I am studying game development in college with Unreal Engine and found this book on the internet: Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine
I kept doing it step by step, until chapter 5
I find this object: Ue4ASP_Character
Here is the problem
Has no panel components
I am really interested in chaos physics and went to plugins to see if it was enabled and it is: I have looked up tutorials on it and everything and none say how to install it so I assume it is basic. They select on the modes panel but for some reason for there isn't one. Modes is a drop down panel on the same bar as the play button and stuff. The chaos physics engine isnt one of the options it only has the default. I am on Unreal 4.25.3 windows 10 and this project is blueprints but I prefer to work in c++ blueprints is just better and faster for tests. I have looked at multiple forums and videos and noone seems to have the issue I do which is it just doesn't show up. Could I please get some help on this as it looks amazing and fun. Also if there is an easy way to get the modes selector back where it used to be and not as a dropdown. Thank you.
From what I understand, the Chaos Physics Beta is out since Unreal 4.3 but until its out of beta a source build is required to play around with it. You have to get the demo from the epic games launcher. You will also have to request to join the epic games github and download the unreal engine files, move the ChaosDestructionDemo folder to the same folder that you have your GitHub build in. You then run the GenerateProjectFiles.bat, open the created UE4.sln and then build the ChasoDestructionDemo for Development editor.
This will rebuild the whole engine with the Chaos plugin installed and then you can launch the uproject from the epic games launcher.
There are a lot of details on this forum and a couple of videos that you can have a look at too.
If you have any more questions, let me know and ill try my best to help you out.
Hope you have a good time destroying stuff :)
I am working on a research project and I want to know if I can use Julia for the game engine unity. If so, How would it access the libraries?
You can only use C# and/or UnityScript (a kind of javascript for Unity).
In the past another language; Boo was also an option, but the support was removed.
Source: Unity scripting languages and you
I have been using eclipse GEF 3.x for developing graphical editors. While there are many examples for this framework, GEF4 doesn't seem to have many. Since gef4 is rewritten based on Java fx, putting up more examples will popularize the framework. For instance after doing lot of searching I found out that IVisualPart Is used instead of IEditorPart. Any pointers to a comprehensive example would be helpful
The GEF repository at GitHub contains examples for the individual components, i.a. the "MVC Logo Example" that demonstrates usage of the MVC technology stack that is offered by GEF for the development of graphical applications, and the "Zest Graph Example" that demonstrates usage of the Zest technology stack that is offered by GEF for the development of graph-based graphical applications.
Moreover, you can register for a free GEF tutorial here: https://info.itemis.com/en/gef/tutorials/
The terminology was changed from IEditPart and IEditPolicy to IVisualPart and IPolicy. Moreover, IVisualPart is divided into IContentPart, IFeedbackPart, and IHandlePart. For details, take a look at the documentation in the GitHub Wiki, especially the MVC documentation.
I have created new projects using the Template 10 Blank, Minimal and Hamburger templates.
I can see the Hamburger template adds the Models and Services folders. The Minimal template also adds a Converters folder.
Beyond creating these folders, how do the project templates differ? I have read the Template 10 Documentation and Template10: a new template to create Universal Windows apps. The Channel9 video Template 10: How to Build Your Universal Windows App...minus all of the repetitive, tedious, boilerplate discusses Basic and Minimal. In this video Minimal includes the hamburger menu.
Can anyone point me to a succinct summary of the differences between the three Template 10 templates?
This has now been answered in the Microsoft Virtual Academy course:
Getting Started with Template 10
As I understand it, the Minimal template implements navigation. The Hamburger template creates a shell which becomes the root frame.
I just watched a video on YouTube: Introduction to UE4 on GitHub
Basically explaining how to get the Unreal Engine 4 source code from GitHub and how to build it in VS2013.
Now I understand the need for this if people want to make modifications to the engine itself, but if I want to use the engine as is and just program games with it, do I need to do all this?
I'm building it right now (75 minutes and counting), because I watched a UE4 programming tutorial and noticed that I was missing a few things that the programmer in the tutorial had (thought maybe because I didn't compile the Engine). I figured I needed to build the Engine because another UE4 programming tutorial said "I assume you have already downloaded the engine source from GitHub and compiled it in VS2013", nobody says why, nobody clearly states whether or not this is required to make a game in C++ using Unreal Engine 4.
No you dont need the whole engine. There is a difference between the code which builds the editor and the code which builds your game. If you only want to program your game you should create a new "code project" and modify the code you're getting after creating the new project.