SwiftUI - KV Observe completion from Combine does not get triggered - swift

I am trying to build a VOIP app using lib called VailerSIPLib. As the library was built using Obj-C and heavily using NotificationCenter to to publish the changes the active states all over the place.
I currently at the CallView part of the project, I can manage to start, end, reject calls. However, I need to implement connectionStatus in the view which will give information about the call like duration, "connecting..", "disconnected", "ringing" etc.
The below code is all in CallViewModel: ObservableObject;
var activeCall: VSLCall!
#Published var connectionStatus: String = ""
override init(){
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.listen(_:)), name: Notification.Name.VSLCallStateChanged, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.buildCallView(_:)), name: Notification.Name.CallKitProviderDelegateInboundCallAccepted, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.buildCallView(_:)), name: Notification.Name.CallKitProviderDelegateOutboundCallStarted, object: nil)
func setCall(_ call: VSLCall) {
self.activeCall = call
self.activeCall.observe(\.callStateText) { (asd, change) in
print("\(String(describing: change.oldValue)) to \(String(describing: change.newValue)) for \(call.callId)")
#objc func listen(_ notification: Notification) {
if let _ = self.activeCall {
#objc func buildCallView(_ notification: Notification) {
print("inbound call")
self.isOnCall = true
It prints out every thing except the completionBlock in setCall(_:). listen(_:) function validates that the state of the activeCall is changing and I would want to use that directly, however it does not work correct all the time. It should be triggered when the call is answered with callState value of .confirmed but sometime it does. This how I will know that it is time start the timer.
Other point is, in the example project of the VialerSIPLib they used self.activeCall.addObserver(_:) and it works fine. The problem for that is it throws a runtime error at the method something like didObservedValueChange(_:) and logs An -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: message was received but not handled.
Finally there is yellow warning at the activeCall.observe(_:) says
Result of call to 'observe(_:options:changeHandler:)' is unused
which I could not find anything related to it.

Finally there is yellow warning at the activeCall.observe(_:) says
Result of call to 'observe(_:options:changeHandler:)'
This is telling you what the problem is. The observe(_:options:changeHandler:) method is only incompletely documented. It returns an object of type NSKeyValueObservation which represents your registration as a key-value observer. You need to save this object, because when the NSKeyValueObservation is destroyed, it unregisters you. So you need to add a property to CallViewModel to store it:
class CallViewModel: ObservableObject {
private var callStateTextObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?
And then you need to store the observation:
func setCall(_ call: VSLCall) {
activeCall = call
callStateTextObservation = activeCall.observe(\.callStateText) { _, change in
print("\(String(describing: change.oldValue)) to \(String(describing: change.newValue)) for \(call.callId)")
You could choose to use the Combine API for KVO instead, although it is even less documented than the Foundation API. You get a Publisher whose output is each new value of the observed property. It works like this:
class CallViewModel: ObservableObject {
private var callStateTextTicket: AnyCancellable?
func setCall(_ call: VSLCall) {
activeCall = call
callStateTextTicket = self.activeCall.publisher(for: \.callStateText, options: [])
.sink { print("callId: \(call.callId), callStateText: \($0)") }
There's no specific reason to use the Combine API in your sample code, but in general a Publisher is more flexible than an NSKeyValueObservation because Combine provides so many ways to operate on Publishers.
Your error with addObserver(_:forKeyPath:options:context:) happens because that is a much older API. It was added to NSObject long before Swift was invented. In fact, it was added before Objective-C even had blocks (closures). When you use that method, all notifications are sent to the observeValue(forKeyPath:of:change:context:) method of the observer. If you don't implement the observeValue method, the default implementation in NSObject receives the notification and raises an exception.


Avoiding deadlock within AVAudioEngineConfigurationChange notification callback

I have a Swift class that contains an instance of AVAudioEngine and I and making use of the AVAudioEngineConfigurationChange notification like so:
class Demonstration : NSObject {
var engine:AVAudioEngine? = AVAudioEngine()
// ...
override init() {
// ...
selector: #selector(self.handleEngineConfigChange(_:)),
name: .AVAudioEngineConfigurationChange,
object: nil)
#objc func handleEngineConfigChange(_ notification: Notification) {
// what can I wrap this code with in order to make it not dangerous?
// DispatchQueue.main.sync?
engine = nil
In the docs it says:
Don’t deallocate the engine from within the client’s notification
handler. The callback happens on an internal dispatch queue and can
deadlock while trying to tear down the engine synchronously.
I don't even really know what they mean by deallocate -- if it means there's some method like engine.reset() or engine.stop()... or whether it means setting the engine to nil... or if it only applies to objective C... which I don't know.
At any rate, I would just like to know how to set up the method so that in the future I don't have to worry about breaking things.
You can move this to the next iteration of the runloop by using DispatchQueue.async (not sync) to whatever queue you are managing your engine on (probably the main queue). The important thing is that you apply the changes after returning from this callback.

