Avoiding deadlock within AVAudioEngineConfigurationChange notification callback - swift

I have a Swift class that contains an instance of AVAudioEngine and I and making use of the AVAudioEngineConfigurationChange notification like so:
class Demonstration : NSObject {
var engine:AVAudioEngine? = AVAudioEngine()
// ...
override init() {
// ...
selector: #selector(self.handleEngineConfigChange(_:)),
name: .AVAudioEngineConfigurationChange,
object: nil)
#objc func handleEngineConfigChange(_ notification: Notification) {
// what can I wrap this code with in order to make it not dangerous?
// DispatchQueue.main.sync?
engine = nil
In the docs it says:
Don’t deallocate the engine from within the client’s notification
handler. The callback happens on an internal dispatch queue and can
deadlock while trying to tear down the engine synchronously.
I don't even really know what they mean by deallocate -- if it means there's some method like engine.reset() or engine.stop()... or whether it means setting the engine to nil... or if it only applies to objective C... which I don't know.
At any rate, I would just like to know how to set up the method so that in the future I don't have to worry about breaking things.

You can move this to the next iteration of the runloop by using DispatchQueue.async (not sync) to whatever queue you are managing your engine on (probably the main queue). The important thing is that you apply the changes after returning from this callback.


Publish `operationCount` from operationQueue inside actor?

I have an actor:
actor MyActor {
let theQueue = OperationQueue()
init() {
_ = theQueue.observe(\OperationQueue.operationCount, options: .new) { oq, change in
print("OperationQueue.operationCount changed: \(self.theQueue.operationCount)")
I was trying to get a KVO going to then trigger some type of publisher call that other models in the app could subscribe to and react as needed when the operationCount changes.
I was going to have a function that maybe would set that up, but, as of now, using self in that initializer gives me this warning, which according this this:
it will turn into an error soon.
The warning I get is this:
Actor 'self' can only be captured by a closure from an async initializer
So, how could I trigger a publisher other models can then react to that would publish the operation queue's operationCount as it changes?
You don't need to capture self here. observe sends you the new value (for basically exactly this reason):
_ = theQueue.observe(\OperationQueue.operationCount, options: .new) { oq, change in
print("OperationQueue.operationCount changed: \(change.newValue!)")
Also, oq is theQueue if you need that. If you need self, the typical way to do that is:
observation = observe(\.theQueue.operationCount, options: .new) { object, change in
// object is `self` here.
Just remember that you're outside the actor inside this closure, so calls may need to be async inside a Task.

