Return any type from a function in Swift - swift

I am attempting to create a function that can return any type. I do not want it to return an object of type Any, but of other types, i.e. String, Bool, Int, etc. You get the idea.
You can easily do this using generics in this fashion:
func example<T>(_ arg: T) -> T {
// Stuff here
But is it possible to do it without passing in any arguments of the same type? Here is what I am thinking of:
func example<T>() -> T {
// Stuff here
When I try to do this, everything works until I call the function, then I get this error:
generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred

is it possible to do it without passing in any arguments of the same type?
The answer is yes, but there needs to be a way for the compiler to infer the correct version of the generic function. If it knows what it is assigning the result to, it will work. So for instance, you could explicitly type a let or var declaration. The below works in a playground on Swift 3.
protocol Fooable
extension Int: Fooable {}
extension String: Fooable {}
func foo<T: Fooable>() -> T
return T()
let x: String = foo() // x is assigned the empty string
let y: Int = foo() // y is assigned 0


Reference to generic function in Swift

In Swift, you can create a reference to a function in the form of a closure. For example:
func simpleFunc(param: Int) {
let simpleFuncReference = simpleFunc(param:) // works just fine
But in one case, I have a function with a generic parameter like this:
func hardFunc<T: StringProtocol>(param: T) {
let hardFuncReference = hardFunc(param:) // "Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred"
To try to remove that error, I attempted to explicitly specify the type, but immediately another error comes up.
func hardFunc<T: StringProtocol>(param: T) {
let hardFuncReference = hardFunc(param:) // "Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function"
Is there a way I can get a reference to hardFunc as a closure?
As you already guessed, you have to help type inference out a little:
func hardFunc<T: StringProtocol>(param: T) {
let hardFuncReference:(String) -> Void = hardFunc(param:)
Note that you do have to specify the particular type that you're specializing on, but in this case you do it by specifying the type of the variable you're assigning the closure to.
You can't keep it generic unless you're in a generic context specifying that it's generic on the same type. So this will work too
struct Foo<T: StringProtocol> {
let hardFuncReference:(T) -> Void = hardFunc(param:)

Add default value to inout parameter using Swfit

In Swift 2 it is possible to do the following:
class SomeType {
static let singletonInstance = SomeType()
func someFunction(var mutableParameter: SomeType = SomeType.singletonInstance) {
However in Swift 3 the var keyword will be removed for function parameters in favour of inout. I have not been able to achieve the same result as the above using the inout keyword.
class SomeType {
static let singletonInstance = SomeType()
func someFunction(inout mutableParameter: SomeType = SomeType.singletonInstance) {
Instead I receive an error of "Default argument value of type 'SomeType' cannot be converted to type 'inout SomeType'"
My question is whether it is possible to use inout with default value?
The two keywords you're talking about, inout and var, are very different.
From Apple Documentation:
In-out parameters are passed as follows:
When the function is called, the value of the argument is copied.
In the body of the function, the copy is modified.
When the function returns, the copy’s value is assigned to the original argument.
Therefore you can't give a default value to an inout parameter, as it would make the inout property completely useless.
What you can do is receive a normal (constant) parameter with a default value, and declare a new var with the same name this way (code from the Swift Evolution's Removing var from Function Parameters Proposal, with the addition of the default parameter):
func foo(i: Int = 5) {
var i = i
// now you can change i as you'd like
Anyone who needs a default inout parameter may consider such solution:
class SomeType {
static let singletonInstance = SomeType()
func someFunction(inout mutableParameter: SomeType) {
// Declare function without 'mutableParameter':
func someFunction() {
When you specify the default value for the parameter, the Swift compiler automatically generates a function without the parameter, for you. In this solution we do it manually.
You could create a second function signature to "emulate" a default value
func foo() {
var v: Int = 0 // your default value
foo(bar: &v)
func foo(bar: inout Int) {
// do stuff

Default parameter as generic type

I have protocol and his implementation written in Swift:
protocol P {
struct A: P {
Protocol is used as generic type for some function:
func foo<T: P>(param: T) {
func foo() {
foo(param: A())
Until now everything works properly. But I would like to set A() as a default parameter of given function:
func foo<T: P>(param: T = A()) {
Unfortunately with following error:
Default argument value of type 'A' cannot be converted to type 'T'.
func foo<T: P>(param: T = A() as P) {
let a: P = A()
func foo<T: P>(param: T = a) {
Default argument value of type 'P' cannot be converted to type 'T'
func foo<T: P>(param: T = A() as T) {
'A' is not convertible to 'T'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
What I'm doing wrong? Where is the problem?
I do not want to use force cast like this:
func foo<T: P>(param: T = A() as! T) {
Thank you in advance.
You're trying to enforce a non-generic default argument in a generic function: you should probably think over what you're trying to achieve here.
For the sake of the discussion, you could include an attempted cast of A() to T in your function signature, but you'd need to change the argument type to optional to allow failed conversion (nil), e.g.
func foo<T: P>(param: T? = (A() as? T)) { }
A more sound alternative is including - in addition to your generic function - a concrete non-generic function for instances where T is A (concrete functions will take precedence over generic ones), in which case you can include the default argument of A() in the function signature of the concrete function. E.g.
protocol P { }
struct A: P { }
extension Int: P { }
func foo<T: P>(param: T) { print("called generic foo") }
func foo(param: A = A()) { print("called A specific foo") }
foo() // called A specific foo (making use of default arg)
foo(A()) // called A specific foo
foo(1) // called generic foo
Note that the non-generic foo is called even though A conforms to P (A could've made use of the generic foo): there's no conflict here as the concrete function takes precedence.
If you, on the other hand, just want your generic function to allow calling without the single argument (i.e., making use of a default argument), you can include a blueprint of a simple initializer in P, allowing you to initialize an instance of the generic type as default argument; see #Sulthan:s answer.
The only thing you need is to add a requirement for an initializer to the protocol:
protocol P {
struct A: P {
var x: Int
init() {
x = 10
func foo<T: P>(param param: T = T()) {
However, you will have another problem. The type of the passed parameter decides the type of the generic so you will have to specify the generic type somehow else.

