Scala return implicit in the context - scala

I wonder if it's possible to modify an implicit in a context with a function?
With a syntax like this
def modifyImplicit(implicit myImplicit: ImplicitType) : implicit ImplicitType {
Because now I must return a type and after the function transform this in a new implicit
if I need to use the function more than once it's became quickly painful.

That's would introduce side-effect (automagically alter the environment without much notice), with it's not "very good".
Instead you can allow some operation to be executed within a managed context, in which you explicitly provide a replacement for the implicit.
implicit def TheDefaultTypeClass: ImplicitType
def withMyContext[T](f: (ImplicitType) => T): T = f(anotherTypeClass)
Then it can be used as following:
val s: String = withMyContext { i =>
val x: ImplicitType = i // Dumb statement just to check type of `i`
// some operations ...
"OK" // result

No, it isn't possible. You could write
implicit def modifyImplicit(implicit myImplicit: ImplicitType): ImplicitType = ...
but this won't work the way you want (because for it to ever be called, an implicit of this type must already be available, so either the compiler won't continue looking for an implicit or it will and report conflicting implicits).
Also, having a mutable implicit value seems very likely to lead to bugs.
One possible workaround (in addition to the method proposed by applicius): extract your code into a method and call it with a modified implicit value.
def myMethod(args: ...)(implicit i: ImplicitType) = ...

Yes I now but implicit are mutable because :
def modifyImplicit(implicit myImplicit: ImplicitType) {
implicit val myNewImplicit = myImplicit.setSomthing(something)
imASweetMethodWitchUseImplicit will use the last implicit setted in the context so we can't "stuck the imutability of the implicit"
I's actually the way i use to made what I whan but I thinks it's a little bit ugly.
I do that for "preparing" the context for other's function so I'm confident because it's just the variable whitch are hide not the call of my function ( witch modify the variables ) you know?
so Alexey I use the same option than you,but I take directly un implicit.
If I call more than one function it's become ugly
val result = modifyImplicit()
val result2 = modifyImplicit(result)
implicit val result3 = modifyImplicit(result2)
So maybe the solution of applicius can be more beautiful ?


Two different uses of implicit parameters in Scala?

(I am fairly new to Scala, hope this isn't a stupid question.)
From what I can see, declaring a parameter to a function implicit has two (related, but quite different) uses:
It makes explicitly passing a corresponding argument when calling the given function optional when the compiler can find a unique suitable value to pass (in the calling scope).
It makes the parameter itself a suitable value to pass to other functions with implicit parameters (when calling them from within the given function).
In code:
def someFunction(implicit someParameter: SomeClass) = { // Note `implicit`
// Note no argument supplied in following call;
// possible thanks to the combination of
// `implicit` in `someOtherFunction` (1) and
// `implicit` in line 1 above (2)
def someOtherFunction(implicit someOtherParameter: SomeClass) = {
implicit val someValue = new SomeClass(...)
// Note no argument supplied in following call;
// possible thanks to `implicit` (1)
This seems somewhat strange, doesn't it? Removing implicit from line 1 would make both calls (to someFunction from some other place, and to someOtherFunction from within someFunction) not compile.
What is the rationale behind this? (Edit: I mean what is the official rationale, in case any can be found in some official Scala resource.)
And is there a way to achieve one without the other (that is to allow passing an argument to a function implicitly without allowing it to be used implicitly within that function when calling other functions, and/or to use a non-implicit parameter implicitly when calling other functions)? (Edit: I changed the question a bit. Also, to clarify, I mean whether there is a language construct to allow this - not achieving the effect by manual shadowing or similar.)
For the first question
What is the rationale behind this?
answers are likely to be opinion-based.
And is there a way to achieve one without the other?
Yes, though it's a bit trickier than I thought initially if you want to actually use the parameter:
def someFunction(implicit someParameter: SomeClass) = {
val _someParameter = someParameter // rename to make it accessible in the inner block
val someParameter = 0 // shadow someParameter by a non-implicit
someOtherFunction // doesn't compile
someOtherFunction(_someParameter) // passed explicitly
The rationale is simple:
What has been passed as explicit, stays explicit
What has been marked as implicit, stays implicit
I don't think that any other combination (e.g. implicit -> explicit, let alone explicit -> implicit) would be easier to understand. The basic idea was, I think, that one can establish some common implicit context, and then define whole bunch of methods that expect same implicit variables that describe the established context.
Here is how you can go from implicit to explicit and back:
Implicit -> implicit (default)
def foo(implicit x: Int): Unit = {
def bar(implicit x: Int): Unit = {}
Explicit -> implicit:
def foo(x: Int): Unit = {
implicit val implicitX = x
def bar(implicit x: Int): Unit = {}
Implicit -> explicit: I would just use Alexey Romanov's solution, but one could imagine that if we had the following method in Predef:
def shadowing[A](f: Unit => A): A = f(())
then we could write something like this:
def foo(implicit x: Int): Unit = {
val explicitX = x
shadowing { x =>
// bar // doesn't compile
bar(explicitX) // ok
def bar(implicit x: Int): Unit = {}
Essentially, it's the same as Alexey Romanov's solution: we introduce a dummy variable that shadows the implicit argument, and then write the body of the method in the scope where only the dummy variable is visible. The only difference is that a ()-value is passed inside the shadowing implementation, so we don't have to assign a 0 explicitly. It doesn't make the code much shorter, but maybe it expresses the intent a little bit clearer.

