Flutter Bloc vs Provider State Manament for "InProgress" - flutter

I can manage InProgress state via "yield" operator in Flutter Bloc,
My bloc:
Stream<ContentState> mapEventToState(
ContentEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is ContentStarted) {
yield ContentLoadInProgress(); //yeah
var content= await repository.getContent();
yield ContentLoadSuccess(content);
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is ContentInProgress) {
return LoadingWidget(); //showing CircularProgressIndicator Widget
} else if (state is ContentLoadSuccess) {
return Text(state.content);
(States : InitState,ContentLoadInProgress, ContentLoadSuccess, ContentLoadFailure)
How can I manage "ContentLoadInProgress" state in Provider State Management?

You can keep your states as enum
enum ContentStates {
In your provider class:
class ContentProvider with ChangeNotifier {
ContentState state = ContentStates.InitState;
Content content;
yourEvent() {
state = ContentStates.ContentLoadInProgress;
notifyListeners(); // This will notify your listeners to update ui
state = ContentStates.ContentLoadSuccess;
Inside your widget you can use Consumer (Assuming you already used ChangeNotifierProvider above in your widget tree)
builder: (context, ContentProvider provider, _) {
if (provider.state == ContentStates.ContentLoadInProgress) {
return LoadingWidget();
} else if (provider.state == ContentStates.ContentLoadSucces) {
// use provider.content to get your content
return correspondingWidget();
} else if .... // widgets for other states


Cubit - listener does not catching the first state transition

I'm using a Cubit in my app and I'm struggling to understand one behavior.
I have a list of products and when I open the product detail screen I want to have a "blank" screen with a loading indicator until receiving the data to populate the layout, but the loading indicator is not being triggered in the listener (only in this first call, when making a refresh in the screen it shows the loader).
I'm using a BlocConsumer and i'm making the request in the builder when catching the ApplicationInitialState (first state), in cubit I'm emitting the ApplicationLoadingState(), but this state transition is not being caught in the listener, only when the SuccessState is emitted the listener triggers and tries to remove the loader.
I know the listener does not catch the first State emitted but I was expecting it to catch the first state transition.
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_l10n = AppLocalizations.of(context);
return _buildConsumer();
_buildConsumer() {
return BlocConsumer<ProductCubit, ApplicationState>(
bloc: _productCubit,
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is ApplicationInitialState) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: _buildAppbar(state),
body: _buildBodyState(state),
listener: (previous, current) async {
if (current is ApplicationLoadingState) {
} else {
class ProductCubit extends Cubit<ApplicationState> with ErrorHandler {
final ProductUseCase _useCase;
required ProductUseCase useCase,
}) : _useCase = useCase,
super(const ApplicationInitialState());
void getProductDetail(String id) async {
try {
emit(const ApplicationLoadingState());
final Product = await _useCase.getProductDetail(id);
detail: ProductDetailMapper.getDetail(Product),
} catch (exception) {
abstract class ApplicationState extends Equatable {
const ApplicationState();
List<Object> get props => [];
class ApplicationLoadingState extends ApplicationState {
const ApplicationLoadingState();

StreamBuilder / ChangeNotifierProvider- setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build

