Calling function library scala - scala

I'm looking to call the ATR function from this scala wrapper for ta-lib. But I can't figure out how to use wrapper correctly.
package io.github.patceev.talib
import com.tictactec.ta.lib.{Core, MInteger, RetCode}
import scala.concurrent.Future
object Volatility {
def ATR(
highs: Vector[Double],
lows: Vector[Double],
closes: Vector[Double],
period: Int = 14
)(implicit core: Core): Future[Vector[Double]] = {
val arrSize = highs.length - period + 1
if (arrSize < 0) {
} else {
val begin = new MInteger()
val length = new MInteger()
val result = Array.ofDim[Double](arrSize)
0, highs.length - 1, highs.toArray, lows.toArray, closes.toArray,
period, begin, length, result
) match {
case RetCode.Success =>
case error =>
Future.failed(new Exception(error.toString))
Would someone be able to explain how to use function and print out the result to the console.
Many thanks in advance.

Regarding syntax, Scala is one of many languages where you call functions and methods passing arguments in parentheses (mostly, but let's keep it simple for now):
def myFunction(a: Int): Int = a + 1
myFunction(1) // myFunction is called and returns 2
On top of this, Scala allows to specify multiple parameters lists, as in the following example:
def myCurriedFunction(a: Int)(b: Int): Int = a + b
myCurriedFunction(2)(3) // myCurriedFunction returns 5
You can also partially apply myCurriedFunction, but again, let's keep it simple for the time being. The main idea is that you can have multiple lists of arguments passed to a function.
Built on top of this, Scala allows to define a list of implicit parameters, which the compiler will automatically retrieve for you based on some scoping rules. Implicit parameters are used, for example, by Futures:
// this defines how and where callbacks are run
// the compiler will automatically "inject" them for you where needed
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext =
Future(4).map(_ + 1) // this will eventually result in a Future(5)
Note that both Future and map have a second parameter list that allows to specify an implicit execution context. By having one in scope, the compiler will "inject" it for you at the call site, without having to write it explicitly. You could have still done it and the result would have been
Future(4)(ec).map(_ + 1)(ec)
That said, I don't know the specifics of the library you are using, but the idea is that you have to instantiate a value of type Core and either bind it to an implicit val or pass it explicitly.
The resulting code will be something like the following
val highs: Vector[Double] = ???
val lows: Vector[Double] = ???
val closes: Vector[Double] = ???
implicit val core: Core = ??? // instantiate core
val resultsFuture = Volatility.ATR(highs, lows, closes) // core is passed implicitly
for (results <- resultsFuture; result <- results) {
Note that depending on your situation you may have to also use an implicit ExecutionContext to run this code (because you are extracting the Vector[Double] from a Future). Choosing the right execution context is another kind of issue but to play around you may want to use the global execution context.
Regarding some of the points I've left open, here are some pointers that hopefully will turn out to be useful:
Multiple Parameter Lists (Currying)
Implicit Parameters
Scala Futures


deprecation warning when compiling: eta expansion of zero argument method

When compiling this snippet, the scala compiler issues the following warning:
Eta-expansion of zero-argument method values is deprecated. Did you
intend to write Main.this.porFiles5()? [warn] timerFunc(porFiles5)
It occurs when I pass a function to another one for a simple timing. The timer function takes a parameterless function returning unit, at this line: timerFunc(porFiles5). Is this warning necessary? What would be the idiomatic way to avoid it?
package example
import java.nio.file._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.time._
import scala.collection.immutable._
object Main extends App {
val dir = FileSystems.getDefault.getPath("C:\\tmp\\testExtract")
def timerFunc (func:()=>Unit ) = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val finish = System.currentTimeMillis()
println((finish - start) / 1000.0 + " secs.")
def porFiles5(): Unit = {
val porFiles5 = Files.walk(dir).count()
println(s"You have $porFiles5 por5 files.")
def timeNow(): Unit = {
porFiles5 is not a function. It is a method, which is something completely different in Scala.
If you have a method, but you need a function, you can use η-expansion to lift the method into a function, like this:
someList.foreach(println _)
Scala will, in some cases, also perform η-expansion automatically, if it is absolutely clear from context what you mean, e.g.:
However, there is an ambiguity for parameterless methods, because Scala allows you to call parameterless methods without an argument list, i.e. a method defined with an empty parameter list can be called without any argument list at all:
def foo() = ???
foo // normally, you would have to say foo()
Now, in your case, there is an ambiguity: do you mean to call porFiles5 or do you mean to η-expand it? At the moment, Scala arbitrarily disambiguates this situation and performs η-expansion, but in future versions, this will be an error, and you will have to explicitly perform η-expansion.
So, to get rid of the warning, simply use explicit η-expansion instead of implicit η-expansion:
timerFunc(porFiles5 _)