SwiftUI - KV Observe completion from Combine does not get triggered

I am trying to build a VOIP app using lib called VailerSIPLib. As the library was built using Obj-C and heavily using NotificationCenter to to publish the changes the active states all over the place.
I currently at the CallView part of the project, I can manage to start, end, reject calls. However, I need to implement connectionStatus in the view which will give information about the call like duration, "connecting..", "disconnected", "ringing" etc.
The below code is all in CallViewModel: ObservableObject;
var activeCall: VSLCall!
#Published var connectionStatus: String = ""
override init(){
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.listen(_:)), name: Notification.Name.VSLCallStateChanged, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.buildCallView(_:)), name: Notification.Name.CallKitProviderDelegateInboundCallAccepted, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.buildCallView(_:)), name: Notification.Name.CallKitProviderDelegateOutboundCallStarted, object: nil)
func setCall(_ call: VSLCall) {
self.activeCall = call
self.activeCall.observe(\.callStateText) { (asd, change) in
print("\(String(describing: change.oldValue)) to \(String(describing: change.newValue)) for \(call.callId)")
#objc func listen(_ notification: Notification) {
if let _ = self.activeCall {
#objc func buildCallView(_ notification: Notification) {
print("inbound call")
self.isOnCall = true
It prints out every thing except the completionBlock in setCall(_:). listen(_:) function validates that the state of the activeCall is changing and I would want to use that directly, however it does not work correct all the time. It should be triggered when the call is answered with callState value of .confirmed but sometime it does. This how I will know that it is time start the timer.
Other point is, in the example project of the VialerSIPLib they used self.activeCall.addObserver(_:) and it works fine. The problem for that is it throws a runtime error at the method something like didObservedValueChange(_:) and logs An -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: message was received but not handled.
Finally there is yellow warning at the activeCall.observe(_:) says
Result of call to 'observe(_:options:changeHandler:)' is unused
which I could not find anything related to it.
Finally there is yellow warning at the activeCall.observe(_:) says
Result of call to 'observe(_:options:changeHandler:)'
This is telling you what the problem is. The observe(_:options:changeHandler:) method is only incompletely documented. It returns an object of type NSKeyValueObservation which represents your registration as a key-value observer. You need to save this object, because when the NSKeyValueObservation is destroyed, it unregisters you. So you need to add a property to CallViewModel to store it:
class CallViewModel: ObservableObject {
private var callStateTextObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?
And then you need to store the observation:
func setCall(_ call: VSLCall) {
activeCall = call
callStateTextObservation = activeCall.observe(\.callStateText) { _, change in
print("\(String(describing: change.oldValue)) to \(String(describing: change.newValue)) for \(call.callId)")
You could choose to use the Combine API for KVO instead, although it is even less documented than the Foundation API. You get a Publisher whose output is each new value of the observed property. It works like this:
class CallViewModel: ObservableObject {
private var callStateTextTicket: AnyCancellable?
func setCall(_ call: VSLCall) {
activeCall = call
callStateTextTicket = self.activeCall.publisher(for: \.callStateText, options: [])
.sink { print("callId: \(call.callId), callStateText: \($0)") }
There's no specific reason to use the Combine API in your sample code, but in general a Publisher is more flexible than an NSKeyValueObservation because Combine provides so many ways to operate on Publishers.
Your error with addObserver(_:forKeyPath:options:context:) happens because that is a much older API. It was added to NSObject long before Swift was invented. In fact, it was added before Objective-C even had blocks (closures). When you use that method, all notifications are sent to the observeValue(forKeyPath:of:change:context:) method of the observer. If you don't implement the observeValue method, the default implementation in NSObject receives the notification and raises an exception.

Realm Transaction without notifying tokens

I have Realm notifications on a background thread created with the following code (taken from Realm's website)
class BackgroundWorker: NSObject {
private let name: String
private var thread: Thread!
private var block: (()->Void)!
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
#objc internal func runBlock() {
internal func start(_ block: #escaping () -> Void) {
self.block = block
if thread == nil {
on: thread,
with: nil,
waitUntilDone: false,
modes: [RunLoop.Mode.default.rawValue]
private func createThread() {
thread = Thread { [weak self] in
while (self != nil && !self!.thread.isCancelled) {
mode: RunLoop.Mode.default,
before: Date.distantFuture)
thread.name = name
func stop() {
And using the background worker like this
struct RealmBackGroundWorker {
static var tokens: [NotificationToken] = []
static let backgroundWorker = BackGroundWorker(name: "RealmWorker")
static func start() {
backgroundWorker.start {
self.tokens = ...
The background notifications work great. But I often need to save data to realm without notifying these transactions. From what I have found, it does not look like there is a way write data without notifying all tokens. You always have to specify the tokens you want to ignore.
How can I write data to the Realm without notifying these background tokens?
Let me preface this answer with a couple of things. The Realm website the OP got their code from was here Realm Notifications on Background Threads with Swift and part of the point of that code was to not only spin up a runloop on a background thread to handle Realm functions but to also handle notifications on that same thread.
That code is pretty old - 4+ years and is somewhat outdated. In essence, there are possibly better options. From Apple:
... newer technologies such as Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) provide a
more modern and efficient infrastructure for implementing concurrency
But to address the question, if an observer is added to a Realm results on thread A, then all of the notifications will also occur on thread A. e.g. the token returned from the observe function is tied to that thread.
It appears the OP wants to write data without receiving notifications
I do not want to sync local changes to the server, so I would like to
call .write(withouNotifying: RealmWorkBlock.tokens)
I want a way to write data to the realm database without notifying
these notifications.
Noting that those notifications will occur on the same thread as the runloop. Here's the code that we need to look at
static func start() {
backgroundWorker.start {
self.tokens = ...
and in particular this line
self.tokens = ...
because the ... is the important part. That ... leads to this line (from the docs)
self?.token = files.observe { changes in
which is where the observer is added that generates the notifications. If no notifications are needed then that code, starting with self?.token can be completely removed as that's is sole purpose - to generate notifications.
One thought is to add a different init to the background worker class to have a background worker with no notifications:
static func start() {
Another thought is to take a more modern approach and leverage DispatchQueue with an autorelease pool which eliminates the need for these classes completely, will run in the background freeing up the UI ad does not involve tokens or notifications.
DispatchQueue(label: "background").async {
autoreleasepool {
let realm = try! Realm()
let files = realm.objects(File.self).filter("localUrl = ''")

Swift - Is checking whether a weak variable is nil or not thread-safe?

