the correct version of the generic function. If it knows what it is assigning the result to, it will work. So for instance, you could explicitly type a let or var declaration. The below works in a playground on Swift 3.
protocol Fooable
extension Int: Fooable {}
extension String: Fooable {}
func foo<T: Fooable>() -> T
return T()
let x: String = foo() // x is assigned the empty string
let y: Int = foo() // y is assigned 0

Why doesn't swift infer the appropriate overload function with a generic return argument without a type constraint?

Swift is changing rapidly, this question was asked regarding:
Xcode 7, Swift 2.0
I'm looking to implement a generic return argument. Quite often, I find it necessary to implement an optional version overload so I can access the underlying type and handle it appropriately. Here's some manufactured functions. The assignment of String is just there as a placeholder for replication:
func ambiguous<T>() -> T {
let thing = "asdf"
return thing as! T
func ambiguous<T>() -> T? {
return nil
Now, if we look at the implementation:
// Fine
let a: String = ambiguous()
// Ambiguous
let b: String? = ambiguous()
This might seem obvious because you could assign type T to a variable of type T?. So it makes sense that it would have trouble inferring. The problem is, that with a type constraint, it suddenly works. (This can be anything, I'm using Equatable for easy replication.
func nonAmbiguous<T : Equatable>() -> T {
let thing: AnyObject = "asdf"
return thing as! T
func nonAmbiguous<T : Equatable>() -> T? {
return nil
And now, it functions as expected:
// Fine
let c: String = nonAmbiguous()
// Fine
let d: String? = nonAmbiguous()
Note, this also works with other type:
func nonAmbiguous<T>() -> [T] {
let thing: AnyObject = ["asdf"]
return thing as! [T]
func nonAmbiguous<T>() -> [T]? {
return nil
// Fine
let e: [String] = nonAmbiguous()
// Fine
let d: [String]? = nonAmbiguous()
Is there a way to have a return generic argument infer the appropriate overload through optionality?
if no
Is this a language feature, or a bug somewhere. If it's a language feature, please explain the underlying issue preventing the possibility of this behavior.
The first example is ambiguous because T can be inferred as both String
and String?.
The second example is not ambiguous because String is Equatable but String? is not, so T : Equatable cannot be inferred as String?.
The third case is not ambiguous because [T] is not
inferred as [String]?.
Remark: Generally, Optional<Wrapped> does not conform to Equatable
even if Wrapped does, in the same way as Array<Element>
does not conform to Equatable even if Element does.
This is a restriction of the current type system in Swift which
might be improved in a future version, compare
[swift-dev] RFC: Adding Optional variants of == for collections to the std lib.
from the Swift development mailing list.