Generic function taking a type name in Swift

In C#, it's possible to call a generic method by specifying the type:
public T f<T>()
return something as T
var x = f<string>()
Swift doesn't allow you to specialize a generic method when calling it. The compiler wants to rely on type inference, so this is not possible:
func f<T>() -> T? {
return something as T?
let x = f<String>() // not allowed in Swift
What I need is a way to pass a type to a function and that function returning an object of that type, using generics
This works, but it's not a good fit for what I want to do:
let x = f() as String?
I've probably not been very clear about what the question actually is, it's all about a simpler syntax for calling a function that returns a given type (any type).
As a simple example, let's say you have an array of Any and you create a function that returns the first element of a given type:
// returns the first element in the array of that type
func findFirst<T>(array: [Any]) -> T? {
return array.filter() { $0 is T }.first as? T
You can call this function like this:
let array = [something,something,something,...]
let x = findFirst(array) as String?
That's pretty simple, but what if the type returned is some protocol with a method and you want to call the method on the returned object:
(findFirst(array) as MyProtocol?)?.SomeMethodInMyProtocol()
(findFirst(array) as OtherProtocol?)?.SomeMethodInOtherProtocol()
That syntax is just awkward. In C# (which is just as strongly typed as Swift), you can do this:
Sadly, that's not possible in Swift.
So the question is: is there a way to accomplish this with a cleaner (less awkward) syntax.
Unfortunately, you cannot explicitly define the type of a generic function (by using the <...> syntax on it). However, you can provide a generic metatype (T.Type) as an argument to the function in order to allow Swift to infer the generic type of the function, as Roman has said.
For your specific example, you'll want your function to look something like this:
func findFirst<T>(in array: [Any], ofType _: T.Type) -> T? {
return array.lazy.compactMap { $0 as? T }.first
Here we're using compactMap(_:) in order to get a sequence of elements that were successfully cast to T, and then first to get the first element of that sequence. We're also using lazy so that we can stop evaluating elements after finding the first.
Example usage:
protocol SomeProtocol {
func doSomething()
protocol AnotherProtocol {
func somethingElse()
extension String : SomeProtocol {
func doSomething() {
print("success:", self)
let a: [Any] = [5, "str", 6.7]
// Outputs "success: str", as the second element is castable to SomeProtocol.
findFirst(in: a, ofType: SomeProtocol.self)?.doSomething()
// Doesn't output anything, as none of the elements conform to AnotherProtocol.
findFirst(in: a, ofType: AnotherProtocol.self)?.somethingElse()
Note that you have to use .self in order to refer to the metatype of a specific type (in this case, SomeProtocol). Perhaps not a slick as the syntax you were aiming for, but I think it's about as good as you're going to get.
Although it's worth noting in this case that the function would be better placed in an extension of Sequence:
extension Sequence {
func first<T>(ofType _: T.Type) -> T? {
// Unfortunately we can't easily use lazy.compactMap { $0 as? T }.first
// here, as LazyMapSequence doesn't have a 'first' property (we'd have to
// get the iterator and call next(), but at that point we might as well
// do a for loop)
for element in self {
if let element = element as? T {
return element
return nil
let a: [Any] = [5, "str", 6.7]
print(a.first(ofType: String.self) as Any) // Optional("str")
What you probably need to do is create a protocol that looks something like this:
protocol SomeProtocol {
func someProtocolMethod()
And then add T.Type as a parameter in your method:
func f<T: SomeProtocol>(t: T.Type) -> T {
return T()
Then assuming you have a type that conforms to SomeProtocol like this:
struct MyType: SomeProtocol {
init() { }
func someProtocolMethod() { }
You can then call your function like this:
Like others have noted, this seems like a convoluted way to do what you want. If you know the type, for example, you could just write:
There is no need for f.

How do I call a generic Swift function when none of the arguments provides the generic type?

The following compiles in the Swift REPL:
var m: [String:AnyObject] = [:]
func f<T: AnyObject>(s: String) {
m[s] = T.self
However, if I naively try to invoke f(), thus:
let s: String = "foo"
class Foo {}
I get this error:
repl.swift:7:1: error: cannot explicitly specialize a generic function
repl.swift:7:2: note: while parsing this '<' as a type parameter bracket
If I try it without "explicitly specializing"...
Swift decides I'm trying to do something even weirder, and I get:
repl.swift:7:1: error: cannot convert the expression's type 'String' to type '()'
Meanwhile, however, if I define a new function g() as follows:
func g<T: AnyObject>(s: String, t: T) {
m[s] = T.self
and pass in a dummy Foo instance:
g(s, Foo())
it works fine:
> m
$R0: [String : AnyObject] = {
[0] = {
key = "foo"
value = {
instance_type = {}
So is there a reason Swift lets me define f() in the first place? And once defined, is there any way to invoke it?
ETA: I'm aware it's also possible to define a function h<T: AnyObject>(s: String, t: T.Type) that takes the type explicitly. It's the fact that Swift allows me to define the implicit version that I find questionable.
Differently from other languages, you cannot explicitly specify the generic type with a syntax like this:
instead the actual type is inferred via a parameter or the return type. In your case you are not providing a way for type inference to figure out what T is. And sadly I'm not aware of any way to use that function.
My suggestion is to explicitly pass the type of T:
func f<T: AnyObject>(s: String, type: T.Type) {
m[s] = type
f(s, Foo.self)