I have a process which runs for a long time and which I would like the ability to interrupt.
func longProcess (shouldAbort: #escaping ()->Bool) {
// Runs a long loop and periodically checks shouldAbort(),
// returning early if shouldAbort() returns true
Here's my class which uses it:
class Example {
private var abortFlag: NSObject? = .init()
private var dispatchQueue: DispatchQueue = .init(label: "Example")
func startProcess () {
let shouldAbort: ()->Bool = { [weak abortFlag] in
return abortFlag == nil
dispatchQueue.async {
longProcess(shouldAbort: shouldAbort)
func abortProcess () {
self.abortFlag = nil
The shouldAbort closure captures a weak reference to abortFlag, and checks whether that reference points to nil or to an NSObject. Since the reference is weak, if the original NSObject is deallocated then the reference that is captured by the closure will suddenly be nil and the closure will start returning true. The closure will be called repeatedly during the longProcess function, which is occurring on the private dispatchQueue. The abortProcess method on the Example class will be externally called from some other queue. What if someone calls abortProcess(), thereby deallocating abortFlag, at the exact same time that longProcess is trying to perform the check to see if abortFlag has been deallocated yet? Is checking myWeakReference == nil a thread-safe operation?
You can create the dispatched task as a DispatchWorkItem, which has a thread-safe isCancelled property already. You can then dispatch that DispatchWorkItem to a queue and have it periodically check its isCancelled. You can then just cancel the dispatched as such point you want to stop it.
Alternatively, when trying to wrap some work in an object, we’d often use Operation, instead, which encapsulates the task in its own class quite nicely:
class SomeLongOperation: Operation {
override func main() {
// Runs a long loop and periodically checks `isCancelled`
while !isCancelled {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)
And to create queue and add the operation to that queue:
let queue = OperationQueue()
let operation = SomeLongOperation()
And to cancel the operation:
Bottom line, whether you use Operation (which is, frankly, the “go-to” solution for wrapping some task in its own object) or roll-your-own with DispatchWorkItem, the idea is the same, namely that you don’t need to have your own state property to detect cancellation of the task. Both dispatch queues and operation queues already have nice mechanisms to simplify this process for you.
I saw this bug (Weak properties are not thread safe when reading SR-192) indicating that weak reference reads weren't thread safe, but it has been fixed, which suggests that (absent any bugs in the runtime), weak reference reads are intended to be thread safe.
Also interesting: Friday Q&A 2017-09-22: Swift 4 Weak References by Mike Ash

How can I create a reference cycle using dispatchQueues?