Streambuilder, ChangeNotifier and Consumer cannot figure out how to use correctly. Flutter
I've tried and tried and tried, I've searched a lot but I cannot figure this out:
I'm using a Streambuilder this should update a ChangeNotifier that should trigger rebuild in my Consumer widget. Supposedly...
but even if I call the provider with the (listen: false) option I've got this error
The following assertion was thrown while dispatching notifications for
HealthCheckDataNotifier: setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during
build. the widget which was currently being built when the offending call was made was:
Important: I cannot create the stream sooner because I need to collect other informations before reading firebase, see (userMember: userMember)
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
/// I have other provider...
ChangeNotifierProvider<HealthCheckDataNotifier>(create: (context) => HealthCheckDataNotifier())
child: MaterialApp(...
then my Change notifier look like this
class HealthCheckDataNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
HealthCheckData healthCheckData = HealthCheckData(
nonCrewMember: false,
dateTime: DateTime.now(),
cleared: false,
void upDate(HealthCheckData _healthCheckData) {
healthCheckData = _healthCheckData;
then the Streambuilder
return StreamBuilder<List<HealthCheckData>>(
stream: HeathCheckService(userMember: userMember).healthCheckData,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.active) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
if (snapshot.data!.isNotEmpty) {
healthCheckData = snapshot.data?.first;
if (healthCheckData != null) {
timeDifference = healthCheckData!.dateTime.difference(DateTime.now()).inHours;
_cleared = healthCheckData!.cleared;
if (timeDifference < -12) {
healthCheckData!.cleared = false;
_cleared = false;
///The problem is here but don't know where to put this or how should be done
Provider.of<HealthCheckDataNotifier>(context, listen: false).upDate(healthCheckData!);
return Builder(builder: (context) {
return Provider<HealthCheckData?>.value(
value: healthCheckData,
builder: (BuildContext context, _) {
return const HealthButton();
} else {
return const Text('checking health'); //Scaffold(body: Loading(message: 'checking...'));
and finally the Consumer (note: the consumer is on another Route)
return Consumer<HealthCheckDataNotifier>(
builder: (context, hN, _) {
if (hN.healthCheckData.cleared) {
_cleared = true;
return Container(
color: _cleared ? Colors.green : Colors.amber[900],
Hope is enough clear,
Thank you so very much for your time!
it is not possible to setState(or anything that trigger rerender) in the builder callback
just like you don't setState in React render
const A =()=>{
const [state, setState] = useState([])
return (
<p>will not work</p>
it will not work for obvious reason, render --> setState --> render --> setState --> (infinite loop)
so the solution is similar to how we do it in React, move them to useEffect
(example using firebase onAuthChange)
class _MyAppState extends Stateful<MyApp> {
StreamSubscription<User?>? _userStream;
var _waiting = true;
User? _user;
void initState() {
_userStream = FirebaseAuth.instance.authStateChanges().listen((user) async {
setState(() {
_waiting = false;
_user = user;
}, onError: (error) {
setState(() {
_waiting = false;
void dispose() {
Widget build(context) {
return Container()

Flutter bloc - Show snackbar on state change

I am trying to log in with Google. When googleSignInAccount I yield new state with PlatformExecption. Now, How can I access that value in order to do some changes.
final GoogleSignInAccount googleSignInAccount = await googleSignIn.signIn();
if(googleSignInAccount == null){
yield GoogleLoginErrorState(error: PlatformException(code: 'user-cancel'));
my state.dart
class GoogleLoginErrorState extends GoogleLoginState {
final PlatformException error;
List<Object> get props => [error];
my BlocBuilder
if (state == GoogleLoginErrorState()) {
For side effects such as showing snackbars / dialogs or navigating to another screen, you have to use BlocListener, something like this:
BlocListener<YourGoogleSigninBloc, YourGoogleSigninState>(
listener: (context, state) {
if(state is GoogleLoginErrorState){
// show snackbar here
child: YourWidget(),
you can also use BlocConsumer instead of nesting BlocListeners and BlocBuilders like this:
BlocConsumer<YourGoogleSigninBloc, YourGoogleSigninState>(
listener: (context, state) {
if(state is GoogleLoginErrorState){
// show snackbar here
builder: (context, state) {
return YourWidget();
In the bloc builder,
if (state is GoogleLoginErrorState) {
This checks if the state data type is GoogleLoginErrorState
And use the state