Scala - how to create a single implicit that can be used for a type constructor

I'm trying to write a method which uses the isEmpty method on types String, Option and List. These classes don't share a common base trait with that method, so I've tried to pass an implicit EmptyChecker in with them:
trait EmptyChecker[Field] {
def isEmpty(data: Field): Boolean
implicit val StringEmptyChecker: EmptyChecker[String] = new EmptyChecker[String] {
def isEmpty(string: String): Boolean = string.isEmpty
def printEmptiness[Field](field: Field)(implicit emptyChecker: EmptyChecker[Field]): Unit = {
if (emptyChecker.isEmpty(field))
println("Not empty")
printEmptiness("abc") // Works fine
The String empty checker works fine, but I've hit problems with making empty checkers for type constructors like Option and List.
For example, Option doesn't work:
implicit val OptionChecker: EmptyChecker[Option[_]] = new EmptyChecker[Option[_]] {
def isEmpty(option: Option[_]): Boolean = option.isEmpty
// Both fail compilation: "could not find implicit value for parameter emptyChecker: EmptyChecker[Some[Int]]
If I use a specific Option[Int] checker, it works a little better, but is a bit ugly:
implicit val OptionIntChecker: EmptyChecker[Option[Int]] = new EmptyChecker[Option[Int]] {
def isEmpty(optionInt: Option[Int]): Boolean = optionInt.isEmpty
// Fails like above:
// Passes compilation:
So my question is: is it possible to make a single EmptyChecker for each Option and List type and have them work with my method without needing to explicitly declare the type whenever I call it? I'm trying to get a type safe duck typing effect.
I'm using scala 2.11.6.
Thanks in advance!
The source of your problem is that the type of Some(1) is Some[Int], not Option[Int]. There are a couple of ways around this; you can explicitly upcast the expression with a type ascription: printEmptiness(Some(3): Option[Int]). Alternatively, you can define a helper method to do this for you automatically, and if you're using Scalaz, there's one of these provided:
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
Furthermore if you do use Scalaz, you may find looking at the PlusEmpty/ApplicativePlus/MonadPlus type classes useful.