I feel that I've always misunderstood that when reference cycles are created. Before I use to think that almost any where that you have a block and the compiler is forcing you to write .self then it's a sign that I'm creating a reference cycle and I need to use [weak self] in.
But the following setup doesn't create a reference cycle.
import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
class UsingQueue {
var property : Int = 5
var queue : DispatchQueue? = DispatchQueue(label: "myQueue")
func enqueue3() {
queue?.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
deinit {
print("UsingQueue deinited")
var u : UsingQueue? = UsingQueue()
u = nil
The block only retains self for 3 seconds. Then releases it. If I use async instead of asyncAfter then it's almost immediate.
From what I understand the setup here is:
self ---> queue
self <--- block
The queue is merely a shell/wrapper for the block. Which is why even if I nil the queue, the block will continue its execution. They’re independent.
So is there any setup that only uses queues and creates reference cycles?
From what I understand [weak self] is only to be used for reasons other than reference cycles ie to control the flow of the block. e.g.
Do you want to retain the object and run your block and then release it? A real scenario would be to finish this transaction even though the view has been removed from the screen...
Or you want to use [weak self] in so that you can exit early if your object has been deallocated. e.g. some purely UI like stopping a loading spinner is no longer needed
FWIW I understand that if I use a closure then things are different ie if I do:
import PlaygroundSupport
import Foundation
class UsingClosure {
var property : Int = 5
var closure : (() -> Void)?
func closing() {
closure = {
func execute() {
func release() {
closure = nil
deinit {
print("UsingClosure deinited")
var cc : UsingClosure? = UsingClosure()
cc?.release() // Either this needs to be called or I need to use [weak self] for the closure otherwise there is a reference cycle
cc = nil
In the closure example the setup is more like:
self ----> block
self <--- block
Hence it's a reference cycle and doesn't deallocate unless I set block to capturing to nil.
class C {
var item: DispatchWorkItem!
var name: String = "Alpha"
func assignItem() {
item = DispatchWorkItem { // Oops!
func execute() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1, execute: item)
deinit {
print("deinit hit!")
With the following code, I was able to create a leak ie in Xcode's memory graph I see a cycle, not a straight line. I get the purple indicators. I think this setup is very much like how a stored closure creates leaks. And this is different from your two examples, where execution is never finished. In this example execution is finished, but because of the references it remains in memory.
I think the reference is something like this:
│ self │ │workItem│
└─────────┘◀︎────item = DispatchWorkItem {...}───└────────┘
You say:
From what I understand the setup here is:
self ---> queue
self <--- block
The queue is merely a shell/wrapper for the block. Which is why even if I nil the queue, the block will continue its execution. They’re independent.
The fact that self happens to have a strong reference to the queue is inconsequential. A better way of thinking about it is that a GCD, itself, keeps a reference to all dispatch queues on which there is anything queued. (It’s analogous to a custom URLSession instance that won’t be deallocated until all tasks on that session are done.)
So, GCD keeps reference to the queue with dispatched tasks. The queue keeps a strong reference to the dispatched blocks/items. The queued block keeps a strong reference to any reference types they capture. When the dispatched task finishes, it resolves any strong references to any captured reference types and is removed from the queue (unless you keep your own reference to it elsewhere.), generally thereby resolving any strong reference cycles.
Setting that aside, where the absence of [weak self] can get you into trouble is where GCD keeps a reference to the block for some reason, such as dispatch sources. The classic example is the repeating timer:
class Ticker {
private var timer: DispatchSourceTimer?
func startTicker() {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".ticker")
timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: queue)
timer!.schedule(deadline: .now(), repeating: 1)
timer!.setEventHandler { // whoops; missing `[weak self]`
func tick() { ... }
Even if the view controller in which I started the above timer is dismissed, GCD keeps firing this timer and Ticker won’t be released. As the “Debug Memory Graph” feature shows, the block, created in the startTicker routine, is keeping a persistent strong reference to the Ticker object:
This is obviously resolved if I use [weak self] in that block used as the event handler for the timer scheduled on that dispatch queue.
Other scenarios include a slow (or indefinite length) dispatched task, where you want to cancel it (e.g., in the deinit):
class Calculator {
private var item: DispatchWorkItem!
deinit {
item = nil
func startCalculation() {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".calcs")
item = DispatchWorkItem { // whoops; missing `[weak self]`
while true {
if self.item?.isCancelled ?? true { break }
self.item = nil
queue.async(execute: item)
func calculateNextDataPoint() {
// some intense calculation here
All of that having been said, in the vast majority of GCD use-cases, the choice of [weak self] is not one of strong reference cycles, but rather merely whether we mind if strong reference to self persists until the task is done or not.
If we’re just going to update the the UI when the task is done, there’s no need to keep the view controller and its views in the hierarchy waiting some UI update if the view controller has been dismissed.
If we need to update the data store when the task is done, then we definitely don’t want to use [weak self] if we want to make sure that update happens.
Frequently, the dispatched tasks aren’t consequential enough to worry about the lifespan of self. For example, you might have a URLSession completion handler dispatch UI update back to the main queue when the request is done. Sure, we theoretically would want [weak self] (as there’s no reason to keep the view hierarchy around for a view controller that’s been dismissed), but then again that adds noise to our code, often with little material benefit.
Unrelated, but playgrounds are a horrible place to test memory behavior because they have their own idiosyncrasies. It’s much better to do it in an actual app. Plus, in an actual app, you then have the “Debug Memory Graph” feature where you can see the actual strong references. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/30993476/1271826.