NotificationCenter.Publisher VS PassThroughSubject

I have an object which I want to send throughout multiple listeners/subscribers, so I was checking out Combine and I saw 2 different kind of publishers, namely NotificationCenter.Publisher and PassThroughSubject. I am confused why anyone would use a NotificationCenter.Publisher over PassThroughSubject.
I came up with the code below, demonstrating both ways. To summarize:
NotificationCenter.Publisher needs to have a Notification.Name static property
Isn't really that typesafe (since I can post a different kind of object for the same Notification.Name/different publisher for the same Notification.Name)
Posting a new value needs to be done on NotificationCenter.default (not the publisher itself)
An explicit downcast to the used type in the map closure
In what scenarios someone will use NotificationCenter.Publisher over PassThroughSubject?
import UIKit
import Combine
let passThroughSubjectPublisher = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let notificationCenterPublisher = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .name).map { $0.object as! String }
extension Notification.Name {
static let name = Notification.Name(rawValue: "someName")
class PassThroughSubjectPublisherSubscriber {
init() {
passThroughSubjectPublisher.sink { (_) in
// Process
class NotificationCenterPublisherSubscriber {
init() {
notificationCenterPublisher.sink { (_) in
// Process
class PassThroughSubjectPublisherSinker {
init() {
class NotificationCenterPublisherSinker {
init() {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .name, object: "Henlo!")
If you have to use a 3rd party framework that uses NotificationCenter.
NotificationCenter can be thought of as a first generation message passing system, while Combine is second generation. It has runtime overhead and requires casting the objects you can store in Notifications. Personally I would never use NotificationCenter when building an iOS 13 framework, but you do need to use it to access a lot of iOS notifications that are only published there. Basically in my personal projects I’m going to treat it as read only unless absolutely necessary.

Capture a method weakly

Note: This question is basically the same as this one, but for Swift 4 or 5.
Say I have a class that captures a closure:
class CallbackHolder {
typealias Callback = (String) -> Void
var callback: Callback
init(_ callback: #escaping Callback) {
self.callback = callback
func useCallback() {
This class simply holds a callback in a variable, and has a function that uses that callback.
Now, say I have a client class that owns such a callback holder. This class wants the callback holder to call one of its methods as the callback:
class Client {
func callback(string: String) {
lazy var callbackOwner = CallbackOwner(callback: callback)
deinit {
This class has a callback, a callback owner that calls that callback, and a deinit that prints something so that we know whether we have a retain cycle (no deinit = retain cycle).
We can test our setup with the following test function:
func test() {
We want the test function to print both Hi! and deinit, so that we know that the callback works, and that the client does not suffer from a retain cycle.
The above Client implementation does in fact have a retain cycle -- passing the callback method to the callback owner causes the owner to retain the client strongly, causing a cycle.
Of course, we can fix the cycle by replacing
lazy var callbackOwner = CallbackOwner(callback: callback)
lazy var callbackOwner = CallbackOwner(callback: { [weak self] in
This works, but:
it is tedious (compare the amount of code we now need)
it is dangerous (every new client of my CallbackOwner class must remember to do it this way, even though the original way is completely valid syntax, otherwise they will get a retain cycle)
So I am looking for a better way. I would like to capture the callback weakly at the CallbackOwner, not at the client. That way, new clients don't have to be aware of the danger of the retain cycle, and they can use my CallbackOwner in the most intuitive way possible.
So I tried to change CallbackOwner's callback property to
weak var callback: Callback?
but of course, Swift only allows us to capture class types weakly, not closures or methods.
At the time when this answer was written, there did not seem to be a way to do achieve what I'm looking for, but that was over 4 years ago. Has there been any developments in recent Swift versions that would allow me to pass a method to a closure-capturing object without causing a retain cycle?
Well one obvious way to do this would be to not hold a reference to CallbackHolder in Client i.e.
class Client {
func callback(string: String) {
var callbackOwner: CallbackHolder { return CallbackHolder(callback) }
deinit {
In the above case, I'd probably make CallbackHolder a struct rather than a class.
Personally, I don't see any value in wrapping the callback in a class at all. Just pass the callback around, or even Client. Maybe make a protocol for it to adhere to
protocol Callbackable
func callback(string: String)
extension Callbackable
func useCallback() {
self.callback(string: "Hi!")
class Client: Callbackable {
func callback(string: String) {
deinit {
func test(thing: Callbackable) {
test(thing: Client())

How can I verify a class method is called using XCTAssert?