Scala wrongly pointing a double definition

In Scala, I'm trying to define two functions of the following type
def to(sinks: Sink[RequestModel, NotUsed]*): VyasaGraph = {
val current = sinks.toList
connect(previous, current)
previous = current
def to(functions: Function1[RequestModel, Unit]*): VyasaGraph = {
val current = (for (func <- functions) yield Sink.foreach[RequestModel](func)).toList
connect(previous, current)
previous = current
Why is sbt producing a double definition error
So the reason why it is throwing a double definition error is because, varargs are passed as Seq[T]. Since generic types are erased at compile time, both the functions would be equivalent.
You already found the reason, but the standard workaround is to add an always-available implicit parameter to one of the methods, and that's what DummyImplicit in Predef is for:
def to(functions: Function1[RequestModel, Unit]*)(implicit d: DummyImplicit) = ...
If you need to distinguish more than two functions, you can have multiple DummyImplicit parameters or define your own extra types:
class DummyImplicit2
object DummyImplicit2 {
implicit def d: DummyImplicit2 = null // to avoid creating garbage

Scala return implicit in the context

I wonder if it's possible to modify an implicit in a context with a function?
With a syntax like this
def modifyImplicit(implicit myImplicit: ImplicitType) : implicit ImplicitType {
Because now I must return a type and after the function transform this in a new implicit
if I need to use the function more than once it's became quickly painful.
That's would introduce side-effect (automagically alter the environment without much notice), with it's not "very good".
Instead you can allow some operation to be executed within a managed context, in which you explicitly provide a replacement for the implicit.
implicit def TheDefaultTypeClass: ImplicitType
def withMyContext[T](f: (ImplicitType) => T): T = f(anotherTypeClass)
Then it can be used as following:
val s: String = withMyContext { i =>
val x: ImplicitType = i // Dumb statement just to check type of `i`
// some operations ...
"OK" // result
No, it isn't possible. You could write
implicit def modifyImplicit(implicit myImplicit: ImplicitType): ImplicitType = ...
but this won't work the way you want (because for it to ever be called, an implicit of this type must already be available, so either the compiler won't continue looking for an implicit or it will and report conflicting implicits).
Also, having a mutable implicit value seems very likely to lead to bugs.
One possible workaround (in addition to the method proposed by applicius): extract your code into a method and call it with a modified implicit value.
def myMethod(args: ...)(implicit i: ImplicitType) = ...
Yes I now but implicit are mutable because :
def modifyImplicit(implicit myImplicit: ImplicitType) {
implicit val myNewImplicit = myImplicit.setSomthing(something)
imASweetMethodWitchUseImplicit will use the last implicit setted in the context so we can't "stuck the imutability of the implicit"
I's actually the way i use to made what I whan but I thinks it's a little bit ugly.
I do that for "preparing" the context for other's function so I'm confident because it's just the variable whitch are hide not the call of my function ( witch modify the variables ) you know?
so Alexey I use the same option than you,but I take directly un implicit.
If I call more than one function it's become ugly
val result = modifyImplicit()
val result2 = modifyImplicit(result)
implicit val result3 = modifyImplicit(result2)
So maybe the solution of applicius can be more beautiful ?

