What is the difference between Template 10 templates? - template10

I have created new projects using the Template 10 Blank, Minimal and Hamburger templates.
I can see the Hamburger template adds the Models and Services folders. The Minimal template also adds a Converters folder.
Beyond creating these folders, how do the project templates differ? I have read the Template 10 Documentation and Template10: a new template to create Universal Windows apps. The Channel9 video Template 10: How to Build Your Universal Windows App...minus all of the repetitive, tedious, boilerplate discusses Basic and Minimal. In this video Minimal includes the hamburger menu.
Can anyone point me to a succinct summary of the differences between the three Template 10 templates?

This has now been answered in the Microsoft Virtual Academy course:
Getting Started with Template 10
As I understand it, the Minimal template implements navigation. The Hamburger template creates a shell which becomes the root frame.


How to transform from nunjucks to java then back to a nunjucks template

We are creating a microservice bootstrap project with a code-generator using a Backstage application directory - allowing users to create a starter microservice project using the backstage app wizard.
This means we have some java application code that was then templatized using nunjucks.
However, if other developers want to modify or evolve that template code, they would have to render the template to java code (a spring boot app) then develop on it: modify, test, debug. And then when they are done, they would have to re-templatize the code before committing the template code back to backstage.
My question is how can we automate or simplify that re-templatizing step back to nunjucks. Maybe we can preserve some of the templating info in comments so that we can automatically re-apply templating to those areas? Is there another simpler way to automate or assist turning the code back into a template?
Since multiple developers will be working on this over a long period of time, I think it would be unrealistic to expect users to update back template expressions everywhere if they become interspersed throughout the code.

How to organize dart files inside packages in flutter

I'm new at programming using flutter and I'd like to develop a small project containing a few screens: Login, Home, Settings, User, PurchaseHistory, etc.
I need to organize the code inside packages so that it can readable easily.
If I develop an Android App, I'd create some packages: model, activity, fragment, util, etc. If I create a LoginActivty, I'd put it inside activity package. If I create a User model, I'd put it inside model package. And so on.
So If I develop a flutter project, where am I supposed to put all of the files I create so far?
For now I've created only model package.
First of all, in Flutter we don't deal with activities or fragments directly, that is a naming convention from Android itself.
There are many options to architect your app and organize your folders. I wouldn't say that there is a holy grail solution. So you have to try some of them and see the best fit for you.
At the end of this article, I show an option to a folder structure when working with flavors, like this:
But there are plenty of others, so I recommend you to see how some of the GitHub projects are organized, a good way to start is having a look at the projects from this repository. Especially the 'Open Source Apps' section.
I'm currently working on a project that follows an approach like you described.
I don't know if it's the better structure, but it works really nice for me.
\-widgets (commom components)
\-config (config classes/files like routes, theme, specific settings for each environment - dev, production, test)
----- EDITED -----
After work for almost a year with Flutter, I've tested some different structures, and there's one in particular that's really nice and provides an amazing organization...
Take a look at slidy, the following image represents the kind of organization it provides. More details in the package description.

Are there any alternatives to T4 templates and EnvDTE for cross platform asp.net 5 development?

We currently use T4 templates to generate C# code files based on C# Code (Entity POCO's) and the EDMX (in older applications)
Moving to ASP.NET 5 with a view to support cross platform development, are there any code generation tools available that can read a projects class & meta data structures, and to generate C# files at design time, similar to T4 templates?
You can try Scripty - it is Roslyn based scripting.
Syntax highlighting for *.csx files works out of the box;
VS extension exists to process scripts on save;
MSBuild task exists to process scripts during buld process;
Script allows you to traverse a hierarchical model of the project;
Multiple files generation from single script is supported;
yeoman seems to be a good option. There exist some generators already for scaffolding asp.net 5 apps and you can create your own generators
It is cross platform and can be used on linux/mac/windows.
Even tt templates weren't supported earlier in asp.net-5 projects. It has been added recently (in Visual Studio 2015 Update 1).
The discussion is here: https://github.com/aspnet/Home/issues/272
And in the thread, Eilon said the Roslyn is the way to analyse the code and generate new ones... And he again said the ASP team has no immediate plan. So currently we have no solution from Microsoft.
But I did some search and didn't find any cross platform community tool to generate codes based on other codes. :(
Scriban worked for me as an alternative to replace T4 templates for generating unit test code. But it's a pure templating engine.
The new LeMP preprocessing engine for C# can be used as an alternative to T4 templates. May I ask what specifically you mean by "projects class & meta data structures"?
For this purpose I created a simple python
script called "autogen".
How it works: the script takes jinja template file (instead of T4) and data file (json) and generates one or multiple output files (e.g. C#, or any format) based on the template.
How it can be used (example): describe interface (methods, parameters) definition in json file, create *.j2 template files for C#, Java, Python, etc.. Then run autogen.py script and files for proxy/stub for all languages will be created.
This can help to create lot of similar code without copy/pasting and make code changes by simply changing single json file.
Moreover it can be integrated with build pipiline, msbuild (.net, .net core) and is cross-platform.
I have been looking into this same sort of thing, although not specifically with ASP.NET MVC but across project types as I move to .Net Core. I kept my T4 relying on EDMX early on. Which works out since EF7 moves beyond the file format in favor of code. Where I was planning on going with my code generation was a combination of ScriptCS and C# REPL. Roslyn complicates things for me a tad since there are no design time assemblies from what I understand. So the trick may be to understand and introspect cs files from within the project.

What are the steps to create and use custom themes in OpenUI5 without SAP license?

I am looking for steps (end to end) on how to create and use custom theme in custom OpenUI5 apps.
I have looked at the OpenUI5 code in GitHub and it is still a bit not clear for me as far as the end to end process goes.
Here's what I have understood so far
Each control has its own *.less file for each theme and there is base.less with the color definitions.
A grunt task loops through the LESS files and generates one common library.css for each library (sap.ui.core, sap.m, etc..)
Add the CSS in the resources folder as shown here
Is this correct, or am I missing a way to create custom themes without any SAP software license?
I think the "UI Theme Designer" needs SAP software to be installed. I am looking for something not linked with the SAP environment.

How to know that MPP published to the server is not created using a template available in Microsoft Project Server?

Just stumbled upon this question today:
"Is there a way to know that MPP published to the project server is not created using a template available on the server?"
Basically this comes from the point that how to find out compliance of the project plans to the standard templates.
I am not aware how it can be done?
Actually there is no way to identify by one field that this project was created using that template.
You may assume that by Enterprise Project Type, but again there is a way to change EPT for existing project.
The only way I know is to compare a template and a project by tasks, by structure, etc. it works like finger print recognition: you select several points which the most probably tell that the project was created from the template.
The worst case I can imagine: a user creates a project by a template and after that removes everything from the project. Formally the project was created by the template but in real there is nothing from the template left in the project.