I have a service class, I would like to assert 2 things
A method is called
The correct params are passed to that method
Here is my class
protocol OAuthServiceProtocol {
func initAuthCodeFlow() -> Void
func renderOAuthWebView(forService service: IdentityEndpoint, queryitems: [String: String]) -> Void
class OAuthService: OAuthServiceProtocol {
fileprivate let apiClient: APIClient
init(apiClient: APIClient) {
self.apiClient = apiClient
func initAuthCodeFlow() -> Void {
func renderOAuthWebView(forService service: IdentityEndpoint, queryitems: [String: String]) -> Void {
Here are my tests
class OAuthServiceTests: XCTestCase {
var mockAPIClient: APIClient!
var mockURLSession: MockURLSession!
var sut: OAuthService!
override func setUp() {
mockAPIClient = APIClient()
mockAPIClient.session = MockURLSession(data: nil, urlResponse: nil, error: nil)
sut = OAuthService(apiClient: mockAPIClient)
func test_InitAuthCodeFlow_CallsRenderOAuthWebView() {
let renderOAuthWebViewExpectation = expectation(description: "RenderOAuthWebView")
class OAuthServiceMock: OAuthService {
override func initAuthCodeFlow() -> Void {
override func renderOAuthWebView(forService service: IdentityEndpoint, queryitems: [String: String]) {
I was hoping to create a local sub class of OAuthService, assign that as my sut and call something like like sut.initAuthCodeFlow() and then assert that my expectation was fulfilled.
I believe this should satisfy point 1. However I cannot access my expectation when attempting to assign it as fulfilled as I get the following error
Class declaration cannot close over value
'renderOAuthWebViewExpectation' defined in outer scope
How can I mark this as fulfilled?
I am following a TDD approach, so I understand my OAuthService would produce a failing test at this point anyway*
I was hoping to create a local sub class of OAuthService, assign that as my sut and call something like like sut.initAuthCodeFlow() and then assert that my expectation was fulfilled.
I would strongly discourage you from using this approach. If your SUT is an instance of the subclass then your test is not truly testing OAuthService, but OAuthService mock.
Moreover, if we think of tests as a tool to:
prevent bugs when code is change
help refactoring and maintenance of the code
then I would argue that testing that calling a certain function calls another function is not a good test. That's harsh, I know, so let me unpack why that's the case.
The only thing it's testing is that initAuthCodeFlow() calls renderOAuthWebView(forService:, queryitems:) under the hood. It doesn't have any assertion on the actual behaviour of the system under test, on the outputs it produces directly or not. If I were to edit the implementation of renderOAuthWebView(forService:, queryitems:) and add some code that would crash at runtime this test would not fail.
A test like this doesn't help with keeping the codebase easy to change, because if you want to change the implementation of OAuthService, maybe by adding a parameter to renderOAuthWebView(forService:, queryitems:) or by renaming queryitems into queryItems to match the capitalization, you'll have to update both the production code and the test. In other words, the test will get in your way of refactoring -changing how the code looks without changing how it behaves- without any extra benefit.
So, how should one test OAuthService in a way that prevents bugs and helps moving fast? The trick is all in testing the behaviour instead of the implementation.
What should OAuthService do? initAuthCodeFlow() doesn't return any value, so we can check for direct outputs, but we can still check indirect outputs, side effects.
I'm making a guess here, but I from your test checking that renderOAuthWebView(forService:, queryitems:) I'd and the fact that it gets an APIClient type as input I'd say it'll present some kind of web view for a certain URL, and then make another request to the given APIClient maybe with the OAuth token received from the web view?
A way to test the interaction with APIClient is to make an assertion for the expected endpoint to be called. You can do it with a tool like OHHTTPStubs or with your a custom test double for URLSession that records the requests it gets and allows you to check them.
As for the presentation of the web view, you can use the delegate patter for it, and set a test double conforming to the delegate protocol which records whether it's called or not. Or you could test at a higher level and inspect the UIWindow in which the test are running to see if the root view controller is the one with the web view.
At the end of the day is all a matter of trade offs. The approach you've taken is not wrong, it just optimizes more towards asserting the code implementation rather than its behaviour. I hope that with this answer I showed a different kind of optimization, one biased towards the behaviour. In my experience this style of testing proves more helpful in the medium-long run.
Create a property on your mock, mutating it's value within the method you expect to call. You can then use your XCTAssertEqual to check that prop has been updated.
func test_InitAuthCodeFlow_CallsRenderOAuthWebView() {
let renderOAuthWebViewExpectation = expectation(description: "RenderOAuthWebView")
class OAuthServiceMock: OAuthService {
var renderOAuthWebViewExpectation: XCTestExpectation!
var didCallRenderOAuthWebView = false
override func renderOAuthWebView(forService service: IdentityEndpoint, queryitems: [String: String]) {
didCallRenderOAuthWebView = true
let sut = OAuthServiceMock(apiClient: mockAPIClient)
XCTAssertEqual(sut.didCallRenderOAuthWebView, false)
sut.renderOAuthWebViewExpectation = renderOAuthWebViewExpectation
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1) { _ in
XCTAssertEqual(sut.didCallRenderOAuthWebView, true)