Scala: implicitly convert to a generic subtype

My code heavily uses Akka and untyped actors.
An example of typical logic is as follows:
val myFuture: Future[Any] = akka.pattern.AskSupport.ask(myActorRef, myMessage)
val completedLogic: Future[Unit] =
myFunction then contains a strongly typed signature as follows:
def myFunction(): (Option[MyStronglyTypedClass]) => Unit = {
(myOption: Option[MyStronglyTypedClass]) => myOption foreach (myObject => // do some logic
I know that myFuture will always contain an instance of MyStronglyTypedClass or null for this particular actor. I will also know this for other actor/future/function combinations.
My problem comes when I look to create an implicit conversion from the Future[Any] to the Option[MyStronglyTypedClass] or Option[MyOtherStronglyTypedClass]
The implicit conversion will just do a null check and one other piece of logic before creating the Option
How do I go about performing this implicit conversion from Any to a subtype, or is it even possible?
You should, instead, convert to Future[Option[MyStronglyTypedClass]]:
def asMyStronglyTypedClass(x: Any): Option[MyStronglyTypedClass] = x match {
case null => None
case ...
// this will fail if myFuture fails or asMyStronglyTypedClass throws
val typedFuture =
and do what you want with this future. E.g.
EDIT: I missed you already have a map. In this case the issue is that you don't need to convert Future[Any] to Option, but its result (i.e. Any). You can write e.g. or => myFunction(asMyStronglyTypedClass(x))). You could also make asMyStronglyTypedClass implicit and write => myFunction(x)). I still think it isn't a good idea, as it could get applied somewhere you don't expect.
If you really want to write, you'll need a different implicit conversion to make the compiler understand:
implicit def contraMap(f: Option[MyStronglyTypedClass] => Unit): Any => Unit =
x => f(asMyStronglyTypedClass(x))
Of course, these can be made generic over your types, as mentioned in the comments.
Impliciy converting from Any to something else is something that you should never do because it effectively switches off Scala's type system. Converting the type of a future in a safe fashion can be done using

Scala Implicit parameters by passing a function as argument To feel the adnvatage

I try to feel the advantage of implicit parameters in Scala. (EDITED: special case when anonymous function is used. Please look at the links in this question)
I try to make simple emulation based on this post. Where explained how Action works in PlayFramework. This also related to that.
The following code is for that purpose:
object ImplicitArguments extends App {
implicit val intValue = 1 // this is exiting value to be passed implicitly to everyone who might use it
def fun(block: Int=>String): String = { // we do not use _implicit_ here !
block(2) // ?? how to avoid passing '2' but make use of that would be passed implicitly ?
// here we use _implicit_ keyword to make it know that the value should be passed !
val result = fun{ implicit intValue => { // this is my 'block'
intValue.toString // (which is anonymous function)
println(result) // prints 2
I want to get "1" printed.
How to avoid passing magic "2" but use "1" that was defined implicitly?
Also see the case where we do not use implicit in definition, but it is there, because of anonymous function passing with implicit.
Just in case, I'm posting another example - simple emulation of how Play' Action works:
object ImplicitArguments extends App {
case class Request(msg:String)
implicit val request = Request("my request")
case class Result(msg:String)
case class Action(result:Result)
object Action {
def apply(block:Request => Result):Action = {
val result = block(...) // what should be here ??
new Action(result)
val action = Action { implicit request =>
Result("Got request [" + request + "]")
Implicits don't work like this. There is no magic. They are just (usually) hidden parameters and are therefore resolved when invoking the function.
There are two ways to make your code work.
you can fix the implicit value for all invocations of fun
def fun(block: Int=>String): String = {
implicitly is a function defined in Predef. Again no magic. Here's it's definition
def implicitly[A](implicit value: A) = value
But this means it will resolve the implicit value when declaring the fun and not for each invocation.
If you want to use different values for different invocations you will need to add the implicit paramter
def fun(block: Int=>String)(implicit value: Int): String = {
This will now depend on the implicit scope at the call site. And you can easily override it like this
val result = fun{ _.toString }(3)
and result will be "3" because of the explicit 3 at the end. There is, however, no way to magically change the fun from your declaration to fetch values from implicit scope.
I hope you understand implicits better now, they can be a bit tricky to wrap your head around at first.
It seems that for that particular case I asked, the answer might be like this:
That this is not really a good idea to use implicit intValue or implicit request along with implicitly() using only one parameter for the function that accept (anonymous) function.
Why not, because:
Say, if in block(...) in apply() I would use implicitly[Request], then
it does not matter whether I use "implicit request" or not - it will use
request that is defined implicitly somewhere. Even if I would pass my
own request to Action { myOwnRequest =Result }.
For that particular case is better to use currying and two arguments and.. in the second argument - (first)(second) to use implicit
Like this:
def apply(block:Request => Result)(implicit request:Request):Action2
See my little effort around this example/use case here.
But, I don't see any good example so far in regards to how to use implicit by passing the (anonymous) function as argument (my initial question):
fun{ implicit intValue => {intValue.toString}
or that one (updated version):
val action = Action { implicit request =>
Result("Got request [" + request + "]")