Make a Scala interpreter oblivious between interpret calls

Is it possible to configure a Scala interpreter (tools.nsc.IMain) so that it "forgets" the previously executed code, whenever I run the next interpret() call?
Normally when it compiles the sources, it wraps them in nested objects, so all the previously defined variables, functions and bindings are available.
It would suffice to not generate the nested objects (or to throw them away), although I would prefer a solution which would even remove the previously compiled classes from the class loader again.
Is there a setting, or a method, or something I can overwrite, or an alternative to IMain that would accomplish this? I need to be able to still access the resulting objects / classes from the host VM.
Basically I want to isolate subsequent interpret() calls without something as heavy weight as creating a new IMain for each iteration.
Here is one possible answer. Basically there is method reset() which calls the following things (mostly private, so either you buy the whole package or not):
In my case, I am using a custom execution wrapper, so that needs to be set up again, and also imports are handled through a regular interpret cycle, so either add them again, or—better—just prepend them with the execution wrapper.
I would like to keep my bindings, they are also gone:
import tools.nsc._
import interpreter.IMain
object Test {
private final class Intp(cset: nsc.Settings)
extends IMain(cset, new NewLinePrintWriter(new ConsoleWriter, autoFlush = true)) {
override protected def parentClassLoader = Test.getClass.getClassLoader
object Foo {
def bar() { println("BAR" )}
def run() {
val cset = new nsc.Settings()
cset.classpath.value += + sys.props("java.class.path")
val i = new Intp(cset)
i.bind[Foo.type]("foo", Foo)
val res0 = i.interpret("; val x = 33")
println(s"res0: $res0")
val res1 = i.interpret("println(x)")
println(s"res1: $res1")
val res2 = i.interpret("")
println(s"res2: $res2")
This will find Foo in the first iteration, correctly forget x in the second iteration, but then in the third iteration, it can be seen that the foo binding is also lost:
foo: Test.Foo.type = Test$Foo$#8bf223
x: Int = 33
res0: Success
<console>:8: error: not found: value x
res1: Error
<console>:8: error: not found: value foo
res2: Error
The following seems to be fine:
for(j <- 0 until 3) {
val user = ""
val synth = """import Test.{Foo => foo}
""".stripMargin + user
val res = i.interpret(synth)
println(s"res$j: $res")

Why we need implicit parameters in scala?

I am new to scala, and today when I came across this akka source code I was puzzled:
def traverse[A, B](in: JIterable[A], fn: JFunc[A, Future[B]],
executor: ExecutionContext): Future[JIterable[B]] = {
implicit val d = executor
Future(new JLinkedList[B]())) { (fr, a) ⇒
val fb = fn(a)
for (r ← fr; b ← fb) yield { r add b; r }
Why the code is written using implicit parameters intentionally? Why can't it be written as:
Future(new JLinkedList[B](),executor))
without decalaring a new implicit variable d? Is there any advantage of doing this? For now I only find implicits increase the ambiguity of the code.
I can give you 3 reasons.
1) It hides boilerplate code.
Lets sort some lists:
import math.Ordering
List(1, 2, 3).sorted(Ordering.Int) // Fine. I can tell compiler how to sort ints
List("a", "b", "c").sorted(Ordering.String) // .. and strings.
List(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c").sorted(Ordering.Tuple2(Ordering.Int, Ordering.String)) // Not so fine...
With implicit parameters:
List(1, 2, 3).sorted // Compiller knows how to sort ints
List(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c").sorted // ... and some other types
2) It alows you to create API with generic methods:
scala> (70 to 75).map{ _.toChar }
res0: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Char] = Vector(F, G, H, I, J, K)
scala> (70 to 75).map{ _.toChar }(collection.breakOut): String // You can change default behaviour.
res1: String = FGHIJK
3) It allows you to focus on what really matters:
Future(new JLinkedList[B]())(executor) // meters: what to do - `new JLinkedList[B]()`. don't: how to do - `executor`
It's not so bad, but what if you need 2 futures:
val f1 = Future(1)(executor)
val f2 = Future(2)(executor) // You have to specify the same executor every time.
Implicit creates "context" for all actions:
implicit val d = executor // All `Future` in this scope will be created with this executor.
val f1 = Future(1)
val f2 = Future(2)
3.5) Implicit parameters allows type-level programming . See shapeless.
About "ambiguity of the code":
You don't have to use implicits, alternatively you can specify all parameters explicitly. It looks ugly sometimes (see sorted example), but you can do it.
If you can't find which implicit variables are used as parameters you can ask compiler:
>echo object Test { List( (1, "a") ).sorted } > test.scala
>scalac -Xprint:typer test.scala
You'll find math.this.Ordering.Tuple2[Int, java.lang.String](math.this.Ordering.Int, math.this.Ordering.String) in output.
In the code from Akka you linked, it is true that executor could be just passed explicitly. But if there was more than one Future used throughout this method, declaring implicit parameter would definitely make sense to avoid passing it around many times.
So I would say that in the code you linked, implicit parameter was used just to follow some code style. It would be ugly to make an exception from it.
Your question intrigued me, so I searched a bit on the net. Here's what I found on this blog:
What is an implicit parameter?
An implicit parameter is a parameter to method or constructor that is marked as implicit. This means that if a parameter value is not supplied then the compiler will search for an "implicit" value defined within scope (according to resolution rules.)
Why use an implicit parameter?
Implicit parameters are very nice for simplifying APIs. For example the collections use implicit parameters to supply CanBuildFrom objects for many of the collection methods. This is because normally the user does not need to be concerned with those parameters. Another example is supplying an encoding to an IO library so the encoding is defined once (perhaps in a package object) and all methods can use the same encoding without having to define it for every method call.