KVO for dependent key paths does not work properly for Swift class

I'm trying to write a wrapper around URLSessionTask in Swift. According to the documentation
All task properties support key-value observing.
So I want to keep this behavior and make all the properties on my wrapper also KVO-compliant (usually delegating to the wrapped task) and fully accessible to Objective-C. I'll describe what I'm doing with one property, but I basically want to do the same thing for all properties.
Let's take the property state of URLSessionTask. I create my wrapper like this:
public class TaskWrapper: NSObject {
#objc public internal(set) var underlyingTask: URLSessionTask?
#objc dynamic public var state: URLSessionTask.State {
return underlyingTask?.state ?? backupState
// the state to be used when we don't have an underlyingTask
#objc dynamic private var backupState: URLSessionTask.State = .suspended
#objc public func resume() {
if let task = underlyingTask {
dispatchOnBackgroundQueue {
let task:URLSessionTask = constructTask()
self.underlyingTask = task
I added #objc to the properties so they are available to be called from Objective-C. And I added dynamic to the properties so they will be called via message-passing/the runtime even from Swift, to make sure the correct KVO-Notifications can be generated by NSObject. This is supposed to be enough according to Apple's KVO chapter in the "Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C" book.
I then implemented the static class methods necessary to tell KVO about dependent key paths:
// MARK: KVO Support
extension TaskWrapper {
#objc static var keyPathsForValuesAffectingState:Set<String> {
let keypaths:Set<String> = [
return keypaths
Then I wrote a unit test to check whether the notifications are called correctly:
var swiftKVOObserver:NSKeyValueObservation?
func testStateObservation() {
let taskWrapper = TaskWrapper()
let objcKVOExpectation = keyValueObservingExpectation(for: taskWrapper, keyPath: #keyPath(TaskWrapper.state), handler: nil)
let swiftKVOExpectation = expectation(description: "Expect Swift KVO call for `state`-change")
swiftKVOObserver = taskWrapper.observe(\.state) { (_, _) in
// this should trigger both KVO versions
taskWrapper.underlyingTask = URLSession(configuration: .default).dataTask(with: url)
self.wait(for: [swiftKVOExpectation, objcKVOExpectation], timeout: 0.1)
When I run it, the test crashes with an NSInternalInconsistencyException:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Cannot remove an observer <_XCKVOExpectationImplementation 0x60000009d6a0> for the key path "underlyingTask.state" from < MyURLSessionTask 0x6000002a1440>, most likely because the value for the key "underlyingTask" has changed without an appropriate KVO notification being sent. Check the KVO-compliance of the MyURLSessionTask class.'
But by making the underlyingTask-property #objc and dynamic, the Objective-C runtime should ensure that this notification is sent, even when the task is changed from Swift, right?
I can make the test work correctly by sending the KVO-notifications for the underlyingTask manually like this:
#objc public internal(set) var underlyingTask: URLSessionTask? {
willSet {
willChangeValue(for: \.underlyingTask)
didSet {
didChangeValue(for: \.underlyingTask)
But I'd much rather avoid having to implement this for every property and would prefer to use the existing keyPathsForValuesAffecting<Key> methods. Am I missing something to make this work? Or should it work and this is a bug?
Property underlyingTask isn't dynamic.