Could/should an implicit conversion from T to Option[T] be added/created in Scala?

Is this an opportunity to make things a bit more efficient (for the prorammer): I find it gets a bit tiresome having to wrap things in Some, e.g. Some(5). What about something like this:
implicit def T2OptionT( x : T) : Option[T] = if ( x == null ) None else Some(x)
You would lose some type safety and possibly cause confusion.
For example:
val iThinkThisIsAList = 2
for (i <- iThinkThisIsAList) yield { i + 1 }
I (for whatever reason) thought I had a list, and it didn't get caught by the compiler when I iterated over it because it was auto-converted to an Option[Int].
I should add that I think this is a great implicit to have explicitly imported, just probably not a global default.
Note that you could use the explicit implicit pattern which would avoid confusion and keep code terse at the same time.
What I mean by explicit implicit is rather than have a direct conversion from T to Option[T] you could have a conversion to a wrapper object which provides the means to do the conversion from T to Option[T].
class Optionable[T <: AnyRef](value: T) {
def toOption: Option[T] = if ( value == null ) None else Some(value)
implicit def anyRefToOptionable[T <: AnyRef](value: T) = new Optionable(value)
... I might find a better name for it than Optionable, but now you can write code like:
val x: String = "foo"
x.toOption // Some("foo")
val y: String = null
x.toOption // None
I believe that this way is fully transparent and aids in the understanding of the written code - eliminating all checks for null in a nice way.
Note the T <: AnyRef - you should only do this implicit conversion for types that allow null values, which by definition are reference types.
The general guidelines for implicit conversions are as follows:
When you need to add members to a type (a la "open classes"; aka the "pimp my library" pattern), convert to a new type which extends AnyRef and which only defines the members you need.
When you need to "correct" an inheritance hierarchy. Thus, you have some type A which should have subclassed B, but didn't for some reason. In that case, you can define an implicit conversion from A to B.
These are the only cases where it is appropriate to define an implicit conversion. Any other conversion runs into type safety and correctness issues in a hurry.
It really doesn't make any sense for T to extend Option[T], and obviously the purpose of the conversion is not simply the addition of members. Thus, such a conversion would be inadvisable.
It would seem that this could be confusing to other developers, as they read your code.
Generally, it seems, implicit works to help cast from one object to another, to cut out confusing casting code that can clutter code, but, if I have some variable and it somehow becomes a Some then that would seem to be bothersome.
You may want to put some code showing it being used, to see how confusing it would be.
You could also try to overload the method :
def having(key:String) = having(key, None)
def having(key:String, default:String) = having(key, Some(default))
def having(key: String, default: Option[String]=Option.empty) : Create = {
keys += ( (key, default) )
That looks good to me, except it may not work for a primitive T (which can't be null). I guess a non-specialized generic always gets boxed primitives, so probably it's fine.