How to override Copy and Paste NSMenuItems for one View Controller Swift macOS - swift

I am writing a macOS application with multiple view controllers, using Storyboards.
In my main View Controller I would like to be able to copy and paste data to the NSPasteboard. The data is related to buttons displayed to the user, and the exact data to be copied varies depending on which button has most recently been pressed/selected.
I would like to be able to override the standard behaviour of the Copy and Paste NSMenuItems when my main View Controller is the front most (key) window, but revert to back to standard behaviour when other windows are in the foreground, as they all contain NSTextFields which can be copied/pasted into.
I have done a lot of googling, and overriding this behaviour is not very well documented. I can achieve it globally by adding an IBAction into the App Delegate, which I could use to call a function in whichever View Controller is key, but this doesn't feel like a very elegant solution.
Currently my IBAction in the App Delegate looks like this:
#IBAction func copy(_ sender: Any) {
if let window = NSApplication.shared.keyWindow {
if let splitView = window.contentViewController as? SplitViewController {
if let controlVC = splitView.controlItem.viewController as? ControlViewController {
Am I missing a neater solution?


How to get rid of or change a storyboard created segue programatically

I have a segue from one view controller to another, which was created in the storyboard of my project. I'm wondering if there is a way to change or get rid of that segue through code. Thanks, using Xcode 9 Swift 4.
Apparently it's not possible... look at the answer on this post. And the documentation says this about creating segues:
"You do not create segue objects directly. Instead, the storyboard runtime creates them when it must perform a segue between two view controllers."
Although it's not about changing or deleting the segue, I think it's the same logic.
If you just want to avoid the segue to happen you can do that inside "shouldPerformSegue" (like vacawama said in the comments):
override func shouldPerformSegue(withIdentifier identifier: String, sender: Any?) -> Bool {
if identifier == "aSegueIWantToDisable" {
return false
return true

How to programmatically show a window/view controller in Swift 4 for macOS application

I'm trying to programmatically show a window in my macOS application. The reason I want to do it programmatically is because the user clicks a Login button and the resulting function depends on the success of the login. If it was successful, the window is shown; otherwise, it is not.
Here is a screenshot of my Xcode window:
Here's what I'm trying in the code (Alert is a class I created to make showing NSAlert dialogs easier):
#IBAction func btnLogin_Click(_ sender: Any) {
let email = txtEmail.stringValue
if(email.isEmpty) { view.window!, message: "Email is required.")
let password = txtPassword.stringValue
if(password.isEmpty) { view.window!, message: "Password is required.")
// this does not work, even though I gave the window and view controllers
// both identifiers in the storyboard
self.storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("wcStores"))
Apple's documentation for NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier is pretty much nonexistent, and other methods I've seen seem to pertain to earlier versions of Swift.
What am I doing wrong?
Alright, so this is not what I originally was trying to do, but this way is much better, and what I was really looking for.
let vcStores = self.storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("vcStores"))
as! NSViewController
self.view.window?.contentViewController = vcStores
This will just replace the window's contents with the contents in the view vcStores as defined in Interface Builder.
This video also helped, albeit for iOS and Swift 3. I was trying to create a new NSWindow at first because I'm so used to doing desktop development in Java Swing or C# Windows Forms. But I love how easy it is to just switch out the window contents like this.

Swift - TabBarController - Decide segue at runtime

i have the following situation:
In my TabBarController i have multiple tabs and it all works fine, but:
The destination of one specific tab is dynamic.
If a certain condition matches, this specific tab should open a NavigationViewController.
If an other condition matches, this specific tab should open a ViewController.
Are there any built in solutions?
How can i modify the destination of a tab at runtime?
Greetings and thanks
Long long ago, in a galaxy far far away...
Segues didn't even exist. So yeah
The UITabBarController has a setter in which you can pass the new view controllers you want it to handle. You won't be able to decide what shows at the point of the tapping this way, but you'll be able to change the controllers as the condition changes.
open func setViewControllers(_ viewControllers: [UIViewController]?, animated: Bool)
If you however DO need to decide as the tab is tapped... You could have your tab controller direct to a controller that's essentially empty, and use view controller containment for that controller to have the 2 options on it, and have one of them hidden. Pretty doable from the storyboard with very little supporting code. I think I prefer this option.
If you would rather continue to use Segues, then you can perform a specific Segue depending on the state of some condition variable like this:
func presentAppropriateView() {
if condition {
performSegue(withIdentifier: "ToNavBar", sender: self)
} else {
performSegue(withIdentifier: "ToVC", sender: self)
write a delegate method which you want to perform on certain condition on runtime and call
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:0];
where index could be of your choice

Come back to the tabBarController, swift

Currently on my viewController : Upload, my button send the data to my database only if all the information are filled out, and I come back to the preview view (table View) with :
I would like, if it is possible, to come back to my main view on the tabBarController. I tried many things, like directly on the storyboard with Present modally segue to "TabBar controller", but I come back to the TabBar without sending my data to the database and without checking in the information are filled out..
How can I do it?
UITabBarController has a property selectedIndex with which you can switch the selected tab. So on completion after dismissing the UploadViewController you can run:
self.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 0 // Index to select
It would probably be best to create a delegate for your UploadViewController to fire a function to do all the work in your previewVC on API call completion.
(Super late case someone has similar questions, presumably in later version of Swift, such as mine which is Swift 5, iOS 13.2). Steps:
Be sure to set an id for your UITabBarController storyboard, e.g. "TabBarViewController"
Next, add the following to an action that has already been connected to a button:
let ID_TABBAR = "TabBarViewCOntroller"
#IBAction func returnToTabbar(_ sender: Any) {
let tabBarController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier:ID_TABBAR) as! UITabBarController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(tabBarController, animated:true)
Referenced from one of the responses from this post.
Update: In case your Tab Bar View Controller also happens to be the root view controller, the two lines of the code in the returnToTabbar method above can be:
self.dismiss(animated:true, completion:nil);
(ref.: See answer here, for Swift4 but works just fine in Swift5)

Segue following a change in criteria from a local notification in Swift

I have created a local notification in Swift which gives the option to end a current game without having to go back in to the app. That's all fine and works as it should. The issue I'm having is that if the user does this, I don't want them to go back to the Game view controller if that happens to be the last view that was open when the app entered the background. I would like them to go back to the app's Home view controller instead.
I expected to be able to add a perform segue to my Game view controller in the following way, should the criteria match. I tried adding it to viewDidAppear(), but it didn't work:
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
if isThereACurrentGame() == false {
performSegueWithIdentifier("unwindToHomeScreen", sender: self)
Is this something to do with viewDidAppear() not being called when the app comes back to the foreground? If so, what might an alternative be?
P.S. My isThereACurrentGame() function works as it should, as does the performSegueWithIdentifier elsewhere in the view controller, so these aren't the cause of the problem.