flutter_bloc many Event to many BlocBuilder

Recently I am learning flutter_bloc, and I refer to the project flutter_weather.
What I am puzzled is that if a Bloc class has many Events, and most of the Events will have values returned by State, and there are many BlocBuilders in the project, what should I do if I want a BlocBuilder to only respond to a certain Event?
The method I can think of is to divide this Bloc into multiple Blocs, or treat each value to be returned as an attribute of Bloc, BlocBuilder uses the buildwhen method to determine whether to rebuild.
But both of these methods are not good for me. Is there any good method? It is best to have projects on github for reference.
For example:
This is Event:
abstract class WeatherEvent extends Equatable {
const WeatherEvent();
class WeatherRequested extends WeatherEvent {
final String city;
const WeatherRequested({#required this.city}) : assert(city != null);
List<Object> get props => [city];
class WeatherRefreshRequested extends WeatherEvent {
final String city;
const WeatherRefreshRequested({#required this.city}) : assert(city != null);
List<Object> get props => [city];
This is State:
abstract class WeatherState extends Equatable {
const WeatherState();
List<Object> get props => [];
class WeatherInitial extends WeatherState {}
class WeatherLoadInProgress extends WeatherState {}
class WeatherLoadSuccess extends WeatherState {
final Weather weather;
const WeatherLoadSuccess({#required this.weather}) : assert(weather != null);
List<Object> get props => [weather];
class WeatherLoadFailure extends WeatherState {}
This is Bloc:
class WeatherBloc extends Bloc<WeatherEvent, WeatherState> {
final WeatherRepository weatherRepository;
WeatherBloc({#required this.weatherRepository})
: assert(weatherRepository != null),
Stream<WeatherState> mapEventToState(WeatherEvent event) async* {
if (event is WeatherRequested) {
yield* _mapWeatherRequestedToState(event);
} else if (event is WeatherRefreshRequested) {
yield* _mapWeatherRefreshRequestedToState(event);
Stream<WeatherState> _mapWeatherRequestedToState(
WeatherRequested event,
) async* {
yield WeatherLoadInProgress();
try {
final Weather weather = await weatherRepository.getWeather(event.city);
yield WeatherLoadSuccess(weather: weather);
} catch (_) {
yield WeatherLoadFailure();
Stream<WeatherState> _mapWeatherRefreshRequestedToState(
WeatherRefreshRequested event,
) async* {
try {
final Weather weather = await weatherRepository.getWeather(event.city);
yield WeatherLoadSuccess(weather: weather);
} catch (_) {}
This is BlocConsumer:
// BlocBuilder1
BlocBuilder<WeatherBloc, WeatherState>(
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is WeatherLoadInProgress) {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
if (state is WeatherLoadSuccess) {
final weather = state.weather;
return Center(child: Text("WeatherRequested "))
// BlocBuilder2
BlocBuilder<WeatherBloc, WeatherState>(
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is WeatherLoadInProgress) {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
if (state is WeatherLoadSuccess) {
final weather = state.weather;
return Center(child: Text("WeatherRefreshRequested"))
The problem is that I want BlocBuilder1 only to work when the type of Event is WeatherRequested and BlocBuilder2 only works when the type of Event is WeatherRefreshRequested. One of my ideas is that each Event has its own State, and then judge the type of State in buildwhen.
Is there any good method?
if you want to build you widget to respond for certain states you should use
BlocConsumer and tell that bloc in buildWhen to tell it what state it should build/rebuild you widget on.
BlocConsumer<QuizBloc, QuizState>(
buildWhen: (previous, current) {
if (current is QuizPoints)
return true;
return false;
listener: (context, state) {},
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is QuizPoints)
return Container(
child: Center(
child: Countup(
begin: 0,
end: state.points,
duration: Duration(seconds: 2),
separator: ',',
return Container();

Can I extend the State class and override setState

I kept running into the issue where you call setState when the widget is not mounted (especially after a data fetch). My question is:
Can I extend the State class and override setState like so
abstract class MountedState<T extends StatefulWidget> extends State<T> {
void setState(fn) {
if(mounted) super.setState(fn);
I did this and it worked. I just want to know if it is not ideal or I am not supposed to
Future<void> fetchSubjectsAndClasses() async {
try {
Response res = await TeachersAPI.classesAndSubjects();
classes = res.data;
setState(() {});
} catch (e) {
This is my data fetch that causes the issue. It gets called on initState
This is not ideal. You should be using a FutureBuilder when dealing with async functions that deal with the UI. It's not mandatory, but it takes care of the more annoying parts of updating the UI with Future data.
You should obtain your future in initState and store it in the State of the widget. Then pass that to your FutureBuilder in build:
Future myFuture;
void initState() {
myFuture = futureCall();
Widget build() {
return FutureBuilder(
future: myFuture,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
//Show widget that has data
else if (snapshot.hasError) {
//Show widget that has error
else {
//Show widget while loading